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Student´s name: Dennis Josue Ordoñez Garcia

Facilitator: Lic. Karla Osorto Score: 7% Year: 2021

I. Colour or underline the correct answer in Simple Present Tense. 5%

1. John (play/plays) soccer.

2. They (don’t/doesn’t) study after school.

3. We (take/takes) the metro to the office every day.

4. What (do/does) you want to study?

5. On Tuesdays, I (go/goes) to the mall.

6. Terry (play/plays) soccer; he (practice/practices) every day.

7. (Do/Does) Lucy ride her bike to school, or (do/does) she takes the bus?

8. On Sunday, he (don’t/doesn’t) read the newspaper.

9. Where (do/does) they work?

10. How (do/does) you spell your name?

II. Match the correct form. 2%

a) Marie plays the guitar every afternoon. 1. does not

b) Michael does not work in the factory on
the weekend. 2. barks
c) My neighbor’s dog barks every night.

3. plays
d) You do not travel this month.

4. do not

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