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Individuals often participate in a particular conduct for a number of reasons.

An person may get

motivation from other people or external sources like incentives. Intrinsic motivation is a different
kind of motivation where the desire to improve comes from inside. Intrinsic desire motivates people
to strive harder and feel more joy from their accomplishments. According to Maslow, people have
an inbuilt desire to improve themselves and reach self-actualization via a process that involves
progressively fulfilling and satisfying a variety of wants, from more sophisticated needs like self-
esteem, love, and belonging to more fundamental needs like food and safety. Maslow further
broadened the concept to include the desire for self-transcendence, which is the belief that by
concentrating on things greater than oneself, individuals may reach their highest state of
development and find their life's purpose. Although others have questioned the applicability of
Maslow's theory, many people continue to believe that it captures some fundamental truths about
human desire.

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