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The Use Of WhatsApp To Support the Teaching-Learning

English at MTSN 1 Seruyan

Chapter I

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted traditional educational systems
across the globe, forcing schools to adapt to new modes of teaching and learning. In
Indonesia, like in many other countries, schools were closed to prevent the spread of
the virus, and remote learning became the norm. However, the sudden shift to remote
learning has posed significant challenges to both teachers and students.

One of the main challenges of remote learning is the lack of face-to-face interaction
between teachers and students. This lack of direct contact can have a significant
impact on the quality of education and the ability of students to learn effectively.
Teachers may find it more challenging to engage students and provide the necessary
support and guidance. Likewise, students may struggle to stay motivated and focused
in an environment that lacks the structure and social interaction of a traditional

To overcome this challenge, technology has emerged as a critical tool for ensuring
effective education during the remote learning period. Online platforms and digital
tools can help to bridge the gap between teachers and students and facilitate
meaningful learning experiences. With the help of technology, teachers can continue
to deliver lessons, provide feedback, and monitor student progress, while students can
access learning materials, communicate with their peers, and receive support from
their teachers.

In this context, social media platforms like WhatsApp have become increasingly
popular among teachers and students as they provide an easy and accessible way to
communicate and share information. WhatsApp has been widely used as a
communication tool before the pandemic, but its features such as text chat, group
chat, video calls, and voice calls have proven to be very useful in the teaching and
learning process during remote learning. These features allow teachers and students to
interact from anywhere and enable real-time communication that can facilitate
effective teaching and learning practices.

Researchers have noted that the benefits of using WhatsApp in education include low
cost, privacy, and the ability to send real-time messages to individuals or groups of
friends simultaneously. These advantages make WhatsApp a particularly attractive
option for teachers and students in Indonesia, where access to traditional educational
resources can be limited.

WhatsApp was chosen as the primary platform for supporting English language
learning at MTSN 1 Seruyan for several compelling reasons. First and foremost,
WhatsApp is a widely accessible and user-friendly mobile application that enjoys
widespread usage among both teachers and students in Indonesia. Its familiarity and
ease of use make it a practical choice for implementing remote learning, especially in
areas where technological infrastructure may be limited or less advanced compared to
urban areas.

Another key advantage of WhatsApp is its versatile set of features that cater to
various aspects of the teaching and learning process. The platform offers text chat,
group chat, video calls, and voice calls, all of which facilitate effective
communication and interaction between teachers and students. These features allow
for real-time exchanges of information, discussions, and feedback, which are vital
components of language learning. Additionally, the multimedia capabilities of
WhatsApp enable the sharing of audio and video resources, further enriching the
learning experience by providing diverse materials for language practice and

WhatsApp's low cost and privacy features also contribute to its attractiveness as a
remote learning tool. Unlike some other educational platforms that may require
expensive subscriptions or expose students to potential privacy risks, WhatsApp is
cost-effective and maintains a level of privacy that is comfortable for both teachers
and students. This affordability and privacy assurance make it a viable choice for
schools and students with limited financial resources.

Furthermore, WhatsApp's popularity extends beyond just text-based communication.

It offers a platform for group discussions, which can simulate classroom dynamics by
fostering peer-to-peer interactions. This group chat functionality encourages
collaborative learning, peer support, and the sharing of ideas among students, all of
which are valuable elements in language acquisition.

Whatsapp as English Teaching Media in the 21st century

Using WhatsApp as a teaching-learninh media n in the 21st century reflects an

adaptation to technological advancements and shifts in educational approaches. In this
context, there are several connections that can be elucidated:

1. Flexible Learning: The use of WhatsApp allows for more flexible learning.
Students can access course materials, communicate with teachers and peers, and
participate in discussions anytime and anywhere. This aligns with 21st-century
education trends that emphasize lifelong learning and the ability to learn beyond
traditional settings.

2. Collaboration and Communication: WhatsApp facilitates active collaboration

and communication between students and teachers, as well as among peers. This
mirrors the 21st-century education approach that underscores the importance of
communication skills, collaboration, and critical thinking.
3. Technology as a Learning Tool: The use of WhatsApp exemplifies technology's
role as an effective learning tool. This reflects 21st-century education concepts such
as "technology-enhanced learning" and "digital literacy" that are becoming
increasingly important in the realm of education.

4. Project-Based Learning: WhatsApp enables students to engage in project-based

learning involving research, collaboration, and presentations. This aligns with project-
based learning approaches emphasized in 21st-century curricula.

5. Self-Directed Learning: The use of WhatsApp can encourage students to take

initiative in their own learning. They can seek additional materials, ask questions of
their teachers whenever needed, and manage their learning time more independently.

WhatsApp was chosen as the primary platform for supporting English language
learning at MTSN 1 Seruyan for several compelling reasons. First and foremost,
WhatsApp is a widely accessible and user-friendly mobile application that enjoys
widespread usage among both teachers and students in Indonesia, including at MTSN
1 Seruyan, where I serve as an English teacher. Its familiarity and ease of use make it
a practical choice for implementing remote learning, especially in areas where
technological infrastructure may be limited or less advanced compared to urban areas.

This choice holds personal significance as well, as an English teacher at MTSN 1

Seruyan, I am keenly aware of the unique challenges and opportunities in our school's
context. Being intimately familiar with our institution allows me to deeply understand
the dynamics, specific needs, and potential benefits of utilizing WhatsApp for English
language education in our community.

In this research, the focal points can be organized based on the English language
curriculum/syllabus, with the following as examples:

1. Speaking Skills Development: The research can concentrate on the use of

WhatsApp to enhance students' English speaking abilities. This could encompass
teaching methods, the types of conversations undertaken, and improvements in
speaking proficiency during the learning period.

2. Multimedia Material Utilization: The research can explore how WhatsApp is

employed for sharing multimedia materials such as audio and video in English
language education. How does the use of multimedia materials impact students'
comprehension and English language skills?

3. Student Collaboration: The research can examine WhatsApp's effectiveness in

fostering collaboration among students in English language projects. Does this
platform enhance student interaction and cooperation within the context of English
language learning?

4. Learning Outcomes Assessment: The research can evaluate student learning

outcomes, such as improvements in speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills in
English, using data from WhatsApp usage as indicators.
By focusing on these aspects, the research will provide a deeper understanding of how
WhatsApp can be effectively used in the context of 21st-century English language
education and in alignment with existing curriculum/syllabus objectives.

In conclusion, this research underscores the significance of WhatsApp as a potential

media tool for teaching and learning, addressing the first research question: 'Why is
WhatsApp a potential media tool for teaching and learning?' The COVID-19
pandemic's impact on education forced us to explore innovative solutions, and
WhatsApp emerged as a practical choice. Its versatility, accessibility, and
effectiveness in bridging the gap between teachers and students have been
demonstrated throughout this study.

Furthermore, this research provides insights into the use of WhatsApp to support
teaching and learning process. As an English teacher at MTSN 1 Seruyan, I am deeply
invested in answering this question. The findings and recommendations from this
study not only contribute to the broader discourse on technology in education but also
hold direct relevance for our school community. They offer guidance on maximizing
the use of WhatsApp to enhance English language education, foster collaboration, and
facilitate self-directed learning among our students.

As we conclude this journey, we recognize that our exploration of WhatsApp as an

educational tool is just the beginning. It is a journey that aligns with our commitment
to providing the best possible learning experiences for our students at MTSN 1
Seruyan. Together, we are shaping the future of English language education in our
community, one message, one call, and one lesson at a time. The potential of
WhatsApp as a transformative teaching and learning medium is indeed promising, and
we are excited to continue this educational journey with technology as our trusted

Research Question
Based on the previous study, the researchers formulated the research question:
1. Why whats app is a potential media tool for teaching and learning?
2. How to use whats app in teaching and learning process?

Research Objective
The research objective is to know the use of whats app to support the teaching-
learning english at MTSN 1 Seruyan

Chapter II

Review of Relate Literature

Previous Study

First, the use of Whatsapp in collaborative learning to improve English teacing and
learning process made by Ajid La Hanisi, Reni Risdiany, Yunita Dwi Utami and Dwi
Sulisworo (2018) from Ahmad Dahlan University. This study cloncludes that
WhatsApp is beneficial to students’ knowledge of the language. The cheapness and
potential of this application bring us to the easy way to communicate. Some people
ask questions, ask one another for help, and the others share their solutions. The
learning progress is furthered by the teacher’s guidance, the creation of a supportive
atmosphere, the creation of a learning community, and the sharing of knowledge and
inspiring dialogue. The teacher invites students to have the group or private chats with
him and encourages the students to help each other. The teacher should praise
students, initiate discussion, and use WhatsApp to confirm whether students do
understand the topics or not. The teacher can also use WhatsApp to get to know the
students better. As Bouhnik and Deshen (2014), the advantages to the use of
WhatsApp in teaching is the broad availability of the teacher to the students, the
opportunity for students to help one another, and the opportunity for more in-depth
acquaintance with the students on the educational and personal levels. However,
students as the participants have positive perceptions of the formal use of WhatsApp
to support their learning. It can be said that the integration of WhatsApp into their
education will be easy, fun, and useful. Students get positive feelings and intentions
regarding the possible use of WhatsApp in their formal learning.

Second the study made by Levent Cetinkaya (2017), the impact of Whatsapp use on
success in Education process. As a result of this study, it is determined that the
application has a positive impact on success and its use is welcomed substantially. It
should not be disregarded that WhatsApp technology has the potential of a natural
educational technology and the qualities to contribute to education as a supportive
technology. Within this framework, there are a lot of theoretical and practical
questions regarding the use of application in education to be answered, some of which
can be listed below:
 The impact of WhatsApp on the process of education in other courses should
also be researched.
 Necessary precautions should be taken to minimize the drawbacks expressed
by the students.
 With reference to the students’ opinion that the images increased their interest
in the topic, studies which include other multimedia elements (audio, video,
animation, etc.) should be conducted and their impacts be compared.
 In line with the results based on the qualitative data attained from the opinions
of students, experimental studies should be conducted to verify the qualitative
 Educators opinions on the use of WhatsApp and similar applications in
education should be asked and they should be involved in the process.
 Similar studies should be repeated with other grades, as well.

Definition Of Teaching Learning

Learning is a transform process in behavior that is formed by experience and
knowledge that owned by someone. Learning is achanges in actions through
activities, practices and experiences. Aunurrahman (2016:35) in Darmyanti (2020:34)
states that learning is a process carried out by individuals to obtain a new behavior
change as a whole, as a result of the individual's own experience in interaction with
his environment. According to Budiningsih (2008:59) in Nurmita (2017:95)
"Learning is a process of knowledge formation, in which students actively carry out
activities, actively think, formulate concepts, and give meaning to the things being
studied." The conclusion from the notion of learning according to some of the experts
above is a series of activities or activities that are carried out consciously within a
person and result in changes in him in the form of increasing knowledge or skills.
When there is a learning process, there is also a teaching process. This would be easy
to understand, because if someone learns of course someone will teach it, and vice
versa if someone teaches someone will learn. If there has been a process/interaction,
between those who teach and those who learn, they are actually in a unique condition,
because intentionally or unintentionally, each party is in a learning atmosphere.

Teaching is a transfrom process by a teacher to the student. According to Maswan and

Khoirul Muslimin (2011: 219) in Nuraini (2022:15) teaching is giving lessons to
someone (students) by training and giving instructions so that they gain some
experience. Hamzah (2006: 7) explains that teaching must follow the psychological
principles of learning. Psychologists formulate the principle that learning must be
gradual and incremental. Therefore, teaching must prepare materials that are gradual,
namely (1) from simple to complex, (2) from concrete to abstract, (3) from general or
general to complex, (4) from general (general). to the complex, and (5) from the
known (facts) to the unknown (abstract concepts). Teaching is giving the best lessons
to someone so that they gain an experience according to the abilities of each
individual, therefore teaching must also pay attention to the different levels of ability
possessed by each individual because they have potential abilities such as different
talents and intelligence.

According to the basic conception of modern education, the teaching and learning
process has a goal to be achieved, namely to build and develop the potential of
students. Educators as leaders in the teaching and learning process are expected to be
able to design learning well. The instructional design (instructional) that is packaged
must refer to a systems approach and is more directed at the application of
instructional technology. Instructional technology is sources that are prepared in
advance in the design process or the selection and use of teaching materials that are
combined into a complete instructional system to realize the implementation of a
purposeful and controlled learning process (Maswan and Khoirul Muslimin, 2017:
224). The conclusion from the nature of teaching and learning above is that teaching
and learning is a process carried out between educators and students, where these
activities have educational value that aims to build and develop the potential of
students, therefore educators are expected to be able to design innovative learning for
their students.
Remote Learning is a learning that does not occur face to face directly between
students and educators. This is as explained by Prawiyogi Badrudin, et al. (2020:214)
explaining that distance learning is learning where the learning process uses a media
so that there is an interaction between educators and students even though students
and educators are far apart. and not face to face. Basically distance learning is an
educational process in which students are far from the teacher, learning is done
indirectly. This is as explained by Setijadi (2005) in Mubarok (2021:86) stating that
distance learning is an education in which students are separated or distant from the
teacher, so learning is done indirectly or face to face. Therefore, the distance learning
process is carried out with the support of the media. Similar to the opinion above,
distance learning is learning that is carried out without direct meetings between
students and educators. This is as stated by Gusty in Andreani, et al. (2021, p. 142)
that distance learning is learning where during the learning process students and
educators are in different places without any meeting. And the media is used to
connect students and educators during the learning process.

Types of English Language Learning Media in the 21st Century

In the 21st century, English language learners have access to a diverse range of media
that facilitate language acquisition and proficiency. These modern learning tools cater
to different learning styles and preferences, offering flexibility and engagement. Some
notable types of English language learning media in this digital age include:

1. Mobile Applications for Language Learning: Language learning apps have

gained popularity for their convenience and interactive features. Apps like
Duolingo, Memrise, and Babbel offer gamified language exercises, vocabulary
building, and pronunciation practice. WhatsApp, a mobile messaging app, can
also be considered a supplementary learning medium, particularly for language
exchange and communication practice.

2. Online Learning Platforms: Robust online platforms like Coursera, edX, and
Udemy provide access to English language courses from prestigious institutions
worldwide. These platforms offer structured lessons, assessments, and
certificates, making them suitable for both beginners and advanced learners.

3. Social Media as Learning Tools: Social media platforms such as Facebook,

Twitter, and Instagram can serve as valuable language learning tools. Language
learners can join language-focused communities, follow accounts that share
English content, and engage in discussions, contributing to their language skills.
WhatsApp, as a messaging app, can be used for language exchange and
collaborative learning within peer groups.

4. Educational Podcasts and YouTube Channels: Educational podcasts and

YouTube channels dedicated to English language learning provide authentic
listening material. Learners can access a wide range of topics and accents,
improving their listening and comprehension skills.

5. Interactive Web-Based Lessons: Websites like BBC Learning English and British
Council offer free interactive English language lessons. These platforms provide
multimedia content, including articles, audio, video, and interactive exercises,
catering to different learning preferences.

6. Augmented Reality (AR) Language Learning: Some language learning apps

incorporate AR technology to create immersive language learning experiences.
WhatsApp can be used to exchange AR-based learning materials or engage in
collaborative AR projects.

7. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): MOOC platforms, such as Coursera

and edX, offer a wide array of English language courses. These courses are often
structured with video lectures, quizzes, and assignments, providing learners with
comprehensive language learning experiences.
8. Text-to-Speech (TTS) Technology: TTS technology can convert English text into
audible speech. This aids learners in improving their pronunciation and listening
skills by providing audio representations of written content.

WhatsApp, primarily a messaging app, can be categorized as a supplementary

learning medium, particularly for language exchange, group discussions, and
collaborative learning. It allows learners to communicate in real-time, making it a
valuable tool for language learners seeking practical language use and conversation

Whats App

The word media literally means "intermediary" or "introduction". Association for

Education and Communication Technology (AECT), an organization engaged in
technology and communication, defines media as all forms used for the process of
distributing information. While the Education Association (NEA) defines as objects
that can be manipulated, seen, heard, read, or discussed along with instruments that
are used properly in teaching and learning activities, which can affect the
effectiveness of instructional programs. Social media is an internet-based application
that allows each of its users to interact with each other by creating information content
and sharing it and also receiving information from other users. WhatsApp is a social
media application that can be used with computers and smartphones. WhatsApp,
primarily a messaging app, can be categorized as a supplementary learning medium,
particularly for language exchange, group discussions, and collaborative learning. It
allows learners to communicate in real-time, making it a valuable tool for language
learners seeking practical language use and conversation practice.

WhatsApp media has various forms of benefits that can be used:

1. Personal or Group Chat With WhatsApp, we can send messages with other
users both text, audio, document files, photos and videos. Not only personal
chat, but we can also create group chats that contain several other WhatsApp
users. For example, we want to create a group chat that contains members of
a large family to facilitate communication between families separated by
2. Educational Media Nowadays, it is not uncommon for people to use
WhatsApp as a medium for learning such as courses/lessons (either in group
chats or personal chats), seminars and online workshops. Simply by
downloading Whatsapp on a Smartphone, everyone can use it to interact with
one another, communicate, discuss, share educational materials, share
information, etc.
3. Sharing Information and News Can share information and news with other
WhatsApp users by taking advantage of features already in the Whatsapp
4. Video and Voice Calls Besides being able to send messages, you can also
call other users and also make video calls with them. In order for video and
voice calls to run smoothly without noise, make sure the internet connection
is stable.
5. Create Status/Story Just like Instagram, WhatsApp can also create
status/story that can be seen by friends (other WhatsApp users). And can
enter text, captions, stickers and doodles on stories with the available

Research framework
The Use of Whatsapp to support the teaching learning of english at MTSN 1 Seruyan

LIterature review Types of media

and previous for language
study learning in 21st

Qualitative data
collection and
analysis method

Understanding Data collection

Whatsapp as a and analysis
learning tool. procedure

Emerging themes
and pattern

Finding and Conclution and

Interpretation implication for

Utilization of WhatsApp Social Media in Learning

The utilization of WhatsApp social media in the context of English language learning
at MTSN 1 Seruyan presents a hypothesis that, given the advancements in technology
and telecommunication systems, leveraging WhatsApp as a teaching and learning tool
has the potential to significantly enhance the overall educational experience. The
hypothesis posits that incorporating WhatsApp into the teaching-learning process can
facilitate effective communication and knowledge exchange among students, teachers,
and subject matter experts, transcending geographical boundaries and bridging the
gap between traditional and modern educational methods.

Key Points Relating to the research:

1. Enhanced Communication: WhatsApp, as a widely accessible messenger

application, enables students to communicate seamlessly with peers, educators,
and experts in various locations. This promotes collaborative learning and
knowledge sharing.

2. Global Connectivity: The hypothesis highlights the ability of WhatsApp to connect

students and educators across geographical boundaries, making it possible to
interact with individuals considered experts in specific subject matters.

3. Attachment Capabilities: WhatsApp's capability to send attachments, including

documents and graphics, enhances the sharing of educational materials, fostering a
richer learning environment.

4. Internet Dependency: The hypothesis recognizes the necessity of internet

connectivity for utilizing WhatsApp, acknowledging that it operates as part of a
unified online system.

5. Internet as a Global Medium: It underscores the internet's role as a global medium

for communication and information exchange, connecting millions of smartphone
users worldwide.

In conclution, WhatsApp, as an innovative teaching and learning tool, can play a

pivotal role in modernizing and enhancing the English language learning process at
MTSN 1 Seruyan. It anticipates positive outcomes and improvements in the teaching-
learning experience, supported by the integration of WhatsApp into the educational

Chapter III

The research conducted for this study utilizes a descriptive qualitative research
method. Qualitative descriptive research is a research approach deeply rooted in the
principles of post-positivism and is characterized by its commitment to providing a
rich, in-depth understanding of natural phenomena. This type of research is
particularly valuable when the aim is to explore and describe the intricate
complexities of real-world experiences, perceptions, and behaviors. Qualitative
descriptive research seeks to capture the nuances and meanings that lie within these
phenomena without the need for manipulation or control of variables.

In the context of my research, which focuses on the utilization of WhatsApp in online

English learning, qualitative descriptive research is an apt choice. It allows me to
delve into the multifaceted aspects of how WhatsApp is employed as an educational
tool. Through methods such as surveys, interviews, observations, and documentation,
qualitative descriptive research enable to paint a vivid picture of the diverse
perspectives, challenges, and successes encountered by students, teachers, and other
stakeholders involved in online English learning. It provides a platform for
participants to share their experiences and insights, ultimately contributing to a
holistic understanding of the subject matter.

By embracing qualitative descriptive research, my study has the potential to uncover

valuable insights that extend beyond statistical data, shedding light on the intricate
dynamics of online education in a rapidly changing technological landscape. This
research type encourages a deep exploration of the "how" and "why" questions, which
are central to understanding the utilization of WhatsApp as a teaching and learning
tool in the context of MTSN 1 Seruyan.

Data Collection Methods

 Survey: To gather data, a survey was conducted among eighth-grade students and
English teachers at MTSN 1 Seruyan. This survey involved distributing
questionnaires via Google Forms, which were shared with students through
WhatsApp messages. A total of 40 students participated by completing the
distributed Google Forms.
 Interviews: Primary data was obtained directly from the field through interviews
with key stakeholders, including teachers (4 individuals), student parents (4
individuals), and students (4 individuals). In total, 12 people were interviewed.
 Secondary Data: Secondary data was collected through interviews conducted by
the principal and parents/guardians of students involved in the online learning
process at MTSN 1 Seruyan.
 Observation: Observation was used as a systematic method to record relevant
phenomena related to the online learning process. It is noted that observation was
employed in accordance with the research objectives, systematically recorded,
and controlled for reliability and validity.
 Documentation: This method involved collecting data through existing
documents, which may include written records, reports, or any relevant textual
information related to the online learning process.

Data Analysis Technique

The data collected from various sources will undergo a qualitative data analysis
process. Specifically, the data analysis will follow the framework proposed by Miles
& Huberman (1994), which consists of several key stages:

 Data Reduction: In this stage, the raw data collected from surveys, interviews,
observations, and documentation will be systematically organized and condensed.
This process involves the initial categorization and reduction of data to
manageable segments.

 Data Display: The reduced data will be displayed in a manner that allows for easy
visualization and exploration of patterns, themes, and relationships. Techniques
such as data tables, matrices, and diagrams may be employed to present the data
in a structured format.

 Conclusion Drawing and Verification: In the final stage, conclusions and

interpretations will be drawn based on the displayed data. The goal is to identify
meaningful insights, patterns, and themes related to the utilization of WhatsApp
in online English learning. The findings will be verified through a rigorous
process to ensure the validity and reliability of the conclusions.

In summary, this research adopts a qualitative descriptive research design and utilizes
various data collection methods to comprehensively explore the utilization of
WhatsApp in online English learning. The subsequent data analysis process,
following Miles & Huberman's framework, will facilitate the extraction of valuable
insights and conclusions from the gathered data.
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