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Html source code for college website pdf

Source code of html projects. Simple html source code. Simple college website html code.

Hey there! In this project, you'll see the student portal website template. this is a very basic design, you can customize it as your need. I hope this project is helpful for you. In this article, we are going to see some HTML web page examples with source code. We will also see some of the key points to learn how to create these web pages. This is an example
of a simple HTML web page that shows the profile of a professional camel. Here is how the camel profile is designed in HTML: Container - The complete HTML web page is wrapped in a container. The container is a div element with the class container. Header - Inside the container, we have a header element that contains the logo and the navigation menu.
Aside - Aside contains the profile picture and other navigational links. Main - The main element contains the profile information. Like the name, the career, the skills, the contact form, etc. Footer - The footer contains copyright information.

Here is the complete code of the camel profile:

Mr. Camel


"Do something important in life. I convert green grass to code."

- Mr Camel

About Me

I don't look like some handsome horse, but

I am a real desert king. I can survive days
without water.

My Career

I work as a web developer for a company

that makes websites for camel businesses.

How Can I Help You?

Cleaning Storing Taking you
kaktus in your some fat through the
backyard for you desert
Enter your message

Submit 404
© Copyright Mr. Camel
Here is the result of the code above: This is the second example of an HTML web page. This is a simple error 404 page which is shown when the user tries to access a page that does not exist. This is a very simple webpage that shows the error 404 page on the screen and gives a link to return to the homepage. To design an error 404 page you need to use
the following steps: Create a div element that covers the whole page set height: 100vh. Give it a background image that suits the 404 error. Style your basic text and link notwith
elements found
Here is the result of the code in example 2. In this HTML code example we will create offer page.

The page you are looking for does not exist.

Visit Homepage

This is a simple newsletter signup page. Here is the list of steps to create a newsletter signup page: First, we need to create the HTML structure of the page. We will use the
tag to wrap the content of the page. Then,
we will create two sections: one for the
intro and one for the sign-up form. Next,
we will style the page using CSS. We will
use the display: flex property to align the
content of the page.
We will also use the min-height property to
make sure that the page is always fully
visible. Then, we will style the intro
section. Next, we will style the sign-up
section. Finally, we will style the form. Look
at the complete code below to see how we
did it.

Black Friday Deals

Get up to 50% off on all our products and

services. Hurry up, the offer ends in 24

Sign up for our

newsletter and get
10% off your first

First Name

Last Name

Email Address



By clicking the button, you are agreeing to our

Terms and Services

Here is the result of the code in example 3.

In the fourth example, we are going to
create a testimonial page that shows the
reviews of the customers along with their
profile pictures, name and designation. The
basic idea will be to create HTML section
basic idea will be to create HTML section
first and then styling it with CSS. The
reviews and all its details will be stored in
an array and then we will loop through the
array to display the reviews. Here is the
complete code for the testimonial page.

Our Reviews
Here is the output of the above HTML code
for testimonials: report this ad This brief
guide includes HTML web page examples
with source code. We have learned how to
create a basic HTML web page with 2
different examples. We have also learned
how to create a basic CSS style sheet and
how to use it on our HTML web page.

If you want a detailed explanation of a

portfolio site then visit the HTML code for
homepage. Everyone and every single
college desire to have their own site for
their business interest. Nowadays, many
schools and colleges desire to have their
own professional and business websites.
We use HTML for this purpose. This project
develop with the concept of the above-
mentioned pieces of information. Students
get the idea of to develop the useful
college and school sites for their skill
orientation. This project is the complete
website of a college specification where
you can find lots of news regarding the fee
structure, admission procedure, exam
routines and so on. The user interface is
attractive with normal screen design so
that users can easily search there stuffs.
[metaslider id=267] Project Concept: This
simple yet very useful and well-maintained
site is developed with HTML tags. The
whole project is designed in HTML
language. Different tags have been used
for the development of the project. It is
quite easy to use and handle. There is no
any error and warning contents in the
project. This college site is made by using
CSS, JavaScript and HTML codes. Mainly
the JavaScript is used for the validation of
the form elements.The CSS is used more
for the graphical interface but uses mainly
for the text and division elements. Some of
the codes of HTML5 are for validation
purpose. The combination of JavaScript,
CSS and HTML codes make the web pages
more attractive so that the customers can
easily find out there stuffs. The link given
in the website is very useful and easier to
use. Following are the features of the
project: A customer can easily open the
website and can order their gadgets in
their home within the certain time, which
saves the time of the customers. The user
interface is simple and very user-friendly.
The form validates so that the customers
can input their correct identity. The
customer’s identity and their orders are in
the website Database, which is a very
useful than the documented files. The
customers can connect with the social

media like as Twitter, Facebook,

Instagram, Youtube, Viber and so on, that’s
why they can get there new updates and
notifications. The customer can easily find
the store by viewing the contact page
information. For the project demo, you can
have look at the video bellow: To download
click the button below:

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