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Class : X
In order to conduct Sports Day activities in your School, lines have been drawn with

1 chalk powder at a distance of 1 m each, in a rectangular shaped ground ABCD, 100

flowerpots have been placed at a distance of
1 m from each other along AD, as shown in
given figure below. Niharika runs 1/4 th the
distance AD on the 2nd line and posts a
green flag. Preet runs 1/5th distance AD on
the eighth line and posts a red flag. [CBSE
Question Bank] (a) Find the position of
green flag (i) (2, 25) (ii) (2, 0.25) (iii)
(25, 2) (iv) (0, –25) (b) Find the position of
red flag (i) (8, 0) (ii) (20, 8) (iii) (8,20)
(iv) (8,0.2) (c) What is the distance between

both the flags? (d) If Rashmi has to post a blue flag

exactly halfway between the line segment joining the two flags, where should she post
her flag? (i) (5, 22.5) (ii) (10, 22) (iii) (2,8.5) (iv) (2.5,20) (e) If Joy has to post a
flag at one-fourth distance from green flag ,in the line segment joining the green and red
flags, then where should he post his flag? (i) (3.5, 24) (ii) (0.5, 12.5) (iii) (2.25, 8.5)
(iv) (25, 20)

2 We can determine whether a quadrilateral 5

placed on coordinate plane is a
parallelogram or not in coordinate geometry,
distance formula and mid point formula are
enough to show that quadrilateral placed on
coordinate axes is a parallelogram or not. If
vertices of triangle are given then using
distance formula we can find length of sides
of triangle, e.g. ABCD is a quadrilateral placed on coordinate axis as shown. Using
distance formula find AB = CD and AD = BC and using mid point formula check
diagonal AC and BD bisect each other or not. Answer the questions based on above:

(a) If A(2, 3), B((4, 6), C(7, 4) and D(a, b) are the vertices of a quadrilateral, such that
diagonals AC and BD intersects each other O. If O is mid point of AC and BD then
value of a and b are

(i) a = 5, b = 1 (ii) a = 1, b = 5 (iii) a = –5, b = – 1 (iv) a = – 1, b = – 5

(b) Three vertices of a parallelogram taken in order are (0, 3), (0, 0) and (5, 0), then
fourth vertex is

(i) (5, 1) (ii) (1, 5) (iii) (5, 3) (iv) (3, 5)

(c) If P(5, 2), Q(2, – 2) and R(2, y) are vertices of a right angled triangle where ∠Q =
90° then y =

(i) 2 (ii) –2 (iii) 0 (iv) 4

(d) If A(6, 1), B(8, 2) and C(9, 4) are three vertices of a parallelogram ABCD and E is
mid point of CD, then coordinates of E are

(e) Three vertices of a rectangle AOBC are A(0, 3),

O(0, 0), B(5, 0), then length of diagraons AB and OC are

3 The class X students school in krishnagar have been allotted a rectangular plot of land 5
for their gardening activity. Saplings of Gulmohar are planted on the boundary at a
distance of 1 m from each other. There is
triangular grassy lawn in the plot as
shown in the figure. The students are to
sow seeds of flowering plants on the
remaining area of the plot.

(a) Taking A as origin, find the

coordinates of P

(i) (4, 6) (ii) (6, 4) (iii) (0, 6) (iv)

(4, 0)

(b) What will be the coordinates of R, if C is the origin?

(i) (8, 6) (ii) (3, 10) (iii) (10, 3) (iv) (0, 6)

(c) What will be the coordinates of Q, if C is the origin?

(i) (6, 13) (ii) (–6, 13) (iii) (–13, 6) (iv) (13, 6)
(d) Calculate the area of the triangles if A is the origin

(i) 4.5 (ii) 6 (iii) 8 (iv) 6.25

(e) Calculate the area of the triangles if C is the origin

(i) 8 (ii) 5 (iii) 6.25 (iv) 4.5

4 Consider the line segment containing the end points A and B as shown. P is mid point
of AB. AP = BP Hence P is equidistant
from A and B. Hence to find equidistant for
any two end points of a line segment, we can use mid point formula and distance
formula, which depends upon the condition given. The concept of equidistant is used
throughout in a coordinate geometry or plane geometry, e.g. in parallel lines, parallel
planes and in circles. In circle each point that lies on circle is equidistant from the centre
of the circle. Answer the questions based on above concept

(a) If A(1, 5), B(5, 1) and C(– 4, – 1) are the vertices of ∆ABC. Find the length of 5
median AD where point D lies on BC.

(b) Find the coordinates of point A where AB is diameter of circle whose centre is (– 2,
3) and coordinates of point B are (– 1, – 4).

(c) Find the coordinates of point on y-axis which is equidistant from (2, 9) and (– 4, 3).

(d) What are the values of a and b if P(a, b) is mid point of A(– 2, 1) and B(4, – 1)?

(e) What is the relation between x and y, if A(x, y) is equidistant from B(–5, 7) and C(–
4, 5)?

5 The section formula is helpful in coordinate geometry. It is so much useful in physics 5

too. It helps to determine the centre of mass of system equilibrium points and etc. The
section formula helps in finding the coordinates of a point dividing a given line segment
into two parts such that their length are in
the given ratio. The coordinates of a point
P, which divides the line segment AB, internally in the ratio m1 : m2 is given by

Answer the questions based on above

(a) Point P divides the line segment joining the points A(2, – 4) and B(– 5, 2) in the ratio
2 : 3. Determine the coordinates of point P.

(b) If coordinates of points A and B are (–3, 4) and (4, – 2) respectively. Find the
coordinates of point P, which lies on line segment AB such that AP = AB.

(c) Find the ratio in which the line segment joining A(2, – 9) and B(– 4, 6) is divided by

(d) Determine in which ratio line x + y = 4 divides the line segment containing points (–
1, 1) and (5, 7).

(e) If point lies on line segment AB. Where A(3, – 5) and B(–7, 9) then find the
ratio in which P divides AB.

6 A player in football ground visualise angle of elevation and angle of depression of an

object (football). Two cases are shown in figure, Case I, when football (object) is lying
on the ground. Case II, when football (object) is
lying above the ground. In figure 1, player is
visualising angle of elevation. In figure 2, player is
visualising angle of depression. Answer the
questions based on above (a) What is line of sight?
(b) Define angle of elevation. (c) Define angle of 5
depression. (d) The angle of depression of a car
standing on the ground from the top of a 100 m
high tower is 30°. Find the distance of the car from
the base of the tower in (m). (e) The angle of
elevation of a top of a tower from a point on the
ground, which is 60 m away from the foot of the
tower is 60°. Find the height of the tower.

7 The concept of trigonometry is used to calculate height of objects or distances between 5

points and alternatively, if the heights or distances are given (known) then angles can be
determined. e.g. 1. A 20 feet high flag pole from a right angle with the ground and cast a

shadow on ground as shown. Using angle of elevation q, the

length of the shadow can be determined. e.g. 2. From the top of a light house, with the
given (known) angles of depression of two ships, exactly behind the other the distance
between them can be measured. e.g. 3. Concept of trigonometry is used in measuring
Sun altitude. At sometime of a day, the length of the shadow of a tower is equal to its
height. The Sun’s altitude that time can be measured. On the basis of above concept of
trigonometry, answer the questions based on above.

(a) The top of two poles of height 28 m and 14 m are connected by a wire. If the wire
makes an angle of 30° with the horizontal. Determine the length of wire.

(b) The height of tower is 30 m. An observer 1.5 m tall is standing 28.5 m away from the
tower. Determine the angle of elevation of the tower from the eye of the observer.

(c) A straight highway leads to the foot of 150 m tall tower. From the top of a tower, the
angle of depression of a car on the highway is 30°. Find the distance of a car from the
foot of the tower.

(d) The two poles of height h1 and h2 are standing on the level ground. Their tops
subtends angles 30° and 60° at the mid point of the line joining their feet. Find ratio h1 :

(e) What will be the length of the shadow cast by a tower of 1500 m high, assume that
the angle of elevation of the Sun is 45°.

8 In figure, a tower is shown of height 80 m. A bird is sitting on the top of tower as shown 5
at point A. After 2 seconds the birds flies away horizontally but remain at constant
height. Now, the angle of elevation from observation point C, changes from 45° to 30°
as shown. Answer the questions based on above

(a) Distance BC =

(i) 10 m (ii) 80 m (iii) 800 m (iv) 100 m

(b) Distance CE =

(i) x m (ii) m (iii) 80 (iv) 80 m

(c) Distance BE =

(i) 80 ( – 1) m (ii) 80 ( + 1) m (iii) 80 m (iv)

(d) Speed of bird, when flies from point A to D is

(i) m/s (ii) 40 ( + 1) m/s (iii) 40 m/s (iv) 40 ( – 1) m/s

(e) If bird covers distance AD in 5 seconds then speed of bird in m/s is

(i) m/s (ii) 16 m/s (iii) 16 ( – 1) m/s (iv) 16 ( + 1) m/s

9 In the middle of a tile there is a coloured circular portion as shown. The radius of
coloured position is 21 cm. The uncoloured portion (unshaded portion) subtends angle

60° at the centre as shown OA is radius. Answer the

question based on above (a) What is the length of the arc AB? (b) What is the area of
minor sector AOB? (c) What is the area of major sector AOB? (d) Find the area of
corresponding minor segment corresponding to chord AB? (e) Find the area of
corresponding major segment corresponding to chord AB?

10 A brooch is a small piece of jewellery which has a pin at the back so it can be fastened
on a dress, blouse or coat.

Designs of some brooch are shown below. Observe them carefully.

Design A: Brooch A is made with silver

wire in the form of a circle with diameter 28 mm. The wire used for making 4 diameters 5
which divide the circle into 8 equal parts. Design B: Brooch b is made two colours_Gold
and silver. Outer part is made with Gold. The circumference of silver part is 44 mm and
the gold part is 3 mm wide everywhere. Refer to Design A (a) The total length of silver
wire required is (i) 180 mm (ii) 200 mm (iii) 250 mm (iv) 280 mm (b) The area of each
sector of the brooch is (i) 44 mm2 (ii) 52 mm2 (iii) 77 mm2 (iv) 68 mm2 Refer to Design
B (c) The circumference of outer part (golden) is (i) 48.49 mm (ii) 82.2 mm (iii)
72.50 mm (iv) 62.86 mm (d) The difference of areas of golden and silver parts is (i)
18 π (ii) 44 π (iii) 51 π (iv) 64 π (e) A boy is playing with brooch B. He makes
revolution with it along its edge. How many complete revolutions must it take to cover
80p mm ? (i) 2 (ii) 3 (iii) 4 (iv) 5

11 A plot is in the form of a rectangle ABCD. A semicircular portion is shown on side BC. 5
The semicircular portion is planted with sunflower plants and remaining portion is used
for planting vegetables. Answer the questions based
on above (a) Find the area of plot used for sunflower plants. (b) Find the area of plot
used for vegetables. (c) If all the sunflower plants should be planted in sector with center
angle 60° then what will be the radius of the sector? (d) What will be the radius of circle,
if circumference of circle is same as perimeter of given rectangular plot? (e) If side BC
be looped in the form of a circle then what will be the radius of circle?

12 The circumference of a circle is the product of the constant π and diameter of a circle.

The circumference is the length of complete arc of the circle.

Circumference of circle = πd A man starts running from point A and reaches the same
point after completing one complete round of a circle. The distance covered by him is
the circumference of a circle. The region inside the boundary is area of circle. Answer
the questions based on above (a) The circumference of two circles are in the ratio 1 : 4
them ratio of their areas is (i) 16 : 1 (ii) 1: 16 (iii) 1 : 2 (iv) 2 : 1 (b) The ratio of the
area of in circle and circumcircle of a square is (i) 2 : 1 (ii) 1 : 9 (iii) 1 : 3 (iv) 1 :
(c) The perimeter of a semicircular protractor is 66 cm, then radius of protractor is

(i) cm (ii) 3 cm (iii) cm (iv) 11 cm (d) If area of circle is numerically equal to

two times is circumference, then radius of circle is (i) 0 cm (ii) 2 cm (iii) 4 cm (iv)
6 cm (e) The area of quadrant of a circle whose circumference is 44 cm

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