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What is the role of British monarch?

British monarch plays an important role in the UK. He has the rights to reign, to chair meetings. But
ruling is done by his government, and the King himself is constitutionally obliged to follow the
government’s advice. His main function as head of state are to appoint the Prime Minister, to open new
sessions of parliament, and to give royal to bills passed by parliament. As the head of the nation, the King
is more visible in his wider role such as to act as a focus for national identity, unity and pride, give a
sense of stability and continuity. This role has been fulfilled through speeches or through visits to the
armed forces, schools, hospitals, charities and local organizations.
If you were a British citizen
If I were a British citizen, I would vote for abolishment of the monarchy in the UK in 2030. This is due to
the following evidences: Democratic principles, Cost, and Relevance. Some people argue that a
hereditary monarchy is undemocratic and the head of state should be elected by the people. In fact,
unskilled individuals become leaders without careful election would cause chaos in political system.
Moreover, the monarchy is expensive to maintain, with the British taxpayers paying a significant amount
of money to support the royal family. Therefore, those who support abolishing the monarchy believe that
the country would be better off with an elected head of state who represents the will of people and is
accountable to them.

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