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Philosophical Paper

Submitted to: Ms. Jireh Gabasa, LPT

Submitted by: Kriszel Joy S. Maderia (12STEM-1)
Date: August 9, 2019
“To know and understand yourself, love yourself first.”

Branch of Philosophy
It is under Psychology because it’s all about our behavior, emotion and our personality. In our
personality every individual has a different ways in thinking, behaving and feeling. You don’t have to
compare yourself to others just like in loving ourselves for us to know and understand who we are, we
don’t need to ask others on what’s lacking in our life or depend to them what you will do to know your true
self it is because we are all different from each other and the only one who can know what’s lacking in
your life and what’s your true self is only you, yourself when you start to love yourself.

History of Philosophy
Philosopher: Thales
Philosophy: “The most difficult thing in our life is to know yourself”
Details: Thales philosophy “The most difficult thing in our life is to know yourself” means knowing
yourself is very important but at the same time it is the difficult thing in our life. Most of the people do not
know who they are. Knowing yourself is a slow process, but it’s not impossible. This process will make
you know your inner self and what kind of person you are. When you know yourself completely, then you
would come to know about your weaknesses and strengths while “To know and understand yourself, love
yourself first” means that it’s easy for us to know who we are and understand ourselves when we learn to
love ourselves. Loving yourself means that you’re ready to embrace your fears, weaknesses,
imperfections, flaws and mistakes because those things are what constitute you as an individual. When
you learn to love yourself wonderful things happen in your life and you get to know and better understand
yourself. The similarities of the two philosophy is that most of us think that we know everything about
ourselves but the truth is we are unknown about ourselves. We know that knowing ourselves is a hard
thing, but it’s possible for us to know ourselves we just need to give time for ourselves to start exploring
what’s deep inside us and we need to accept our flaws because this makes us for who we are.

Objectives of Philosophy
1. To let people know that when we learn to love ourselves wonderful things happen in our life.
2. To let them know that their flaws and mistakes are what constitute them as an individual.
3. To emphasize that knowing and understanding yourself is not difficult when you learn to love

Meaning of Philosophy
“To know and understand yourself, love yourself first”
Let’s admit it when it comes in knowing and understanding ourselves it is the hardest part in our
life. People tend to understand others quite well than themselves, but how can they understand them
quite well if they don’t know how to understand themselves first?
We know what we want like our taste, belief and etc. But we don’t know what’s deep inside in our
heart and what is lacking in our life. There are times that we are still confused of who we are and our
purpose in this world. In order for us to know and better understand ourselves loving ourselves must
come first, because when you start loving yourself you start seeing your value and your purpose in life.
Loving yourself means that you’re ready to embrace your fears, weaknesses, imperfections, flaws and
mistakes because those things are what constitute you as an individual. We need to accept ourselves
because we cannot change ourselves. When you learn to love yourself wonderful things happen in your
life and in the end of the day you’ll realized that it’s not difficult to know and understand yourself.

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