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Amity University Rajasthan Anandam Project Report Name of Student-Lokendra Singh Deora _ Enroll. No.- A20006420067 Department- ABS Program- BBA Preface As part of the BBA curriculum and to return to the society we are required to make a report on community service under the subject "Anandam’. The basic objective behind doing this project report is to work for the community. In this project report | have included our experience, implications, and effects of various activities to help the community. Doing this project report helped us to enhance our knowledge regarding the work into the community. The project helped me to understand the need of nature and how we can conserve what we have so that we can gift the same to the successive generation's through to this report | came to know about importance of flora and fauna. | went to various community Garden and work there for upliftment of both flora and fauna. Acknowledgement | would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to Government of Rajasthan as well as every University who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on community development. Which also help me in doing a lot of activities by which | came to know about so many new things. | am thankful to them. Social media 4nstagram aAPeO® Link to my social media: stagram Objectives of the project The main objective of my project was to reserve flora and fauna. | did it on an individual level cause | stay too far away from my friends and | helped out street dog with food help some of the animals to get treatment in free | called the wet. To carry out some small and needy procedure Area of the work The targeted tasks were mainly following: * Planting trees + Taking care of old plants and trees with new ones * Feeding stray animals Target beneficiary To make everyone happy and to let not any one feel that he is a waste on the planet he does nit have proper food to eat or fell like this is a mess. | helped needy ones to get what they want and let it be regarding food or clothes or anything that I can help them out with Methodology Feeding stray dogs: So it was 31 eve and we all decided to that we should feed some stray dogs so at that day we went on a ride now you fell that young people go out on a bar have some drinks and enjoy there 31 but we where not like that we went to feed some stay dogs we went out to distribute the rugs as cause it was the winter season where some people chill out have drinks and go back to sleep but few of them who stay at street side fells cold and couldn't bare the cold and many of them die due to this event . Name of Government body/ NGO involved: Rugs of thugs: itis not a proper government body, but it will soon become one as cause many great leaders lead this group. For now, itis a local group a group only in Mumbai that carry out this all good events and promote to decrease poverty, hunger, illiteracy any many more concept that leave India behind to become a developed country. BSPCA: Itis a proper government certified body that helps street dogs with foods and all the medicines required to keep them healthy. It was formed by a local group of people that took it to a different level it was great working with them. They even have a website, and they showcase their regular operation and day to day task on that website. There website name is _httpsi// operation.html Rescue Operations BLOG: Due to the nationwide lockdown, most of us have been forced to stay indoors within the comfort of our homes with fast running internet and adequate supply of food, owing to the daily grocery runs. But amidst all this, stray animals have been adversely affected, as their main source of food and livelihood were hitherto leftovers from local eateries, or the occasional food they would receive from passers-by. These helpless animals are on the verge of starvation and we need to do all that we can to help and feed these stray animals. There have been some cases of abandonment of dogs due to fear of contracting coronavirus from them. There has been a lot of misinformation which has led people to believe that dogs are also carriers of the novel coronavirus. This gravely affects stray animals as they are deprived of food and essential care, potentially causing a change in their behaviour patterns. Feeding your local strays: The least we can do, sitting at home, would be helping and feeding these stray animals. By providing food to the helpless animals around your society, you would be saving their livelihood. There are innumerable instances of people going out of their way to provide these strays with the basic needs, and that has helped a great deal. An initiative of issuing “feeder passes” was taken by several cities, including Delhi and Jaipur. This permitted people to leave their houses to care for street animals—such as dogs, cows, birds, and monkeys—mostly on their own accord.”. Since private persons who were feeding the stray animals. Are unable to venture out of their confined spaces due to the lockdown, the strays outside of these areas are suffering from starvation. NGOs and animal lovers across India are trying their best to try and protect these stray animals. With masked faces and sanitized hands, these NGOs are feeding the strays, with the help of donations and noble volunteers. Further, due to a lack of funds and support, these organizations are unable to provide for the voiceless strays The relationships people have with animals and the duty they have to assure that the animals under their care are treated humanely and responsibly. Despite its current popularity, interest in animal welfare is not a modern phenomenon. Concern for animal care and wellbeing has existed since domestication, which occurred at least 10,000 years ago in Neolithic times. Our appreciation and respect for animals led to their domestication, animal agriculture and animal husbandry, the branch of agriculture that deals with the care and breeding of animals. Many historians consider the development of agriculture to be the most important event in all of human history. The animal welfare ethic that developed in the Neolithic era is one that obligated people to consider their animals’ welfare to achieve their own purposes. It set in place a mutually beneficial arrangement between people and animals that goes like this: “If we take care of the animals, the animals will take care of us.” In this ancient but enduring pact, self-interest demanded that people take good care of their animals. Amazingly, this very fundamental animal welfare ethic survives today, especially in settings where hands-on animal care continues. Today we call this special relationship the human-animal bond. Farmers, ranchers, animal trainers, animal scientists, dog and cat breeders, veterinarians, zookeepers, and others who live and work with animals recognize these challenges and work within their professions, hobbies and businesses to address them. Businesses that work with animals adopt animal welfare policies, practices and programs to assure the availability of wholesome food and fresh water, veterinary care, proper handling, socialization and in recent years many have added environmental enhancements for the animals they keep. They evaluate individual animals for health and welfare indicators such as energy level, appetite, hair coat, brightness of eye and other signs. Some businesses use scientific methods such as measuring cortisol levels in blood to evaluate stress levels. When best practices are in place and the animals appear comfortable and healthy, the level of animal welfare provided is generally deemed acceptable. Animal welfare proponents also work to end animal abuse. Animal abuse comes in many forms, but for purposes of simplification, can be separated into two major categories: abuse that occurs because of negligence (failure to act properly) or harm that results from deliberate acts. The lines are sometimes blurred between what is intentional and what is not, and cases are decided based on case-specific facts. Every state now has felony laws against animal cruelty, but they vary tremendously from state to state in the acts they designate as felonies, and in the punishment, they impose for those crimes. In the case of neglect, abuse can be the result of ignorance, such as when a pet owner didn’t recognize that a pet needed veterinary treatment; or when it is the result of behavior that a person should have known would cause harm to animals but allowed to continue. By, Yash Jain From B.Sc. IT DISSERTATION PROJECT REPORT Topic: “MAJOR CHALL! BY THE WORKING WOMEN OR MOTHERS AT A WORKPLACE” FOR THE PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF COMMERCE (HONORS) SUBMITTED BY: MANISHA HIRAWAT ENROLMENT NO: A20004619007 PROGRAM AND SEMESTER: B.COM(H), 6" SEMESTER AMITY UNIVERSITY RAJASTHAN UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF DR. KOMAL KHANDELWAL CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the dissertation report titled “Major challenges faced by the working women or mothers at a workplace” submitted for the partial fulfilment for the completion of Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) at Amity University Rajasthan is a record of a Bonafede Manisha Hirawat under my supervision. In my opinion, this work is investigation carried out by suitable for the presentation in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Commerce (Honors). Dr. Komal Khandelwal Amity Business School Amity University Rajasthan DECLARATION Thereby declare that the Dissertation Report titled “Major challenges faced by the working women or mothers at a workplace” submitted to Amity University Rajasthan is a record of original work done by me under the guidance and supervision of Dr. Komal Khandelwal, faculty guide, Amity Business School, AUR. The project is submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirement of the award of the Bachelor of Commerce (Honors), This is an original piece of work, and no part of this project has been submitted elsewhere for any other degree or diploma, to the best of my knowledge. All the assistance and help received during research have been fully acknowledged, {also declare that this report has not been submitted to any other college or university for the award of any other degree or diploma. Nlouiaho Hreasdat Manisha Hirawat Amity Business School Amity University Jaipur |

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