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Formative Assessment 3:

Culture, Society, Ideas, and Innovations

The Social Dilemma

A Movie Review

Antalan, Althea Izhy M.

Fernandez, Sophia Marie L.

Leonardo, Diane V.

Timon Daniel B.

"The Social Dilemma" is a documentary on Netflix that tackles the dark side of social
media and its impact on society. It features interviews with former tech insiders and experts who
discuss the addictive nature of social platforms and their manipulation of users. The film
highlights how algorithms and data collection are used to keep users engaged and generate
profits for tech companies. One of the creators also admitted that false information in social
media makes more companies money rather than the truth. It also examines the social and mental
health consequences, such as addiction, polarization, and the spread of misinformation. The
documentary explores the role of AI in tailoring content and ads to individual users, creating
filter bubbles and echo chambers. It also raises concerns about the erosion of privacy and the loss
of agency in the digital age. The documentary suggests that regulation and ethical considerations
are essential in addressing these issues and calls for responsible technology design. The
documentary also offers a sobering look at the trade-offs between convenience and the
unintended consequences of technology. Additionally, it urges viewers to be more mindful of
their online interactions and the power of these platforms in shaping our lives.

The 2020 Docudrama, Social Dilemma uncovers the truth behind the Internet. It
showcases the social media’s system objective to engage on their apps, consume our time and
slowly manipulate us to change our behavior in the real world. Our digital footprints are
monitored, companies use the algorithm to predict and make its users addicted to their screens
and make a way to monetization for creating advertisements. Tristan Harris and other experts
advocate a more ethical way of building the system. They explained that without further
regulations, the Internet will control us and cause a divide in society. The illusion that the
Internet gives us will only showcase the truth that we want to know. If we allow ourselves to
immerse in these illusions, the Internet will completely control our life. The documentary
deserves recognition for giving light to the issue that the Internet can give in our world. It gives a
humane view about the problem, how it can impact our life and what it can do to our society.
With the technology experts’ explanation about the system, it creates a notion that action is
needed. To change how it exploits our life, realign our relationship with technology, and speak
up about the harm that it can do to us.

One of the most compelling moments in "The Social Dilemma" comes when former tech
executives reveal the intricate design of notifications and alerts on social media platforms. These
notifications are specifically engineered to trigger dopamine release in users' brains, creating a
powerful addiction that keeps people glued to their screens. This addiction to likes, comments,
and updates is a central theme in the documentary, illustrating how our constant quest for social
validation is being exploited for profit. The film visually represents this concept through a
person's smartphone, where a stream of notifications dings relentlessly, symbolizing the
relentless tug-of-war for our attention. This insight underscores the film's broader message about
the urgent need for society to reassess its relationship with technology and social media, as the
impact on mental health and well-being becomes increasingly apparent.

In conclusion, the documentary entitled "The Social Dilemma" tells us that social media
can be tricky. In today's highly connected world, where we share information like never before,
this documentary shows us the hidden problems of our digital era. While Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram have changed how we talk to each other, they've also caused some unexpected social
problems. It is great to stay connected, but it also creates problems. The documentary’s portrayal
of how algorithms manipulate our online experiences for profit is a scary revelation. It
emphasizes the urgency of addressing misinformation, polarization, and mental health concerns
that have become uncontrolled in the digital landscape. To confront these challenges, we must
consider several solutions. Firstly, it is crucial for tech companies to be more open. People
should understand how algorithms operate and what happens with their data. Rules that make
sure this information is clear are a positive move. Secondly, it is important to spread digital
education widely. These programs can teach people how to judge information online, knowing
what is real and what is not. Empowering users to be smart digital consumers is a must. Lastly,
exploring alternative business models for social media platforms becomes essential. These
models should prioritize user well-being over ad revenue. Options like subscription-based
services or public funding for social media platforms may help reduce the urge to maximize
engagement at any cost.

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