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In a place called “Everland’ there is a girl named Syrres who is living happily and
soundly. Her grandmother and father are the only people who are living with her at home. For
the reason that her mother is working in a place far away from theirs. She is happily playing with
her friends outside with their faces covered with mud and their skin colored with tan as the rays
of the sun hardly touch their skin. But they stayed unbothered as they were enjoying their time
building their own castle made with mud. Syrres joyfully laughs with her friends while
confidently saying that this is one of her happy moments. Sun started to set, and she decided to
walk and head home. And surprised by what her grandma told her, that her mother is going home
soon and estimated that it is after a month. She excitedly jumped and even slightly cried due to a
priceless feeling of joy since she never saw her mom for a long time.

One sunny day, she joyfully woke up in bed thinking it is the time where her mother will
be home. She happily went downstairs and saw her grandmother smiling while preparing her
breakfast. She hugged her grandmother and expressed her love by saying the three words “I love
you”. Words she used to say every day. She was caught by the smell of the food and started to
dig in. After a moment, her grandmother received a call and her face drew sadness. Syrres
became curious and asked her grandma why. She was stood up by the answer and left there
disappointed. Her mom cannot make it going home as her flight was cancelled due to the virus
they called “COVID-19” that is rapidly spreading around the world. Her mom chose to stay
where she is to ensure the safety of her family and hers. Since traveling is dangerous, cases of
COVID-19 are getting higher and higher, especially in Everland. COVID-19 is a deadly virus
that can be passed easily from one person to another by just a direct contact. From that, Syrres
realized the situation and removed the grudge she has and her feeling of disillusion. Instead, she
went out but sadly saw nothing but grasses unbothered by joyful kids and people with their
masks on. At that moment, she comprehended that everything had changed due to the pandemic.
Her life seems to be filled with sadness compared to the days where she was living happily and
can do anything without worrying about the virus. She sadly headed indoors and spent the day in
her room.
While lying in bed and blankly staring at the ceiling, her phone rang. She hurriedly
answered it and felt relieved and it seemed like delight ran through her soul. It was her mother
who repeatedly said “sorry” for not coming home. However, Syrres told her that it was alright
and she knew the situation. Her mother was amazed by those words and realized that her child is
already grown up. And that her baby is now a girl who sees life and can understand it piece by
piece. Hours passed and their conversation became a happy one while seeing each other on
screen laughing and shouting loudly due to the joy they were feeling. In an instant, Syrres
apprehended that pandemic will never beat her blissful connection with her family. And all she
has to do is to ensure her safety by wearing masks when going out and maintaining good hygiene
and get vaccinated for the cases to gradually slow down until the virus is gone. Since for that
reason, the day will come she will finally hug her mother and their happy normal life will soon
be back undisturbed by the virus because it is already out of the way and gone permanently.


Characters: Syrres and her family

Setting: Everland at the time where the virus of COVID-19 is present.


1. Beginning or Exposition- Syrres is living her life happily and became even more joyful
when she learned that her mother is going home soon.
2. Rising Action- She was disappointed and felt sad. Her mom won’t make it home as her
flight was cancelled due to the virus they called “COVID” that is rapidly spreading
around the world.
3. Climax- Her mother called her while she was laying in her bed while staring blankly at
the ceiling. It became a conversation filled with cheerfulness which made her feel free
from sorrow.
4. Falling action or Denouement- Syrres realized the situation brought by the pandemic
and how dangerous it is the COVID virus of COVID. She apprehended that she doesn't
need to be sad because the pandemic cannot beat the blissful connection with her family.
5. Resolution- She kept in mind that she needs to ensure her safety by wearing masks when
going out and maintaining good hygiene while waiting for the cases to gradually slow
down until the virus is gone. Since for that reason, the day will come she will finally hug
her mother and their happy normal life will soon be back undisturbed by the virus
because it is already out of the way and gone permanently.

Conflict: Man versus nature. Since the highlight of the short story is the change in Syrres’ life
and how the surroundings turned into a sorrowful one brought and caused by the pandemic.

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