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Understanding the Self

Calla, Irene Mae F.

BSA - 1A
Gender is a complex concept that has garnered significant attention in recent years.
While society has traditionally assigned individuals a gender based on their biological sex, many
argue that one's gender identity should be personally discovered and asserted. This belief stems
from the understanding that gender is a social construct, and that individuals should have the
right to define themselves in ways that align with their true feelings and experiences. It is
crucial to acknowledge and respect the diverse experiences and identities of individuals when it
comes to gender, as doing so fosters a more inclusive and equitable society.

The notion that gender has to be personally discovered recognizes the inherent diversity
within human experiences. Each person has their own unique understanding of self, influenced
by various factors, such as personal values, societal expectations, and cultural norms. By
allowing individuals to personally discover their gender, we acknowledge their agency and
recognize the importance of self-determination. This acknowledgment empowers individuals to
assert their gender identity and express themselves authentically, fostering a sense of belonging
and reducing the stigma associated with gender nonconformity.

Asserting one's gender identity is an act of self-affirmation that can greatly impact an
individual's well-being and mental health. When individuals are denied the opportunity to assert
their gender, they may experience feelings of alienation, dysphoria, and societal marginalization.
Research indicates that allowing individuals to assert their gender identity can lead to improved
mental health outcomes and overall life satisfaction. Therefore, it is essential for society to
create an inclusive environment that affirms and respects the gender identities of all individuals,
regardless of their assigned sex or societal expectations.

In conclusion, the recognition that gender has to be personally discovered and asserted
opens up doors to a more inclusive and understanding society. By acknowledging the diverse
experiences and identities of individuals, we allow them agency and empower them to express
their true selves. It is imperative for society to move away from rigid and restrictive gender
norms and instead create spaces that celebrate and affirm gender diversity. Doing so will not
only foster a more inclusive society but also support the well-being and happiness of

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