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CHRONOLOGY 4 linetime of my life ? | was being born | was born the day on 22/06/1982, it was a day very happy for my parents there was a fire in the town it was a day very sad for my family and for me | was observing my firts world soccer | was together to my father seeing, win the cup to brazil | was player of lower I was playing in the lower of team of professional soccer. | was entering to the ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . university | was starting whit my studies \V\\ academic in the country of ecuador | was graduating of university this year i was of graduation of @ my career of bology it was a day very important for me | was entering to the magisterium In the year 2014/03/17, entering tobe teacher a day of much satisfaction | was in my house for pandemic Iwas in the town working in the school andthen locked up at home ~? THANK YOU . APPRENTICES: IVAN CALDAS

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