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Professional Review Workshops Timeline Handout Version 3

Draft Action Plan for a Review Application IEng/CEng MICE

(Based on a 9 month lead-in period; 6 Months is achievable but it could take some candidates 12 months) You need to make it your own!

Months - 9









Prof. Review




- Check Review Dates and Application Window - Plan! - If Training Under Agreement ensure final Training Review undertaken & Completion Certificate (ICE 3144) approved by ICE NW Regional Support Team. - If Self Managing IPD ensure Career Appraisal (MGN 11) successfully completed. - If you havent attended the ICE|NW series of Professional Development Workshops, consider doing so! - Download Application Forms, relevant ICE 3000 series (Rev A) documents, appropriate MGNs (check MGN 0 for list) and other details. - Read CAREFULLY the requirements. - Identify potential sponsors / Consult with SCE or mentor. - Decide likely topic for Project Report. - Start gathering information for Experience Report. - Approach potential sponsors & confirm their willingness. st - Start preparing 1 draft of reports. - Familiarise self fully with Written Assignment/Test requirements & begin to practise, (consider joining an essay group). - Complete 1 draft of Project and Experience reports. - Download MGN 17 Professional Review Checklist, if not already. - If you dont understand the requirements, contact your MDO or Membership Division. - 1 draft of reports to sponsors (suggest a deadline for the return of comments). - Sponsor forms issue to Sponsors (suggest a deadline for the return of completed forms). - Draft out application forms. - Receive comments on reports back from sponsors. - Review progress On target? - Write prcis of both reports. - Compile Application (Part A). - Check the review application dates - Work on finalising reports. - Consider a Mock Review and make arrangements. - Finalise prcis of both reports and get lead sponsor to sign. - Begin detailed planning of the presentation. - Ensure all Sponsors return their signed Questionnaires - 1 original plus 2 copies (preferably to lead sponsor, who will then pass to you in a sealed envelope, but could be direct to Admissions and Transfers at Great George Street). 1 - Send in Application (Part A) to arrive in London during application window. - Finalise reports and get Lead Sponsor to sign, (dont forget you need a one page A4 foreword to the Experience Report). - Write / assemble 15 min presentation and practise. - Think about likely Written Assignment / Written Test topics and write practice essays & essay plans. - Sit a Mock Review if appropriate. - Review Progress on target? - Practise presentation. - Practise Written Assignment / Test. - Read through reports again what questions might you be asked? 1 - Finalise Submission (Part B) 1 - Send Submission (Part B) to Reviewers. - Plan your journey to the review centre... The Review Day 1. See page 2 for details.
Registered charity number 210252 Charity registered in Scotland number SC038629 Page 1 of 2 Version 3 March 2011
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Professional Review Workshops Timeline Handout Version 3

Draft Action Plan for a Review Application IEng/CEng MICE

(Based on a 9 month lead-in period; 6 Months is achievable but it could take some candidates 12 months) You need to make it your own!

_________________________________________________________________ Submission Part A (to Admissions and Transfers) three copies of each of the following: Application Form (ICE 3103) or Resit Application Form (ICE 3131). Sponsors Questionnaires (ICE 3123) at least one of the three copies of each of these, should be the original; signed in ink. Evidence of full attainment of Educational Base for the required grade of membership (unless this has been already approved eg acceptance as a graduate member). Evidence of completion of IPD either by a Training Review Certificate (ICE 3144 or 2144) or a Career Appraisal pass letter from ICE. A one page prcis of each of your proposed reports, signed by your lead sponsor (to assist in selection of the Reviewers). Evidence of any disability or anything that may affect your performance at Review. Fee (non returnable). Submission Part B (to each of the nominated Reviewers) One copy of your Experience Report signed by you and your lead sponsor. One copy of your Project Report signed by your lead sponsor. One copy of your CPD records (PDR and DAP). Passport sized photo (with name and membership number, if applicable). A stamped addressed postcard, if you want confirmation of receipt of your documents. Covering letter.

Registered charity number 210252 Charity registered in Scotland number SC038629

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Version 3 March 2011

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