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Abstract. We give an adelic version of a spectral reciprocity formula relating GL3 × GL2 with GL3 ×
arXiv:2310.08236v1 [math.NT] 12 Oct 2023

GL1 and GL1 moments of L-functions discovered by Xiaoqing Li. For many types of the GL3 repre-
sentation, we describe the local weight transforms via a decomposition of Voronoi’s formula in terms
of elementary transforms, which generalizes the one given by Miller–Schmid in a way consistent with
the local Langlands correspondence. We initiate the local comparison with a version of Motohashi’s
formula in our former work. We also point out the relevance of such comparison to a case of the relative
Langlands program studied by Sakellaridis.

1. Introduction 2
1.1. Motohashi’s Formula and Generalizations 2
1.2. Main Results 3
1.3. Notation and Convention 6
Acknowledgement 9
2. Technicality with Schwartz-Bruhat Functions 9
3. Double Zeta Integrals 11
3.1. Complements on Rankin-Selberg Integrals: Global Theory 11
3.2. Complements on Rankin-Selberg Integrals: Local Theory 12
3.3. A Double Zeta Integral 13
4. Global Distributions 17
4.1. First Decomposition 18
4.2. Second Decomposition 23
4.3. Euler Product Factorisation 24
5. Local Weight Transforms: Generality 25
5.1. Relation with the Local Converse Theorems 25
5.2. Invariant Distributions 26
6. Voronoi Transform for GL2 28
6.1. Case of Split Parameter 28
6.2. Case of Dihedral Parameter 29
7. Voronoi Transform for GL3 32
7.1. Case of Split Parameter 32
7.2. Case of Dihedral Parameter 37
8. Local Weight Transforms 40
8.1. Case of Split Parameter 40
8.2. Case of Dihedral Parameter 45
Appendix A. Local Kernel Function: A Special Real Case 47
Appendix B. Dual Weight Function: A Special Non-archimedean Case 48
B.1. Technical Lemmas 48
B.2. Transforms of Weight Function 49
B.3. Identification of Exponential Sums 51

Date: October 13, 2023.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. 11M41, 11F70, 11F68.
Key words and phrases. L-functions, spectral reciprocity, Voronoi transform, relative Langlands program.

References 52

1. Introduction
1.1. Motohashi’s Formula and Generalizations. Let Gj with j ∈ {1, 2} be reductive groups, say
defined over Q with adele ring A. Let Fj be some family of automorphic representations of Gj (A),
and Lj (πj ) be some L-value parametrized by πj ∈ Fj . The term spectral reciprocity was introduced by
Blomer, Li and Miller [3] to name identities roughly of the shape
(1.1) h1 (π1 )L1 (π1 ) = h2 (π2 )L2 (π2 ),
π1 ∈F1 π2 ∈F2

where hj are weight functions. Such identities have been playing important roles in the moment problem
and the subconvexity problem for automorphic L-functions.
For example, Motohashi’s formula [27] relates the family with G1 = PGL2 , L1 (π) = L( 21 , π)3 and the
family with G2 = GL1 , L2 (χ) = L( 21 , χ) . It is historically the first instance of spectral reciprocity.
The exploitation of Motohashi’s formula has led to a fine asymptotic formula of the fourth moement
of the Riemann zeta function [28, Theorem 5.2], and possibly more strikingly the uniform Weyl-type
subconvex bound for all Dirichlet characters due to Petrow–Young [30, 31], which non-trivially extends
and generalizes the method of Conrey–Iwaniec [10].
One direction of explanation and generalization is due to Reznikov [34] and Michel–Venkatesh [24], who
use the period approach and put the following instance of strong Gelfand configuration as the underlying
GL2 × GL2
ր տ
(1.2) GL1 × GL1 GL2 .
տ ր
Nelson [29] addresses the convergence issue in the above formalism over any number field with a theory
of regularized integrals. We fill a non-trivial gap in Nelson’s treatment by giving a full analysis of the
degenerate terms with the method of meromorphic continuation (see [42] and [43, Appendix]), which seems
to be more suitable than the theory of regularized integrals for this purpose. Another interpretation via
the Godement–Jacquet pre-trace formula, a type of pre-trace formula whose test functions are Schwartz
functions on the 2 by 2 matrices M2 instead of GL2 is also given in [42]. This new interpretation has
a different perspective of generalization from the period approach. We may regard these directions of
generalization as “balanced” ones.
Another direction of explanation and generalization, already envisioned by Conrey–Iwaniec [10, Intro-
duction], put another instance of strong Gelfand configuration
ր տ
ր տ
(1.3) GL2 U3 ,
g ∗
տ ր
տ ր

where Uk is the unipotent radical of the standard (upper triangular) minimal parabolic subgroup of GLk
(not a unitary group), underneath. We may refer to this direction as an “unbalanced” one. Intuitively, for
a fixed automorphic representation Π of GL3 the graph (1.3) replaces the cubic moment side L(s, π)3 with
L(s, Π × π), and the fourth moment side L(s, χ)4 with a mixed moment L(s, Π × χ)L(s, χ). Exploitation
in this direction includes some good subconvex bounds for PGL3 L-functions in the t-aspect and for
self-dual GL3 × GL2 L-functions in the spectral aspect for the GL2 part by Li [22], their generalization
over number fields by Qi [32, 33], and some improvement over Q by Lin–Nunes–Qi [23].

Note that the above unbalanced direction goes outside the world of reductive groups and uses the
strong Gelfand-pair property offered by the uniqueness of Whittaker functionals. Note also that its
relevance to the original Motohashi’s formula is indicated by the identification
(1.4) L(s, π)3 = L(s, (1 ⊞ 1 ⊞ 1) × π),
where 1 ⊞ 1 ⊞ 1 is the representation of GL3 induced from the trivial character of a minimal parabolic
1.2. Main Results. The graph (1.3) appeared in Kwan’s preprint [21], and was nicely explained in [21,
§4] in the case for SL3 (Z). The first purpose of this paper is to give an adelic treatment, or a distributional
version in the flavour of our previous work [42]. To this end, let F be a number field with ring of adeles
A. Let ψ be the standard additive character of F\A. Fix a cuspidal automorphic representation Π of
GL3 (A) with automorphic realization VΠ ⊂ L20 (GL3 , ωΠ ) and a unitary Hecke character ω of F× \A× . For
every irreducible representation ∗ of GLd (F) we write ω∗ for its central character. We assume, without
loss of generality, that both ωΠ and ω are trivialY on R+ , which is embedded in A× via a fixed section
map of the adelic norm map A → R+ , (xv )v 7→
|xv |v .
Theorem 1.1 (s0 = 0 of Theorem 4.1). There is a distribution (continuous functional) Θ on VΠ∞ , which
admits two different decompositions:
X Z ∞  
1 1/2 + iτ χ dτ
Θ(F ) = ∗ Z , −1 ; WF
ζF −∞ 1/2 − iτ (χωω Π ) 2π
R+ \A×
1 1/2 + s1 (ωωΠ )−1 1 1/2 + s1 (ωωΠ )−1
+ ∗ Ress1 = 21 Z ,
1 ; WF − ζF∗ Ress1 =− 2 Z 1/2 − s1 , 1 ; WF ,
ζF 1/2 − s1
where WF ∈ W(Π∞ , ψ) is the Whittaker function associated with F ∈ VΠ∞ and Z(· · · ) is an integral
representation of L(1/2 + iτ, Π × χ)L(1/2 − iτ, (χωωΠ )−1 );
X X Z ∞

Θ(F ) = π cuspidal of GL2 Θ(F | π) + Θ(F | πiτ (χ, ω −1 χ−1 )) ,
ωπ =ω −1 −∞ 4π
F× \A×

where Θ(F | π) (resp. Θ(F | πiτ (χ, ω −1 χ−1 ))) is an integral representation of L(1/2, Π × π
e) (resp.
L(1/2 − iτ, Π × χ−1 )L(1/2 + iτ, Π × ωχ)).
Our innovation in the above global result is the discovery of the distributions Z(· · · ; WF ), which are based
on the Rankin–Selberg integrals for GL3 × GL1 : the extra L-factor comes from Tate’s zeta integral on a
unipotent subgroup of GL3 . We hope to generalize such construction in higher rank cases. Moreover, our
method is based solely on meromorphic continuation, not regularized integrals (see [43, Appendix A]).
Just as the distributions in [42], the main distributions in Theorem 1.1 admit decompositions as
product of local terms. We write them in a simplified way as following, referring the reader to §4.3 for
the precise form of the L-factors (L, Lp and L):
Θ(F | π) = L(1/2, Π × π e) · L · hv (πv ) hp (πp )L−1
p ,
v|∞ p<∞
  Y Y
1/2 χ e × χ−1 )L(1/2, χωωΠ) · e e
Z , −1 ; WF = L(1/2, Π hv (χv ) hp (χp )L−1
p .
1/2 (χωωΠ )
v|∞ p<∞

For the rest of this subsection, our discussion will be focused on the relation between the weight functions
hv (πv ) and e
hv (χv ) for a fixed place v. Hence we omit the subscript v from now on.
First of all, the weight functions h(π) can be written as the Bessel distribution of π paired with the
corresponding relative orbital integrals H(y). Hence π 7→ h(π) is the Bessel transform of y → H(y),
and the inversion is given by the inverse Bessel transform. This is a standard part and is (theoretically)
well-understood. The sophisticated part is the relation between H(y) and e h(χ). We will see that
H(y) = ωωΠ (t)−1 h(t, y)d× t


is an integral of some two-variable function h(t, y); while e h(χ) = eh(χ; 0, 0) is the analytically continued
value of a meromorphic function e h(χ; s1 , s2 ) with two complex parameters. For any fixed t, the function
y 7→ h(t, y) behaves nicely, to which the usual version of Voronoi transform for Π, which we denote by VΠ ,
via local functional equations is applicable. A general formula expressing e h(χ; s1 , s2 ) in terms of h(t, y)
will be obtained in (5.13), which we recall as
(1.5) e
h(χ; s1 , s2 ) =
ωωΠ (t)−1 |t|−s1 ψ(−y)χ−1 (y)|y|s2 − 2 VΠ (h(t, ·))(y)d× td× y.
(F× )2

But the meromorphic continuation in the formula (1.5) is so tricky that one can not find a region of (s1 , s2 )
for which the integration over d× t can pass through the Voronoi transform. This is the main difficulty in
practice: the previous methods such as in [23] roughly consist of smoothly truncating h(t, y), and estimate
the tails via a global treatment. Our second innovation is the observation that, for many Π covering those
already studied in the literature, the Voronoi transform VΠ is the composition of elementary transforms
on (locally integrable) functions on F× , among which the only sophistication is Fourier transform in the
sense of distributions. And we justify that with this interpretation of VΠ , the integration over d× t in
(1.5) does pass through at (s1 , s2 ) = (0, 0)!
Remark 1. Over the real numbers F = R and in the principal series case, our decomposition of Vπ
as elementary transforms coincides with the one discovered by Miller–Schmid [25, Theorem 1.18]. But
our space of admissible test functions is much larger and we do not have restriction on the order of the
exponents of the inducing characters. Hence our version is a substantial extension of the one offered by
Miller–Schmid. Moreover, our decomposition is inspired by various integral representations of the Whit-
taker functions, such as the generalized Godement sections. Hence we avoid the complicated description
of the relevant spaces of functions such as Ssis (R).
Remark 2. The importance of the distributional Fourier transforms has been noticed ever since Weil
[39], where he re-interpreted Tate’s thesis: for a unitary character χ of F× , the character χ−1 appearing
on the other side of the local functional equation is the target of the Voronoi transform Vχ , and we have
χ−1 = γ(1/2, χ, ψ) · m−1 (1) ◦ Fψ (χ)
for the distributional inverse ψ-Fourier transform Fψ . The point is that χ, just like many other interesting
functions arising in applications (such as H(y) in our case), does not admit a proper Mellin transform.
This explains why distributional Fourier transforms should have some advantages over the meromorphic
continuation. Note also that what helped us to find the explicit local transform formula in our previous
work [1] was also a certain distributional Fourier transform.
To be more precise, the second main purpose of this paper concerns such version of the local weight
transform formulas for Π with non-irreducible Langlands parameter. We first recall the Langlands clas-
sification of the unitary dual of GL3 (F) (as a special case for GLn (F), proved by Vogan [38] in the
archimedean case and by Tadić [37] in the non-archimedean case). We follow [37, Theorem D], which is
valid also in the archimedean case. The building blocks are
Du Generic Non-generic Degree
µ u(µ, 1) = µ 1
µ u(µ, 2) = µ ◦ det 2
µ µ|·|α ⊞ µ|·|−α 2
σ u(σ, 1) = σ 2
µ u(µ, 3) = µ ◦ det 3
ρ u(ρ, 1) = ρ 3
where µ, σ and δ run through square-integrable representations of GL1 (F), GL2 (F) and GL3 (F) respec-
tively, and 0 < α < 1/2. In particular, µ is a unitary character of F× and σ is tempered. Then the
possible unitary and generic Π’s are (we replace the symbol “×” in [37] with “⊞”)
(I) µ1 ⊞ µ2 ⊞ µ3 or µ1 |·|α ⊞ µ1 |·|−α ⊞ µ3 with unitary characters µj of F× ;
(II) σ ⊞ µ with unitary character µ of F× and square-integrable σ of GL2 (F);

(III) ρ square-integrable of GL3 (F).

If we parametrize elements in Du by the corresponding Weil-Deligne representations, then the Type (I)
(resp. Type (III)) are precisely those representations with split (resp. irreducible) Langlands parameters.
Only those µ1 |·|α ⊞ µ1 |·|−α ⊞ µ3 may be non-tempered, and they are called ϑ-tempered if α 6 ϑ. We
focus on the following two cases in this paper:
• Case of Split Parameter: ϑ-tempered Π’s of Type (I) for some ϑ < 1/2;
• Case of Dihedral Parameter: Π = σ ⊞ µ of Type (II) with a dihedral (discrete) σ of GL2 (F).
In the case of split parameter, we introduce:
• For functions φ on F× , its extension by 0 to F is denoted by e(φ), and its inverse is Inv(φ)(t) :=
φ(t−1 ); for functions φ on F, its restriction to F× is denoted by r(φ), and the operator i is
i = e ◦ Inv ◦ r.
c× and functions φ on F, we introduce the operator ms (µ) by
• For s ∈ C, µ ∈ F
ms (µ)(φ)(t) = φ(t)µ(t)|t|sF .
• For δ ∈ F× we introduce the operator t(δ) by
t(δ)(φ)(y) = φ(yδ).
Here is the first main result on local weight transforms.
Theorem 1.2 (see Theorem 8.1). Let Π = µ1 ⊞ µ2 ⊞ µ3 with ϑ-tempered µj for some constant ϑ < 1/2.
We have the absolutely convergent formula
h(χ) = ψ(−y)χ−1 (y)|y|− 2 · H ∗ (y)d× y,

in which the function H ∗ is related to H by

H ∗ = µ2 µ3 (−1) · m1 (µ−1 −1 −1 −1
3 ) ◦ F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ2 µ3 ) ◦ F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ1 µ2 ) ◦ F ◦ m−1 (µ1 )(H).

In the case of dihedral parameter, a quadratic field extension E of F comes into play, and we need
the Fourier transform over E. We write mE,s (ξ) for the version of ms (µ) over E. It is better to explain
other operators after reviewing the basics of dihedral representations in §6.2. Hence we refer the reader
to §6.2, especially (6.9)-(6.11) for unexplained notation in the following statement.
Theorem 1.3 (see Theorem 8.3). Let Π = πξ ⊞ µ. We have the absolutely convergent formula
h(χ) = ψ(−y)χ−1 (y)|y|− 2 · H ∗ (y)d× y,

in which the function H ∗ is related to H by

H ∗ = λ(E/F, ψ) · (µξηE )(−1) · m1 (µ−1 ) ◦ F ◦ i ◦ m1/2 (µωπ−1

) ◦ t(−1)◦
mE,1/2 (ξ) ◦ ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )
RE,δ ◦ ◦ IE,δ ◦ m−1/2 (1)(H).
−|δ| · mE,1/2 (ξ) ◦ t(δ) ◦ ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )
Remark 3. Note that every transform appearing in Theorem 1.2 and 1.3 is invertible, so our results
describe the local weight transforms in both directions, although they are written only for H(y) → e
Remark 4. The restriction to the dihedral case for Type (II) representations Π may be removed by con-
sidering the Weil representations associated with the quaternion division algebra, instead of the quadratic
fields. For Type (III) (and even for Type (II) in the non-archimedean case) one may need a different
approach with deeper understanding of Bushnell, Henniart and Kutzko’s works [6, 8] for supercuspidal
representations Π. We will exploit this interesting question in the near future.

Last but not least, it is a natural and interesting question to compare the spectral reciprocity formula
obtained in this paper with the Motohashi’s formula in our previous work [42], both globally and locally.
The third purpose of this paper is to initiate such a comparison locally, leaving the global and a complete
local comparison to a future work in the framework of the relative Langlands program. Precisely, we
consider the special case Π = 1 ⊞ 1 ⊞ 1.
• In Appendix A, we assume our local weight transform can pass through the inverse Bessel trans-
form, apply the local weight transform formula in Theorem 1.2 to H(y) = jπ (y) the Bessel
function of a unitary principal series representation π of PGL2 (R), and show that the kernel
function coincides with the kernel function obtained in our previous work [1].
• In Appendix B, we apply the local weight transform formula in Theorem 1.2 to H(y) which selects
the depth 0 supercuspidal representation of PGL2 (F) over a non-archimedean field F considered
in our previous work [43], and show that we get the same algebraic exponential sum.
In fact, we shall apply another form of the formula, namely the one in Corollary 8.2, in which only
two (instead of three) distributional Fourier transform are required.
In the real case in Appendix A, it is interesting to see that we find the relative Bessel function considered
by Baruch–Mao [2, §8] at an intermediate step, before landing at the desired Motohashi’s function (kernel
function). This phenomenon is intimately related to a special case of the relative Langlands program
considered by Sakellaridis [35]. In fact, our Motohashi’s function is precisely the kernel function for the
relative trace distribution considered by Sakellaridis, and its relation with the Bessel function is precisely
the relation found by Sakellaridis. In other words, the version of Voronoi transform for GL3 found in this
paper seems to contain the comparison of different relative trace formulas for GL2 . We hope that the
various integral representations used in this paper give new inspiration on the matching of the relative
orbital integrals in Sakellaridis’s work [35]. In general, we hope our version of Voronoi formula will be
useful for the relative Langlands program.
We omit the details of the computation of Fourier transforms in Appendix B, which are standard. A
former collaborator of the author, P.Xi, also identified an exponential sum with the formula given by
Theorem 1.2. It should be noted that neither version gives a form of the relevant exponential sums handy
for estimation. Hence the relation with Katz’s theory of hypergeometric sums, discovered in our previous
works [43, 44], is still worth deeper theoretic exploitation.

Remark 5. For Π = 1 ⊞ 1 ⊞ 1 and on the dual side of the formula considered in this paper, we have

e × χ−1 )L(1/2, χ) = L(1/2, χ−1)3 L(1/2, χ)

L(1/2, Π

instead of L(1/2, χ)2 L(1/2, χ−1)2 as in [42]. Corollary 8.2 takes care of this discrepancy at the level of
local weight functions.

Remark 6. Once the global comparison is established, our formula (1.5) and Theorem 1.2 include the
conjectural local weight transform in our previous work [1, §1.3 (1.14)] as a special case.

Remark 7. We have not exploited Theorem 1.3 & Corollary 8.4 in the direction of the relative Langlands
program. But in view of the identity

L(s, (πξ ⊞ µ) × π) = L(s, π × πξ )L(s, π ⊗ µ),

they should be related to the compact variant of Motohashi’s formula established in our previous work
[42]. We were unsure if that compact variant admits a period approach within Michel–Venkatesh’s graph
of strong Gelfand configuration. It should be included in Kwan’s graph (1.3) hence a period approach,
once the global comparison is established.

1.3. Notation and Convention. Below the general notation applies to all parts of this paper. Every
section/subsection takes either the global notation or the local notation, and will be specified at the
beginning of each section/subsection.

1.3.1. General Notation. For a locally compact group G, we write G b for the topological dual of continuous
unitary irreducible representations. For π ∈ G, b we write Vπ for the underlying Hilbert space, and write
Vπ∞ ⊂ Vπ for the subspace of smooth vectors if G carries extra structure to make sense of the notion.
For a ring R, we write 1n for the identity matrix in GLn (R), wn for the Weyl element with 1’s on the
anti-diagonal, and define wn,t for t < n as
 
 .  1 t
wn =  ..  , wn,t = wn−t
We introduce the standard involution of inverse-transpose on GLn (R) as g ι := t g −1 . We sometimes also
write the transpose as g T . For every function F on GLn (R) we define

Fe (g) := F (wn g ι ).
For a (unitary irreducible) representation Π of GLn (R), the central character is denoted by ωΠ and the
contragredient is denoted by Π.
We introduce the following subgroups of GLn (R):
  
    1 x1,2 · · · x1,n 
 
 t1
 
 
0 1 · · · x2,n 

 ..  ×  
An (R) =  .  tj ∈ R , Nn (R) =  . . .. ..  xi,j ∈ R ∀i < j ,

 
 
  .. .. . .  

tn 
 

0 ··· 0 1

Bn (R) = An (R)Nn (R), Zn (R) = z 1n z ∈ R× .
We usually write z for z 1n if the context is clear. In the case n = 2, we omit the subscript 2 and write
y 1 x
a(y) = , n(x) = .
1 1
In the case n = 3 we have a Weyl element w := w3 w3,1 .

1.3.2. Global Setting. Let F be a number field with ring of adeles A, and group of ideles A× . Write A(1)
for the subgroup of ideles with adelic norm 1. We identify R>0 with the image of a fixed section map of
the adelic norm map F× \A× → R>0 , so that F× \A× ≃ F× \A(1) × R>0 is identified as the direct product
of a compact abelian group and R>0 . Let VF be the set of all places of F.Q We fix the non-trivial additive
character ψ : F\A → C1 à la Tate, and choose
Q the Haar measure dx = v dxv on A to be self-dual with
respect to ψ. The Haar measure d× x = v d× xv on A× is taken to be the Tamagawa measure with
factors of convergences ζv (1), namely

Γ(s/2), if Fv = R,
× dxv
d xv = ζv (1) 1−s
, ζv (s) := (2π) Γ(s), if Fv = C,
|xv |v 
 −s −1
(1 − Nr(p) ) , if v = p < ∞.

We write [PGLn ] = Zn (A)GLn (F)\GLn (A). If ω is a unitary character of F× \A× , called a Hecke
character, we denote by L2 (GLn , ω) the (Hilbert) space of Borel measurable functions ϕ satisfying

ϕ(zγg) = ϕ(g), for all γ ∈ GL Zn (F), z ∈ Zn (A), g ∈ GL2 (A),
The Petersson norm hϕ, ϕi := |ϕ(g)|2 dḡ < ∞.
[PGLn ]

The subspace L20 (GLn , ω) ⊂ L2 (GLn , ω) consists of those ϕ satisfying

ϕ(ng)dn = 0, a.e. g

for every unipotent radical N of a parabolic subgroup of GLn . It suffices to consider maximal parabolic
subgroups. In particular, for n = 3 it is equivalent to
  
Z 1 x1
(1.6) ϕ  1 x2  g  dx1 dx2 = 0, a.e. g.
(F\A)3 1
It can be shown that L20 (GLn , ω) is a closed subspace, and is completely decomposable as a direct sum
of unitary irreducible components (Π, VΠ ), called cuspidal (automorphic) representations of GLn (A).
In the case n = 2, the ortho-complement of L20 (GL2 , ω) in L2 (GL2 , ω) is the orthogonal sum of the
one-dimensional spaces
C (ξ ◦ det) : ξ a Hecke character such that ξ 2 = ω
and a direct integral representation over the unitary dual of F× \A× ≃ R+ × (F× \A(1) ). Precisely, for
τ ∈ R and a unitary character χ of F× \A(1) which is regarded as a unitary character of F× \A× via trivial
extension, we associate a unitary representation πiτ (χ, ωχ−1 ) of GL2 (A) on the following Hilbert space
Viτ (χ, ωχ−1 ) of functions via right regular translation

 t1 x   1
f g = χ(t1 /t2 )| tt12 |A2 f (g), for all t1 , t2 ∈ A× , x ∈ A, g ∈ GL2 (A);
(1.7) 0 t 2 Z

The induced norm hf, f i := |f (κ)|2 dκ < ∞.
If τ = 0 we may omit it by writing π(χ, ωχ−1 ) = π0 (χ, ωχ−1 ). If fiτ ∈ Viτ (χ, ωχ−1 ) s.t. fiτ |K =: h is
independent of τ , we call it a flat section. It extends to a holomorphic section fs ∈ πs (χ, ωχ−1 ) for s ∈ C.
Then πiτ (χ, ωχ−1 ) is realized as a subspace of functions on GL2 (F)\GL2 (A) via the Eisenstein series
E(s, h)(g) = E(fs )(g) := fs (γg),
γ∈B2 (F)\GL2 (F)

which is absolutely convergent for ℜs > 1/2 and admits a meromorphic continuation regular at s = iτ .
1.3.3. Local Setting. By local setting we fix a place v ∈ VF and omit it from the relevant notation. If
v = p < ∞, we write ̟ for a uniformiser.
For integers n, m > 1 we write S(n × m, F) for the space of Schwartz–Bruhat functions on M(n × m, F)
the n × m matrices with entries in F. It is naturally equipped with an action of GLn (F) × GLm (F) given
g.Ψ.h(X) := Ψ(hXg), ∀h ∈ GLn (F), g ∈ GLm (F), X ∈ M(n × m, F).
The ψ-Fourier transform is denoted and defined by

Ψ(X) = Fψ (Ψ)(X) = Ψ(Y )ψ −Tr(XY T ) dY.

If no confusion occurs, we may omit ψ from the notation. If this is the case, then the inverse Fourier
transform is denoted by F = Fψ = Fψ−1 . We may also add the subscript F to emphasize the base field.
Note that the Fourier transform admits the property
\ = |det g|−n · |det h|−m · g ι .Ψ.h
g.Ψ.h b ι.
For indices 1 6 i 6 n and 1 6 j 6 m, let Fi,j be the partial Fourier transform with respect to the variable
at the ith row and jth column in M(n × m, F). Let F~j be the composition of all Fi,j with 1 6 i 6 n.
We introduce the (connected) maximal compact subgroup Kn of GLn (F) as

SOn (R) if F = R

Kn = SUn (C) if F = C ,

GLn (o) if F is non-archimedean with valuation ring o
and equip it with the probability Haar measure dκ.
The principal series representations given by (1.7) have obvious local versions at every place v ∈ VF .

Acknowledgement. The author would like to thank Emmanuel Kowalski, Dihua Jiang, Xinchen Miao,
Yongxiao Lin, Zhi Qi and Ping Xi for discussions related to the topics of this paper.

2. Technicality with Schwartz-Bruhat Functions

We take the local setting (see §1.3.3) in this section. We recollect some estimation related to Schwartz-
Bruhat functions. Only non-obvious ones will require full proofs. We begin with some general results.
Proposition 2.1 (Bounds of Restrictions). Let Φ ∈ S(1 × n, F) and integer 0 6 m 6 n. Let yj , 1 6 j 6
n − m be functions of the variables xk , 1 6 k 6 m. For any constants σj > 0 with 1 6 j 6 n − m, we can
find a non-negative φ ∈ S(1 × m, F) such that
Φ(x1 , · · · , xm , y1 , · · · , yn−m ) 6 φ(x1 , · · · , xm ) |yj |−σj .

Proposition 2.2 (Bounds of Compact Translations). Let Φ ∈ S(1×n, F) with variables ~x = (x1 , · · · , xn ).
Suppose C ⊂ GLn (F) is a compact subset. For I ⊂ {1, · · · , n}, let FI be the composition of partial Fourier
transforms with respect to the variables xi , i ∈ I. Then we can find a positive Φe ∈ S(1 × n, F) s.t.
e x),
|(FI (g.Φ))(~x)| 6 Φ(~ ∀g ∈ C, X ∈ Fn .
e Φ1 , Φ2 ∈ S(n × m, F) such that
Corollary 2.3. Let Φ ∈ S(n × m, F). We can find positive Φ,
max e
|(κ2 .Φ.κ1 )(X)| 6 Φ(X), max |(Φ.κ)(X)| 6 Φ1 (X), max |(κ.Φ)(X)| 6 Φ2 (X).
κ1 ∈Kn ,κ2 ∈Km κ∈Kn κ∈Km

Proof. Since the action of GLn (F) × GLm (F) is naturally embedded in the action of GLnm (F) on S(n ×
m, F) ≃ S(1 × nm, F), the corollary follows readily from Proposition 2.2. 

Proposition 2.1 & 2.2 were frequently used in the literature on the Godement–Jacquet theory and the
Rankin–Selberg theory by Jacquet and his collaborators. We only sketch the proofs. These results are
easy when F is non-archimedean, since any function in S(Fn ) = C∞ c (F) is a finite linear combination
of characteristic functions 1C , where C ∈ Fn is a compact subset of product type. Then note that
these results trivially hold for such 1C , and that C∞ n
c (F ) is stable by taking maximum (or sum) of
∞ ∞
two functions, i.e., Φj ∈ Cc (F) ⇒ max(Φ1 , Φ2 ) ∈ Cc (F). For the archimedean case, we only need to
consider the real case F = R, since S(Cn ) ≃ S(R2n ) and GLn (C) < GL2n (R). The real case can be
reduced to the following classical lemma, whose proof can be found in Garrett’s note [12] on his webpage.
Lemma 2.4 (Weil-Schwartz envelopes). Let f : Rn → R be rapidly decreasing in the sense that for every
m ∈ Z>0 we have
sup k~xkm
2 |f (~
x)| < ∞.
~ ∈Rn
Then we can find a positive φ ∈ S(R ), which is spherical (i.e., depends only on the Euclidean norm
k·k2 ) and monotone decreasing in k·k2 , such that
φ(~x) > |f (~x)| , ∀~x ∈ Rn .
For example, to prove Proposition 2.2, we shall apply Lemma 2.4 to
f (~x) := sup |(FI (g.Φ))(~x)| .

To verify the rapid decay of f , it suffices to show that for every (unitary) monomial m(~x), the function
m(~x)FI (g.Φ))(~x) is uniformly bounded for g ∈ C and ~x ∈ Rn . Writing m(~x) = mI c (~x)mI (~x), where
I c is the complementary of I and mJ (~x) is a monomial whose variables have indices only in J, and
taking into account that the Fourier transform essentially exchanges multiplication by xj and the partial
differentiation ∂j with respect to xj , it suffices to show a uniform bound of the L1 -norms of
mI c (∂)F ~
~ I c FI (mI (∂)(g.Φ)) ~
= mI c (∂)F(m ~
I (∂)(g.Φ)).

By induction on the degree d of a monomial P , it is easy to show that

P (∂)(g.Φ) = ~
RP,Q (g)(g.(Q(∂)Φ))
Q monomial of degree d

where RP,Q is a monomial on the matrix entries of g of degree d. Hence RmI ,Q (g) is uniformly bounded
as g ∈ C. Consequently we are reduced to showing a uniform bound of the L1 -norms of
mI c (∂)F(g.(Q ~
1 (∂)Φ)) = |det g|
−1 ~ g ι .F(Q1 (∂)Φ))
mI c (∂) ~

for all (unitary) monomial Q1 with the same degree as mI . Since |det g|−1 and the matrix entries of g ι
are also uniformly bounded, the same reasoning reduces to showing a uniform bound of the L1 -norms of
~ F(Q1 (∂)Φ))
g ι .Q2 (∂) ~

for all (unitary) monomial Q1 and Q2 with the same degrees as mI and mI c respectively. We can ignore
g ι since the resulting L1 -norms will be affected by a positive factor which is uniformly bounded from
above and below. Then the desired uniform bound exists by definition of a Schwartz function.
We turn to some results on low rank matrices, which are specific to this paper, and might require
generalization for higher rank cases.
Lemma 2.5. Let φ ∈ S(F) and u ∈ F. If 0 6 c < 1, then we have
φ(x)|x − u|−c dx ≪ min(1, |u|−c ).

Proof. For the uniform bound by a constant, we truncate the domain of integration according as |x−u| 6 1
and |x − u| > 1, and leave the details to the reader. For the other bound, we may assume |u| > 1 and
truncate the domain of integration as
φ(x)|x − u|−c dx = φ(x)|x − u|−c dx + φ(x)|x − u|−c dx
F |x−u|6|u|/2 |x−u|>|u|/2
−A −c −c
≪A |u| |x − u| dx + |u| |φ(x)|dx
|x−u|6|u|/2 F

≪ |u|1−c−A + |u|−c ,
where A > 0 can be taken arbitrarily large. Hence |u|−c is dominant. 
Lemma 2.6. Let Φ ∈ S(2 × 2, F) and σ, σ3 , σ4 ∈ R. Then the integral
x x2 dX
Φ 1 |x3 |σ3 |x4 |σ4 |det X|σ
X∈M2 (F) x 3 x4 |det X|2
is convergent if the following conditions are satisfied
σ3 , σ4 > −1, σ > 1, σ + σ3 + σ4 > 0.
Proof. The domain of integration can be replaced by GL2 (F). We use the Iwasawa decomposition
t1 u κ1 κ2
X= κ, with κ = ∈ K = K2 .
t2 κ3 κ4
By Proposition 2.1 & 2.2, we can find φ ∈ S(F3 ) which is positive and satisfies
t1 u
sup Φ κ 6 φ(t1 , t2 , u).
κ∈K t2
The relevant integral is dominated by
Z Z × Z
σ3 +σ4 σ d t1 ×
φ(t1 , t2 , u)|t2 | |t1 t2 | d t2 du · |κ3 |σ3 |κ4 |σ4 dκ.
(F× )2 F |t1 | K

The first triple integral is convergent if σ > 1 and σ + σ3 + σ4 > 0. We study the second one:

(1) F = R. We parametrize K = SO2 (R) as

cos α sin α
κ= , dκ = dα.
− sin α cos α
R 2π
It is clear that 0 |sin α|σ3 |cos α|σ4 dα is convergent if σ3 , σ4 > −1.
(2) F = C. We parametrize K = SU2 (C) as
e cos α eiγ sin α
κ= , dκ = |sin 2α|dαdβdγ.
−e−iγ sin α e−iβ cos α
R 2π R 2π R π
It is clear that 0 0 0 |sin 2α||sin α|2σ3 |cos α|2σ4 dαdβdγ is convergent if σ3 , σ4 > −1.
(3) F is non-archimedean with valuation o and prime ideal p. The integral is essentially
|κ3 | dκ3 dκ4 + |κ4 |σ4 dκ3 dκ4 ,
o o−p o−p p

which is clearly convergent if σ3 , σ4 > −1.

3. Double Zeta Integrals

3.1. Complements on Rankin-Selberg Integrals: Global Theory. We take the global setting in
this subsection (see §1.3.2).
Let Π (resp. π) be a cuspidal (resp. automorphic) representation of GL3 (A) (resp. GL2 (A)) with
central character ωΠ (resp. ω). Without loss of generality, we assume ωΠ and ω are trivial on R+ . We
take a smooth vector F ∈ VΠ∞ (resp. ϕ ∈ Vπ∞ ). If π = πs1 (χ, ωχ−1 |·|A ) lies in the continuous spectrum,
we assume χ to be trivial on R+ and further require ϕ = E(s1 , f ) to be an Eisenstein series associated
with a flat section f (s1 , ·) defined by f ∈ π(χ, ωχ−1 ). The global Rankin-Selberg integral for Π × π, when
π is cuspidal, was introduced by Jacquet–Shalika in [18, §3.3] as
g s− 1
(3.1) Ψ(s, F, ϕ) = F ϕ(g)|det g|A 2 dg.
[GL2 ] 1

By the rapid decay of F (see [26] for example), the above integral is absolutely convergent for any s even
when ϕ is an Eisenstein series, defining an entire function in s. We need to study (3.1) for ϕ = E(s1 , f )
as a function in s1 .
The Fourier-Whittaker expansion of F
F (g) = WF g
N2 (F)\GL2 (F) 1
readily implies the decomposition for ℜs ≫ 1 (just like in the cuspidal case of ϕ)
Ψ(s, F, E(s1 , f )) = Ψv (s, WF,v , Wfv (s1 )),
g s− 12
Ψv (s, WF,v , Wfv (s1 )) := WF,v Wfv (s1 , g)|det g|v dg,
N2 (Fv )\GL2 (Fv ) 1
where WF,v (resp. Wfv (s1 )) is the Whittaker function of Fv (resp. the flat section fv (s1 , ·)) with respect
to the additive character ψv (resp. ψv−1 ). At an unramified place p < ∞, the value of Wfv (s1 , g) is given
by [5, Proposition 4.6.5], which is the product of Lp (1 + 2s1 , ωp−1 χ2p )−1 and its cuspidal counterpart with
normalization Wv (1) = 1. Hence
Ψp (s, WF,p , Wfp (s1 )) = Lp (1 + 2s1 , ωp−1 χ2p )−1 Lp (s, Πp × πs1 (χp , ωp χ−1
p ))

(3.2) = Lp (1 + 2s1 , ωp−1 χ2p )−1 Lp (s + s1 , Πp × χp )Lp (s − s1 , Πp × ωp χ−1

p ).

Proposition 3.1. Let S be a finite set of places including the archimedean ones such that at any p ∈
the section fp , the Whittaker function WF,p are spherical, and ψp has conductor op . Then
L(S) (1 + 2s1 , ω −1 χ2 )
Ψ(s, F, E(s1 , f )) ·
Λ(s + s1 , Π × χ)Λ(s − s1 , Π × ωχ−1 )
is entire in s, s1 . In particular, the poles of s1 7→ Ψ(s, F, E(s1 , f )) are included in the zeroes of L(S) (1 +
2s1 , ω −1 χ2 ), independent of s.
Proof. We have the unramified computation at p ∈ / S given by (3.2). At other places v, Wfv (s1 ) is entire
in s1 . Hence Ψv (· · · ) share the same properties as its counterpart in the case of cuspidal ϕ. We get
L(S) (1 + 2s1 , ω −1 χ2 )
Ψ(s, F, E(s1 , f )) ·
Λ(s + s1 , Π × χ)Λ(s − s1 , Π × ωχ−1 )
Y Ψv (s, WF,v , Wfv (s1 ))
= ,
L (s + s1 , Πv × χv )Lv (s − s1 , Πv × ωv χ−1
v∈S v v )

which is entire since every factor on the right hand side is. 
3.2. Complements on Rankin-Selberg Integrals: Local Theory. We take the local setting in this
subsection (see §1.3.3).
Let Π be a generic irreducible admissible representation of GL3 (F), whose subspace of smooth vectors
is denoted by Π∞ . Let Π e (resp. Π
e ∞ ) be the contragredient of Π (resp. Π∞ ). Denote by W(Π∞ ; ψ) the
Whittaker model of Π with respect to ψ. Then for every W ∈ W(Π∞ ; ψ), we have W
∞ f ∈ W(Π e ∞ ; ψ −1 ).
For every (unitary) character χ of F and s ∈ C, the following two integrals are integral representations

of the Rankin-Selberg L-functions L(s, Π × χ) introduced in [17]:

 
Z t
(3.3) Ψ(s, W, χ; 0) = W  1  χ(t)|t|s−1 d× t,
F× 1
   
Z Z t
(3.4) Ψ(s, W, χ; 1) =  W x 1  dx χ(t)|t|s−1 d× t,
F × F 1
where W ∈ W(Π∞ ; ψ). Both integrals are absolutely convergent for ℜs ≫ 1, admit meromorphic
continuation to s ∈ C and satisfy the following functional equation
(3.5) e 3,1 ).W
Ψ(1 − s, Π(w f , χ−1 ; 1) = γ(s, Π × χ; ψ)Ψ(s, W, χ; 0).
Remark 8. For non-archimedean F, the above results are contained in [17, Theorem (2.7)], while for
archimedean F, they are contained in [19, Theorem 2.1].
We shall need the above results for a special type of W ∈ W(Π∞ ; ψ), namely
  
Z 1
(3.6) W (g) = W0 g x 1  Φ(x)dx, W0 ∈ W(Π∞ ; ψ), Φ ∈ S(F).
F 1
The following result is an easy extension of [16, Theorem (7.4)].
Lemma 3.2. (1) The function defined by (3.6) satisfies W ∈ W(Π∞ ; ψ).
(2) We write for any W0 ∈ W(Π∞ ; ψ)
   
Z Z t
Ψ(s, W0 , χ; Φ) =  W0 x 1  Φ(x)dx χ(t)|t|s−1 d× t.
F × F 1
Then the above integral is absolutely convergent for ℜs ≫ 1, admits meromorphic continuation to s ∈ C
and satisfies the functional equation
e 3,1 ).W
Ψ(1 − s, Π(w f0 , χ−1 ; F(Φ)) = γ(s, Π × χ; ψ)Ψ(s, W0 , χ; Φ).

Proof. (1) This is obvious for non-archimedean F. For F ∈ {R, C}, let X be any element in the enveloping
algebra of the Lie algebra of GL3 (F). It suffices to prove the convergence of the following integral
 
Z 1
Φ(x) · Π(X)Π(n1 (x))W0 dx, n1 (x) := x 1 
− −
F 1
in the underlying Hilbert space VΠ of Π. If we write n− −
1 (−x)Xn1 (x) as a linear combination of elements
of a basis in the enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra of GL3 (F), then the length of the sum depends
only on the degree of X, and the coefficients are at most polynomial in x. It follows that the dominant
|Φ(x)| · Π(X)Π(n− 1 (x))W 0 dx = |Φ(x)| · Π(n− −
1 (−x)Xn1 (x)).W0 dx < +∞

is convergent. Hence W ∈ W(Π ; ψ).
(2) It suffices to prove the functional equation, as other assertions follow easily from (1). Note that, with
W defined by (3.6), we have
Ψ(s, W0 , χ; Φ) = Ψ(s, W, χ; 0).
The desired functional equation follows from (3.5) if we can justify
(3.7) e 3,1 ).W, χ−1 ; 1) = Ψ(1 − s, Π(w
Ψ(1 − s, Π(w e 3,1 ).W
f0 , χ−1 ; Φ).

To this end, we compute

f (g) = W (w3 t g −1 ) =
W Φ(x)W0 (w3 t g −1 n−
1 (x))dx
 
Z 1 x

= f0 (gn+ (−y))dy,
Φ(y)W n+ t
n−  1 .
1 1 (x) := 1 (x) =
F 1
It follows that
 
Z 1 x
f (gw3,1 ) =
W e 3,1 ).W
Φ(y)Π(w f0 (gn+ (−y))dy, n+ +
= 1 .
2 2 (x) := w3,1 n1 (x)w3,1
F 1
In particular, we have
    
t Z t
e 3,1 ).W
Π(w f x 1 = e 3,1 ).W
Φ(y)Π(w f0 x 1  n+ 
2 (−y) dy
1 F 1
  
Z 1 −ty t
= e 3,1 ).W
Φ(y)Π(w f0  1 −xy  x 1  dy
F 1 1
 
e 3,1 ).W
= F(Φ)(x) · Π(w f0 x 1 ,
which justifies well (3.7). 

3.3. A Double Zeta Integral. We regard Φ 7→ Ψ(s, W0 , χ; Φ) as a tempered distribution, and would
like to study its Mellin transform. Precisely, for unitary characters χj of F× , sj ∈ C and W ∈ W(Π∞ ; ψ)
we introduce the following double zeta integral
 
  Z t1
s 1 χ1
(3.8) Z , ;W = W t2 1  χ1 (t1 )χ2 (t2 )|t1 |s1 −1 |t2 |s2 d× t1 d× t2 .
s 2 χ2 (F× )2 1

Proposition 3.3. (1) The integral in (3.8) is absolutely convergent for ℜs2 > 0 and ℜs1 ≫ 1. Moreover,
if Π is supercuspidal, then the absolute convergence holds for ℜs2 > 0 and any s1 ∈ C.
(2) The integral in (3.8) has meromorphic continuation to s1 , s2 ∈ C so that the ratio
s 1 χ1
Z , ; W / (L(s1 , Π × χ1 )L(s2 , χ2 ))
s 2 χ2
s χ
is holomorphic in (s1 , s2 ) ∈ C2 . Moreover, if F is archimedean, then Z 1 , 1 ; W has rapid decay in
s 2 χ2
any vertical region of the shape aj 6 ℜsj 6 bj with aj , bj ∈ R for j = 1, 2.
(3) Let Π = π ⊞ µ, where π is a unitary irreducible (not necessarily square-integrable) representation of
GL2 (F) and is ϑ-tempered for some 0 < ϑ < 1/2. Then the integral in (3.8) is absolutely convergent for
ℜs2 > 0 and ℜs1 > ϑ.
(4) The double zeta integral satisfies the following functional equation
1 − s1 χ−11 e f s 1 χ1
Z , ; Π(w3,1 ).W = γ(s1 , Π × χ1 , ψ)γ(s2 , χ2 , ψ)Z , ;W .
1 − s2 χ−12 s 2 χ2

Proof. (1) & (2) We first note that for non-archimedean F, the two assertions are easy. In fact, by [16,
Lemma (4.1.5)] we know that the function on F
 
x 7→ W  x 1 

has support contained in a compact subset independent of t1 ∈ F× . By smoothness, there exist n, N ∈

Z>0 so that the above function has support in p−N , and is invariant by additive translation by pn . Taking
a system of representatives αj of p−N /pn , we readily see that
    
t1 X t1 1
W t2 1 = W  1  αj 1  1αj +pn (t2 ).
1 j 1 1

Thus the double zeta integral

 
  Z t1
s χ
Z 1, 1; W = W t2 1  χ1 (t1 )|t1 |s1 −1 χ(t2 )|t2 |s2 d× t1 d× t2
s 2 χ2 (F× )2 1
  
XZ t1 1
= W  1  αj 1  χ1 (t1 )|t1 |s1 −1 d× t1 ·
F ×
j 1 1
1αj +pn (t2 )χ2 (t2 )|t2 |s2 d× t2

is a finite sum of products of standard integrals representing L(s1 , Π × χ1 ) and L(s2 , χ2 ). The required
properties follow from [17, Theorem (2.7)] and Tate’s thesis. Moreover, if Π is supercuspidal then the
functions in t1 appearing above are in C∞ c (F ). Hence the integral is absolutely convergent for all s1 ∈ C.

We then note that the case of archimedean F satisfies the condition in (3) by Langlands’s classification.
Hence we leave this case to the next part.
(3) Let W1 ∈ W(π ∞ ; ψ) and Φ ∈ S(M2×3 (F)). We first give another treatment of meromorphic continu-
ation. The equation [14, (7.7)] associates a W ∈ W(Π∞ , ψ) by the formula (see Remark 9 below)
(3.9) W (g) := µ(det g)|det g| F~3 (g.Φ)(h, hι~e2 )W1 (h−1 )µ(det h)|det h| 2 dh,
GL2 (F)

where ~e2 = (0, 1)T . Moreover, every W arises as (3.9), which is the subject of [14, Proposition 7.1 (v) &
(vi)]. From (3.9) we deduce, by the change of variables h 7→ ha(t1 )−1 ,
 
t1 Z       
t 0 0 1
W t2 1  = µ(t1 )|t1 | F~3 (Φ) h 1 , h , hι W1 (h−1 )µ(det h)|det h| 2 dh
GL2 (F) t 2 1 1
1 1 0 ι 0 1
= |t1 | 2 F~3 (Φ) h ,h ,h W1 (a(t1 )h−1 )µ(det h)|det h| 2 dh.
GL2 (F) t 2 1 1
We introduce A1 = A1 (F) = {a(t) | t ∈ F× } and rewrite
 
t1 Z Z       
  1 t 0 ι 0
W t 2 1 = |t1 | 2 F~3 (Φ) h ,h ,h ·
GL2 (F)/A1 (F) F× t2 1 1
1 1
W1 (a(t1 t−1 )h−1 )µ(t)|t| 2 µ(det h)|det h| 2 d× tdh.
Consequently, the double zeta integral (3.8) can be rewriten, at first formally and with the change of
variables t1 7→ t1 t, as
  Z Z 
s χ 1 1
Z 1, 1; W = µ(det h)|det h| 2 · W1 (a(t1 )h−1 )χ1 (t1 )|t1 |s1 − 2 d× t1 ·
s2 χ2 GL2 (F)/A1 (F) F×
Z        !
t 0 ι 0 s1 s2 × ×
(3.10) F~3 (Φ) h ,h ,h µχ1 (t)|t| χ2 (t2 )|t2 | d td t2 dh.
(F× )2 t2 1 1

The two inner integrals are standard integral representations of L(s1 , π × χ1 ) and L(s1 , µχ1 )L(s2 , χ2 )
respectively, hence admit meromorphic continuation to (s, s0 ) ∈ C2 , which become holomorphic after
dividing by L(s1 , π × χ1 )L(s1 , µχ1 )L(s2 , χ2 ).
It remains to justify the absolute convergence, and the rapid decay in the case of archimedean F. To
this end, we use the following Iwasawa decomposition
GL2 (F) = KNA1 Z; h = κn(u)a(t)z, u ∈ F & t, z ∈ F× .
Therefore the measure on GL2 (F)/A1 is identified with dκdud× z. Now that we have
µ(det h)|det h| 2 = µ(det κ)µ2 (z)|z|,

W1 (a(t1 )h−1 ) = ψ(−t1 u)ωπ−1 (z)W1 (a(t1 )κ−1 ),

t 0 ι 0 z(t + ut2 ) zu 0
F~3 (Φ) h ,h ,h = F~3 (Φ.κ) ,
t2 1 1 zt2 z z −1
we can rewrite (3.10) as
  Z Z Z
s χ
Z 1, 1; W = µ(det κ)µ2 (z)|z|·
s2 χ2 K F F ×
ωπ (z) ψ(−t1 u)W1 (a(t1 )κ−1 )χ1 (t1 )|t1 |s1 − 2 d× t1 ·

Z   !
z(t + ut2 ) zu 0
(3.11) F~3 (Φ.κ) µχ1 (t)|t| χ2 (t2 )|t2 | d td t2 dκdud× z.
s1 s2 × ×
(F× )2 zt2 z z −1
If ℜs1 > ϑ and ℜs2 > 0, then the two inner integrals are absolutely convergent. More generally, if ℜs1
and ℜs2 vary in compact intervals and if s1 and s2 are away from the possible poles, then there are
Sobolev, resp. Schwartz norms so that we have uniformly
W1 (a(t1 ))χ1 (t1 )|t1 |s1 − 2 d× t1 ≪ S(W1 ), ∀W1 ∈ W(π ∞ , ψ);


φ(t, t2 )µχ1 (t)|t|s1 χ2 (t2 )|t2 |s2 d× td× t2 ≪ S(φ), ∀φ ∈ S(F2 ).
(F× )2

If F is archimedean, we even have the rapid decays for any A ≫ 1 (with different norms)
W1 (a(t1 ))χ1 (t1 )|t1 |s1 − 2 d× t1 ≪ (1 + |ℑs1 |)−A S(W1 ), ∀W1 ∈ W(π ∞ , ψ);

φ(t, t2 )µχ1 (t)|t|s1 χ2 (t2 )|t2 |s2 d× td× t2 ≪ (1 + |ℑs1 |)−A (1 + |ℑs2 |)−A S(φ), ∀φ ∈ S(F2 ).
(F× )2

Changing W1 (resp. φ) with the translates (κn(u))−1 .W1 (resp. (κn(u))T .φ) only increases the right
hand side by a polynomial in |u|. By Proposition 2.1 & 2.2 we can dominate the outer triple integrals in
(3.11) by the convergent integral
Z Z Z  
1−ℜs1 −ℜs2 B zu 0
|z| (1 + |u|) φ dκdud× z,
K F F× z z −1
or in the case of archimedean F by the convergent integral
Z Z Z  
−A −A 1−ℜs1 −ℜs2 B zu 0
(1 + |ℑs1 |) (1 + |ℑs2 |) |z| (1 + |u|) φ dκdud× z,
K F F× z z −1
for some positive Schwartz function φ ∈ S(2×2, F). Consequently, the new integral representations (3.10)
and (3.11) are absolutely convergent for all such s0 , s, which have rapid decay in the case of archimedean
F. This also justifies the formal computation leading to these integral representations by Fubini.
c× be the unitary dual group of F× . For c ∈ R, write F
(4) Let F c× (c) for the set of quasi-characters χ of
× c
F such that |χ(t)| = |t| . This is a principal homogeneous space of F c× , which inherits the Plancherel
c× × ×
measure of F dual to d t on F , denoted by dµ, so that we have the Mellin inversion formula
Z Z 
f (t) = f (t1 )χ(t1 )|t1 |s d× t1 dµ(χ|·|s ), ∀f ∈ S(F× ).
F × (c) F×

For ℜs1 ≫ 1 large, we can change the order of integrations, apply the Mellin inversion over F× and get
   
Z Z t1
Ψ(s1 , W, χ1 ; Φ) =  W  x 1  χ1 (t1 )|t1 |s1 −1 d× t1  Φ(x)dx
F F× 1
   
Z Z t1
=  W t2 1  χ1 (t1 )|t1 |s1 −1 χ2 (t2 )|t2 |s2 d× t1 d× t2  ·
F (c)
× (F )
× 2
−1 1−s2 ×
Φ(t2 )χ2 (t2 ) |t2 | d t2 dµ(χ2 |·|s2 )

s 1 χ1
(3.12) = Z , ; W · Z(1 − s2 , χ−1 s2
2 , Φ)dµ(χ2 |·| ),
Fd× (c) s 2 χ2
where 0 < c = ℜs2 < 1. Note that both sides of (3.12) have meromorphic continuation to s1 ∈ C with
absolutely convergent integral on the right hand side. Similarly, we have
e f −1 1 − s1 χ−1 e f
(3.13) Ψ(1 − s1 , Π(w3,1 )W , χ1 ; F(Φ)) = Z , 1 ; Π(w3,1 )W · Z(s2 , χ2 , F(Φ))dµ(χ2 |·|s2 ).
Fd× (c) 1 − s2 χ−1

Applying the functional equation in Lemma 3.2 (2) and Tate’s local functional equation, we get
1 − s1 χ−1 e 3,1 )Wf · Z(s2 , χ2 , F(Φ))dµ(χ2 |·|s2 )
Z , 1−1 ; Π(w
F× (c) 1 − s 2 χ2
s1 χ1
= γ(s1 , Π × χ1 , ψ) Z , ; W · γ(s2 , χ2 , ψ)Z(s2 , χ2 , F(Φ))dµ(χ2 |·|s2 ).
F× (c) s2 χ2

The desired functional equation for 0 < ℜs2 < 1 follows by the denseness of the Mellin transform for
Φ ∈ S(F), and by meromorphic continuation of both sides to s2 ∈ C. 

Remark 9. Rigorously speaking we should justify the integral representation of Whittaker functions (3.9)
in the current more general setting, namely the extension of [14, (7.1) & (7.7)] to the case Π = π ⊞ µ,
since the reference given here only treats those π of split parameter. This is technical and will be treated
in a more general framework in future. For the moment we only mention the starting point: Let
f (g) := µ(det g)|det g| F~3 (g.Φ)(h, ~0)W1 (h−1 )µ(det h)|det g| 2 dh,
GL2 (F)

where Φ ∈ S(2 × 3, F) and W1 ∈ W(π , ψ). Then one easily verifies
h GL3 (F)
ω(g)(h, t) := f g ∈ IndP(F) (W(π, ψ) × µ) ≃ Π.
The integral (3.9) is just the Whittaker function of the above vector.

4. Global Distributions
We take the global setting in this section (see §1.3.2).
Fix a cuspidal automorphic representation Π of GL3 (A) and a unitary Hecke character ω of F× \A× .
The main distribution is defined on VΠ∞ , the space of smooth vectors in (the automorphic realization of)
Π, by the formula
   
Z Z t
(4.1) Θ(F ) :=  F  1 x (ωωΠ ) (t)d t ψ(−x)dx.
−1 ×
F\A F× \A× 1
Although the above integral defining Θ(F ) is absolutely convergent, it will turn out to be convenient
to introduce a holomorphic variant
   
Z Z t
(4.2) Θ(s0 , F ) :=  F  1 x (ωωΠ )−1 (t)|t|sA0 d× t ψ(−x)dx.
F\A F \A
× ×
The above integral is still absolutely convergent for any s0 ∈ C thanks to the rapid decay of F at the
cusp varieties. We obviously have
Θ(F ) = Θ(0, F ).
We are going to decompose Θ(s0 , F ) for ℜs0 ≫ 1 in two different ways with meromorphic continuation
to s0 ∈ C, and get our main identity as the equality of the two decompositions at s0 = 0.
Theorem 4.1. (1) The distribution Θ(s0 , F ) has a meromorphic continuation to |ℜs0 | < 1/2 given by
X Z ∞  
1 1/2 + iτ χ dτ
Θ(s0 , F ) = ∗ Z , −1 ; WF
ζF −∞ s 0 + 1/2 − iτ (χωω Π ) 2π
R+ \A×
1 s1 + 1 (ωωΠ )−1 1 s1 + 1 (ωωΠ )−1
+ Res Z , ; W − Res Z , ; W ,
s1 =s0
s0 − s1 1 F
s1 =s0 −1
s0 − s1 1 F

where Z(· · · ) is an integral representation of L(1/2 + iτ, Π × χ)L(s0 + 1/2 − iτ, (χωωΠ )−1 ) (see (4.4)).
(2) The distribution Θ(s0 , F ) for |ℜs0 | < 1/2 has another expression as
X X Z ∞

Θ(s0 , F ) = π cuspidal Θ(s 0 , F | π) + Θ(s0 , F | π(χ, ω −1 χ−1 )) ,
ωπ =ω −1 −∞ 4π
F× \A×

where Θ(s0 , F | π) (resp. Θ(s0 , F | π(χ, ω −1 χ−1 ))) is a distribution representing L((1 − s0 )/2, Π × π
(resp. L((1 − s0 )/2 − iτ, Π × χ−1 )L((1 − s0 )/2 + iτ, Π × ωχ)) (see (4.9) and (4.10)).

4.1. First Decomposition. Recall the Fourier coefficients of F for β1 , β2 ∈ F associated with a unipo-
tent subgroup
  
Z 1 x1
F(β1 ,β2 ) (g) := F  1 x2  g  ψ(−β1 x1 − β2 x2 )dx1 dx2 .
(F\A)2 1
We have
     
Z 1 X X 1
F  1 x g  ψ(−x)dx = F(β1 ,1) (g) = F(0,1) β1 1  g .
F\A 1 β1 ∈F β1 ∈F 1
Also recall the Whittaker function of F defined by
  
Z 1 x3 x1
WF (g) := F  1 x2  g  ψ(−x2 − x3 )dx1 dx2 dx3 ,
(F\A)3 1
we have the relation (by cuspidality of F , see (1.6))
  
X α
F(0,1) (g) = WF  1  g .
α∈F× 1
Hence we can rewrite, at first formally
   
Z X X α t
Θ(s0 , F ) =  WF β1 1  1  (ωωΠ )−1 (t)|t|s0 d× t
F× \A× α∈F× β1 ∈F 1 1
  
Z X αt
=  WF  1  (ωωΠ )−1 (t)|t|s0 d× t
F× \A× α∈F× 1
  
Z X X αt
(4.3) +  WF βt 1  (ωωΠ )−1 (t)|t|s0 d× t.
F× \A× α∈F× β∈F× 1
The first integral on the right hand side of (4.3) is simply a global Rankin-Selberg integral for GL3 ×
GL1 , namely
   
Z Z t x1

Ψ s0 + 1, F, (ωωΠ )−1 =  F  1 x2  ψ(−x2 )dx1 dx2  (ωωΠ )−1 (t)|t|sA0 d× t
F× \A× (F\A)2 1
  
Z X αt
=  WF  1  (ωωΠ )−1 (t)|t|sA0 d× t
F× \A× α∈F × 1
in the notation of [17], which is an integral representation of L(s0 + 1, Π × (ωωΠ )−1 ). Hence the absolute
convergence for ℜs0 ≫ 1 and meromorphic continuation to s0 ∈ C of this term follow easily.
Remark 10. We recall the other global Rankin-Selberg integral for GL3 × GL1
   
Z Z t
Ψe (s, F, χ) =  F x1 t 1 x2  ψ(−x2 )dx1 dx2  χ(t)|t|sA d× t
F× \A× (F\A)2 1
   
Z Z t
=  WF x 1  dx χ(t)|t|s−1 d× t,
A× A 1

e − s, Π(w
and the functional equation Ψ(1 e 3,1 )Fe , χ−1 ) = Ψ(s, F, χ). Obviously, Ψ(s,
e F, χ) has an infinite
product decomposition, which we write as
e F, χ) =
Ψ(s, e v (s, WF,v , χv ).

To prove the absolute convergence of the second integral on the right hand side of (4.3), we first
recall a fundamental estimation, which was implicitly used in [40, §2.6.2] to control the dominant of the
Fourier-Whittaker expansion of an automorphic form for GL2 . Note that a refined version also appeared
as [41, Lemma 5.37] which implies the following version we need here.
Lemma 4.2. Let f : A× → C be a function on the ideles, which is decomposable in the sense that
f ((tv )v ) = fv (tv ), ∀(tv )v ∈ A× ,
where fp |o×
= 1 at any p ∤ J for some integral ideal J but is not necessarily equal to the characteristic
function of o×
p . Suppose there is a constant c ∈ R such that for any N > 0 we have

 fv (t) ≪c,N min(|t|cv , |t|−N v ) ∀v | ∞
fp (t) ≪ |t|cp 1ordp (t)>−ordp (J) ∀p < ∞ & p | J .

fp (t) 6 |t|cp 1ordp (t)>0 ∀p < ∞ & p ∤ J
Then we have for any N ≫ 1 the estimation of
|f (αt)| ≪c,N,J min(|t|c−1 −N
A , |t|A ).
× α∈F

Next, we recall some uniform bound of the Whittaker function WF , which was established in the Rankin-
Selberg theory by [14, 17]. For our purpose, we only need a special case for GL3 stated as follows.
Lemma 4.3. There is a constant M ∈ R depending only on Π and an integral ideal J depending only on
F , such that for any N1 , N2 > 1 we have
 
t1 Y
WF t2 1  ≪N1 ,N2 ,F min(|t1,v |M , |t1,v |−N
) min(1, |t2,v |−N
p<∞ p 1ordp (t1,p ),ordp (t2,p )>−ordp (J) .
|t1,p |M

Proof. Without loss of generality, we may assume WF = ⊗v WF,v is decomposable. At an archimedean

place v | ∞, the argument in [14, §5.2], which is based on [14, Proposition 3.3], shows the existence of
some constant Mv ∈ R depending only on Πv so that for any N1 , N2 > 1
 
WF,v t2,v 1  ≪N1 ,N2 ,Fv |t1,v |M 2 −N1
v (1 + |t1,v |v )
(1 + |t2,v |2v )−N2 .
At a non-archimedean p < ∞ such that WF,p is not spherical, the proof of [17, Lemma (2.6)] implies the
existence of some constant Mp ∈ R depending only on Πp , some integral ideal J′p ⊂ op depending only
on Fp and some Schwartz function Φp ∈ S(Fp ) so that
 
WF,p t2,p 1  6 |t1,p |p p Φp (t1.p )1(J′p )−1 (t2,p ) ≪ |t1,p |p p 1ordp (t1,p ),ordp (t2,p )>−ordp (Jp ) ,

where J−1
p contains (J′p )−1 and the support of Φp . At a non-archimedean p < ∞ such that WF,p is
spherical, we first have by the proof of [16, Lemma (4.1.5)] that
   
t1,p t1,p
WF,p t2,p 1  = WF,p  1  1op (t2,p ).
1 1

The value of the spherical Whittaker function is due to Shintani [36]. If (α1 , α2 , α3 ) is the Satake
parameter of Πp , and if we normalize WF,p (1) = 1, then
1 αn+2
2 αn+2
 n  α1 α2 α3
̟ 1 1 1
WF,p  1  = 1n>0 · q −n · .
(α1 − α2 )(α1 − α3 )(α2 − α3 )
Since Π is unitary, it is θ-tempered for any constant towards the Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture for
GL3 (current record θ = 5/14). Hence |αj | < q θ . We readily deduce
 
WF,p t2,p 1  6 Cp |t1,p |1−θ p 1op (t1,p )1op (t2,p ),
and up to a finite number of exceptional places, we can take Cp = 1. The desired estimation follows by
taking M to be the smallest one among the Mv and Mp , J to be the product of Jp . 
Remark 11. It should be possible to take M = 1 − θ in the above lemma. But this seems to be a
difficult problem, and is not yet available in the literature so far.
Corollary 4.4. There is M ∈ R depending only on Π such that for any N1 , N2 > 1
 
X αt1
WF βt2 1  ≪N1 ,N2 min(|t1 |M−1 A , |t1 |−N
) · min(|t2 |−1 −N2
A , |t2 |A ).
α,β∈F× 1

This corollary is an immediate consequence of the previous two lemmas. It implies readily
 
X αt
WF βt 1  ≪N min(|t|M−2 A , |t|−N
A ),
α,β∈F× 1
and justifies the absolute convergence of (4.3) for ℜs0 > 2 − M .
In order to get the meromorphic continuation, we introduce the following (global) double zeta integral
 
  Z t1
s χ
(4.4) Z 1 , 1 ; WF = WF t2 1  χ1 (t1 )χ2 (t2 )|t1 |s1 −1 |t2 |s2 d× t1 d× t2 ,
s2 χ2 (A )
× 2
where χj ’s are unitary Hecke characters of F× \A× .
Proposition 4.5. (1) The integral in (4.4) is absolutely convergent for ℜs2 > 1 and ℜs1 ≫ 1.
(2) The integral in (4.4) has meromorphic continuation to s1 , s2 ∈ C so that the ratio
s χ
Z 1 , 1 ; WF / (L(s1 , Π × χ1 )L(s2 , χ2 ))
s2 χ2
is holomorphic in (s1 , s2 ) ∈ C2 . Moreover, it has rapid decay in any vertical region of the shape aj 6
ℜsj 6 bj with aj , bj ∈ R for j = 1, 2.
(3) The double zeta integral satisfies the following functional equation
1 − s1 χ−1 e 3,1 ).W
g s 1 χ1
Z , 1−1 ; Π(w F = Z , ; W .
1 − s2 χ2 s 2 χ2 F
(4) The double zeta integral has possible simple poles at s2 ∈ {0, 1} for χ2 = 1 with residues
   
  Z Z t1
s 1 χ1  WF  x 1  dx χ1 (t1 )|t1 |s1 −1 d× t1 = ζF∗ Ψ(s e 1 , F, χ1 ),
Ress2 =1 Z , ; WF = ζF∗
s2 1 A× A 1

 
  Z t1
s 1 χ1
Ress2 =0 Z , ; WF = −ζF∗ WF  1  χ1 (t1 )|t1 |s1 −1 d× t1 = −ζF∗ Ψ(s1 , F, χ1 ).
s2 1 A× 1

Proof. (1)-(3) follow from their local counterpart given in Proposition 3.3. To prove (4), we first notice
that the second formula follows from the first one via the functional equation in (3) and the functional
equation of the global Rankin-Selberg integrals recalled in Remark 10. Thus it suffices to prove the first
formula. We first suppose ℜs1 ≫ 1 is large and take s2 > 1, so that the double zeta integral is absolutely
convergent. Then we have an obvious infinite product decomposition
s χ s χ
Z 1 , 1 ; WF = Zv 1 , 1,v ; WF,v
s2 1 v s2 1
where for a finite number of places S containing the archimedean ones we have for any p ∈
   
t1 t1
WF,p t2 1  = WF,p  1  · 1op (t2 ) ⇒
1 1
s χ e p (s1 , WF,p , χ1,p ) · ζp (s2 ).
Zp 1 , 1,p ; WF,p = Ψ
s2 1
In other words, we have
  Y   Y
s χ s χ e p (s1 , WF,p , χ1,p ).
Z 1 , 1 ; WF = ζ S (s2 ) · Zv 1 , 1,v ; WF,v · Ψ
s2 1 v∈S s2 1 p∈S

The pole at s2 = 1 is given by ζ S (s2 ) while the other terms are regular at s2 = 1 with
s1 χ1,v e p (s1 , WF,v , χ1,v ).
Zv , ; WF,v = ζv (1) · Ψ
1 1
The desired formula then follows readily in this case. The general case follows by the uniqueness of
meromorphic continuation on both sides. 

Let M be the constant determined by Π in Corollary 4.4. We fix a s0 with ℜs0 > 1 − M , and consider
the following function on F× \A×
  
Z X X αtt1
(4.5) f (t1 ) :=  WF  βt 1  (ωωΠ )−1 (t)|t|sA0 d× t.
F \A
× ×
α∈F× β∈F× 1
Lemma 4.6. (1) The defining integral of f (t1 ) is absolutely convergent integral for every t1 ∈ A× .
(2) The function f (t1 ) is smooth for the action of A× .
(3) The function f (t1 ) admits the Mellin inversion
Z Z !
1 X ds1
s1 ×
f (1) = f (t1 )χ(t1 )|t1 |A d t1
Vol(F R+ \A )
× ×
(c) F× \A× 2πi
R+ \A×

for any c satisfying 1 − M < c < ℜs0 − 1.

Proof. (1) Applying Corollary 4.4, we get
 
X αtt1
WF  βt 1  ≪N1 ,N2 min(|tt1 |M−1 A , |tt1 |−N
) · min(|t|A −1
, |t|−N
α,β∈F× 1
M−N2 −N1 −N1 −1 −N1 −N2
= min |t1 |M−1
A · min(|t| M−2
A , |t| A ), |t 1 | A · min(|t| A , |t| A ) .

We choose 1 − M < N1 < ℜs0 − 1 arbitrarily, and N2 large to get the absolute convergence of the integral
of right hand side against |t|sA0 d× t, together with the estimation
 
Z X αtt1
(4.6) |f (t1 )| 6 WF  βt 1  |t|ℜs0 d× t ≪N1 min(|t1 |M−1 , |t1 |−N1 ).
F \A α,β∈F×
× ×
(2) Having proved the absolute convergence in (1), the smoothness for A× fin obviously follows from the
smoothness of WF . The smoothness for A× ∞ is defined by the differentials D v = t1,v ∂t1,v at Fv = R, resp.
Dv = ρv ∂ρv and Dv′ = ∂θv at Fv = C for the polar coordinates t1,v = ρv eiθv . They correspond to the
left differential operators defined by Ev = diag(1, 0, 0), resp. Ev and Ev′ = diag(i, 0, 0) of the Lie algebra
gl3 (Fv ). Let Hv resp. Hv and Hv′ be elements in gl3 (Fv ) given by
   
0 0 0 0 0 0
Hv = 1 0 0 , Hv′ =  i 0 0 .
0 0 0 0 0 0
It is easy to write the left differentials by the right differentials via
 −1  
tv t1,v tv t1,v
 tv 1  Ev  tv 1  = Ev − tv Hv ,
1 1
 −1  
tv t1,v tv t1,v
 tv 1  Ev′  tv 1  = Ev′ − tv Hv′ .
1 1
In other words, if we introduce  
tv t1,v
g(t1 , t) := WF  tv 1 ,
then we have the relations
Dv g = WEv .F − tv WHv .F , Dv′ g = WEv′ .F − tv WHv′ .F .
Hence for any polynomial P in Dv , Dv′ , there is a polynomial Q in Ev , Ev′ , Hv , Hv′ , tv such that P.g =
WQ.F . It follows that P.g(t1 , t) satisfies the same bound offered by Lemma 4.3 and Corollary 4.4 as
g(t1 , t), because for any integer k we have
|tv |kv min(1, |tv |−N
) 6 min(1, |tv |k−N
Hence we can pass the differentials in the sum and integral defining f (t1 ), proving its smoothness.
(3) By (1) and (2), f (t1 ) is a smooth function on F× \A× , whose derivatives with respect to any polynomial
in Dv , Dv′ at v | ∞ satisfy the bound (4.6). Hence f (t1 ) is Mellin invertible over F× \A× , and the stated
formula holds for 1 − M < c < N1 . Since N1 can be arbitrarily close to ℜs0 − 1, we conclude. 
Remark 12. The above argument is quite similar to that in [42, Lemma 3.5]. The only difference is
that we replace [42, Proposition 2.8] with its generalization Lemma 4.2.
We can finally rewrite the equation (4.3) as follows.

Θ(s0 , F ) − Ψ s0 + 1, F, (ωωΠ )−1
  
Z X X αt
=  WF βt 1  (ωωΠ )−1 (t)|t|sA0 d× t
F× \A× α∈F× β∈F× 1
   
X Z Z tt1
1  ds1
= WF  t 1  χ(t1 )|t1 |sA1 (ωωΠ )−1 (t)|t|sA0 d× t1 d× t
Vol(F R+ \A )
× ×
(c) (A× )2 2πi
χ∈F×\ R+ \A× 1

X Z  
1 s1 + 1 χ ds1
= Z , ;W .
Vol(F R+ \A× )
(c) s0 − s1 (χωωΠ )−1 F 2πi
R+ \A×

To obtain the meromorphic continuation for ℜs0 small, we first shift the contour of integration in s1 to
ℜs1 = c > ℜs0 , pick up two poles at s1 = s0 − 1, s0 for χ = (ωωΠ )−1 and obtain by Proposition 4.5 (4)
X Z  
 1 s1 + 1 χ ds1
Θ(s0 , F ) − Ψ s0 + 1, F, (ωωΠ )−1 = ∗ Z , −1 ; WF
ζF (c) s 0 − s 1 (χωω Π ) 2πi
R+ \A×

e 0 , F, (ωωΠ )−1 ) − Ψ(s0 + 1, F, (ωωΠ )−1 ).

+ Ψ(s
We assume |ℜs0 | < 1/2 and shift the contour back to ℜs1 = −1/2, pick up the pole at s1 = s0 for
χ = (ωωΠ )−1 again and obtain Theorem 4.1 (1) by
X Z  
1 s1 + 1 χ ds1
Θ(s0 , F ) = ∗ Z , −1 ; WF
ζF (−1/2) s 0 − s 1 (χωω Π ) 2πi
R+ \A×

e 0 , F, (ωωΠ )−1 ) + Ψ(s0 + 1, F, (ωωΠ )−1 ).

+ Ψ(s
4.2. Second Decomposition. Recall the Weyl element w and its action
 
  −1 g t
w= 1 = w3 w3,1 ; w w= , ∀g ∈ GL2 , t ∈ GL1 .
t g
Taking into account the left invariance by w of F , we can rewrite Θ(s0 , F ) as
   
Z Z 1 x
Θ(s0 , F ) =  Π(w).F  1  (ωωΠ )−1 (t)|t|sA0 d× t ψ(−x)dx
F\A F \A
× ×
   
Z Z t tx
(4.7) =  Π(w).F  t  ω(t)|t|−s0 d× t ψ(−x)dx.
F\A F \A
× ×
Note that the function F1 on GL2 (A) defined by
tg −s0 × −
F1 (g) := Π(w).F ω(t)|t|A d t · |det g|A 2

F× \A× 1
is smooth, invariant by GL2 (F) on the left, transforms as the character ω −1 on the center of GL2 , and
has rapid decay as g → ∞ in any Siegel domain of GL2 since Π(w).F is a cusp form on GL3 . We can
apply the automorphic Fourier inversion (see [42, Theorem 2.3]) and get a normally convergent expansion
F1 (g) = π cuspidal hF1 , eie(g)
ωπ =ω −1
X X Z ∞

+ hF1 , E(iτ, f )iE(iτ, f )(g)
−∞ 4π
F× \A× f ∈B(χ,ω χ )
−1 −1
+ χ∈F\× \A×
F1 (x)χ(det x)dx · χ(det g).
Vol([PGL2 ]) 2 −1 [PGL2 ]
χ =ω

Since F\A is compact, we can insert the above expansion of F1 to (4.7) and get
X X Z ∞

(4.8) Θ(s0 , F ) = π cuspidal Θ(s0 , F | π) + Θ(s0 , F | χ, ω −1 χ−1 ; iτ ) ,
ωπ =ω −1 −∞ 4π
F× \A×

where we have written

(4.9) Θ(s0 , F | π) = hF1 , eiWe (1)

X Z  
g s0
dg · We (1)

= Π(w).F e(g)|det g|A 2
e∈B(π) GL2 (F)\GL2 (A) 1
1 − s0
= Ψ , Π(w).F, e∨ We (1),
e∈B(π) 2
(4.10) Θ(s0 , F | χ, ω −1 χ−1 ; iτ ) = hF1 , E(iτ, f )iWf,iτ (1)
f ∈B(χ,ω −1 χ−1 )
X Z  
g s0
dg · Wf,iτ (1)

= Π(w).F E(iτ, f )(g)|det g|A 2

GL2 (F)\GL2 (A) 1

f ∈B(χ,ω −1 χ−1 )
1 − s0
= Ψ , Π(w).F, E(−iτ, f ) Wf,iτ (1).

f ∈B(χ,ω −1 χ−1 )

The decomposition (4.8) of Θ(s0 , F ) is done for ℜs0 ≫ 1. Moving s0 continually, we come across no poles
of any summand/integrand, by the Rankin-Selberg theory and Proposition 3.1. Hence (4.8) is valid for
all s0 ∈ C, proving Theorem 4.1 (2).
4.3. Euler Product Factorisation. The local versions of (4.9) and (4.10) are given by:

1 − s0
(4.11) Θv (s0 , WF,v | πv ) = Ψv , Π(w).WF,v , We We (1),

e∈B(πv ) 2
where the dual basis We∨ ∈ W(πv , ψv−1 ) is taken in terms of the norm in the Kirillov model;

1 − s0
(4.12) Θ(s0 , WF,v | χv , ωv−1 χ−1
v ; iτ ) = Ψv , Π(w).WF,v , Wf ∨ ,−iτ Wf,iτ (1),
f ∈B(χv ,ωv−1 χ−1
v )

where the dual basis f ∨ ∈ π(χ−1v , ωv χv ) is taken in terms of the norm in the induced model. The norm
identification [40, Proposition 2.13] or [1, (2.3)] implies

1 Y Y
(4.13) Θ(s0 , F | π) = · Θv (s0 , WF,v | πv ) · ep )
Θp (s0 , WF,p | πp )L(1, πp × π
2ΛF (2)L(1, π, Ad) p<∞

e) Y
L((1 − s0 )/2, Π × π Y L(1, πp × π ep )
= · Θv (s0 , WF,v | πv ) · Θp (s0 , WF,p | πp ) ,
2ΛF (2)L(1, π, Ad) p<∞
L((1 − s 0 )/2, Π p×π ep )

whose specialization to s0 = 0 is written as

L(1/2, Π × πe) Y Y L(1, πp × πep )
(4.14) Θ(F | π) = · Θv (WF,v | πv ) · Θp (WF,p | πp ) .
2ΛF (2)L(1, π, Ad) p<∞
L(1/2, Π p × ep )

Similarly, we have

(4.15) Θ(s0 , F | χ, ω −1 χ−1 ; iτ ) = Θv (s0 , WF,v | χv , ωv−1 χ−1
v ; iτ )
L((1 − s0 )/2 − iτ, Π × χ−1 )L((1 − s0 )/2 + iτ, Π × ωχ) Y
= 2 · Θv (s0 , WF,v | χv , ωv−1 χ−1
v ; iτ )·
ζF (2) |L(1 + 2iτ, ωχ2 )| v|∞
Y ζv (2) L(1 + 2iτ, ωp χ2p )
Θp (s0 , WF,p | χp , ωp−1 χ−1
p ; iτ ) ,
L((1 − s0 )/2 − iτ, Πp × χ−1
p )L((1 − s0 )/2 + iτ, Πp × ωp χp )

whose specialization to s0 = 0 is written as


L(1/2 − iτ, Π × χ−1 )L(1/2 + iτ, Π × ωχ)

(4.16) Θ(F | χ, ω −1 χ−1 ; iτ ) = ·
ζF (2) |L(1 + 2iτ, ωχ2 )|2
Θv (WF,v | χv , ωv−1 χ−1
v ; iτ )·
Y ζp (2) L(1 + 2iτ, ωp χ2p )
Θp (WF,p | χp , ωp−1 χ−1
p ; iτ ) .
L(1/2 − iτ, Πp × χ−1
p )L(1/2 + iτ, Πp × ωp χp )

Remark 13. Just as [1, (2.5)], for πv = π(χv , ωv−1 χv−1 ) we have the relation
ζv (1)2
Θv (WF,v | χv , ωv−1 χ−1
v ; iτ ) = Θv (WF,v | πv ).
ζv (2)
For the dual side, by the global functional equation in Proposition 4.5 (3), we have a global equality
1/2 + iτ χ 1/2 − iτ χ−1 e g
Z , ;W =Z , ; Π(w3,1 ).WF .
s0 + 1/2 − iτ (χωωΠ )−1 F 1/2 + iτ − s0 χωωΠ
The following decomposition follows readily from the computation at the unramified places:
1/2 − iτ χ−1 e g e × χ−1 )L(1/2 + iτ − s0 , χωωΠ )·
(4.17) Z , ; Π(w3,1 ).WF = L(1/2 − iτ, Π
1/2 + iτ − s0 χωωΠ
Y  1/2 − iτ χ−1

Z , v e ]
; Π (w ).WF,v ·
1/2 + iτ − s0 χv ωv ωΠ,v v 3,1
Y  1/2 − iτ χ−1

Z , p e ]
; Π (w ).WF,p ,
1/2 + iτ − s0 χp ωp ωΠ,p p 3,1 e p × χp )L(1/2 + iτ − s0 , χp ωp ωΠ,p )
L(1/2 − iτ, Π −1

whose specialization to s0 = 0 is written as

1/2 − iτ χ−1 e g e × χ−1 )L(1/2 + iτ, χωωΠ )·
(4.18) Z , ; Π(w3,1 ).WF = L(1/2 − iτ, Π
1/2 + iτ χωωΠ
Y 1/2 − iτ χ−1

Z , v e ]
; Π (w ).WF,v ·
1/2 + iτ χv ωv ωΠ,v v 3,1
Y 1/2 − iτ χ−1

Z , p
;Π ]
e p (w3,1 ).W F,p .
1/2 + iτ χp ωp ωΠ,p e p × χp )L(1/2 + iτ, χp ωp ωΠ,p )
L(1/2 − iτ, Π −1

5. Local Weight Transforms: Generality

We take the local setting in this section (see §1.3.3). In particular, F is the completion of a global
number field at a place. The goal of this section is to give a formula (see (5.13)) of
e 1/2 χ−1 e g
(5.1) h(χ) := Z , ; Π(w3,1 ).WF
1/2 χωωΠ
in terms of the local component of Θ(F | π), namely
(5.2) h(π) := Θ(WF | π) = Ψ 1 ∨
2 , Π(w).WF , We We (1).

5.1. Relation with the Local Converse Theorems. If we denote W ♯ := Π(w).WF , then the weight
functions h(π) given by (5.2) depends on the restriction of W ♯ to the usual embedding of GL2 (F) in
GL3 (F), i.e., the associated function in the Kirillov model. So the question of weight transformation
formula is translated into the question:
How does the Kirillov model determine the Whittaker model?

If the “determination” process is required to go via the local functional equations, then this question
is intimately related to Jacquet’s conjecture on the local converse theorems, towards which we have a
breakthrough [20]. In the present simple case of GL3 , we only need the height theory associated with
the Bruhat decomposition of GL3 due to Chen [9]. We shall not recall this theory, but only present the
“shortest parth” we have found with this theory as the following matrix equation. It is responsible for
the relevant weight transformation formula/process:
 −1      ι
t2 t1 1 t2 t2 −1 t1
(5.3)  t−1 1  w3 =  1  1  w3,1 1  .
1 1 1 t1

5.2. Invariant Distributions. First of all, we notice that we have not given a closed formula of the
dual weight eh(χ) for all Π. All we know is that e h(χ) = e h(χ; 0, 0) is the value at (s1 , s2 ) = (0, 0) of the
meromorphic continuation of the following distribution parametrized by two complex variables, initially
defined for ℜs1 ≫ ℜs2 ≫ 1 by an absolutely convergent integral
e 1/2 + s2 χ−1 e g
(5.4) h(χ; s1 , s2 ) := Z , ; Π(w3,1 ).W F .
1/2 + s1 − s2 χωωΠ
By definition, we have the following expression in terms of W ♯
 
Z t1   1
e e g   s1 t2 t2 2 2 × ×
(5.5) h(χ; s1 , s2 ) = Π(w3,1 )WF t2 1 ωωΠ (t2 )|t2 | χ d t1 d t2
(F× )2 1 t1 t1
 −1 
Z t2 t1
= Π(w g♯  t−1 1  ωωΠ (t1 )−1 |t1 |−s1 χ−1 (t2 )|t2 |s2 − 21 d× t1 d× t2 .
e 3 )W
(F× )2 1
The identity of matrices (5.3) implies the equation
 −1   ^    
t2 t1 −1 t1 t2
(5.6) e 3 )W
Π(w g♯  t−1 1  = ψ(−t2 ) · Π 1  W ♯  1  w3,1 
1 t1 1
Hence it is reasonable to introduce
 ^    
−1 t1 t2
(5.7) h∗ (t1 , t2 ) = Π 1  W ♯  1  w3,1  ,
t1 1
whose relation to (5.5) is given by
(5.8) e
h(χ; s1 , s2 ) =
h∗ (t1 , t2 )ωωΠ (t1 )−1 |t1 |−s1 ψ(−t2 )χ−1 (t2 )|t2 |s2 − 2 d× t1 d× t2 .
(F× )2

The local functional equation for GL3 × GL1 (see Lemma 3.2 (2)) implies
 
Z   y
(5.9) e 3,1 )W
Π(w f  1  ξ −1 (y)|y|−s d× y
F ×
 
Z Z y
= ωΠ ξ(−1)γ(s, Π × ξ, ψ) W x 1  ξ(y)|y|s−1 dxd× y
F × F 1
= ωΠ ξ(−1)γ(s, Π × ξ, ψ)Ψ(s, W, ξ; 1)
c× .
for any W ∈ W(Π∞ , ψ), ξ ∈ F

Remark 14. The tricky thing in the equation (5.9) is that the left hand side is defined as an absolutely
convergent integral for c = ℜs ≪ −1, while the integral representation of the right hand side is abso-
lutely convergent for ℜs ≫ 1. The symbol Ψ(s, W, ξ; 1) refers to the meromorphic continuation of the
corresponding absolutely convergent integral.
Definition 5.1. The transform from the function h to the function h∗ defined by
   
Z y   y
h(y) = W x 1  dx, h∗ (y) = Π(w e 3,1 )W
f  1 
F 1 1
is the Voronoi transform for Π, written as VΠ , namely h∗ (y) := VΠ (h)(y).
Remark 15. Equivalently, the following formula is valid, with the meromorphic continuation of the inner
Mellin transform to c ≪ −1,
Z Z 
∗ c c−1 ×
(5.10) h (y) = ξ(y)|y| · ωΠ ξ(−1)γ(c, Π × ξ, ψ) h(y)ξ(y)|y| d y dµPL (ξ),
F × F×

c× .
where dµPL (ξ) is the Plancherel measure on F
We shall apply (5.9) (or equivalently (5.10)) with
 
−1 t1
W = Π 1  W ♯.
If we introduce
   
Z −1 t1 y
(5.11) h(t1 , y) = Π 1  W ♯ x 1  dx,
F t1 1
then we get the relation
(5.12) h∗ (t1 , t2 ) = VΠ (h(t1 , ·))(t2 ),
We may summarize the equations (5.8) and (5.12) in a single formula as
(5.13) e
h(χ; s1 , s2 ) =
ωωΠ (t1 )−1 |t1 |−s1 ψ(−t2 )χ−1 (t2 )|t2 |s2 − 2 VΠ (h(t1 , ·))(t2 )d× t1 d× t2 .
(F× )2

The functions eh(χ; s1 , s2 ), h∗ (t1 , t2 ), h(t1 , y) and h(π) are distributions/functionals which satisfy cer-
tain invariance properties. We give the clarification as follows. By the general theory of Kirillov models,
the ψ-Kirillov model K(Π∞ , ψ) contains C∞ c (N2 (F)\GL2 (F), ψ), hence also S(N2 (F)\GL2 (F), ψ). We
can assume that for some f ∈ S(GL2 (F)) we have
♯ g 1 x
W = ψ(−x)f g dx.
1 F 1
The weight function
X Z  
h(π) = W♯ We∨ (g)dg · We (1)
e∈B(π) N2 (F)\GL2 (F) 1
= f (g)We∨ (g)dg · We (1) = Jπe,ψ−1 (f )
e∈B(π) GL2 (F)
−1 −y
= h(t1 , y)ω (t1 )jπe,ψ−1 d× yd× t1
(F× )2 1
becomes the Bessel distribution for the contragredient of π applied to f , where
• jπ,ψ is the locally integrable function representing the Bessel distribution Jπ,ψ ;

• and the function

    −1 
Z y −1 1 t1
(5.14) h(t1 , y) = h(t1 , y; f ) = ωΠ (t1 ) W ♯ x 1  1  t−1
 dx
F 1 1 1
Z      −1 
1 x1 −y 1 x2 t1
:= ωΠ (t1 ) f ψ(−x1 − x2 )dx1 dx2
F2 1 1 1 t−1
is simply the relative orbital integral for the Bessel distributions.
Since h(χ; s1 , s2 ) and h∗ (t1 , t2 ) are integral transforms of h(t1 , y), all the four functions are instances of
(tempered) distributions Θ on f ∈ S(GL2 (F)) satisfying
Θ(Ln(u1 ) Rn(u2 ) f ) = ψ(−u1 + u2 )Θ(f ), ∀u1 , u2 ∈ F.
Finally note that only the function
(5.15) h(y) = h(t1 , y)ω −1 (t1 )d× t1 ,

not the function h(t1 , y), can be recovered from the weight functions h(π) via a suitable Bessel inversion
transform. Hence it is desirable to eliminate t1 in the formula (5.13) in applications.

6. Voronoi Transform for GL2

We take the local setting in this section (see §1.3.3).
6.1. Case of Split Parameter. Let π be a unitary irreducible representation of GL2 (F) which is ϑ-
tempered for some constant 0 6 ϑ < 1/2. Let W1 ∈ W(π ∞ , ψ) be a function in the Whittaker model of
π ∞ . Then the function
f1 (h) := W1 (w2 hι ), ∀h ∈ GL2 (F)
π ∞ , ψ −1 ), the Whittaker model of the smooth contragredient representation π
is in W(e e∞ .
Definition 6.1. The transform from the function h to the function h∗ defined by
y ∗ f y
h(y) = W1 , h (y) = W1
1 1
is the Voronoi transform for π, written as Vπ , namely h∗ (y) := Vπ (h)(y).
If π = µ1 ⊞µ2 is induced from the minimal parabolic subgroup, then we can always find Φ ∈ S(1×2, F)
so that W1 has the following integral representation (via Godement sections, see [14, (7.6)])
(6.1) W1 (h) = µ2 (det(h))|det(h)| 2 F2 (h.Φ.t)(1, 1)µ−1 ×
1 µ2 (t)|t|d t.

It implies the integral representation (see [14, Proposition 7.3])
(6.2) Wf1 (h) = µ2 (−1)µ−1 (det(h))|det(h)| 2 b
F2 (h.Φ.t)(1, 1)µ1 µ−1 (t)|t|d× t
2 2

= µ2 (−1)µ−1
2 (det(h))|det(h)| F1 (hι .Φ.t)(1, 1)µ−1 ×
1 µ2 (t)|t|d t.

Hence we get the following integral representations
y 1
(6.3) h(y) := W1 = µ2 (y)|y| 2 F2 (Φ.t)(y, 1)µ−1 ×
1 µ2 (t)|t|d t
1 F×
= µ1 (y)|y| 2 F2 (Φ.t)(1, y)µ−1 ×
1 µ2 (t)|t|d t;

(6.4) f1 y
h∗ (y) := W = µ−1 F1 (Φ.t)(y, 1)µ−1 ×
2 (−y)|y| 1 µ2 (t)|t|d t.
1 F×

We introduce the intermediate function

(6.5) hF (y) := (Φ.t)(1, y)µ−1
1 µ 2 (t)|t|d×
t = µ µ
1 2
(y)|y| −1
(Φ.t)(y −1 , 1)µ−1 ×
1 µ2 (t)|t|d t.
F× F×

Lemma 6.2. Let F (resp. F) denote the Fourier transform (resp. its inverse) in the sense of tempered
distributions. Then we have the relations
hF = F ◦ m−1/2 (µ−1
1 )(h), h∗ = µ2 (−1) · m1/2 (µ−1 −1 F
2 ) ◦ F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ1 µ2 )(h ).

Consequently, we get the following decomposition

Vµ1 ⊞µ2 = µ2 (−1) · m1/2 (µ−1 −1 −1
2 ) ◦ F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ1 µ2 ) ◦ F ◦ m−1/2 (µ1 ).

Proof. Write |µj (t)| = |t|σj for some σj ∈ R. By assumption we have −ϑ 6 σj 6 ϑ and σ1 + σ2 = 0.
(1) For any test function φ ∈ S(F), we estimate the dominant integrals
−1 ×
|φ(y)| F2 (Φ.t)(1, y)µ1 µ2 (t) |t|d tdy = |φ(y)| F2 (Φ)(t, yt−1 ) |t|σ2 −σ1 d× tdy
F F× F F×
= |F2 (Φ)(t, y)| |φ(yt)| |t|1+σ2 −σ1 dyd× t ≪ |F2 (Φ)(t, y)| |t|1+σ2 −σ1 dyd× t < ∞,
F× F F× F

F(φ)(y) (Φ.t)(1, y)µ−1
1 µ2 (t)
|t|d tdy = F(φ)(y) |Φ(t, yt)| |t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× tdy
F F× F F×
≪ F(φ)(y) Φ1 (t)|t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× tdy < ∞,
F F×

where we have applied Proposition 2.1 to bound |Φ(t, yt)| ≪ Φ1 (t) for some positive Φ1 ∈ S(F) and all
y ∈ F. Hence we can freely change the order of integrals and get
φ(y) F2 (Φ.t)(1, y)µ−1
1 µ 2 (t)|t|d×
tdy = φ(y)F2 (Φ.t)(1, y)µ−1 ×
1 µ2 (t)|t|dyd t
F F× F× F
= ×
F(φ)(y)(Φ.t)(1, y)µ1 µ2 (t)|t|dyd t = F(φ)(y) (Φ.t)(1, y)µ−1 ×
1 µ2 (t)|t|d tdy,
F× F F F×

proving the first relation hF = F ◦ m−1/2 (µ−1

1 )(h).
(2) For any test function φ ∈ S(F), we estimate the dominant integrals
−1 ×
|φ(y)| (Φ.t)(y, 1)µ1 µ2 (t) |t|d tdy = |φ(y)| |Φ(ty, t)| |t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× tdy
F F× F F×
≪ |φ(y)| Φ2 (t)|t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× tdy < ∞
F F×

for some positive Φ2 ∈ S(F) satisfying |Φ(yt, t)| 6 Φ2 (t),

φ(y) F1 (Φ.t)(y, 1)µ−1 µ2 (t) |t|d× tdy = b
φ(y) F1 (Φ)(yt−1 , t) |t|σ2 −σ1 d× tdy
F F× F F×
= b
|F1 (Φ)(y, t)| φ(yt) |t|1+σ2 −σ1 dyd× t ≪ |F1 (Φ)(y, t)| |t|1+σ2 −σ1 dyd× t < ∞.
F× F F× F

We conclude the second relation as (1). 

6.2. Case of Dihedral Parameter. In the case of dihedral representation (see [5, Theorem 4.8.6]),
σ = πξ is constructed via some Weil representation from (E, ξ) where
• E a quadratic field extension of F with the non-trivial Galois action denoted by v 7→ v̄,
• ξ is a regular character of E, namely one not factoring through the norm map Nr : E× → F× .

Let ψ be a non-trivial character of F. We recall the construction of the Whittaker model W(πξ , ψ),
which was used in [15, Theorem 4.7], as follows. Let E1 = ker(Nr) be the norm 1 subgroup of E× . Write
GL2 (F)+ = {g ∈ GL2 (F) | det(g) ∈ Nr(E× )}. It is a subgroup of GL2 (F) with index 2. We have a Weil
representation π(ξ, ψ) realized in

S(E, ξ) := Φ ∈ S(E) Φ(yv) = ξ(y)−1 Φ(v), ∀y ∈ E1 ,
with the formulas
 ! !

 Nr(b) 1

 π(ξ, ψ) Φ (v) = |Nr(b)| 2 ξ(b)Φ(bv),

 1

 ! !

 1 x

 π(ξ, ψ)

Φ (v) = ψ(xNr(v))Φ(v),
(6.6) ! !

 a

 π(ξ, ψ) Φ (v) = |a|ηE (a)Φ(av),

 a−1

 !

 1
 ′ ι ′
π(ξ, ψ)(w )Φ
 = λ(E/F, ψ) · Φ , w :=
where ηE is the non-trivial quadratic character trivial on Nr(E× ), λ(E/F, ψ) is the Weil index and
(6.7) Φι (v) := Φ(u)ψ(Tr(uv̄))du.
Then (πξ , S) is induced from (π(ξ, ψ), S(E, ξ)) with
GL (F) 
S = IndGL22 (F)+ S(E, ξ) = f : GL2 (F) → S(E, ξ) f (hg) = π(ξ, ψ)(h).f (g), ∀h ∈ GL2 (F)+ .
If we choose a system of representatives F× /Nr(E× ), which we still denote by F× /Nr(E× ), then we have
S≃ S(ξ, ψ)δ , f 7→ (f (a(δ)))δ ,
δ∈F× /Nr(E× )

where the vector space S(E, ξ)δ ≃ S(E, ξ) realizes the representation π(ξ, ψ)δ (h) = π(ξ, ψ)(a(δ)ga(δ)−1 ).
A non-trivial ψ-Whittaker functional is given by ℓ(f ) := f (1)(1), and the Whittaker model W(πξ , ψ) has
the decomposition (ψδ (x) := ψ(δx))
W(πξ , ψ) ≃ W(π(ξ, ψ)δ , ψδ ), W 7→ (W |GL2 (F)+ a(δ) ).
δ∈F× /Nr(E× )

If W ∈ W(π(ξ, ψ)δ , ψδ ) with Kirillov function K(t) = W (a(t)) is in a summand, then the support
Supp(K) ⊂ Nr(E× )δ, and there is Φ ∈ S(E, ξ) such that
(6.8) K(Nr(b)δ) = |Nr(b)| 2 ξ(b)Φ(b), ∀b ∈ E× .
Lemma 6.3. For the Kirillov function in πξ given by (6.8), the dual Kirillov function πξ (w′ ).K also has
support contained in Nr(E× )δ. Moreover, we have the formula
(πξ (w′ ).K)(Nr(b)δ) = λ(E/F, ψ) · |δ|ηE (δ) · |Nr(b)| 2 ξ(b)Φι (δb), ∀b ∈ E× .
Proof. Since w′ ∈ SL2 (F) ⊂ GL2 (F)+ , the subspace W(π(ξ, ψ)δ , ψδ ) is stable by πξ (w′ ). Hence πξ (w′ ).K
also has support contained in Nr(E× )δ, and
(πξ (w′ ).K)(Nr(b)δ) = |Nr(b)| 2 ξ(b)(π(ξ, ψ)δ (w′ ).Φ)(b).
Now that we have the equality of matrices
′ −1 δ
a(δ)w a(δ) = w′ ,
δ −1
we readily deduce
(π(ξ, ψ)δ (w′ ).Φ)(b) = |δ|ηE (δ)(π(ξ, ψ)(w′ ).Φ)(δb) = λ(E/F, ψ) · |δ|ηE (δ)Φι (δb)

and conclude the desired formula. 

Recall h(y) and h∗ (y) in Definition 6.1. Choose δ ∈ F× − Nr(E× ). Let L(F× ) (resp. L(E× /E1 )) be
the space of locally integrable functions on F× (resp. on E× which are invariant by E1 ). Then we have
an isomorphism
b 7→ f (Nr(b))
(6.9) IE,δ : L(F× ) → L(E× /E1 ) ⊕ L(E× /E1 ), f 7→ ,
b 7→ f (Nr(b)δ)
whose inverse is written as RE,δ . Let ιE/F be the extension of ι (see (6.7)) to tempered distributions, i.e.,
(6.10) ιE/F :=¯◦ FE
in terms of the Fourier transform. We introduce the intermediate function on E2
ι ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )
(6.11) hFE := E/F ◦ IE,δ (h).
ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )
Corollary 6.4. We have the relation
∗ mE,1/2 (ξ)
h = λ(E/F, ψ) · t(−1) ◦ m0 (ωπ−1 ) ◦ RE,δ ◦ (hFE ).
ξ −|δ| · mE,1/2 (ξ) ◦ t(δ)
Consequently, we get the following decomposition
mE,1/2 (ξ) ◦ ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )
Vπξ = λ(E/F, ψ) · t(−1) ◦ m0 (ωπ−1 ) ◦ RE,δ ◦ ◦ IE,δ .
ξ −|δ| · mE,1/2 (ξ) ◦ t(δ) ◦ ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )
Proof. Let K be a ψ-Kirillov function in πξ . Lemma 6.3 is rephrased as
′ mE,1/2 (ξ)
πξ (w ).K = λ(E/F, ψ) · RE,δ ◦ (hFE ).
−|δ| · mE,1/2 (ξ) ◦ t(δ)
The desired formula follows from the equality of matrices
w2 a(y −1 ) = (−y)−1 a(−y)w′ .

Remark 16. The central character ωπξ of πξ is ξ |F× ·ηE , which follows readily from the formulas (6.6).
We record an estimation which will be useful in the next section.
Lemma 6.5. Let C ⊂ GL2 (F)+ be a compact subset. Then for any Φ ∈ S(E, ξ) there exists positive
Φ1 ∈ S(E) (invariant by E1 ) such that
max |(π(ξ, ψ)(κ).Φ)(v)| 6 Φ1 (v), ∀v ∈ E.

Proof. If F is non-archimedean, the assertion follows readily from the admissibility of the Weil’s repre-
sentation. Assume F is archimedean, then necessarily F = R and E = C. By compactness κ ∈ C is
equivalent to
1 u1 z1 Nr(b1 ) 1 u2 z2 Nr(b2 ) ′ 1 x
either κ = or κ = w
1 z1 1 z2 1
for uj , x, resp. b1 , b2 , resp. z1 , z2 lying in some compact subsets in R, resp. C× , resp. R× . In the first
case, the assertion follows readily from the formulas (6.6) and Proposition 2.2. In the second case, it
suffices to prove for any c > 0 the existence of a positive Φ2 ∈ S(C) such that
1 x
(6.12) f (v) := max π(ξ, ψ) w′ .Φ(v) 6 Φ2 (v).
|x|6c 1
In fact, if (6.12) holds true, then we have
|π(ξ, ψ)(κ).Φ(v)| 6 max|Nr(b2 )| 2 f (b2 v) ≪ max Φ2 (b2 v),
b2 b2

and the existence of Φ1 follows from Proposition 2.2. By Lemma 2.4, we only need to show that f (v) is
rapidly decreasing. Since Fourier transform essentially exchanges multiplication with differentiation, it
in turn suffices to show that for any polynomial P (∂) in ∂v and ∂v̄
|P (∂) (ψ(xNr(v))Φ(v))| dv 6 CP
for some constant CP independent of x. This holds true trivially and we are done. 

7. Voronoi Transform for GL3

We take the local setting in this section (see §1.3.3). We have already defined the Voronoi transform
for GL3 in Definition 5.1.

7.1. Case of Split Parameter. We treat a slightly more general case. Suppose Π = µ1 ⊞ µ2 ⊞ µ3 is
a representation of GL3 (F) with unitary central character, and the quasi-characters µj are ϑ-tempered
for some constant 0 6 ϑ < 1/2. Let π = µ1 ⊞ µ2 as in the previous subsection. Then for any smooth
Whittaker function W ∈ W(Π∞ , ψ), we can find W1 ∈ W(π ∞ , ψ) and Ψ ∈ S(2 × 3, F) so that W has the
following integral representation (via generalized Godement sections, see [14, (7.6)])
1 0 0 3
(7.1) W (g) = µ3 (det g)|det g| F~3 (g.Ψ.h) W1 (h−1 )µ3 (det h)|det h| 2 dh.
GL2 (F) 0 1 1
It implies the integral representation (see [14, Proposition 7.3])
1 0 0 f −1 −1 3
(7.2) f −1
W (g) = µ3 (det g)|det g| b
F~3 (g.Ψ.h) W1 (h )µ3 (det h)|det h| 2 dh.
GL2 (F) 0 1 1

We may insert the integral representation (6.1) (resp. (6.2)) of W1 (resp. W f1 ) to get
 
Z y
(7.3) h(y) = W x 1  dx
F 1
Z Z  
y 0 0 3
= µ3 (y)|y| F~3 (Ψ.h) W1 (h−1 )µ3 (det h)|det h| 2 dhdx
F GL2 (F) x 1 1
Z Z  
1 1 0 0 3
= |y| 2 F~3 (Ψ.h) W1 (a(y)h−1 )µ3 (det h)|det h| 2 dhdx
F GL2 (F) x 1 1
Z Z  
1 0 0
= µ1 (y)|y| F~3 (Ψ.h)
F GL2 (F) x 1 1
F2 (h−1 .Φ.t)(1, y)µ−1
1 µ 2 (t)|t|d×
t µ−1
2 µ3 (det h)|det h|dhdx;

    
  y y
e 3,1 )W
(7.4) h∗ (y) = Π(w f  1 f w3,1 
=W 1 
1 1
0 0 f −1 −1 3
= µ−1 dι ) W1 (h )µ3 (det h)|det h|− 2 dh
3 (−y)|y| F~2 (Ψ.h
1 10
GL2 (F)
y 0 0 ^ 3
= µ−1
3 (−y)|y| F F
~1 ~3 (Ψ.h) h−1 .W 1 (1)µ3 (det h)|det h| 2 dh.
GL2 (F) 0 1 1
We introduce the intermediate functions
Z Z  
F 1 0 0
(7.5) h (y) := F~3 (Ψ.h)
F GL2 (F) x 1 1

(h−1 .Φ.t)(1, y)µ−1
1 µ 2 (t)|t|d×
t µ2−1 µ3 (det h)|det h|dhdx

Z Z  
1 0 0
= µ1 µ−1
2 (y)|y| −1
F ~3 (Ψ.h)
F GL2 (F) x 1 1
(h−1 .Φ.t)(y −1 , 1)µ1−1 µ2 (t)|t|d× t µ2−1 µ3 (det h)|det h|dhdx,

Z Z 

F2 1 0 0
(7.6) h (y) := F~3 (Ψ.h)
F GL2 (F) x 1 1
F1 (h−1 .Φ.t)(y, 1)µ−1
1 µ 2 (t)|t|d×
t µ−1
2 µ3 (det h)|det h|dhdx

Z Z  
1 1 0 0 ^ 3
= µ2 (−y)|y|− 2 F~3 (Ψ.h) h−1 .W 1 (a(y))µ3 (det h)|det h| 2 dhdx
F GL2 (F) x 1 1
Z Z  −1 
y 0 0 ^ 3
= µ2 (−1)µ2 µ−1
3 (y)|y| −1
F~3 (Ψ.h) h−1 .W 1 (1)µ3 (det h)|det h| 2 dhdx,
F GL2 (F) x 1 1
y 0 0 ^ 3
h−1 .W 1 (1)µ3 (det h)|det h| 2 dh.
(7.7) hF (y) := F~1 F~3 (Ψ.h)
GL2 (F) 0 1 1

Lemma 7.1. Let F (resp. F) denote the Fourier transform (resp. its inverse) in the sense of tempered
distributions. We have the relations
hF = F ◦ m−1 (µ−1
1 )(h), hF = F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ−1 F
1 µ2 )(h ),
3 2 3
hF = µ2 (−1) · F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ−1 F
2 µ3 )(h ), h∗ = µ3 (−1) · m1 (µ−1 F
3 )(h ).
Consequently, we get the following decomposition
Vµ1 ⊞µ2 ⊞µ3 = µ2 µ3 (−1) · m1 (µ−1 −1 −1 −1
3 ) ◦ F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ2 µ3 ) ◦ F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ1 µ2 ) ◦ F ◦ m−1 (µ1 ).

Proof. Write |µj (t)| = |t|σj for some σj ∈ R. By assumption we have −ϑ 6 σj 6 ϑ, σ1 + σ2 + σ3 = 0.

(1) In all the integrals we use the following Iwasawa decomposition
zv 1 u
(7.8) GL2 (F) = KA(F)N(F), h = κ , dh = dκd× z|v|d× vdu.
z 1
We apply Corollary 2.3 to give a bound of
1 0 0 zv 1 u 1 0 0
(7.9) F~3 (Ψ.h) = F~3 (Ψ.κ) , · |vz 2 |−1
x 1 1 z 1 x 1 z −1
zv 1 u 1 0 0
6 Ψ1 , · |vz 2 |−1
z 1 x 1 z −1
for some positive Ψ1 ∈ S(2 × 3, F). Similarly we have a bound of
−1 −1 ×
(7.10) F2 (h .Φ.t)(1, y)µ1 µ2 (t)|t|d t 6 F2 (κ−1 .Φ.tz −1 )(v −1 , y) |t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t
F× F×
= |z|1+σ2 −σ1 F2 (κ−1 .Φ)(v −1 t, yt−1 ) |t|σ2 −σ1 d× t 6 |z|1+σ2 −σ1 Φ1 (v −1 t, yt−1 )|t|σ2 −σ1 d× t
F× F×
for some positive Φ1 ∈ S(1 × 2, F), and a bound of
(7.11) (h−1 .Φ.t)(1, y)µ−1
1 µ 2 (t)|t|d×
t 6 (κ−1 .Φ.tz −1 )(v −1 , y − u) |t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t
F × F ×
1+σ2 −σ1
= |z| (κ .Φ)(v t, (y − u)t) |t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t 6 |vz|1+σ2 −σ1
−1 −1
Φ2 (t)|t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t
F× F×

for some positive Φ2 ∈ S(F). For a test function φ ∈ S(F), we combine (7.9) and (7.10) to get
(7.12) |φ(y)| · m−1 (µ−11 )(h)(y) dy
Z Z Z Z     
zv 1 u 1 0 0
6 Vol(K) · |φ(y)| Ψ1 , · |vz 2 |−1
F F (F× )2 F z 1 x 1 z −1
|z|1+σ2 −σ1 Φ1 (v −1 t, yt−1 )|t|σ2 −σ1 d× t |vz 2 |1+σ3 −σ2 d× z|v|d× vdudxdy

Z Z Z     
zv 1 u 1 0 0
≪ Ψ1 ,
F F (F× )2 z 1 x 1 z −1
Z Z 
Φ1 (t, y)|φ(ytv)|dy |t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t · |v|2+σ3 −σ1 |z|1+3σ3 d× zd× vdudx
F× F
Z Z Z     
zv 1 u 1 0 0
≪ Ψ1 , −1 |v|2+σ3 −σ1 |z|1+3σ3 d× zd× vdudx.
F F (F× )2 z 1 x 1 z
Observe that the domain of integration is an open dense subset of GL2 (F) with a Haar measure, and say
with the change of variables
x1 x2 zv 1 u 1 0
GL2 (F) ∋ g = =
x3 x4 z 1 x 1
we may apply Proposition 2.1 and continue the bound of
(7.13) |φ(y)| · m−1 (µ−1
1 )(h)(y) dy
Z   2+σ3 −σ1
x1 x2 0 det(g)
≪ Ψ1 |x4 |1+3σ3 dg
GL2 (F) x3 x4 x−1
4 x24
≪A Ψ2 (g)|det(g)|2+σ3 −σ1 |x4 |−3+σ3 +2σ1 +A dg
GL2 (F)

for any constant A > 0 and some positive Ψ2 ∈ S(2 × 2, F) such that
x1 x2 0 x1 x2
Ψ1 6 Ψ2 |y|−A .
x3 x4 y x3 x4
We conclude the absolute convergence of the last integral by Lemma 2.6 upon choosing A = 3−σ3 −2σ1 >
3 − 3ϑ > 3/2. On the other hand, we combine (7.9) and (7.11) to get
(7.14) |F(φ)(y)| · hF (y) dy
Z Z Z Z     
zv 1 u 1 0 0
6 Vol(K) · |F(φ)(y)| Ψ1 , −1 · |vz 2 |−1
F F (F× )2 F z 1 x 1 z
|vz|1+σ2 −σ1 Φ2 (t)|t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t |vz 2 |1+σ3 −σ2 d× z|v|d× vdudx

≪ |F(φ)(y)|dy · Φ2 (t)|t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t·
F F ×
Z Z Z     
zv 1 u 1 0 0
Ψ1 , −1 |v|2+σ3 −σ1 |z|1+3σ3 d× zd× vdudx.
F (F× )2 F z 1 x 1 z
We conclude the convergence of the last integral just as above. Hence we can freely change the order of
integrals and get
φ(y) · m−1 (µ−1
1 )(h)(y)dy

Z Z  
1 0 0 −1
= F~3 (Ψ.h) µ µ (det h)|det h|
F GL2 (F) x 1 1 2 3
Z Z  
φ(y)F2 (h−1 .Φ.t)(1, y)dy µ1−1 µ2 (t)|t|d× t dhdx
F× F
Z Z  
1 0 0 −1
= F~3 (Ψ.h) µ µ (det h)|det h|
F GL2 (F) x 1 1 2 3
Z Z  
−1 −1 ×
F(φ)(y)(h .Φ.t)(1, y)dy µ1 µ2 (t)|t|d t dhdx
F× F
= F(φ)(y) · hF (y)dy,
proving the first relation.
(2) We introduce another Iwasawa decomposition
zv 1
(7.15) GL2 (F) = KA(F)N(F), h = κ , dh = dκd× z|v|−1 d× vdu.
z u 1
We apply Corollary 2.3 to give a bound of
1 0 0 zv 1 0 0
(7.16) F~3 (Ψ.h) = F~3 (Ψ.κ) , · |vz 2 |−1
x 1 1 z x + u 1 z −1
zv 1 0 −uz −1v −1
6 Ψ3 , · |vz 2 |−1
z x+u 1 z −1
for some positive Ψ3 ∈ S(2 × 3, F). Next we apply Proposition 2.1 & 2.2 to get a bound of
−1 −1 ×
(7.17) (h .Φ.t)(y, 1)µ1 µ2 (t)|t|d t 6 (κ−1 .Φ.tz −1 )(v −1 (y − u), 1) |t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t
F× F×
1+σ2 −σ1
= |z| (κ−1 .Φ)(v −1 (y − u)t, t) |t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t
F ×
6 |z|1+σ2 −σ1 |v −1 (y − u)|−c Φ3 (t)|t|1+σ2 −σ1 −c d× t

for any constant 0 6 c < 1 + σ2 − σ1 and some positive Φ3 ∈ S(F) depending on c. For a test function
φ ∈ S(F), we combine (7.16), (7.17) and Lemma 2.5 (assuming c < min(1, 1 + σ2 − σ1 )) to get
(7.18) |φ(y)| · i ◦ m1 (µ−1 F
1 µ2 )(h )(y) dy
Z Z Z    
1+σ2 −σ1 −c × zv 1 0 −uz −1v −1
≪ Φ3 (t)|t| d t· Ψ3 , ·
F× F2 (F× )2 z x+u 1 z −1
|φ(y)| · |(y − u)|−c dy · |v|c · |vz 2 |σ3 −σ2 · |z|1+σ2 −σ1 d× z|v|−1 d× vdudx
Z Z    
zv 1 0 −uz −1 v −1
≪ Ψ3 , · |v|c−1+σ3 −σ2 · |z|1+3σ3 d× zd× vdudx
F2 (F× )2 z x 1 z −1
Z Z  
v 0 u c+σ3 −σ2
= Ψ3 −1 · |v| · |z|1−c+2σ3 +σ2 d× zd× vdudx < ∞
F 2 (F )
× 2 x z z
since c+σ3 −σ2 < min(1+σ3 −σ2 , 1+σ3 −σ1 ) can be taken arbitrarily close to min(1+σ3 −σ2 , 1+σ3 −σ1 )
which is strictly positive. Similarly, we have
(7.19) F1 (h−1 .Φ.t)(y, 1)µ−1
1 µ 2 (t)|t|d×
t 6 F1 (κ−1 .Φ.tz −1 )(vy, 1) |t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t · |v|
F × F ×
1+σ2 −σ1 −1 −1 σ2 −σ1 ×
= |v||z| · F1 (κ .Φ)(t vy, t) |t| d t 6 |v||z|1+σ2 −σ1 · Φ4 (t−1 vy, t)|t|σ2 −σ1 d× t
F× F×

for some positive Φ4 ∈ S(1 × 2, F). We combine (7.16) and (7.19) to get
φ(y) · hF (y) dy
ZF Z    
zv 0 −uz −1 v −1
≪ Ψ3 , · |vz 2 |σ3 −σ2 · |v||z|1+σ2 −σ1 ·
F2 (F× )2 z x+u
1 z −1
Z Z  
b −1
φ(y) · Φ4 (t vy, t)dy |t| σ2 −σ1 ×
d t d× z|v|−1 d× vdudx.
F× F
We apply Hölder inequality to the innermost integral and get for any constant 0 < c < 1
Z Z 1 1−c Z c
φ(y) · Φ4 (t−1 vy, t)dy 6 b
Φ4 (t−1 vy, t) c dy ≪ |tv −1 |c Φ5 (t)
for some positive Φ5 depending on c. Hence for any max(0, σ1 − σ2 ) < c < 1, we continue the bound of
(7.20) b
φ(y) · hF (y) dy
ZF Z Z    
c+σ1 −σ2 × zv 1 0 −uz −1v −1
≪ Φ4 (t)|t| d t· Ψ3 , ·
F× F2 (F× )2 z x+u 1 z −1
|v|−c · |vz 2 |σ3 −σ2 · |z|1+σ2 −σ1 d× zd× vdudx
Z Z  
v 0 u 1−c+σ3 −σ2
≪ Ψ3 −1 |v| |z|c+2σ3 +σ2 d× zd× vdudx < ∞
F 2 (F )× 2 x z z
since 1−c+σ3 −σ2 < min(1+σ3 −σ2 , 1+σ3 −σ1 ) can be taken arbitrarily close to min(1+σ3 −σ2 , 1+σ3 −σ1 )
which is strictly positive. Now that the dominant integrals are absolutely convergent, we can freely change
the order of integrations and get the second relation as in the end part of (1).
(3) We use (7.15) and get a variant of (7.16) as
y 0 0 zv y 0 0
(7.21) F~3 (Ψ.h) = F~3 (Ψ.κ) , · |vz 2 |−1
x 1 1 z x + uy 1 z −1
zv y 0 −uz −1v −1
6 Ψ3 , · |vz 2 |−1 .
z x + uy 1 z −1
On the other hand, one can mimic (7.19) or apply the general bounds of Whittaker functions to get
1−|σ1 −σ2 |−ǫ
(7.22) h^
−1 .W (1) ≪
1 ǫ,A |z|
−σ1 −σ2
min(|v| 2 , |v|−A )
for any small constant ǫ > 0 and any large constant A > 0. For a test function φ ∈ S(F) we combine
(7.21), (7.22) and apply Proposition 2.1 to give a bound uniform in y of
(7.23) i ◦ m1 (µ−1 F
2 µ3 )(h )(y)
Z Z Z     
zv y 0 −uz −1 v −1
≪ Ψ3 , dx ·
F (F× )2 F z x + uy 1 z −1
1−|σ1 −σ2 |−ǫ 1
|z|−σ1 −σ2 min(|v| 2 , |v|−A ) · |vz 2 | 2 +σ3 d× z|v|−1 d× vdu
Z Z   1−|σ1 −σ2 |−ǫ
zvy 0 u 1
= Ψ3 −1 · min(|v| 2 , |v|−A ) · |v| 2 +σ3 · |z|1+3σ3 d× zd× vdudx
F2 (F× )2 x z z
Z Z 1−|σ1 −σ2 |−ǫ 1
≪ Ψ4 (u, x, z, z −1) · min(|v| 2 , |v|−A ) · |v| 2 +σ3 · |z|1+3σ3 d× zd× vdudx < ∞
F2 (F× )2

for some positive Ψ4 ∈ S(F4 ), since both 1 − |σ1 − σ2 | − ǫ and 12 + σ3 can be taken positive. This readily
implies Z
|φ(y)| · i ◦ m1 (µ−1
2 µ3 )(h )(y) dy < ∞.

Similarly we have a bound of

   −1 −1 
y 0 0 z v y 0 −z −1v −1 u
(7.24) F~1 F~3 (Ψ.h) = F~1 F~3 (Ψ.κ) · |vz 2 |−2
0 1 1 0 z z −1
 −1 −1 
z v y 0 −z −1 v −1 u
6 Ψ5 · |vz 2 |−2
0 z z −1
for some positive Ψ5 ∈ S(2 × 3, F). We combine (7.22) and (7.24) to get a uniform bound in y of
(7.25) hF (y)
Z Z  −1 −1 
z v y 0 −z −1 v −1 u
≪ Ψ5 ·
F (F× )2 0 z z −1
1−|σ1 −σ2 |−ǫ 1
|z|−σ1 −σ2 min(|v| 2 , |v|−A ) · |vz 2 |− 2 +σ3 d× z|v|−1 d× vdu
Z 1−|σ1 −σ2 |−ǫ 1
≪ Ψ6 (z, z −1 ) · |z|1+3σ3 · min(|v| 2 , |v|−A ) · |v| 2 +σ3 d× zd× v < ∞
(F× )2

for some positive Ψ6 ∈ S(F2 ), since both 1 − |σ1 − σ2 | − ǫ and 21 + σ3 can be taken positive. This readily
implies Z
φ(y) · hF (y) dy < ∞.
Now that the dominant integrals are absolutely convergent, we can freely change the order of integrations
and get the third relation as in (1). Finally the last relation is obvious. We are done. 
7.2. Case of Dihedral Parameter. Suppose Π = σ ⊞ µ with σ = πξ considered in §6.2 and with µ
unitary character of F× . We have the analogues of (7.1) & (7.2)
1 0 0 3
(7.26) W (g) = µ(det g)|det g| F~3 (g.Ψ.h) W1 (h−1 )µ(det h)|det h| 2 dh,
GL2 (F) 0 1 1
1 0 0 f −1 −1 3
(7.27) f (g) = µ−1 (det g)|det g|
W b
F~3 (g.Ψ.h) W1 (h )µ (det h)|det h| 2 dh,
GL2 (F) 0 1 1
where W1 ∈ W(πξ∞ , ψ) and Ψ ∈ S(2 × 3, F). They imply the following integral representations
 
Z y
(7.28) h(y) = W x 1  dx
F 1
Z Z  
y 0 0 3
= µ(y)|y| F~3 (Ψ.h) W1 (h−1 )µ(det h)|det h| 2 dhdx
F GL2 (F) x 1 1
Z Z  
1 1 0 0 3
= |y| 2 F~3 (Ψ.h) W1 (a(y)h−1 )µ(det h)|det h| 2 dhdx,
F GL2 (F) x 1 1
    
 y  y
e 3,1 )W
(7.29) h∗ (y) = Π(w f  =W
1 f w3,1  1 
1 1
y 0 0 f −1 −1 3
= µ (−y)|y| d ι
F~2 (Ψ.h ) W1 (h )µ (det h)|det h|− 2 dh
GL2 (F) 0 1 1
y 0 0 ^ 3
= µ−1 (−y)|y| F~1 F~3 (Ψ.h) h−1 .W 1 (1)µ(det h)|det h| 2 dh.
GL2 (F) 0 1 1
We introduce the intermediate functions (on E2 and F respectively)

  Z Z  
b1 1 0 0
(7.30) hFE := λ(E/F, ψ)−1 F~3 (Ψ.h) ·
b2 F GL2 (F) x 1 1
1 !
h^−1 .W (−a(Nr(b ))ω (Nr(b ))ξ(b )−1 |Nr(b )|− 2
1 1 πξ 1 1 1
1 µ(det h)|det h| 2 dhdx.
−1 .W (−a(Nr(b )δ
1 2
))ωπ (Nr(b2 )δ )ξ(b2 δ ) |Nr(b2 )|− 2
−1 −1 −1

y 0 0 ^ 3
(7.31) hFFE (y) := F~1 F~3 (Ψ.h) h−1 .W1 (1)µ(det h)|det h| 2 dh.
GL2 (F) 0 1 1
Lemma 7.2. We have the relations
ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )
hFE = ◦ IE,δ (h),
ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )
−1 mE,1/2 (ξ)
hFFE = λ(E/F, ψ) · F ◦ i ◦ m1/2 (µ) ◦ t(−1) ◦ m0 (ωπξ ) ◦ RE,δ ◦ (hFE ),
−|δ| · mE,1/2 (ξ) ◦ t(δ)
h∗ = µ(−1) · m1 (µ−1 )(hFFE ).
Consequently, we get the following decomposition
Vπξ ⊞µ = λ(E/F, ψ) · (µξηE )(−1) · m1 (µ−1 ) ◦ F ◦ i ◦ m1/2 (µωπ−1
) ◦ t(−1)◦
mE,1/2 (ξ) ◦ ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )
RE,δ ◦ ◦ IE,δ ◦ m−1/2 (1).
−|δ| · mE,1/2 (ξ) ◦ t(δ) ◦ ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )
Proof. (1) We first consider the following Iwasawa decomposition
+ zv 1 u
(7.32) GL2 (F) = K A(F)N(F), h = κ , dh = dκd× z|v|d× vdu,
z 1
where K+ = K ∩ GL2 (F)+ . By (6.8), we can find Φj ∈ S(E, ξ) so that
  1 !
W1 (a(Nr(b))) |Nr(b)| 2 ξ(b)Φ1 (b)
= 1 ,
W1 (a(Nr(b))δ) |Nr(b)| 2 ξ(b)Φ (b) 2
× ×
where δ ∈ F − Nr(E ) is chosen to define Tξ . Applying Lemma 6.5 we get
1 1
(7.33) h−1 .W1 (a(Nr(b))) , h−1 .W1 (a(Nr(b)δ)) ≪ |v|− 2 |Nr(b)| 2 Φ(bb−1
1 ), v = Nr(b1 ) or Nr(b1 )δ
for some positive Φ ∈ S(E, 1) and uniformly for h. The bound (7.9) remains valid, i.e.,
1 0 0 zv 1 u 1 0 0
F~3 (Ψ.h) 6 Ψ1 , −1 · |vz 2 |−1 .
x 1 1 z 1 x 1 z
Hence for a test function φ ∈ S(E) we have (writing ≪ C for A ≪ C and B ≪ C)
Z     Z  
mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 ) b −1 |h(Nr(b))|
(7.34) |φ(b)| · ◦ IE,δ (h) db = |φ(b)| · |Nr(b)| db
E mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 ) b E |h(Nr(b)δ)|
Z Z Z Z       
zv 1 u 1 0 0
6 Vol(K) · |φ(b)| Ψ1 , −1 · |vz 2 |−1 ·
E F (F× )2 F z 1 x 1 z
1 3
|v|− 2 Φ(bb−1 2 2 × ×
1 ) · |vz | d z|v|d vdudxdb
Z Z Z     
zv 1 u 1 0 0
≪ Ψ1 , −1 ·
F F (F× )2 z 1 x 1 z
|φ(bb1 )| · Φ(b)db · |v| 2 |z|d× zd× vdudx
Z Z Z     
zv 1 u 1 0 0 3
≪ Ψ1 , −1 · |v| 2 |z|d× zd× vdudx
F F (F× )2 z 1 x 1 z

Z   3 Z
x1 x2 0 det(g) 2 3
= Ψ1 |x4 |dg ≪A Ψ2 (g)|det(g)| 2 |x4 |−1+A dg
GL2 (F) x3 x4 x−1
4 x24 GL2 (F)

for any constant A > 0 and some positive Ψ2 ∈ S(2 × 2, F) such that
x1 x2 0 x1 x2
Ψ1 6 Ψ2 |y|−A .
x3 x4 y x3 x4
We conclude the absolute convergence of the last integral by Lemma 2.6 upon choosing A = 1. We then
consider another Iwasawa decomposition
zv 1
(7.35) GL2 (F) = K+ A(F)N(F)T , h = κ , dh = dκd× z|v|−1 d× vdu.
z u 1
By (6.8), we can find Φj ∈ S(E, ξ −1 ) (since the contra-gredient of πξ is πξ−1 ) so that
! 1 !
f1 (a(−Nr(b)))
W |Nr(b)| 2 ξ −1 (b)Φ3 (b)
= 1 .
f1 (a(−Nr(b))δ −1 )
W |Nr(b)| 2 ξ −1 (b)Φ4 (b)
Applying Lemma 6.5 we get
1 1
(7.36) h^
−1 .W (a(−Nr(b))) , h^
1 1
e 1 ),
−1 .W (a(−Nr(b)δ −1 )) ≪ |v| 2 |Nr(b)| 2 Φ(bb v = Nr(b1 ) or Nr(b1 )δ

for some positive Φe ∈ S(E, 1) and uniformly for h. The bound (7.16) remains valid, i.e.,
1 0 0 zv 1 0 −uz −1 v −1
F~3 (Ψ.h) 6 Ψ3 , · |vz 2 |−1 .
x 1 1 z x+u 1 z −1
Hence for the same test function φ ∈ S(E) we have
ι FE b
(7.37) |φ (b)| · h db
E b
Z Z    
zv 1 0 −uz −1 v −1
≪ Ψ3 , · |vz 2 |−1 ·
F2 (F× )2 z x+u 1 z −1
1 3
|φ (b)| · Φ(bb1 )db · |v| 2 · |vz 2 | 2 d× z|v|−1 d× vdudx
Z Z    
zv 1 0 −uz −1 v −1
≪ Ψ3 , · |z|d× zd× vdudx
F2 (F× )2 z x+u 1 z −1
Z Z  
v 0 u × ×
= Ψ3 −1 · |v|d zd vdudx < ∞.
F 2 (F )
× 2 x z z
Now that the dominant integrals are absolutely convergent, we can freely change the order of integrations
and get the first relation.
(2) We introduce and compute
′ −1 mE,1/2 (ξ)
h (y) = λ(E/F, ψ) · t(−1) ◦ m0 (ωπξ ) ◦ RE,δ ◦ (hFE )(y)
−|δ| · mE,1/2 (ξ) ◦ t(δ)
Z Z  
1 0 0 ^ 3
= F~3 (Ψ.h) h−1 .W1 (a(y))µ(det h)|det h| 2 dhdx
F GL2 (F) x 1 1
Z Z  −1 
1 y 0 0 ^ 3
= µ(y)−1 |y|− 2 F~3 (Ψ.h) h−1 .W1 (1)µ(det h)|det h| 2 dhdx.
F GL2 (F) x 1 1
The same proof of Lemma 7.1 (3) applies, since the general bound of Whittaker functions (7.22) is valid
with σ1 = σ2 = 0 in the current setting. We get
hFFE = F ◦ i ◦ m1/2 (µ) ◦ (h′ )
and conclude the second relation. Finally, the third relation is trivial and we are done. 

8. Local Weight Transforms

We take the local setting in this section (see §1.3.3).

8.1. Case of Split Parameter. We come back to Π = µ1 ⊞ µ2 ⊞ µ3 and ϑ-tempered. Recall the two-
variable functions h and h∗ defined in (5.11) and (5.12). Assume the Whittaker function W ♯ has an
integral representation in terms of Ψ ∈ S(2 × 3, F) and Φ ∈ S(1 × 2, F), just like W given by (6.1) and
(7.1). We get the integral representations of h, as well as the analogues of hF with 1 6 j 6 3 given in
(7.3)-(7.7), by (essentially) simply replacing Ψ with
     
−1 t1 1 1 1 −1
1  .Ψ =  1   1  1  .Ψ.
t1 1 t1 1
For simplicity of comparison with the previous estimations, we introduce
 
Ψ′ := 1  .Ψ.
The resulted integral representations are as follows.

Z Z  
−1 ′ y 0 0
(8.1) h(t1 , y) = µ3 (t1 y)|t1 | |y| F~3 (Ψ .h)
F GL2 (F) x 1 t−1
W1 (h−1 )µ3 (det h)|det h| 2 dhψ(−x)dx
Z Z  
−1 ′ 1 0 0
= µ3 (t1 )|t1 | µ1 (y)|y| F~3 (Ψ .h)
F GL2 (F) x 1 t−1
F2 (h−1 .Φ.t)(1, y)µ−1 × −1
1 µ2 (t)|t|d t µ2 µ3 (det h)|det h|dhψ(−x)dx,

Z Z  
F −1 1 0 0

(8.2) h (t1 , y) := µ3 (t1 )|t1 | F~3 (Ψ .h)
F GL2 (F) x 1 t−1 1
(h−1 .Φ.t)(1, y)µ−1 × −1
1 µ2 (t)|t|d t µ2 µ3 (det h)|det h|dhψ(−x)dx

Z Z  
1 0 0
= µ3 (t1 )|t1 |−1 µ1 µ−1 (y)|y| −1
F ~3 (Ψ ′
F GL2 (F) x 1 t−1
(h−1 .Φ.t)(y −1 , 1)µ−1 × −1
1 µ2 (t)|t|d t µ2 µ3 (det h)|det h|dhψ(−x)dx,

Z Z  
F2 −1 1 0 0 ′
(8.3) h (t1 , y) := µ3 (t1 )|t1 | F~3 (Ψ .h)
F GL2 (F) x 1 t−1 1
F1 (h−1 .Φ.t)(y, 1)µ−1 × −1
1 µ2 (t)|t|d t µ2 µ3 (det h)|det h|dhψ(−x)dx

Z Z  −1 
−1 −1 −1 ′ y 0 0
= µ3 (t1 )|t1 | µ2 (−1)µ2 µ3 (y)|y| F~3 (Ψ .h)
F GL2 (F) x 1 1
−1 .W (1)µ (det h)|det h| 2 dhψ(−x)dx,
1 3

y 0 0 3
(8.4) F3
h (t1 , y) := µ3 (t1 )|t1 | −1
F~1 F~3 (Ψ .h) ′
−1 .W (1)µ (det h)|det h| 2 dh,
1 3
GL2 (F) 1 1 t−1

y 0 0 ^
−1 .W (1)µ (det h)|det h| 2 dh.
(8.5) h∗ (t1 , y) := µ3 (−t1 y −1 )|t1 |−1 |y| F~1 F~3 (Ψ′ .h) −1 h 1 3
GL2 (F) 1 1 t1
Then Lemma 7.1 implies the relations
hF (t1 , ·) = F ◦ m−1 (µ−1
1 )(h(t1 , ·)) hF (t1 , ·) = F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ−1 F
1 µ2 )(h (t1 , ·)).
(8.6) F 3 −1 F2 ∗ −1 F3
h (t1 , ·) = µ2 (−1) · F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ2 µ3 )(h (t1 , ·)) h (t1 , ·) = µ3 (−1) · m1 (µ3 )(h (t1 , ·))
Theorem 8.1. The relations (8.6) can be integrated against ωωΠ (t1 )−1 d× t1 over F× . Namely, if we
introduce Z
H (y) := h? (t1 , y)ωωΠ (t1 )−1 d× t1 , ? ∈ {, F, F2 , F3 , ∗},

then we have
H F = F ◦ m−1 (µ−1 1 )(H) H F = F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ−1 F
1 µ2 )(H ).
3 2
−1 ∗ −1 F3
= µ2 (−1) · F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ2 µ3 )(H ) H = µ3 (−1) · m1 (µ3 )(H )
Proof. The proof requires some refinement of the estimations in the proof of Lemma 7.1. Otherwise the
structure is quite similar with that proof. Hence we will not repeat all the steps, but only indicate the
necessary modifications.
(1) We have the analogue of (7.12) up to before the last step as
|φ(y)| · m−1 (µ−1 1 )(h(t1 , ·))(y) dy
Z Z Z     
σ3 −1 zv 1 u 1 0 0
6 |t1 | · Ψ1 ,
F F (F× )2 z 1 x 1 z −1 t−1 1
Z Z 
Φ1 (t, y)|φ(ytv)|dy |t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t · |v|2+σ3 −σ1 |z|1+3σ3 d× zd× vdudx.
F× F

For any constant 0 6 a < 1, we refine the estimation of the innermost integral as
Z Z 1
1−a Z a
Φ1 (t, y)|φ(ytv)|dy 6 Φ1 (t, y) 1−a dy |φ(ytv)| dy
a 6 Φ2 (t) · |tv|−a .
Taking 0 6 a < min(1, 1 + σ2 − σ1 ), we get a refinement of (7.13) as
|φ(y)| · m−1 (µ−1
1 )(h(t1 , ·))(y) dy
≪A Ψ2 (g)|det(g)|2+σ3 −σ1 −a |x4 |−3+σ3 +2σ1 +A+2a dg · |t1 |A+σ3 −1 ,
GL2 (F)

which is absolutely convergent if (by Lemma 2.6)

a < 1 + σ3 − σ1 , A > max(2 − σ3 − 2σ1 − 2a, 1 − 2σ3 − σ1 − a).
Observe that the inequality
σ3 − 1 + max(2 − σ3 − 2σ1 − 2a, 1 − 2σ3 − σ1 − a) < 0
is equivalent to
a > max((1 − 2σ1 )/2, σ2 ).
Hence we can choose any a satisfying
max((1 − 2σ1 )/2, σ2 ) < a < min(1, 1 + σ2 − σ1 , 1 + σ3 − σ1 ),
which exists by assumption |σj | 6 ϑ < 1/2, so that with Aǫ := max(2 − σ3 − 2σ1 − 2a, 1 − 2σ3 − σ1 − a) + ǫ
for some ǫ > 0 sufficiently small and with A ≫ 1 sufficiently large we have
(8.7) |φ(y)| · m−1 (µ−1 ×
1 )(h(t1 , ·))(y) dyd t1
F× F

≪ǫ,A min(|t1 |Aǫ , |t1 |A ) · |t1 |σ3 −1 d× t1 < ∞.

Similarly, for any constant 0 6 b < 1 + σ2 − σ1 we improve (7.11) as
(h−1 .Φ.t)(1, y)µ1−1 µ2 (t)|t|d× t 6 (κ−1 .Φ.tz −1 )(v −1 , y − u) |t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t
F× F×
1+σ2 −σ1
= |vz| (κ−1 .Φ)(t, (y − u)vt) |t|1+σ2 −σ1 d× t

1+σ2 −σ1 −b
6 |vz| |(y − u)v| Φ2 (t)|t|1+σ2 −σ1 −b d× t ≪ |z|1+σ2 −σ1 |v|1+σ2 −σ1 −b |y − u|−b .

Assuming b < 1 and Applying Lemma 2.5 we get a refinement of (7.14) as
|F(φ)(y)| · hF (t1 , y) dy
Z Z Z     
zv 1 u 1 0 0
6 Vol(K) · Ψ1 , · |vz 2 |−1
F (F× )2 F z 1 x 1 z −1 t−1 1
1+σ2 −σ1 1+σ2 −σ1 −b
|z| |v| |F(φ)(y)||y − u| dy |vz 2 |1+σ3 −σ2 d× z|v|d× vdudx · |t1 |σ3 −1
Z Z Z     
zv 1 u 1 0 0
≪ Ψ1 , · |v|2+σ3 −σ1 −b |z|1+3σ3 d× zd× vdudx · |t1 |σ3 −1
F (F× )2 F z 1 x 1 z −1 t−1 1
≪A Ψ2 (g)|det(g)|2+σ3 −σ1 −b |x4 |−3+σ3 +2σ1 +A+2b dg · |t1 |A+σ3 −1 .
GL2 (F)

Note that the above bound has the same form as the above refinement of (7.13), with b satisfying the
same condition as a. We conclude as before the convergence of
(8.8) |F(φ)(y)| · hF (t1 , y) dyd× t1 < ∞.
F× F
(2) We have the analogue of (7.18) as
|φ(y)| · i ◦ m1 (µ−1 F
1 µ2 )(h (t1 , ·))(y) dy
Z Z  
v 0 u
= Ψ3 · |v|c+σ3 −σ2 · |z|1−c+2σ3 +σ2 d× zd× vdudx · |t1 |σ3 −1
F2 (F× )2 x z z −1 t−1 1
Z Z  
v u
≪A Ψ4 · |v|c+σ3 −σ2 · |z|1−c+σ3 −σ1 +A d× zd× vdudx · |t1 |A+σ3 −1 ,
F2 (F× )2 x z
where the constants c and A satisfy
max(0, σ2 − σ3 ) < c < min(1, 1 + σ2 − σ1 ), A > c − 1 + σ1 − σ3 .
We choose c close to max(0, σ2 − σ3 ), so that A = Aǫ with
Aǫ = max(0, σ2 − σ3 ) − 1 + σ1 − σ3 + ǫ < 1 − σ3
can be achieved. We deduce the convergence of
(8.9) |φ(y)| · i ◦ m1 (µ−1 F
1 µ2 )(h (t1 , ·))(y) dyd t1
F ×
≪ǫ,A min(|t1 |Aǫ , |t1 |A ) · |t1 |σ3 −1 d× t1 < ∞.

Similarly we have the analogue of (7.20) as
φ(y) · hF (t1 , y) dy

Z Z  
v 0 u
≪ Ψ3 |v|1−c+σ3 −σ2 |z|c+2σ3 +σ2 d× zd× vdudx · |t1 |σ3 −1
F2 (F× )2 x z z −1 t−1

where the constant max(0, σ1 − σ2 ) < c < 1. We note that this c plays exactly the role of 1 − c in the
above argument. Hence we conclude the convergence of the following integral just as (8.9):
(8.10) b
φ(y) · hF (t1 , y) dyd× t1 < ∞.
F× F

(3) We have the analogue of (7.23) as

(8.11) i ◦ m1 (µ−1 F
2 µ3 )(h (t1 , ·))(y)
Z Z 1−|σ1 −σ2 |−ǫ
≪ Ψ4 (u, x, z, z −1 t−1
1 ) · min(|v|
2 , |v|−A )·
F2 (F× )2
|v| 2 +σ3 · |z|1+3σ3 d× zd× vdudx · |t1 |σ3 −1
≪B Ψ5 (u, x, z) · |z|1+3σ3 +B d× zdudx · |t1 |B+σ3 −1
F2 F×

where the constant B > max(0, −1 − 3σ3 ). Observe that

max(0, −1 − 3σ3 ) + σ3 − 1 = max(σ3 − 1, −2 − 2σ3 ) < 0.
Hence we can choose ǫ > 0 small, Bǫ := max(0, −1 − 3σ3 ) + ǫ and B ≫ 1, so that
(8.12) |φ(y)| · i ◦ m1 (µ−1 ×
2 µ3 )(h (t1 , ·))(y) dyd t1
F× F
≪ǫ,B min(|t1 |Bǫ , |t1 |B ) · |t1 |σ3 −1 d× t1 < ∞.

Similarly we have the analogue of (7.25) as

(8.13) hF (t1 , y)
Z 1−|σ1 −σ2 |−ǫ 1
≪ Ψ6 (z, z −1t−1
1 ) · |z|
· min(|v| 2 , |v|−A ) · |v| 2 +σ3 d× zd× v · |t1 |σ3 −1
(F× )2
≪B Ψ7 (z) · |z|1+3σ3 +B d× z · |t1 |B+σ3 −1 ,

and conclude the following convergence just as (8.12)

(8.14) b
φ(y) · hF (t1 , y) dyd× t1 < ∞.
F× F

Finally, the desired relations readily follow from (8.7), (8.8), (8.9), (8.10), (8.12), (8.14) and (8.6) by
an order change of integrations. 
Corollary 8.2. Let notation be as in Theorem 8.1. Suppose µ3 is unitary. Then the dual weight
h(χ) := e
h(χ; 0, 0) given by (5.13) has an alternative expression as
 2 1 1 1 1
h(χ) = χµ2 (−1)γ 12 , χµ3 , ψ HF µ−1 µ 3 χµ3 (t)|t| 2 d× t.
F× t−1 t−1 t−1
Proof. (1) We first give refinements of the estimations (8.11) & (8.13). For (8.11), we go back to one step
earlier in (7.23) as (note that σ3 = 0 and σ1 + σ2 = 0)
i ◦ m1 (µ−1 F
2 µ3 )(h (t1 , ·))(y)
Z Z   1−|σ1 −σ2 |−ǫ
zvy 0 u 1
≪ Ψ3 −1 −1 · min(|v| 2 , |v|−A ) · |v| 2 +σ3 · |z|1+3σ3 d× zd× vdudx
F2 (F× )2 x z z t 1

Z 1−2|σ1 |−ǫ
≪B,c min(|v| 2 , |v|−A ) · |v| 2 −c d× v · Ψ4 (u, x, z) · |z|1−c+B d× zdudx · |y|−c · |t1 |B ,
F× F2 F×
where the constants c and B can be any ones satisfying the conditions
0 6 c < 1 − |σ1 |, B > 0.
Hence we deduce the following bound of
−1 F2 F2
(8.15) i ◦ m1 (µ2 µ3 )(H )(y) 6 i ◦ m1 (µ−1
2 µ3 )(h (t1 , ·))(y) · |t1 |
−1 ×
d t1

≪ǫ min(1, |y||σ1 |−1+ǫ ).
Similarly for (8.13), we have
hF (t1 , y)
Z Z  −1 −1 
z v y 0 −z −1 v −1 u
≪ Ψ5 ·
F (F )
× 2 0 z z −1 t−1
1−|σ1 −σ2 |−ǫ 1
|z|−σ1 −σ2 min(|v| 2 , |v|−A ) · |vz 2 |− 2 +σ3 d× z|v|−1 d× vdu
Z 1−2|σ1 |−ǫ 1
≪c,B Ψ6 (z) · |z|1+c+B · min(|v| 2 , |v|−A ) · |v| 2 +c d× zd× v · |y|−c · |t1 |B
(F× )2

where c > 0 and B > 0 can be any positive constants. Hence we deduce the following bound of
F3 3
(8.16) H (y) 6 hF (t1 , y) · |t1 |−1 d× t1 ≪c min(1, |y|−c ), ∀c ≫ 1.

(2) By Theorem 8.1 the distributional inverse Fourier transform of H F (t)ψ(−t) is simply
µ2 (−1) · i ◦ m1 (µ−1 F
2 µ3 )(H )(t − 1).
Moreover, these two functions are smooth on F× and F − {1} respectively, from their (absolutely con-
vergent) integral representations. The bounds (8.15) and (8.16) allow the application of Mellin inversion
and yield, for any test function φ ∈ S(F)
Z Z  Z 
1 3 1
b ×
φ(t)χ(t)|t| 2 d t · F −1 ×
H (t)ψ(−t)χ (t)|t| 2 d t dµPL (χ)
d × F× F×
= b
φ(t)H (t)ψ(−t)dt = µ2 (−1) φ(t) i ◦ m1 (µ−1
2 µ3 ) (H )(t − 1)dt
Z Z  Z 
1  F2 1
= µ2 (−1) −1 ×
φ(t)χ (t)|t| 2 d t · i ◦ m1 (µ−1
2 µ 3 ) (H )(t − 1)χ(t)|t| 2 d×
t dµPL (χ),
F× F× F×
where dµPL (χ) is the Plancherel measure for the Mellin transform on F× . By Tate’s local functional
equation, we have
1  1
φ(t)χ(t)|t| 2 d× t = γ 1 , χ−1 , ψ · φ(t)χ−1 (t)|t| 2 d× t.
F× F×
By the denseness of the Mellin transform we deduce
1 −1  F2 1
−1 × 1
H (t)ψ(−t)χ (t)|t| d t = µ2 (−1)γ 2 , χ , ψ
2 −1
i ◦ m1 (µ−1 2 ×
2 µ3 ) (H )(t − 1)χ(t)|t| d t
F × F ×
  F2 1
= χµ2 (−1)γ 21 , χ, ψ i ◦ m1 (µ−1 2 ×
2 µ3 ) (H )(t − 1)χ(t)|t| d t.

The desired formula follows by replacing χ with χµ3 in the above one, since by (5.13) and (8.16) we have
1 3 1
h(χ) = H ∗ (t)ψ(−t)χ−1 (t)|t|− 2 d× t = µ3 (−1) H F (t)ψ(−t)(χµ3 )−1 (t)|t| 2 d× t.
F× F×


8.2. Case of Dihedral Parameter. We assume Π = σ ⊞ µ with σ = πξ considered in §6.2 and with µ
unitary character of F× . Let Ψ′ ∈ S(2×3, F) be as in the case of split parameter, and let W1 ∈ W(πξ∞ , ψ).
We have the analogues of (8.1)-(8.5) as

Z Z  
y 0 0
(8.17) h(t1 , y) = µ(t1 y)|t1 |−1 |y| F~3 (Ψ′ .h) ·
F GL2 (F) x 1 t−1
W1 (h−1 )µ(det h)|det h| 2 dhψ(−x)dx
Z Z  
′ 1 0 0
= µ(t1 )|t1 | · |y| 2 F~3 (Ψ .h) ·
F GL2 (F) x 1 t−1
(h−1 .W1 )(a(y))µ(det h)|det h| 2 dhψ(−x)dx,

  Z Z  
b 1 0 0
(8.18) hFE t1 , 1 := µ(t1 )|t1 |−1 · λ(E/F, ψ)−1 F~3 (Ψ′ .h) ·
b2 F GL2 (F) x 1 t−1 1
1 !
h^−1 .W (−a(Nr(b ))ω (Nr(b ))ξ(b )−1 |Nr(b )|− 2
1 1 πξ 1 1 1
1 µ(det h)|det h| 2 dhψ(−x)dx,
−1 .W (−a(Nr(b )δ −1 ))ω (Nr(b )δ −1 )ξ(b δ −1 )−1 |Nr(b )| 2
1 2 π ξ2 2 2

y 0 0 3
(8.19) hFFE (t1 , y) := µ(t1 )|t1 |−1 · F~1 F~3 (Ψ′ .h) h^
−1 .W (1)µ(det h)|det h| 2 dh,
GL2 (F) 1 1 t−1

y 0 0 ^
−1 .W (1)µ(det h)|det h| 2 dh.
(8.20) h∗ (t1 , y) := µ(−t1 y −1 )|t1 |−1 |y| F~1 F~3 (Ψ′ .h) −1 h 1
GL2 (F) 1 1 t1
Then Lemma 7.2 implies the relations
 !

 FE ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )

 h (t1 , ·) = ◦ IE,δ (h(t1 , ·)),

 ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )

hFFE (t , ·) = λ(E/F, ψ) · F ◦ i ◦ m (µ) ◦ t(−1) ◦ m (ω −1 )◦
1 1/2 ! 0 πξ

 m (ξ)

 RE,δ ◦
(hFE (t1 , ·)),

 −|δ| · m (ξ) ◦ t(δ)

 E,1/2
 ∗
h (t1 , ·) = µ(−1) · m1 (µ−1 )(hFFE (t1 , ·)).

Theorem 8.3. The relations (8.21) can be integrated against ωωΠ (t1 )−1 d× t1 over F× . Namely, if we
introduce Z
H (·) := h? (t1 , ·)ωωΠ (t1 )−1 d× t1 , ? ∈ {, FE , FFE , ∗},

then we have !

 ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )

H FE = ◦ IE,δ (H),

 ιE/F ◦ mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 )

H FFE = λ(E/F, ψ) · F ◦ i ◦ m1/2 (µ) ◦ t(−1) −1
! ◦ m0 (ωπξ )◦

 mE,1/2 (ξ)

 RE,δ ◦ (H FE ),

 −|δ| · mE,1/2 (ξ) ◦ t(δ)

 ∗
H = µ(−1) · m1 (µ−1 )(H FFE ).
Proof. The proof requires some refinement of the estimations in the proof of Lemma 7.2. Otherwise the
structure is quite similar with that proof. Hence we will not repeat all the steps, but only indicate the
necessary modifications.

(1) We have the analogue of (7.34)

mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 ) b
|φ(b)| · −1 ◦ IE,δ (h(t1 , ·)) db
E m E,−1/2 (ξ ) b
Z   3
−1 x1 x2 0 det(g) 2
≪ |t1 | · Ψ1 |x4 |dg
GL2 (F) x3 x4 x−1 4 t1
≪A Ψ2 (g)|det(g)| 2 |x4 |−1+A dg · |t1 |A−1 ,
GL2 (F)

For any constant A > 0. We deduce that for A > 1

Z Z    
mE,−1/2 (ξ −1 ) b
|φ(b)| · −1 ◦ IE,δ (h(t1 , ·)) dbd× t1
F × E m E,−1/2 (ξ ) b
≪ min(|t1 |−1 , |t1 |A−1 )d× t1 < ∞.

Similarly, we have the analogue of (7.37)

|φι (b)| · hFE t1 , db
E b
Z Z  
v 0 u × × −1
≪ Ψ3 −1 −1 · |v|d zd vdudx · |t1 |
F 2 (F )
× 2 x z z t 1
Z Z  
v u
≪A Ψ4 · |v||z|A d× zd× vdudx · |t1 |A−1
F2 (F× )2 x z

for any constant A > 0. We deduce that for A > 1

Z Z  
|φι (b)| · hFE t1 , dbd× t1
F× E b
≪ min(|t1 |−1 , |t1 |A−1 )d× t1 < ∞.

Now that the dominant integrals are absolutely convergent, we can freely exchange the order of integra-
tions and conclude the first relation.
(2) The proof of the second relation is a simpler version (with σ2 = σ3 = 0) of the proof of Theorem 8.3
(3). The third relation being trivial, we are done. 

Corollary 8.4. Let notation be as in Theorem 8.3. Define

′ −1 mE,1/2 (ξ)
H = λ(E/F, ψ) · t(−1) ◦ m0 (ωπξ ) ◦ RE,δ ◦ (H FE ).
−|δ| · mE,1/2 (ξ) ◦ t(δ)

Then the dual weight e

h(χ) := e
h(χ; 0, 0) given by (5.13) has an alternative expression as
Z     1
 1 1 1 2 1
h(χ) = χ(−1)γ 1 ′
χµ(t)|t| 2 d× t.
2 , χµ, ψ H
t−1 t−1

Proof. Comparing the relations

H FFE = F ◦ i ◦ m1 (µ)(m−1/2 (1)(H ′ )), H ∗ = µ(−1) · m1 (µ−1 )(H FFE )

with those in Theorem 8.1, we see that we may apply Corollary 8.2 with µ2 = 1, since m−1/2 (1)(H ′ )
plays the role of H F there. 

Appendix A. Local Kernel Function: A Special Real Case

We take ψ(x) = e2πix . Let Π = 1 ⊞ 1 ⊞ 1, and π = π(|·|iτ , |·|−iτ ). We shall apply Corollary 8.2 to
H(y) = jπ,ψ .
After checking the consistency of notation (see [2, §2 & (2.2)]), we find the following formula of H(y) by
[2, Theorem 6.4 (ii)]

(  p p 
sin(πiτ )J2iτ (4π |y|) − J−2iτ (4π |y|) if y > 0
(A.1) H(y) = p p .
4 |y| cos(πiτ )K2iτ (4πτ |y|) if y < 0

We identify H F = F ◦ m−1 (1)(H) precisely with the relative Bessel function (see [2, Proposition 8.3])
given by [2, Corollary 8.4 (ii)] as

π eπi/y πi πτ πτ π πτ πτ π
(A.2) H F (y) = · p · e 4 · (−e− 2 + ie 2 )Jiτ + (e 2 − ie− 2 )J−iτ .
sin(πiτ ) 2 |y| |y| |y|

In order to compute H F = F ◦ i ◦ m1 (1)(H), it suffices to compute the distributional Fourier transform


Beτ (x) of
Bτ (y) := √ Jiτ (πy)1y>0 .
2 y
In fact, it follows readily from (A.2) that
" #
πe 4 X X
F2 − πτ πτ
e 1 πτ
− πτ e 1
(A.3) H (x) = (−e 2 + ie )
2 Bτ (±(x − 2 )) + (e − ie
2 2 ) B−τ (±(x − 2 ))
sin(πiτ ) ± ±

X −2π cos π 1 + iετ X
= 2 2
Beετ (±(x − 1 )).
sin(πiετ ) 2
ε∈{±1} ±

Applying the formulas [13, 6.699.1 & 6.699.2], we get

X Z ∞
eτ (±x) = 1
B √ Jiτ (πy) cos(2π|x|y)dy
± 0 y
 !
 q 1
+ iτ 1 iτ

 1 2 )
Γ( 14 + iτ 4 2 , 4 − 2 ; 4x2
 2π · Γ( 34 + iτ2 ) · 2 F1
 1
if 0 < |x| < 1/2
= 2 ! ,
 1
+ iτ 3 iτ
 Γ( 21 +iτ ) cos( π
2 ( 2 +iτ )) 2 ,4 +
 1 4 2 ; 1
 2 2 +2iτ π·Γ(1+iτ ) ·
 1 √ 1
|x| 2 +iτ
· 2 F1
1 + iτ 4x2 if |x| > 1/2

where the convergence is in the sense of Cauchy principal value (at ∞) for almost all x. Applying the
duplication formula for Gamma functions, we get
−2π cos π2 21 + iτ Γ 12 + iτ cos π2 21 + iτ 1 iτ 3
−iτ −1 + i sinh(πτ ) Γ 4 + 2 Γ 4 + 2

· 1 √ =2 · .
sin(πiτ ) 2 2 +2iτ π · Γ(1 + iτ ) 2i sinh(πτ ) Γ(1 + iτ )

Hence for |x − 1/2| > 1/2, we identify

X −1 + i sinh(πετ )  1 iετ 3 iετ

F2 1 + 2 ,4+ 1 π
H (x) = · 1 · 2 I1 4 2 ; = √ Q+ (x; τ )
2i sinh(πετ ) 1 + iετ 4x2 2
ε∈{±1} 2iετ |x| 2 +iετ

with the notation in [1, Lemma 3.16]. Similarly applying the reciprocal formula for Gamma functions,
we get
−2π cos π2 21 + iτ 1 Γ 41 + iτ2 −1 + i sinh(πτ ) Γ 14 + iτ2 Γ 41 − iτ2
· · = √ · .
sin(πiτ ) 2π Γ 43 + iτ2 2i sinh(πτ ) Γ( 21 )
Hence for |x − 1/2| < 1/2, we identify
X −1 + i sinh(πετ ) 1 iτ

2 + , 41 − iτ
2 ; 4x2
H F (x) = √ · 2 I1 4 2
1 = √ Q+ (x; τ ).
2i sinh(πετ ) 2 2
2 √
Thus we identify H F (x) with our previous kernel function up to a constant π/ 2, which may possibly
be due to different measure normalizations.

Remark 17. In [4, (15.3) & (15.6)], Bruggeman–Motohashi write the kernel function for the local
weight transform at an archimedean place as a convolution of two Bessel functions (of the relevant
representations). Our Corollary 8.2 can be regarded as a more convenient form and an extension to
non-archimedean places of those formulas.

Appendix B. Dual Weight Function: A Special Non-archimedean Case

B.1. Technical Lemmas. Let F be non-archimedean with odd residue characteristic. Let o be the ring
of integers, p = ̟o the prime ideal with a chosen uniformizer ̟ and q = |o/p|. Let ψ be an additive
character of F which is trivial on o but not on p−1 . Consequently the measures are normalized so that
Vol(o, dx) = Vol(o× , d× t) = 1.

Definition B.1 (Gauss Sum). For characters χ of o× trivial on 1 + p, we define

Z X  
−1 −
1 t
G(χ; ψ, ̟) := q 2 ψ(̟ t)χ(t)dt = q 2 ψ χ(t).
o× ̟
× t∈o /(1+p)

Note that |G(χ; ψ, ̟)| = 1.

Lemma B.2. For δ ∈ o, let the quadratic symbol be

   1 if δ is a square in o×
δ ×
p = −1 if δ is a square in o .

0 if δ ∈ p

Then for δ ∈ o we have

Z     1
ψ − Q(y; ψ, ̟)dy = pδ q − 2 .
o× ̟
Lemma B.3. Let δ ∈ o× and α ∈ Z>0 . We have
Z  −1 2 
δ z (1 + ̟δ −1 z)−1
ψ − dz = q −α ;
o ̟2α
Z  −1 2 
δ z (1 + ̟δ −1 z)−1 1
ψ − 2α+1
dz = q −α− 2 · Q(−δ −1 ; ψ, ̟).
o ̟
Lemma B.4. Let n ∈ Z>1 , m ∈ Z and y0 ∈ o× . The two integrals
Z  n  Z  n 
2̟ t + ̟m y0 t2 × 2̟ t + ̟m y0 t2
g1 (y0 ) := ψ d t, g 2 (y 0 ) := ψ Q(t; ψ, ̟)d× t
o× ̟2n o× ̟2n

are evaluated as

 0 if n > m or 2 6 n < m

 1

− q−1 if 1 = n < m
g1 (y0 ) = 1
ψ − 1 1α=0 if n = m = 2α + 1 with α > 0 ,

 1 1 ̟ 2α+1 y0 Q(y0 ; ψ, ̟) − q−1

 q
2 −q

 1
q2α −q2α−1 ψ − 1̟ 2α y0 if n = m = 2α with α > 1

 0 if n > m or 2 6 n < m

 R 2t

 o× ψ ̟ Q(t; ψ, ̟)d× t if 1 = n < m
 R  
 −1 2
y0 (t+y0 ) × 1
× ψ ̟  Q(t; ψ, ̟)d t · ψ − ̟y0 if n = m = 1
g2 (y0 ) = o  .

 1 1

 1 1 ψ − ̟ 2α+1 y0 if n = m = 2α + 1 > 3

 2α+ 2α−
 q 2 −q 2
 1 1 −1
q2α −q2α−1 ψ − ̟ 2α y0 Q(−y0 ; ψ, ̟) if n = m = 2α > 2

Definition B.5 (Kloosterman Sums). We define a function on o× × o× by

1 t1 z + t2 z −1
Kl(t1 , t2 ; ψ, ̟) := q 2 ψ dz.
o× ̟
It is invariant by multiplication by 1 + p on both variables, and has module |Kl(t1 , t2 ; ψ, ̟)| 6 2. We also
write Kl2 (t; ψ, ̟) := Kl(t, 1; ψ, ̟), so that Kl(t1 , t2 ; ψ, ̟) = Kl2 (t1 t2 ; ψ, ̟).
B.2. Transforms of Weight Function. Let E be the unique unramified quadratic field extension of
F with ring of integers oE and prime ideal pE . There is a character θ of E× with conductor exponent
a(θ) = 1, which is trivial on F× , such that π0 ≃ π(θ), whose construction is recalled as follows (see [11,
Let kE and kF be the residue fields of E and F, respectively, so that kE ≃ Fq2 and kF ≃ Fq as finite
fields. The isomorphism kF ≃ o/p induces non-trivial additive characters on kF and kE by
ψkF ([x]) = ψ(x/̟), ∀x ∈ o; ψkE = ψkF ◦ TrkE /kF .
Since o× × × × ♭ × ×
E /o (1 + pE ) ≃ kE /kF , the character θ is inflated from a character θ of kE /kF . We require θ

♭ ♭ ι ι
to be regular, i.e., θ 6= (θ ) for the action of the non-trivial element in Gal(kE /kF ) written by x 7→ x .
There is a cuspidal representation π(θ♭ ) of GL2 (kF ) of dimension q −1 constructed from and parametrized
by θ♭ , whose character χθ♭ is given by [7, (6.4.1)]

 q − 1, if g ∼ Z(kF ),

−1, if g ∼ Z(kF )N(kF ) − Z(kF ),
(B.1) χθ♭ (g) = ♭ ♭ ι

 −θ (y) − θ (y ), if g ∼ y ∈ kE − kF ,

0, otherwise.
Here and in what follows, we adopt the convention g ∼ T to indicate that g is conjugate with some
element of the set T .
We regard π(θ♭ ) as a representation of GL2 (o) by congruence modulo p, with extension to Z(F)GL2 (o)
by triviality on Z(F). Then π(θ) is the compact induction from π(θ♭ ):
GL (F)
π(θ) := c − IndZ(F)GL2 (o)
π(θ♭ ).
For κ ∈ GL2 (o), write [κ] for its image in GL2 (kF ) under the map modulo p. Define
Cθ (g) := (q − 1)1GL2 (o) (g)χθ♭ ([g]).
We take the function
f (g) := Cθ (a(̟)ga(̟)−1 )

and note that it is independent of the choice of a uniformizer ̟. Our weight function is defined by
Z Z    
(B.2) H(t) := f zn(x1 )a(t) n(x2 ) ψ(−x1 − x2 )dx1 dx2 d× z.
F× F2 −1
Remark 18. This choice of f , paired with the Bessel distribution, has the same value on the cubic
moment side as the choice of test function, paired with the Motohashi distribution, given in our previous
work [43, §4.3].
Lemma B.6. There are functions hj with j ∈ {1, 2, 3} such that
1 X
H(t2 ) = q(q − 1)|t| 2 (h1 (±t) + h2 (±t)), if vF (t) 6 −2;
n √ √ o
H(t) = −q(q − 1) 1t= (ψ(2 t) + ψ(−2 t)) + h0 (̟2 t) , if vF (t) = −2.
The formulas of h0 , h1 and h2 are given by
h2 (t) = 12|vF (t)6−2 ψ(2t),

h1 (t) = 12∤vF (t)6−3 ψ(2t) · Q(̟−vF (t) t; ψ, ̟),

h0 (t0 ) = θ♭ (y)ψkE (−y).
y∈kE −kF :
Nr(y)=t0 (mod p)

We proceed to compute
(B.3) H F := F ◦ (−1) ◦ m−1 (H).
From the formula given in Lemma B.6, it is natural to separately compute
H+ := F ◦ (−1) ◦ m−1 (H |F−p−3 ), H0F := F ◦ (−1) ◦ m−1 (H |̟−2 o× ).
Lemma B.7. We have H+ (y) = 0 unless 2 6 vF (y) < ∞, and
 1  
2q(q − 1)|y| 2 ψ − 1 if 2 | vF (y) > 2
F y
H+ (y) = 3 1   .
2q 2 (q − 1)|y| 2 ψ − 1 if 2 ∤ vF (y) > 3

Lemma B.8. We have H0F (y) = 0 unless vF (y) > 1, and

H0F (y) =
  P
(q − 1) 2 − t∈kE −kF θ♭ (t)ψkE (t)  if vF (y) > 2
1   P y  .
(q − 1) 2 − 2q 2 ψ − y1 Q( ̟ ; ψ, ̟) − t∈kE −kF θ♭ (t)ψkF −Tr(t) + ̟ Nr(t) if vF (y) = 1

We continue to compute
(B.4) H F := F ◦ i ◦ m1 (H F ).
Similar with the previous step, we shall compute separately
2 2
H+ := F ◦ i ◦ m1 (hF
+ ), H0F := F ◦ i ◦ m1 (hF
0 ).
Lemma B.9. We have H+ (x) = 0 unless vF (x + 1) > 1, in which case
1 1 1 1
H+ (x) = 2(q − 1)1vF (x+1)>1 · 2 − (q + 2q −1 )|x + 1| 2 12|vF (x+1) − (2q 2 + q − 2 )|x + 1| 2 12∤vF (x+1) .

Lemma B.10. We have H0F (x) = 0 unless vF (x) > 0, in which case
( )
F2 −1 2
H0 (x) = q (q − 1) 2 − θ (t)ψkE (t) vF (x)1vF (x)>1

t∈kE −kF
+q −1 2
(q − 1) ♭
θ (t)ψkE (t) 1vF (x)>1
t∈kE −kF
− 2q −1 (q − 1)1vF (x)>0 − (q − 1) x+1p 1vF (x)>0
1 X
− q − 2 (q − 1)1vF (x)=0 θ♭ (t)ψkE (−t)Kl(Nr(t), −x; ψ, ̟).
t∈kE −kF

B.3. Identification of Exponential Sums. The part related to the sophisticated algebraic exponential
sum is the last line in the formula of Lemma B.10, which we denote by
HeF (x) := 1vF (x)=0 ·
θ♭ (t)ψkE (−t)Kl(Nr(t), −x; ψ, ̟).
t∈kE −kF

With the change of variables x = 1/(y − 1), we have

vF (x) = 0 ⇔ y ∈ o − (1 + p).
The main contribution to the dual weight formula in Corollary 8.2 comes from y ∈ o× −(1+p). Identifying
a character χ of F× with conductor p with a character of kF , we get this main contribution as
Se (θ♭ , χ) := θ♭ (t)ψkE (−t)Kl(Nr(t), −1/(y − 1); ψ, ̟)χ(y).
y∈kF −{0,1} t∈kE −kF

Let ε ∈ kF − (kF )2 be a non-square element such that kE = kF [ ε]. Taking into account that θ♭ is trivial
on kF , we rewrite the inner sum as
θ♭ (t)ψkE (−t)Kl(Nr(t), −1/(y − 1); ψ, ̟)
t∈kE −kF
♭ √ X X 1
= θ (α + ε) ψkF (−2αβ) ψkF β 2 (α2 − ε) · γ − · γ −1
α∈kF ×
β∈kF ×
X   X
♭ √ X α2 y − ε
= θ (α + ε) ψkF− 2 · γ −1 ψkF ((α2 − ε)γ · β 2 )−
(α − ε)(y − 1)
α∈kF ×
γ∈kF β∈kF

♭ √ X 1 −1
θ (α + ε) ψkF − ·γ .
α∈kF ×

The last sum is obviously 0. Let φ be the non-trivial quadratic character of kF , we get
ψkF ((α2 − ε)γ · β 2 ) = φ((α2 − ε)γ) · τφ ,

where τφ denotes the quadratic Gauss sum. Hence

X   X
α2 y − ε
ψkF − 2 · γ −1 ψkF ((α2 − ε)γ · β 2 )
(α − ε)(y − 1)
γ∈kF β∈kF

X    2 
α2 y − ε −1 α y−ε
= τφ ψkF − ·γ φ(γ) = |τφ |2 · φ .
y−1 y−1

We finally identify
X X  
√ α2 y − ε
Se (θ♭ , χ) = q · θ♭ (α + ε)φ χ(y) = q · S(θ♭ , χ),
y∈kF −{0,1} α∈kF

where S(θ♭ , χ) is precisely the exponential sum which appeared in our previous work [43, (4.4)].

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