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CSS/Dawn Vocabulary

Word Meaning Synonyms
201 Compendious ‫جامع‬ containing a lot in a small space/few words

202 Conciliatory ‫ صلح پسندانہ‬- ‫مفاہمانہ‬ bringing together; ending a dispute; soothing

203 Concord ‫ اتفاق راۓ‬- ‫اتحاد‬ agreement

204 Condone ‫در گزر کرنا‬ tolerate

205 Conflagration ‫آتش زدگی‬ great fire

206 Congenial ‫خوش گوار‬ friendly; sociable; suitable

207 Connoisseur ‫جاننے واال پرکھنے واال‬ expert with good taste/ judgement

208 Consecrate ‫ مختص کرنا‬- ‫وقف کرنا‬ dedicate; make holy

209 Consummate ‫مکمل کرنا‬ supremely good

210 Contagious ‫متعدی‬ passed on through touch; infectious

CSS/Dawn Vocabulary
No. Word Meaning Synonyms
211 Convergence ‫اامجع‬ coming together
212 Convivial ‫یاراہن‬ sociable
213 Copious ‫ریثک‬ in large amount
214 Corollary ‫ہجیتنٴرصحی‬ consequence; inference
215 Corpulence ‫ تہبومیا‬-‫ومیا‬ very fat-ness
216 Corroborated ‫ وتقیثرکیا‬-‫یابرکیا‬ supported; given supporting evidence
217 Credulity ‫ہریاترپيرکےنواال‬ belief on slight evidence

218 Cumulative ‫لسلسمبرےنھواےل‬ building up

219 Cursory ‫رسرسی‬ superficial
220 Curtail ‫یادنبیاگلیا‬ cut short
CSS/Dawn Vocabulary
No. Word Meaning Synonyms
221 Dalliance ‫یازواینز‬ non-serious involvement; toying or playing

222 Dearth ‫یمک‬ shortage; lacking

223 Debacle ‫رشانمکیااکیم‬ disaster
224 Debilitate ‫زمکور‬ weaken
225 Debunk ‫ےباقنبرکیا‬ throw out old indeas
226 Deferment ‫ یاریخ‬-‫اوتلا‬ putting off
227 Deleterious ‫ کلہم‬-‫رضم‬ harmful
228 Deliberation ‫وغرووخض‬ careful thought
229 Delineate -‫اخہکانبیا‬ outline

230 Demagogue ‫یازاریڈیلر‬ mob leader; agitator

CSS/Dawn Vocabulary
No. Word Meaning Synonyms
231 Demonstrative ‫اظمہرہرکےنواال‬ expressing emotions freely

232 Denuded ‫ےِجاگننیارعیاںرکدیاایگوہ‬ stripped

233 Depreciatory ‫ریقحتآزیم‬ devaluing; criticizing

234 Derelict ‫ت الوارث‬ rundown; abandoned
235 Derided ‫ ذماقاڑایا‬-‫تضیحکرکیا‬ mocked

236 Despoiled ‫امویس‬ plunder; rob; deprive

237 Devious ‫پیحدار۔ ُبرفر ب۔‬ cunning
238 Didactic ‫ یمیلعت‬-‫املعمہن‬ intending to preach or teach
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
239 Dilatory ‫یاریخرکےنواال‬،‫اکہ‬‫ ے‬،‫ُسست‬ slow; sluggish

240 Disarming ‫وخشنک‬ charming; unthreatening

CSS/Dawn Vocabulary
No. Word Meaning Synonyms
241 Discernment ‫ھجمس وبھج‬ judgment
242 Discrepancy ‫االتخف‬ inconsistency
243 Disillusioned ‫طلغیمہفےسآزادی‬ freed from wrong ideas

244 Disingenuous ‫ اچلیازی‬-‫اکمری‬ crafy; double dealing

245 Disparaging ‫ مکدقریرکیا‬-‫یفنرکیا‬ critical

246 Distension ‫الیھپؤ‬ swelling; distend; expand

247 Multifarious ‫اوناعوااسقماک‬ having many aspects
248 Myopic ‫فر برظنیںیمآھکنےکادنرالہیل‬ short-sighted (literal or metaphoric)
249 Naivete ‫وھبالاھبل‬ innocence; lack of worldliness
250 Nefarious ‫ دبرکدار‬-‫دباعمش‬ infamous; very wicked
CSS/Dawn Vocabulary
No. Word Meaning Synonyms
251 Negate ‫ااکنررکیا‬ wipe out; nullify
252 Nemesis ‫ روگ‬-‫زہراقت‬ fate; doom
253 Nihilism ‫نمرذمہب‬ belief in nothing; anarchy
‫خ‬ ‫مُش‬
254 Nondescript ‫وہجمل۔ریغرعموف۔یا ب ص‬ having no special qualities; ordinary

255 Notoriety ‫دبیایم‬ infamy

256 Obsequious ‫اچولپس‬ slavish; fawning
257 Occlusion ‫دنبرکیا‬ shutting out
258 Officious ‫رساکری‬ interfering
259 Onerous ‫تخسوبلھجوبھجڈاانل‬ burdensome

260 Opacity ‫ددنھالنپ‬ lack of transparency; being opaque

CSS/Dawn Vocabulary
No. Word Meaning Synonyms
261 Opportunism ‫ومعقرپسب‬ grabbing opportunities
262 Opting ‫ برحیجدان‬-‫ااختنبرکیا‬ choosing

263 Opulence ‫شیعورشعت‬ lavish display of wealth

264 Ornate ‫ زابییشئ‬-‫مرنی‬ extremely decorated
265 Overhaul ‫اینرکدےنیاکلمع‬ renovate; examine
266 Palliative ‫آراماچنہپےنوایلہش‬ easy pain
‫ت ت‬
267 Pathos ‫رقازیگنیتیفیک‬ sadness; stirring the emotions; gloomy
268 Paucity ‫یمک‬ scarcity; shortage
269 Peer ‫مہرہبت‬ An equal; to look closely at
270 Peevishness ‫دباالخیق‬ childish sullenness; irritability
CSS/Dawn Vocabulary
No. Word Meaning Synonyms
271 Penchant ‫زبردسراحجن‬ tendency; leaning toward; liking
272 Penurious ‫ وجنکس‬-‫لیخ‬ miserly

273 Perquisites ‫ااضیفرمااعت‬ perks; sth you recieve for your job
274 Petulant ‫وشیخ‬ touchy; sulky; peevish
275 Phlegmatic ‫اکلہ‬ calm; imperturbable
276 Phobic ‫وخفاکرمض‬ fearful (Root phobia always implies fear)
277 Pilfer ‫رچایا‬ steal; filch; rustle

278 Placid ‫رپوکسن‬, peaceful; calm; serene

279 Plaudits : ‫نیسحت‬ praise

280 Pliant ‫ومڑےنےکاقتب‬ flexible

CSS/Dawn Vocabulary
No. Word Meaning Synonyms
281 Polarized ‫رطکیہفوہاجیا‬ divided into two extremes
282 Pragmatism ‫یلمع‬ practicality

283 Preclude ‫یازرانھک‬ prevent; make impossible

284 Precursor ‫ ربخراسں‬-‫دقمم‬ forerunner; sth comes before
285 Predilection ‫راحجن‬ liking for; penchant
286 Presumption ‫امگن‬ assuming too much
287 Profundity ‫دیچیپیگ‬ depth (of ideas/thoughts)

288 Propensity ‫راحجن‬ tendency; leaning predilection

289 Proponent ‫احیم‬ supporter

290 Prosaic ‫اسدہ‬ ordinary; dull

CSS/Dawn Vocabulary
No. Word Meaning Synonyms
291 Prospectus ‫وکائیاہم‬ brochure
292 Prudent ‫اتحمط‬ wise; cautious
293 Punctilious ‫یازکعبط‬ meticulous
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
294 Purportedly ‫ اھجمساج ایےہ‬-‫اجیےہ‬
‫امیا ا‬ apparently claiming

295 Quell suppress; to stop sth such as protes

296 Quixotic ‫ نملچ‬-‫خیشیلچ‬ idealistic; impractical
297 Radical ‫اینبدی‬ revolutionary
298 Docile ‫ڑپاھےئاجےنےکاقتب‬ obedient; subservient

299 Dubious ‫وکشمک‬ doubtful

300 Eclectic ‫ااختنیب‬ taking things from different sources;

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