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Journal of Sea Research 108 (2016) 1–9

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From artificial structures to self-sustaining oyster reefs

Brenda Walles a,b,⁎, Karin Troost a, Douwe van den Ende a, Sil Nieuwhof c, Aad C. Smaal a,b, Tom Ysebaert a,c
IMARES Wageningen, Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies, PO Box 77, 4400 AB Yerseke, The Netherlands
Aquaculture and Fisheries Group, Wageningen University and Research, PO Box 338, 6700 AH Wageningen, The Netherlands
NIOZ Yerseke, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, PO Box 140, 4400 AC Yerseke, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Coastal ecosystems are increasingly recognized as essential elements within coastal defence schemes and coastal
Received 30 April 2015 adaptation. The capacity of coastal ecosystems, like marshes and oyster reefs, to maintain their own habitat and
Received in revised form 16 November 2015 grow with sea-level rise via biophysical feedbacks is seen as an important advantage of such systems compared
Accepted 20 November 2015
to man-made hard engineering structures.
Available online xxxx
Providing a suitable substrate for oysters to settle on offers a kick-start for establishment at places where they
were lost or are desirable for coastal protection. Accumulation of shell material, through recruitment and growth,
Artificial reefs is essential to the maintenance of oyster reefs as it provides substrate for new generations (positive feedback
Crassostrea gigas loop), forming a self-sustainable structure. Insight in establishment, survival and growth thresholds and knowl-
Growth edge about the population dynamics are necessary to successfully implement oyster reefs in coastal defence
Oyster reefs schemes.
Recruitment The aim of this paper is to investigate whether artificial Pacific oyster reefs develop into self-sustaining oyster
Survival reefs that contribute to coastal protection. Reef development was investigated by studying recruitment, survival
Tidal emersion
and growth rates of oysters on artificial oyster reefs in comparison with nearby natural Pacific oyster reefs. The
artificial reef structure successfully offered substrate for settlement of oysters and therefore stimulated reef for-
mation. Reef development, however, was hampered by local sedimentation and increasing tidal emersion. Tidal
emersion is an important factor that can be used to predict where artificial oyster reefs have the potential to de-
velop into self-sustaining reefs that could contribute to coastal protection, but it is also a limiting factor in using
oyster reefs for coastal protection.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction structure. Ecosystem-based coastal protection incorporating ecosystem

engineering species (e.g. salt marsh plants, corals, oysters) requires
The integration of coastal ecosystems within coastal defence knowledge about the life history, population dynamics and habitat re-
schemes is increasingly being proposed (Cheong et al., 2013; Duarte quirements of the species under consideration. Such knowledge is essen-
et al., 2013; Spalding et al., 2014; Temmerman et al., 2013). Particularly tial, as this will determine both the predictability and reliability of their
intertidal wetlands (salt marshes, mangroves) and reefs (shellfish, coastal protection function (Bouma et al., 2014).
corals) provide coastal defence through enhanced wave attenuation, Epibenthic bivalve reefs, as formed by bivalve species like oysters
sediment capture, erosion reduction and vertical accretion (Gedan and mussels, deliver many ecosystem services and are abundant, persis-
et al., 2011; Kench and Brander, 2006; Scyphers et al., 2011; Shepard tent structures of marine and estuarine ecosystems worldwide
et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2012). The ability to maintain their own habitat (Grabowski et al., 2012; Grabowski and Peterson, 2007). Oysters form
through biophysical feedbacks (D'Alpaos et al., 2012; Kirwan and dense three-dimensional reef structures which can alter water flow
Megonigal, 2013; McKee et al., 2007) secures the long-term sustainabil- and reduce wave action (Borsje et al., 2011), while trapping and stabiliz-
ity of ecosystem-based coastal protection, especially in case of accelerat- ing sediment (Walles et al., 2014). They also provide other ecosystem
ing sea level rise (Temmerman et al., 2013). Many studies focus on services as they create a habitat in coastal environments on which com-
relatively short-term (1–2 years) influences of ecosystem engineers on plex food webs are based (Scyphers et al., 2011; Spalding et al., 2014;
the local environment, but long-term sustainability of the engineered Tolley and Volety, 2005). Oyster reefs are increasingly constructed for
structure is not always considered. Long-term sustainability is dependent shoreline protection and erosion control. The construction of artificial
on the ability of the ecosystem engineer to grow and maintain its own reefs and restoration of natural reefs is often complicated by several fac-
tors, including sedimentation, substrate limitation, degraded water
quality, predation and diseases which affect the oyster population. Buri-
⁎ Corresponding author. al by sediment causes significant loss of reef habitat (Powers et al., 2009;
1385-1101/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 B. Walles et al. / Journal of Sea Research 108 (2016) 1–9

Rodriguez et al., 2014). To escape sedimentation, constructed reef opportunities for establishment at places where they were lost or are
height needs to exceed a certain threshold (Jordan-Cooley et al., 2011; desirable as part of a coastal defence scheme (Bouma et al., 2014).
Schulte et al., 2009; Taylor and Bushek, 2008). Substrate limitation can But subsequently oysters need to settle, survive and grow at a specific
be attributed to construction/restoration material unsuitability site in order to achieve long-term, persistent structures. The locations
(Nestlerode et al., 2007). Accumulation of shell material, through re- of the artificial reefs within the “Building with Nature” programme
cruitment and growth, is essential to the maintenance of oyster reefs were chosen based on hydromorphological conditions rather than re-
as it provides substrate for new generations (positive feedback loop), quirements for oyster reef development. As these locations previously
forming a self-sustainable structure that can persist for decades lacked natural reefs, the question rises what factors are preventing the
(Mann and Powell, 2007; Walles et al., 2015). Even after oysters die, occurrence of Pacific oysters here. If these locations are unsuitable for
their shell material remains and sustains the structure on which the initial settlement artificial reefs may facilitate this. If these locations
living oyster population depends (Mann and Powell, 2007). A reef are unsuitable for growth, survival and recruitment of next generations,
consisting of multiple year classes can buffer for annual recruitment artificial reefs may never develop into self-sustainable reefs. The aim of
variability, as long-lived oysters disproportionally add shell material to this paper is to investigate if artificial Pacific oyster reefs, constructed for
the reef structure (Schulte et al., 2009). In absence of continued growth, coastal management, develop into self-sustaining oyster reefs that con-
for example due to disease, parasites, predation or harvesting, a reduc- tribute to coastal adaptation. Reef development was investigated by
tion in shell substrate is expected to affect the available settlement comparing the recruitment, survival and growth rates of oysters on
space, which in turn will decrease the shell accumulation negatively af- the artificial with nearby natural Pacific oyster reefs in an observational
fecting the reef sustainability (Walles et al., 2015). and manipulative study. Comparison to natural reefs will determine if
Whether oyster reefs can be incorporated into coastal defence and the artificial reefs are performing at the level of a healthy reef (Baggett
coastal adaptation schemes depends not only on their coastal defence et al., 2015). Furthermore, we investigated whether (local) sedimenta-
value, but also on the long-term persistence or self-sustaining character tion affects reef succession. Understanding the development of the
of the reef over a specific time-frame. Within the Dutch innovation pro- reef structure and its consequences on reef sustainability will allow
gramme “Building with Nature” five artificial oyster reefs, consisting of maximizing the long-term ecological function of oyster reefs within res-
gabions filled with oyster shells, were constructed on eroding tidal toration and ecosystem-based coastal defence schemes.
flats in the Oosterschelde estuary (Fig. 1). The aim of these experimental
artificial oyster reefs was to investigate their potential in erosion mitiga- 2. Methods
tion of the tidal flats in the Oosterschelde and the ability to maintain
their own habitat (De Vriend and Van Koningsveld, 2012). These tidal 2.1. Study area
flats do not only provide foraging grounds for migrating water birds,
they also provide foreshore protection by reducing wave energy to the The Oosterschelde estuary is a 351 km2 tidal basin with tidal flats
dikes. Providing a suitable substrate for oysters to settle on offers (118 km2), artificial rocky shore habitats (dikes), deep gullies, and

Fig. 1. Location of the five artificial Pacific oyster reefs (two Pilot reefs (indicated by the star), VianeEast, VianeWest and De Val) and two natural reefs (NaturalWest and NaturalEast) at two
intertidal flats (Viane and De Val) in the Oosterschelde estuary (SW, The Netherlands). Dotted lines indicate the mean low tide level. Intertidal areas (light grey) covered with oysters in
2011 are indicated in dark grey. The height of the artificial reefs is 25 cm. Grey circles within the reefs indicate the position of fixed quadrant (0.25 m2) in which recruitment and growth
rates were measured.
B. Walles et al. / Journal of Sea Research 108 (2016) 1–9 3

shallow water areas, located in the Southwest of The Netherlands (Fig. showing strong erosion (3 cm year−1). VianeEast and NaturalEast were
1). A storm surge barrier, completed in 1986, separates the estuary situated more to the east on the same Viane mudflat, exposed to north-
from the North Sea. Under normal operation the open barrier still allows westerly waves. The reef De Val is exposed to north-easterly waves situ-
the tide going in and out, but can be closed completely in the event of a ated on an exposed mudflat with only slight erosion (b0.5 cm year−1).
storm surge. The estuary has a semi-diurnal tidal cycle with mean tidal
amplitude ranging from 2.47 m near the storm surge barrier to 2.98 m in 2.3. Recruitment
the northern branch and 3.39 m at the southeast end (Nienhuis and
Smaal, 1994). The maximum current velocity is about 1.0 m s−1. Salinity Recruitment is crucial for the establishment and long-term survival
throughout the estuary is high, generally N30 psu (Nienhuis and Smaal, of an oyster reefs. Recruitment rates were monitored annually (during
1994). The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas was initially introduced in the the winter months: December and January) within fixed quadrants of
Oosterschelde estuary in 1964, when the area was seeded with spat 0.25 m2 on the five artificial reefs (Pilot reefs: n = 6, VianeWest: n =
originating from British Columbia (Drinkwaard, 1998, 1999; Shatkin 15, VianeEast: n = 15, De Val: n = 15). These measurements were per-
et al., 1997). More introductions of both spat and adult oysters soon formed from the first winter after the construction of the reefs up to De-
followed (Drinkwaard, 1998). The first natural recruitment event after cember 2013. Recruitment is defined as the number of living juvenile
introduction was recorded in 1975 (Drinkwaard, 1998). After this the oysters (N1 mm in shell length) present in winter that had settled dur-
oysters spread rapidly (Smaal et al., 2009), presently occupying 9 km2 ing the preceding summer season. Only the settled oysters visible from
of the (lower) intertidal (i.e. about 8%). The Pacific oyster reproduces above were counted and their shell length measured to the nearest mm,
in late summer (July–September) in the Oosterschelde estuary, and leaving the gabions intact to preserve the structure. As sedimentation
the population is presently little affected by diseases and predation could affect survival, percentage covered with sediment was estimated
(Engelsma and Haenen, 2013; Troost, 2010 and references therein). per quadrant every two months. Percentage sediment cover was deter-
Natural oyster reefs over 35 years old are found in the Oosterschelde es- mined by dividing the 50 by 50 cm frame into 100 cells. In each cell the
tuary (Walles et al., 2015). percentage coverage was determined using 5 categories (0, 25, 50, 75
and 100% coverage). The total sum of cells divided by 100 gives the
2.2. Artificial and natural reefs total percentage sediment cover per quadrant.
To compare if recruitment rates at the artificial reefs are similar to
Within the Dutch innovation programme “Building with Nature” recruitment rates observed on nearby natural reefs, recruitment rates
five three-dimensional artificial oyster reefs (Fig. 1) were constructed were monitored in 2011 at NaturalEast and NaturalWest. As it is difficult
by filling 25 cm high gabions with Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) to measure recruitment from above on a fully developed oyster reef, re-
shells, to provide substrate and encourage settlement of new oyster re- cruitment at NaturalEast and NaturalWest was measured by randomly
cruits (Arakawa, 1990; Tamburri et al., 2008). The effect of these reefs selecting 30 sampling locations (25 × 25 cm quadrants) at which all
on tidal flat morphology (sedimentation/erosion) and the development oysters were removed from the taphonomically active zone, TAZ
of the reefs were monitored over a five year period. This paper particu- (Davies et al., 1989). The oysters were brought to the lab to count re-
larly focuses on the development of these artificial Pacific oyster reefs by cruits and measure their shell lengths. For all sampling locations their
studying the recruitment, survival and growth rates of oysters on the elevation with respect to the MSL was measured using a Differential
constructed reefs in comparison to oysters at two nearby natural Pacific Global Positioning System (DGPS) and converted to tidal emersion (%).
oyster reefs (NaturalEast and NaturalWest, Fig. 1, Table 1).
In the summer of 2009, two small artificial reefs (hereafter called 2.4. Growth rates
Pilot reefs) were constructed on the tidal flat Viane (Fig. 1). In the au-
tumn of 2010, three large artificial reefs (hereafter called VianeWest, To maintain the reef structure, settled oysters need to grow,
VianeEast and De Val) were constructed on two tidal flats: Viane and forming the base of the reef. To determine annual shell growth
De Val (Fig. 1). VianeEast and VianeWest were constructed in the period rates, shell length was measured, as the longest dimension from
July–October, during the reproductive season of the Pacific oyster. De the hinge to growing edge, of all newly settled oysters after construc-
Val was constructed from September till November, at the end of the re- tion of the artificial reefs. The maximum shell length observed in the
productive season. first year after construction was used to identify the range of shell
The reef locations differed in prevailing abiotic conditions. First of all, lengths for the 0 year old oysters. This was assumed to be the mini-
the reefs were located across a tidal emersion gradient (Table 1). Second- mum shell length for the oysters in the next year up to the maximum
ly, the reefs differed in their exposure to waves and their position on the obtained shell length within that year (1 year old oysters). The
tidal flat. The dominant wave's direction depends on the wind's direction ranges (up to 3 year old oysters) were used to calculate the average
and the fetch length of each direction. Local wind conditions were obtain- shell length per year class, from which annual shell growth was cal-
ed from wind measurements at Stavenisse, The Netherlands (www.hmcz. culated. Due to partial sedimentation within the reef, it was not pos-
nl). In The Netherlands, mainly south-westerly winds prevail and north- sible to measure the full length of the largest (4 year old) oysters on
westerly storms. VianeWest, NaturalWest and the Pilot reefs were ex- the two pilot reefs in 2013 without destroying the reef structure.
posed to waves in the northeast direction, on a mudflat area that is Therefore, all oysters (233 ± 36 live oysters) within 3 new quadrants
of 0.25 m2 on the pilot reefs were removed and brought to the lab for
length measurements. The shell length data were used to construct a
Table 1
Summary of reef characteristics. Reefs are ordered according to increasing emersion time.
length frequency distribution, which was used to dissociate the length de-
Tidal emersion (mean ± sd) based on converted height measures on top of the reefs. Ori- mographic into Gaussian distributions to estimate year classes using the
entation degrees are perpendicular to the length of the reef. method of Bhattacharya (1967), see Walles et al. (2015) for details on
this method. The modes of the Gaussian distributions were combined
Reef Tidal Area Volume Orientation Wave Fetch
emersion % m2 m3 degrees direction km with the yearly maximum observed shell length to obtain the range and
mean shell lengths of 5 year classes. This method enables to age large
VianeWest 23 ± 1.5 1728 432 15° NE 2.5
NaturalWest 27 ± 5.0 1265 – 54° NE 2.6 number of oysters in a cheap and fast way, without dissecting the shell.
Pilot reefs 27 ± 1.5 40 10 25° NE 2.7 The disadvantage is that oysters could end up in a wrong year class if
NaturalEast 33 ± 2.1 1581 – 36° NW 1.8 their growth differs from average. A large sample size is averaged for
De Val 35 ± 1.0 1560 390 22° NE 6.4 this error. Growth rates for natural reefs were obtained using the method
VianeEast 50 ± 4.1 1650 413 300° NW 1.3
of Bhattacharya at NaturalWest in 2011 (Walles et al., 2015). At
4 B. Walles et al. / Journal of Sea Research 108 (2016) 1–9

NaturalWest all live oysters (from the TAZ) were removed within 8 quad- 3. Results
rants (1 m2, n = 2 and 0.25 m2, n = 6) and brought to the lab for length
measurements. 3.1. Development of the artificial reefs

2.5. Manipulative study Although recruitment is highly variable between years, VianeWest
received consistently more recruits than the other artificial reefs
To compare growth rates and condition index (CI) at the artificial (Table 2). In addition, shell length of recruits was larger at VianeWest
reefs with the natural reefs, a manipulative study was conducted in (Fig. 2). Oysters at this reef also showed highest shell growth, which
2011. Fifty cages were placed on top of the natural reefs (NaturalWest, was comparable to shell growth observed on natural reefs (Fig. 3). Like-
n = 25; NaturalEast, n = 25) and thirty-six cages on top of the three wise CI was highest, even exceeding those found on natural reefs at the
large artificial reefs (VianeEast, n = 12, VianeWest, n = 12 and same tidal emersion (Fig. 3). Furthermore this reef contains a multiple
De Val, n = 12). For all cages their elevation with respect to the MSL year class structure, which indicates survival of the oysters from one
was measured using a DGPS and converted to tidal emersion (%). year class into the next year class (Fig. 4).
Shell growth at the different reef locations was studied from mid- VianeEast, situated highest in the intertidal, did not develop into a self-
April (natural reefs) and the end of June (artificial reefs) till mid No- sustaining oyster reef. Annually recruitment was observed (Table 2), but
vember 2011, using 9 wild-bottom-cultured oysters per cage. The numbers were low and shell lengths were smaller than those observed
oysters were collected from the location “Yerseke bank” in the on the other reefs (Fig. 2). Shell growth was lower than shell growth at
Oosterschelde (Natural reefs: 91 ± 15 mm shell length, Artificial VianeWest (Fig. 3). Oysters at VianeEast lost weight during the course
reefs: 85 ± 16 mm shell length). Shell length, width and height in of the experiment, indicating possible food limitation due to increased
mm, and total oyster weight in g were measured at the beginning tidal emersion. This was demonstrated by a lower CI at this site (Fig. 3).
and end of the study (natural reefs: 207 days; artificial reefs: 116 Furthermore, this reef suffers from sediment burial which covers the
days). Since the cages at the natural reefs stayed in the field for a lon- reef with a layer of sediment and cockle shells. This results in low recruit-
ger period of time, we calculated daily growth rates to be able to ment rates (Table 2) and the absence of 2 and 3 year old oysters (Fig. 4),
compare growth rates observed on the artificial reefs with those ob- which were lost due to suffocation.
served on the natural reefs. In November all oysters were brought to De Val, situated amid VianeWest and VianeEast, received recruit-
the lab to determine their CI, to give an indication of their overall ment (Table 2) and oysters did grow, but a loss in weight and a low CI
health. CI was calculated as follows: indicate stress at this location (Fig. 3). Oysters do survive at this location
as a multiple year class structure is observed (Fig. 4). There are however
afdw only few 3 year old oysters, which can be explained by low recruitment
Condition index ðg=mlÞ ¼
icv in 2010 (Table 2) due to timing of the construction at the end of the re-
productive season.
(Lawrence and Scott, 1982) in which afdw is the ash-free dry weight in The natural reefs covered a gradient of 9 to 40% tidal emersion. Re-
g and icv the internal cavity volume in ml. The oysters were dissected, cruitment, growth rates and CI showed a negative correlation across
separating the tissue from the shell, after which the flesh was dried at this tidal emersion gradient (Figs. 2 and 3).
70 °C until weight constancy was achieved (4 days). Subsequently Sedimentation within the reefs was highest at VianeEast, followed
they were incinerated at 540 °C for 4 h, to determine their ash-free by VianeWest and De Val, but this trend was not significant due to
dry weight. Internal cavity volume was determined by submerging high within-reef variability. Average winter sediment coverage (moni-
the empty oyster shell in water, pushing the two valves tightly together, tored simultaneous with the recruitment monitoring) was 60 ± 37%
creating a water-retaining oyster shell. The weight of the water in (averaged over years) at VianeEast, 39 ± 22% at VianeWest and 16 ±
grammes corresponds with the internal cavity volume of the oyster in 16% at De Val. At very high coverages (N 70%) recruitment success was
millilitres. Changes in shell growth over the course of the study, as zero.
well as the CI at the end of the study, were used for statistical analysis.
3.2. Growth rates
2.6. Statistical analyses
Based on the mean shell lengths per year class (Table 3), an average
Differences between reefs were tested using one-way analyses of shell growth rate of 29 ± 4 mm per year was calculated. Using the
variance. After analysis, significant terms were analysed using Fisher's method of Bhattacharya, shell lengths of 5 year classes were estimated
Least Significant Difference (LSD) procedure. Results only report on for the Pilot reefs. The estimated shell lengths obtained using the meth-
the significant findings. Differences along the tidal emersion gradient od of Bhattacharya (Table 3, Method B) correspond with mean shell
were tested using linear regression. All analyses were performed using lengths of the oysters measured on the Pilot reefs during the annual
the SPSS Statistics software version 21. Statistical significance was set monitoring (Table 3, Method A). A clear difference in the number of oys-
at α = 0.05. ters per year class can be observed (Fig. 5). This seems to be related to
the number of recruits observed during the annual monitoring in
those years (Pilot, Table 2).
Table 2 Mean shell lengths observed at NaturalWest (Table 3) were within
Number of oyster recruits m−2 (mean ± sd). Oyster recruits on natural reefs (NaturalWest
and NaturalEast) were only counted in 2011. VianeWest, VianeEast and De Val were con-
the range of shell lengths observed at the artificial reefs for oysters of
structed in 2010, the pilot reefs in 2009. 2 year and older. Shell lengths of the 0 and 1 year old oysters were, how-
ever, smaller at the artificial reefs compared to the natural reef.
Reef Tidal 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
% 4. Discussion
VianeWest 23 ± 1.5 84 ± 146 81 ± 86 77 ± 43 322 ± 140
NaturalWest 27 ± 5.0 488 ± 300 Coastal ecosystems are increasingly recognized as essential ele-
Pilot reefs 27 ± 1.5 22 ± 14 68 ± 39 26 ± 23 58 ± 27 147 ± 107 ments within coastal defence schemes and coastal adaptation
NaturalEast 33 ± 2.1 316 ± 245 (Spalding et al., 2014; Temmerman et al., 2013). The capacity of coastal
De Val 35 ± 1.0 6±7 17 ± 21 44 ± 42 253 ± 207 ecosystems, like marshes and biogenic reefs, to maintain their own hab-
VianeEast 50 ± 4.1 61 ± 89 1±2 28 ± 50 19 ± 40
itat and to grow with sea-level rise via biophysical feedbacks is seen as
B. Walles et al. / Journal of Sea Research 108 (2016) 1–9 5

Fig. 2. Number of oyster recruits m−2 (left) and their shell length (right) measured within quadrants on the artificial (triangles) and natural (circles) reefs in 2011 as a function of tidal
emersion. Significant linear regressions are indicated by the dashed (natural reefs) and solid (artificial reefs) lines. Statistical significance was set at α = 0.05.

an important advantage of such systems compared to man-made hard enhance growth (Bahr, 1976; Bartol et al., 1999; Roegner and Mann,
engineering structures (Bouma et al., 2014). Many of these coastal eco- 1995), explaining why oysters at VianeWest had a higher CI compared
systems have declined tremendously over the past decades due to an- to oysters on the natural reefs which were located at the growth ceiling
thropogenic activities (Wilkinson and Salvat, 2012). Globally 85% of (Fig. 3). Oysters located at VianeEast and de Val showed a decrease in
oyster reefs are either lost or degraded (Barbier et al., 2010 and refer- total weight and had significant lower CI compared to oysters located
ences therein; Beck et al., 2011). In recent years, restoration of these at VianeWest. Since the internal cavity of the oysters at VianeEast and
coastal ecosystems became a common mitigation option. Successful ap- de Val did not differ from oysters at VianeWest, this low CI reflects a
plication of these coastal ecosystems for coastal protection does not low meat content, which could be a result of starvation. This could be
only depend on the coastal defence value of the ecosystem, but also due to less time to filter feed. Our study shows that tidal emersion is
on the long term persistence and sustainability of these ecosystems. an important factor that determines reef development.
As many projects fail to monitor the development of oyster reef con-
struction for coastal adaptation on relevant spatial and temporal scales, 4.2. Sediment dynamics
it is difficult to assess failure or success (La Peyre et al., 2014a; La Peyre
et al., 2014b). Our study shows that oysters settled, grew and survived Burial by sediment is commonly observed in reef restoration pro-
on artificially constructed reefs, creating a multiple year class structure jects and causes significant loss of reef habitat (Powers et al., 2009;
which buffers for annual recruitment variation and provide settlement Rodriguez et al., 2014; Schulte et al., 2009). To escape sedimentation,
substrate for next generations (Schulte et al., 2009), and as such facili- the initial reef height needs to exceed a certain threshold (Jordan-Cooley
tating self-sustainability of the reef structure. We found that tidal emer- et al., 2011). In an erosive system, such as the Oosterschelde estuary, low-
sion and burial need to be taken into account for successful oyster reef relief reefs (0.25 m reef height) experience some sedimentation but
development. mainly exceed this threshold. VianeEast however, became buried to a
large extent by sediment deposition. Tidal flat morphodynamics in a
4.1. Tidal emersion mesotidal system like the Oosterschelde are complex. Besides the ongo-
ing erosion of the tidal flats (Santinelli and De Ronde, 2012), at many
Reef development was related to vertical position in the intertidal tidal flats sand ridges move across the tidal flats. In case of the tidal flat
zone. Both natural as artificial reefs demonstrated that recruitment as Viane, a sand ridge is moving in northeasterly direction towards the
well as the shell length of recruits, shell growth and CI was negatively shore and moved over the reef structure of VianeEast suffocating the oys-
correlated with the tidal emersion. Fodrie et al. (2014) indicated that ters at this reef with sand and shell debris. VianeEast can therefore be con-
vertical gradients describe the success of reef development in littoral sidered as an artificial reef on which recruitment starts each year from
systems. They concluded that biotic interactions (i.e. predation and scratch. Taylor and Bushek (2008) found that shifting sediments might
competition) likely drove the patterns they observed. Johnson and be a more important process in limiting reef development than predation,
Smee (2014) also demonstrated that a predation gradient effects larval diseases or ice shear. A study by Colden and Lipcius (2015) demonstrates
survival and the distribution of adult oysters. These studies follow an that even partial burial of oysters by sediment can impact the sustainabil-
older literature (reviewed by Bahr and Lanier, 1981) that recognized ity of oyster reefs, affecting reef development. Sedimentation however is
the role of tidal emersion, particularly in euhaline waters, on the vertical not always homogenous over reefs. At VianeWest sedimentation oc-
distribution of oyster reefs of the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). curred but is very patchy, affecting oysters on a metre scale, but not ham-
Rodriguez et al. (2014) showed that reefs have an upper limit of the pering reef development at reef scale. An almost homogenous coverage of
tidal range, a so called growth ceiling above which oysters cannot sediment and cockle shells at VianeEast does hamper reef development at
grow as stress from limited inundation is too high. In the Oosterschelde this reef. We suspect however that this is not the mechanistic cause of the
this growth ceiling occurs around −0.72 ± 0.16 m MSL, which corre- failure of this reef. As one small part of VianeEast never became buried,
sponds with an tidal emersion time of 4 h (33%) per low tide within but still lacked live oysters five years after construction (personal observa-
the semidiurnal tidal cycle of the Oosterschelde (Walles et al., 2014). tion), tidal emersion most likely is the dominant factor determining reef
VianeEast (−0.13 ± 0.08 m MSL) is located above this growth ceiling, success.
De Val (− 0.59 ± 0.05 m MSL), NaturalEast (− 0.60 ± 0.06 m MSL),
the Pilot reefs (− 0.72 ± 0.03 m MSL) and NaturalWest (− 0.78 ± 4.3. Substrate
0.15 m MSL) at this growth ceiling, whereas VianeWest (− 0.96 ±
0.03 m MSL) did not reach this growth ceiling yet. Oysters at VianeWest, Although recruitment rates were highly variable, recruitment rates
experience the shortest tidal emersion, which prolongs feeding and were higher on the natural reefs compared to the artificial reefs in
6 B. Walles et al. / Journal of Sea Research 108 (2016) 1–9

Fig. 3. Daily shell growth: length, width and height (mm d−1); changes in total weight (g d−1); and CI (g ml−1), along a tidal emersion gradient, measured in cages on natural and artificial
Pacific oyster reefs in 2011. Natural reefs are indicated by the white (NaturalWest) and grey (NaturalEast) circles. Artificial reefs (mean ± sd) are indicated by the black (VianeWest), white
(De Val) and grey (VianeEast) triangles. Significant linear regression, only found for the natural reefs, is indicated by the dashed line. Statistical significance was set at α = 0.05. Different
letters indicate significant differences between the artificial reefs at the p b 0.05 level, according to one-way ANOVA and LSD procedure.

2011. Lower recruitment rates at the artificial reefs could be a lack of to the large annual variation it is difficult to draw conclusions from
attractors which guide larvae to the reefs. Several studies show that lar- this observation.
vae are able to detect a reef by chemical cues of conspecifics (Tamburri
et al., 2008; Tamburri et al., 2007) or by the sound of the reef (Lillis et al., 4.4. Growth rates
2013). As the artificial reefs did not have time to develop yet, and could
still be considered as dead structures in 2011, these attractors were The annual shell length measurements in fixed quadrants at the ar-
most likely less present on these reefs at that time. Over time, one ex- tificial reefs show growth of oysters throughout the entire experimental
pects to observe an increase in recruitment rate. At VianeWest a positive duration. Comparable mean shell lengths per year classes were obtained
correlation between the adults density and recruitment density (R2 = from the annual monitoring at the artificial reefs and based on analysis
0.7, p b 0.001) was found in 2012, which supports this theory, but due of the length frequency distribution using the method of Bhattacharya
B. Walles et al. / Journal of Sea Research 108 (2016) 1–9 7

Fig. 5. Number of oysters m−2 per shell length (mm), pooled in 5 mm bins, collected in
0.25 m2 quadrants (n = 3) at the Pilot reefs in the Oosterschelde estuary (The
Netherlands) in 2013. Year classes are separated by dashed lines. The height of the shaded
areas shows recruitment dynamics from year to year. It indicates the amount of oysters re-
cruited to the reef per year as counted during each yearly recruitment monitoring (see
Table 2).

at the Pilot reefs. Shell lengths per year class observed on the artificial
oyster reefs were compared to shell lengths found in a population struc-
ture study carried out on NaturalWest in 2011. Although shell lengths of
the 0 and 1 year old oysters were larger at natural reefs, compared to the
artificial reefs, similar shell lengths were observed for 2, 3 and 4 year old
oysters. The difference observed for the first two year classes could not
be explained by the timing of monitoring as both studies took place dur-
ing the winter months. We only counted and measured oysters from
above, missing the oysters that settle in the cavities underneath shells.
These oysters could be larger in size due to more stable microclimatic
properties in such cavities (Amat-Valero et al., 2014). The smaller
shell lengths in the first year classes, appear not to cascade through
the older year classes.
As shell length of oysters on the artificial reefs are comparable to
shell lengths observed on natural reefs, a vertical accretion rate in the
order of 7.0 to 16.9 mm year− 1 is expected, indicating that reefs are
able to grow and maintain themselves (Walles et al., 2015). From this
it is expected that De Val needs 8 years to grow 13 cm before reaching
the growth ceiling whereas VianeWest needs 16 years to grow 37 cm.
Diseases are however a potential threat which could increase mortality
rate, reducing vertical accretion rates (Walles et al., 2015).
Although oysters in the experimental cages show comparable shell
length and width increment at the artificial and natural reefs, total
weight was lower at the artificial reef (Fig. 3). This difference could be
a result of differences in the period the oysters were located in the
field. Oysters at the natural reefs were placed in the field a few months
earlier than the oysters at the artificial reefs.

5. Conclusion
Fig. 4. Number of oysters m−2 per shell length (mm), pooled in 5 mm sizes bins, measured
in fixed 0.25 m2 quadrants (n = 15 per reef) at artificial reefs in the Oosterschelde estuary
Successful application of coastal ecosystems for coastal protection
(The Netherlands) from 2010 till 2013. Year classes are separated by dashed lines. Annual
monitoring shows growth of oysters from one year class into the next year class. does not only depend on the coastal defence value of the ecosystem or
ecosystem engineer under consideration, but also on the long term per-
sistence and sustainability of these ecosystems. In this study we showed

Table 3
Average shell length in mm (mean ± sd) per year class. Data from VianeEast, VianeWest and De Val was obtained during the annual monitoring from 2010 till 2013. Data from the Pilot
reefs were obtained during the annual monitoring from 2009 till 2013, method A. Using the method of Bhattacharya, average shell lengths of 5 year classes were obtained at the Pilot reef in
2013, method B. Data from NaturalWest was obtained in 2011, adapted from Walles et al. (2015).

Year class VianeEast VianeWest De Val Pilot reefs NaturalWest

Method A Method B

0 4 ± 2 (n = 230) 5 ± 2 (n = 1497) 4 ± 1 (n = 808) 6 ± 2 (n = 527) 6 ± 4 (n = 166) 16 ± 1 (n = 1476)

1 28 ± 8 (n = 49) 39 ± 6 (n = 585) 34 ± 6 (n = 347) 34 ± 2 (n = 1013) 35 ± 8 (n = 213) 45 ± 2 (n = 199)
2 65 ± 15 (n = 9) 65 ± 6 (n = 311) 61 ± 6 (n = 105) 61 ± 6 (n = 318) 69 ± 12 (n = 140) 68 ± 5 (n = 245)
3 Missing 92 ± 1 (n = 35) Missing 91 ± 4 (n = 62) 101 ± 7 (n = 217) 95 ± 11 (n = 365)
4 Immeasurable 133 ± 10 (n = 73) 124 ± 6 (n = 229)
5 145 ± 2 (n = 92)
6 168 ± 2 (n = 20)
8 B. Walles et al. / Journal of Sea Research 108 (2016) 1–9

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