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Samia Mustafa

Reg no.2023109
What is the physical behavioral and psychological symptomatic presentation of autism spectrum

Autism spectrum disorder:

Autism is the neurodevelopmental disorder.
It is a complex condition that involves persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction
across multiple context , speech and non verbal communication and restricted repetitive behavior .
Children with autism spectrum disorder are often rigid and even obsessive in their behavior and their
The symptoms including repetitive body moving and moving constantly.
Kids with autism are very intellectual
Adaptive learning is compromised but intellectual not compromise
They are highly hyperactive.
The symptoms appear during early childhood before age 3.
The symptoms can range from mild to severe and it changes over the time.
Autism imbalance have lower wellness abilities contrasted with others. These aptitudes incorporate
equilibrium, body coordination, visual-engine control and other portability abilities. Here once more, we
were urged to locate that numerous sorts of proactive tasks improve ability related qualification for
youth with autism.
In behavioral repetitive behavior like hand flapping shaking bouncing whirling
Consistent moving and hyper conduct
Fixation on certain activities or objects
Specific routines or customs and they getting disturbed when routine is changed even marginally.
Extraordinary affectability to contact light and sound.
It affects communication and behavior.
In psychological deficits in social emotional reciprocity , abnormal social approach and failure of normal
back and forth conversation to reduced sharing of interest emotions or affect to failure to respond to
social interactions.
Deficits in non verbal communication behaviors for using in social interactions.
The symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social occupational or other areas of current

The diagnosed based on observing how the children talks and acts in compared to the other children of
the same age.

Each child with autism spectrum disorder is likely to have a unique pattern of behavior and level of
severity ranging from low to high functioning.



Schizoaffective disorder:
It is a mental health disorder that is marked by the combination of schizophrenia symptoms like
delusions and the hallucinations and mood disorder symptoms such as depression or mania.

A person have schizophrenic disorder , a person have two weeks of mood disorder for this and other is
diminished it is just like a symptoms of schizophrenic patient. In a two week there is change in major
mood, changings occurs in mood for just two weeks.

Delusions or hallucination for two or more weeks in the absence of a major mood episode depressive or
manic during the lifetime duration of the illness.

Difference schizoaffective from schizophrenia:

schizophrenia split of mind , false form beliefs that strongly unchangeable and unshakable hallucination

we diagnosed schizophrenia due to these five psychotic disorder

delusion it is the false beliefs

hallucination perception like experience sensory input without sensory output

disorganized thinking it is the frequent derailment or incoherence

negative symptoms diminished emotional expression or avolition

motor behavior disorganized or catatonic behavior.

Persistent for at least six months. this 6 month period include or at least 1 months of symptoms .

It have two phases active phase or prodromal phase.

In schizophrenia mood symptoms are not expected to occur without psychotic symptoms. The psychotic
symptoms are present but the mood symptoms come and go whereas the schizoaffective disorder the
psychotic symptoms may or may not be present during the times when a person is experiencing
depression or mania.

In schizoaffective there are two type of schizoaffective disorder

Bipolar and the depressive type

The bipolar characterized by the episodes of mania and major depression whereas in the depressive
episodes of major depression without mania.

Schizoaffective difference with bipolar.

Bipolar is separated from the depressive disorder in dsm 5 .

Bipolar is a strictly mood disorder while schizoaffective is a mood disorder combined with the separate
psychotic symptoms that are not attached to mania or depression.
For a diagnosis in bipolar 1 disorder the manic episode may have been preceded by and may be
followed by hypomanic or major depressive disorder.

In bipolar 1 both have manic and depressive episode , hypomanic is not present. It proceed long time
sometime it would be manic or a depressive.

In manic hospitalization is must without this cannot be treated.

Hypomanic duration symptoms same, not intense that patient is treated without hospitalization.

Major depression is treated with purely CBT with medication .

In bipolar 2 hypomanic and manic not manic occur.

Schizoaffective difference with depressive disorder:

It includes disruptive mood dysregulation major depressive disorder or persistent disorder .

In disruptive is the just for kids age before 10

Aggression outward we did not receive manic and hypomanic .

The significant loss in life ,loss of interest or pleasure. It is a mood disorder that cause a persistent
feeling of sadness and loss of interest.

At least 2 weeks duration.



DIAGNOSIS: major depressive disorder ( MDD)

JUSTIFICATION: in according to dsm 5, the diagnosis of MDD the individual must be experiencing five or
more symptoms during the same 2 period and at least one of the symptoms should be either depressed
mood or the loss of interest.

Puerto presented difficulties in the following symptoms like frequent sadness crying, increase
appetite ,irritability, insomnia , hopelessness , difficulty concentrating.


DIAGNOSIS: schizophrenia

JUSTIFICATION: above case is diagnosed with schizophrenia .the symptoms include in this case is anxiety
delusion hallucination and psychosis.
Chris is seeking treatment due to fear anxiety and he thought local police are tacking and surveilling him
so he have a hallucination and delusion . he has intense anxiety about this has begun getting in the way
of his ability to complete classwork and his friend are concerned.

In the dsm 5 criteria for schizophrenia are

Presence of 2 or more of the following delusion hallucination or disorganized speech, symptoms and
motor or cationic behavior. Duration during a one month period of time.

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