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Financial wisdom

Inspiration Finances Class Outlines

I used #26,000 of my leave allowance to

pay for 500 copies of the devotional in
December 2012. As I'm talking every
edition costs over 1 million naira and this
has been running for over 10 years now.
The little you have today is a contact point
for the much you are trusting God for. Your
ability to productively use the little will
determine how much you will prosper.

Text : For which of you intending to build a

tower, does not first sit down and count the
cost, whether he has enough to complete
it? Luke 14:28

NLT: “But don’t begin until you count the

cost. For who would begin construction of
a building without first calculating the cost
to see if there is enough money to finish it.

The cost of building a tower is not the

same as a bungalow.

Building a great life and a great financial

life will require higher levels of
discipline and commitment.

These are two major demand of any

venture that will end up great. They both
work together.

There is a price of discipline and

commitment that is required to be paid.

The price you pay will depend on what you

want to build.

The expectations of desired results in our

individual lives or as a cooperate body will
remain a day dream without these two
aspects of our lives and operations
constantly being reviewed and improved
up The largest room in the world is the
room for improvement.

The concept of perfection does not really

exist in human nature. We are constantly
on a journey towards perfection.

Perfection is not a destination of

completion. It’s a journey.

This is why you cannot really say “I have

done all I need to do and things have not

If nothing has changed then there is still

what you need to do.

The more we make progress in this

journey the more productive we become as
an individual and the more we can enjoy
financial rewards.
Understanding Discipline

Discipline is the ability to do the right

thing at the right time and in the right way.
Most especially when you are not under

The greatest test of discipline is doing the

right thing when you are not supervised. It’s
a major reflection of character.

We become an asset to ourselves and to

an organization when we can work with
less supervision.

There is always a human tendency to

want to delay, postpone or overlook what
we are required to do per time.

The greatest testimony we have as

believers are not the one we have in church
but the one we have in the workplace or in
our various homes far away from public
Discipline will require that we have clarity
of our job schedule and expected results.
This will help us to separate frivolity from
our jobs.

Joseph clearly understood this. He said

“There is no one greater in this house than
I, and he has withheld nothing from me
except you (You are not part of my job
description). Because you are his wife.
How then could I do this great evil, and sin
against God?” Genesis 39:9

Discipline is the ability to understand and

stay within the jurisdiction of what is
expected of you.

Doing what others will not do

Going to places others will not go to

Going beyond your best

Doing much more than is required

Paying the price that others will not pay

Luke 16:12 “And If you have not been

trustworthy with someone else’s property,
who will give you property of your own?
NLT “And if you are not faithful with other
people’s things, why should you be trusted
with things of your own.”

The greatest test of commitment is when

you are required to handle what does not
belong to you

Ultimately how you handle what belongs

to someone else will determine what you
are qualified for in life
You are the creator of your realities

God's compensation program will do a

divine audit on how we handle what is
committed into our hands. His promotion
program is beyond what any company can
offer. We are divinely accessed on our
current level of commitment

In God's program of destiny, he will usually

introduce us to a glimpse of where he's
ultimately taking us to.

Luke 16:10 “Whoever can be trusted with

very little can also be trusted with much,
and whoever is dishonest with very little
will also be dishonest with much.”

At lower levels of assignments our

character, carriage, commitments and
tenacity are developed and tested.

Your level of commitment will determine

your level of productivity.

Remember again that we can improve in

our current level of commitment.

Joseph passed the test of discipline and

commitment. If he had not been
disciplined and committed in the house of
Potiphar and in the prison the door of the
palace couldn’t have opened for him.

Wisdom is the principal thing we need to

be financially blessed. This is the wisdom
of God and not the wisdom of men.
Prov4:7; Eccle 10:10; prov24: 3-4.
From the story of the widow in 2kings4:
1) I must recognize what I already have. My
miracle is connected to what I already
have. There is something in my possession
that is the link to my miracle.
2) I must increase my capacity to receive.
God will not give me more than my
capacity to receive.
3) My miracle will begin with what I already
4) I must have a skill that is sellable, a
service that is sellable and a product that
is sellable. The more I improve in my skills,
upgrade my services and improve the
product, the more financially blessed I'll be.
Miracles will not come everyday but I must
create a system for continuous flow of the

If your mind is poor your life will be poor.

The internal currency is far more

important than the physical currency

Until you have a breakthroughs within you

cannot have a permanent breakthrough

Where your mind goes your life will

automatically follow.

A poverty mindset will end up poor no

matter how much money you are given

People who are genuinely and consistently

wealthy are not just financially rich but also
mentally wealthy.

You are the creator of your realities.

You manifest your realities
God has his resources for me. I was not
created for lack.

1. There's an abundance consciousness

and a scarcity consciousness
2. Scarcity is a sign that there's
3. People with scarcity mindset focus on
what they don't have, while people with
abundance mindset focus on the
possibilities they can create out of their
4. People with scarcity mindset refuses to
collaborate with anyone as they see
everyone as a competition, while people
with abundant mindset believes in
collaboration with others to create great
Our mindset is the maternity of ours
realities whether abundance or lack.

3 John 2 is very clear. The level of

prosperity you will experience in life will
depend on the prosperity of your soul.

Divine Direction
Willingness ; Positioning ; Responsiveness
Are all necessary to experience God's
God is ever ready to speak to us if only we
are ready to follow his directions. We also
need to be spiritually ready to hear from

The word of God is ever fresh and new

every morning. The need to be spiritually
sensitive indeed is key to divine direction.
upgrade my services and improve the
product, the more financially blessed I'll be.
Miracles will not come everyday but I must
create a system for continuous flow of the
Wisdom is the principal thing we need to
be financially blessed. This is the wisdom
of God and not the wisdom of men.
Prov4:7; Eccle 10:10; prov24: 3-4.
From the story of the widow in 2kings4:
1) I must recognize what I already have. My
miracle is connected to what I already
have. There is something in my possession
that is the link to my miracle.
2) I must increase my capacity to receive.
God will not give me more than my
capacity to receive.
3) My miracle will begin with what I already
4) I must have a skill that is sellable, a
service that is sellable and a product that
is sellable. The more I improve in my skills,
upgrade my services and improve the
product, the more financially blessed I'll be.
Miracles will not come everyday but I must
create a system for continuous flow of the
the purpose of divine covenant is to live a
life divine purpose.
We are blessed to be a blessing to others
according to God's purpose.

We cannot become more than what we are

or have inside.

Being wealthy is synonymous to being


The covenant is the platform where I meet

God's power for wealth
Giving is living and is the foundation of
that covenant
Divine direction helps us to maximise our
Wisdom is the hability towards wealth
The mind is the maternity for abundance
and wealth

Wealth is proportional to Wisdom

More Wisdom more wealth
It is also a product of decision
Making wise decision
God gives wealth to his children but you
must be spiritually minded to get along
if we are to hear from God, we must
position our heart .
God cannot speak to us at the market
place of our heart
It's important for us to hear from God
Hearing from God required utmost
attention and patience

When we follow God's guidance and

directions, we will arrive at the place of our
But we must have a willing heart that
follows God passionately

Again God work with us based on the

resource on our hand
Every individual possessed this resource.
It's our ability to utilize it will depend on
how far God can expand it.
We should open our heart to the
possibilities of God in our lives.
To do this we should invest what God has
blessed and blessing us with to the service
of God and humanity
Then wait for God's appointed time of
divine returns and increase upon us
Serving God with our wealth is one sure
way of securing and multiplying that our
We must abide by the rules of all the
financial covenant, wisdom and so forth.
Lines of thoughts!

If you will really prosper in God think of the

1. Don't just do what is popular and
generally accepted. Do what is unique to
you and you are clear about God's direction
on it.

2. Don't be in a hurry to make money.

Sustainable wealth is never overnight. You
must grow into it for it to be sustainable.
Even when you suddenly have plenty of
money to start a business its better to
start it small. So that you can learn the
rudiments of it.

3. What people give you may solve

immediate problems and give you quick
sense of satisfaction. But if you are going
to build a financial life that is generational
it must be something that comes from
within you and your genuine labour. This is
why people who win lottery most times end
up bankrupt.

The day you wake up is your morning... You

can decide to wake up today! Queen
Repeatition is the law of deep and lasting

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