Test Bank For Foundations in Kinesiology and Biomechanics 1st Edition Vickie Samuels Download

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Test Bank for Foundations in Kinesiology and Biomechanics, 1st Edition, Vickie Samuels,

Test Bank for Foundations in Kinesiology and

Biomechanics, 1st Edition, Vickie Samuels,

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Chapter 10. Structure and Function of the Wrist and Hand Complex

Multiple Choice

1. What is the influence of the medial tilt of the radial styloid process on movement of the wrist?
A. Movement through a larger range of radial deviation compared with ulnar deviation
B. Movement through a larger range of wrist flexion compared with extension
C. Movement through a larger range of ulnar deviation compared with radial deviation
D. Movement through a larger range of wrist extension compared with flexion

REF: 194
OBJ: 10.1
KEY: bony and soft tissue structures of the wrist complex and hand

2. Which of the following carpals are located in the floor of the anatomical snuff box?
A. Lunate, hamate
B. Scaphoid, trapezium
C. Hamate, trapezoid
D. Capitate, scaphoid

REF: 194
OBJ: 10.1
KEY: bony and soft tissue structures of the wrist complex and hand

3. Which of the following directions is MOST CORRECT to palpate the capitate bone?
A. Palpate proximal to base of third metacarpal bone
B. Palpate proximal to base of fourth metacarpal bone
C. Palpate proximal to base of second metacarpal bone
D. Palpate proximal to base of fifth metacarpal bone

REF: 195
OBJ: 10.1
KEY: bony and soft tissue structures of the wrist complex and hand

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4. Which of the following bones forms a saddle joint with the base of the first metacarpal?
A. Hamate
B. Trapezoid
C. Capitate
D. Trapezium

REF: 195
OBJ: 10.1
KEY: bony and soft tissue structures of the wrist complex and hand

5. Which of the following structures comprise the radiocarpal joint?

A. Distal radius, disc, ulna, trapezium
B. Distal radius, disc, scaphoid, lunate
C. Distal radius, disc, trapezium,
D. Distal radius, disc, lunate, capitate

REF: 195
OBJ: 10.1, 10.2
KEY: bony and soft tissue structures; joints of the wrist complex and hand

6. What is the function of the wrist flexor and extensor retinaculum?

A. Increases strength of finger flexor and extensor muscles
B. Protects the carpals against fractures
C. Counters ulnar and radial deviation stresses
D. Prevents bowstringing of finger flexor and extensor tendons

REF: 195
OBJ: 10.1, 10.4
KEY: bony and soft tissue structures of the wrist complex and hand

7. Which of the following structures pass through the carpal tunnel?

A. Finger flexor tendons, radial nerve
B. Finger extensor tendons, ulnar nerve
C. Finger flexor tendons, median nerve
D. Finger flexor and extensor tendons, musculocutaneous nerve

Copyright © 2019 by F. A. Davis Company

REF: 195
OBJ: 10.5
KEY: bony and soft tissue structures of the wrist complex and hand

8. What wrist motion occurs as the wrist moves toward the thumb side in the frontal plane
around a sagittal axis?
A. Flexion
B. Ulnar deviation
C. Extension
D. Radial deviation

REF: 196
OBJ: 10.3
KEY: kinematics of the wrist

9. What wrist motion occurs as the wrist moves toward the palmar surface of the hand in a
sagittal plane around a frontal axis?
A. Flexion
B. Ulnar deviation
C. Extension
D. Radial deviation

REF: 196
OBJ: 10.3
KEY: kinematics of the wrist

10. A person has 85° of passive right wrist flexion, 45° of extension, and 21° of ulnar and radial
deviation. Which directions of motion are limited for this person compared with the average
A. Extension, radial deviation
B. Flexion, radial deviation
C. Extension, ulnar deviation
D. Flexion, ulnar deviation

REF: 196
OBJ: 10.3

Copyright © 2019 by F. A. Davis Company

KEY: kinematics of the wrist

11. Which of the following muscle groups have a common proximal attachment on the lateral
humeral epicondyle and supracondylar ridge?
A. Finger flexors
B. Wrist flexors
C. Finger extensors
D. Wrist extensors

REF: 197–198
OBJ: 10.7
KEY: wrist muscles

12. Which of the following muscles stabilize the wrist during a powerful grip by the hand?
A. Flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris
B. Extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris
C. Flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus
D. Extensor digitorum, extensor carpi radialis longus

REF: 198–199
OBJ: 10.7
KEY: wrist muscles

13. What motion is produced when extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris are activated
A. Ulnar deviation
B. Wrist flexion
C. Radial deviation
D. Wrist extension

REF: 199
OBJ: 10.7
KEY: wrist muscles

Copyright © 2019 by F. A. Davis Company

14. Which of the following statements is MOST CORRECT about the longitudinal arch of the
A. Rigid arch, capitate is the keystone of the arch
B. Passes through all metacarpal heads, third metacarpal is the keystone
C. Second and third metacarpals are central pillars, and thumb and fourth and fifth digits move
around them
D. Supported by the wrist and extrinsic hand muscles

REF: 200
OBJ: 10.6
KEY: arches of the hand

15. How many degrees of freedom is present at the thumb carpometacarpal joint?
A. 1 degree
B. 2 degrees
C. 3 degrees
D. 4 degrees

REF: 200
OBJ: 10.3
KEY: kinematics of the hand

16. Which of the carpometacarpal joints is the most stable functioning as the central pillar of the
A. Second
B. Third
C. Fourth
D. Fifth

REF: 200
OBJ: 10.2, 10.3
KEY: joints of the hand

17. Which of the following statements BEST describes thumb abduction?

A. Occurs in a plane at a right angle to the palm
B. Occurs as the metacarpal rotates on the trapezium
C. Occurs in a plane parallel to the palm

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D. Occurs as the thumb returns from an opposed position

REF: 201
OBJ: 10.3
KEY: kinematics of the hand

18. Which of the following statements BEST describes hand mobility that allows greater closure
of the hand?
A. Available joint range of motion increases in first three digits then decreases for fourth and
fifth digits
B. Available joint range of motion increases from radial to ulnar aspects of the hand
C. Available joint range of motion remains the same from radial to ulnar aspects of the hand
D. Available joint range of motion increases from ulnar to radial aspects of the hand

REF: 202
OBJ: 10.3
KEY: kinematics of the hand

19. A person with a C6 spinal cord injury uses a tenodesis action at the wrist and hand to pick up
objects. Which of the following statements BEST describes hand muscle function to grasp the
object during this action?
A. Isometric contraction of finger flexors with concentric contraction of wrist extensors
B. Isometric contraction of finger flexors and wrist extensors
C. Concentric contraction of wrist extensors with passive stretching of finger flexors
D. Eccentric contraction of wrist extensors with passive stretching of finger flexors

REF: 205
OBJ: 10.8
KEY: tenodesis

20. What is the MAJOR function of the finger flexor pulley system?
A. Provides nutrition to the tendons
B. Allows tendons to extend digits
C. Provides lubrication to the tendons
D. Allows tendons to conform to curve of digits


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REF: 205
OBJ: 10.9
KEY: finger pulley system

21. What action occurs with the extensor hood when the extensor digitorum muscle contracts?
A. Hood moves proximally over metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint, extends proximal phalanx
B. Hood moves distally over interphalangeal (IP) joint, extends distal phalanx
C. Hood moves proximally over MCP joint, extends distal phalanx
D. Hood isometrically contracts, extends proximal interphalangeal, IP, and distal phalanx

REF: 205
OBJ: 10.9
KEY: extensor hood

22. Weakness in which of the following muscles can result in a clawing posture of the hand?
A. Extensor digitorum
B. Interossei, lumbricals
C. Flexor pollicis longus
D. Opponens pollicis, palmaris brevis

REF: 209
OBJ: 10.7
KEY: clawing of the hand

Copyright © 2019 by F. A. Davis Company

23. As shown in the image, what hand muscles are activated to flex the second through fifth
metacarpophalangeal joints and extend the corresponding interphalangeal joints?
A. Interossei
B. Adductor pollicis
C. Lumbricals
D. Flexor pollicis longus

REF: 212, 213
OBJ: 10.7
KEY: muscle function of the hand

24. Which of the following degrees represents the functional position of the wrist and hand?
A. 20° wrist extension, 10° ulnar deviation, 45° metacarpophalangeal (MCP) flexion, 30°
proximal interphalangeal (PIP) flexion, slight distal interphalangeal (DIP) flexion
B. Neutral wrist extension, 10° ulnar deviation, 45° MCP flexion, 30° PIP flexion, slight DIP
C. 20° wrist extension, 10° radial deviation, 30° MCP flexion, 20° PIP flexion, slight DIP flexion
D. 45° wrist extension, 10° radial deviation, 30° MCP flexion, 20° PIP flexion, slight DIP

REF: 214
OBJ: 10.10
KEY: functional position of the wrist and hand

25. Which of the following grips is MOST LIKELY to be used to carry an object over a
sustained period of time?

Copyright © 2019 by F. A. Davis Company

Test Bank for Foundations in Kinesiology and Biomechanics, 1st Edition, Vickie Samuels,

A. Hook
B. Precision
C. Power
D. Pulp-to-pulp

REF: 214
OBJ: 10.10
KEY: hand grips

26. What is the function of the wrist muscles during a cylindrical power grip of the hand?
A. Stabilize wrist in slight extension and ulnar deviation
B. Stabilize wrist in neutral and ulnar deviation
C. Stabilize wrist in slight extension and radial deviation
D. Stabilize wrist in neutral and radial deviation

REF: 214–215
OBJ: 10.10
KEY: Hand grips

Copyright © 2019 by F. A. Davis Company

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