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Nguyễn Dương Thảo Hân – BAACIU20004

My 5-Year Plan in Accounting

As a fourth-year student majoring in accounting at the International University, I stand at

the threshold of a promising future in the world of finance and business. Planning my next
five years is crucial, as it will pave the way for my career in accounting, a field that is not
only dynamic and challenging but also integral to the success of businesses worldwide.

In the first two years post-graduation, I plan to pursue further education by enrolling in a
Master's program specialized in accounting or finance. This advanced degree will provide
me with an in-depth understanding of complex accounting principles and financial
strategies. I aim to excel academically, honing my expertise in areas like auditing,
taxation, and forensic accounting. Moreover, I intend to engage in research projects and
collaborate with professors and peers to expand my knowledge base.

Upon completing my master’s degree, my goal is to gain practical experience in a

reputable accounting firm. I will actively seek internships and entry-level positions to apply
my theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. During this phase, I plan to obtain
professional certifications such as Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Chartered
Accountant (CA), which will enhance my credibility and open doors to diverse
opportunities in the accounting field.

Furthermore, I aim to participate in industry conferences, seminars, and workshops to

stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in accounting practices.
Networking with professionals, both in-person and through online platforms, will enable
me to build valuable connections and gain insights into various accounting

By the third year of my 5-year plan and later, I envision myself in a mid-level position
within a multinational corporation. This position will not only offer me challenges that foster
professional growth but also provide opportunities to mentor junior staff, thereby
enhancing my leadership skills. I plan to focus on a specific area within accounting, such
as management accounting or taxation, and become an expert in that niche.
In conclusion, my 5-year plan in accounting revolves around continuous learning,
professional growth, and personal development. By following this roadmap, I am
confident that I will not only achieve my career goals but also contribute meaningfully to
the accounting profession and society at large. As I embark on this journey, I am excited
about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and I am prepared to work diligently
to turn my vision into reality.

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