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HOANG THI NGOC TU BEN SOAN THEO ‘HUONG TRINH cian stko oye e A Ty kiém tra 4 ky nang ee mi wut BAW On HO a a No i Hoang Thi Ngoc Ta wa BE lo 'G4 BO DE Tu kiém tra 4 ky nang Nghe - Néi- Doc - Viet Tiéng Anh (Co ban va Nang cao) Ea) NHA XUAT BAN BAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOL _HUGNG DAN SU DU Trén tay céc con dang cém la cuén sdch Big 4 ~ B6 dé ty kiém tra 4 ky n&ing Nghe ~ Néi ~ Doc - Viét. BS céc con hidu 13 vé sch va ding sdch that higu qua thi sau day sé la mét sé huéng dan cy thé cho viée st dung sach: 1. B6 sdch duge chia lam 6 cudn danh cho hoc sinh lép 3,4,5. Méi lép sé cé hai tp. Méi t tap sé dua vao ngi dung sach Tiéng Anh 3, Tiéng Anh 4, Tiéng Anh 5 cla B6 gido duc va dao tao ma cdc con dang hec trén lop. N Nhiing trang du la phan Chi thich, cdc con sé tra céc tu chua biét dé biét yéu céu cc céc hoat déng trong tling bi. w Céu tric trong méi mét cuén: Sch sé chia ra cit hai bai sé co 2 bai kim tra, tat cd cdc bai kiém tra déu duge thiét ké theo quy dinh théng tu mdi nhét vé kiém tra mén Tiéng Anh tigu hoc. Trang dau tién cla céc bai kiém tra truée méi 2 bai sé 1a phdin téng hop Iai tir vying va céu tric duge hoc trong 2 bai dé. Hoc sinh cé thé nghe phat dm tir thdy gido nude ngoai, nhac Igi dé nhd duge tl vung va céu tric tét hon. Day la mét phn rét thudn tién gidp cdc con ¢6 thé dé dang nhé tir va hoc tir ma khéng cén mé Iai sch hoc Phin tip theo sé la 2 bai kiém tra, bai kim tra dugc thiét ké dya vao néi dung tir vung va céu trac cia néi dung 2 bai hoc dé. Sau 5 bai sé cé 2 bai én tap (Review) va mat cu chuyén ngan (Short story) dua vao ngi dung da hoc & 5 bai. Cuéi cling sé la bai kiém tra cudi hoc ky dé kiém tra Igi todn bé kién thite cac con da hoc trong mét ky hoc. 4. Cu tric trong mdi mét bai kiém tra (Test) sau 2 bai (unit): Méi mét bai kiém tra sé gém cé 5 phén kiém tra nhé vi day du cdc ky nang: + Phén kiém tra tir vung va ngiz dm (Vocabulary and Phonics) - 6 phén nay cde con sé dugc luyén Iai cdc tev vung va cach phat am céc &m dugc hoc trong bai ding nhét. + Phan kiém tra ky nng Nghe (Listening) - G phan nay cdc con sé nghe va lam theo yéu céu cila ting bai. A erage is * Phén kiém tra ky nang Boc (Reading) - G phan nay cdc bai doc hiéu d& duge thiét ké chi dé cdc con cé thé luyén duge ky nang doc tu nhiing bai don gian dén phitc tap. + Phan kiém tra ky n&ing Viét (Writing) - G phéin nay sé rén cho cdc con khé nang viét tir vung va cu tric cling nhu viét cdc doan vin co ban bing Tiéng Anh. + Phan kiém tra ky nding Néi (Speaking) - O phan nay cdc con 6 thé ty luyén néi hodc néi véi ban bé, anh chi, bé me, thay c6 dé nang cao ky nding néi 5. Cu triic trong méi mét cau truyén ngdn (Short story): * Trang dau tién sé la cau truyén, cdc con sé nghe truyén lan 1 tir déu dén cui Sau dé nghe lén 2 dé lam cdc yéu cdu cla bai nhu dién vao ché tréng hoac sita [di sai. * Cac con nghe thém 1 én nifa va khi thay ndi 1 céu cdc con sé ditng lai va nhac Igi céu dé, ¢6 géng luyén ndi giéng théy nhét cé thé. + Cac con ty doc Iai ca cau truyén, 6 thé luy8n doc mét minh ho&c cing ban bé, anh chi, bé me, thay cé theo kiéu déng vai. + Cuéi cling la cdc bai tap thyc hanh gitip cde con nhé duge néi dung cia cau truyén. 6. Cu trac trong méi mét bai kiém tra cudi ky (End of Semester Test] sau 10 bai: Mi mét bi todn b6 cdc kién thie tit vung va cdu truc cdc con hoc sau mét ky hoc. iém tra s8 gém cé 4 ky nang Nghe - Néi - Doc - Viét dé kiém tra lai 7. Phén Dap dn (Key) sé gidp cdc ban kiém tra lai xem con da lam dung hay chya duing céc hogt déng trong sdch. Trén day |G toan b6 cac huéng dan cy thé gip cdc con stt dung cuén sdch Big 4 - B6 dé ty kiém tra 4 ky nang Nghe = Néi - Doc - Viét. mét cach hiéu qué nhét. Chuc cdc con sé hon thanh sém bd sdch va ty tin khi hoc Tiéng Anh trén I6p ciing nhu sir dung Tiéng Anh mét cach tréi chay. Tran trong cam on! Huéng déin sti dung séch GEM CHU THICH = ap Meaning -Nghia | Vocabulary - T'vyng Meaning - Nghia Vocabulary - Tir vung choose and write chon va viét say néi . . sdp xép cac tir circle khoonh tron putthe words in order he tne ty dang number danh sé talk néi tick danh déu underline gach chan the.comect pletiyes 7") e6c tranh’/ fil in the blank / gap dién vo ché tréng words tirding listen nghe find tim thebert answer cu tré Ibi diing nhét | question cau héi respond match néi answer tra I8i / cu ta lei read doc draw ve true oF false ding hode sai hear nghe the right name tén ding odd one out tim tir khdc biét t ___| . a complete / * ; complete hoan thanh so iniegue doan héi theai ding sentence cau putthe letters in order| 2? x8p ef chi cai theo thi ty ding the right / am ding the correct sentence céu ding correct sound the best option Iya chon diing nhét | the wrong sentence cu sai repeat nhéc Iai correct the mistakes sta cdc Ii sai Vocabulary ~ Tir ving Meaning - Nghia Vocabulary - Tu vung Meaning - Nghia listen to the story nghe cau truyén yourself ban than ban pair work lam nhém dai group of three nhém 3 ngudi 4 similar conversation | oan he! act it out - néira - tuong ty partner ban cling hoc timetable thai khéa bidu information théng tin write a letter vigt mot 6 thy puzzle / ttd choi 8 chit describe ri " te atext a dogn vin day routine fe get to know each other biét v8 nhou interview phéng vén tick or cross | ea i6u hoe first sound €m thr og finish oan thanh second sound 4m thit hai colour té mau the price gis ines ede dong column cot - unscramble | sdp xép Iai practise luyén tap - begin | “bai déu passage - doan vin the date - gay the given word wehosin make a card lam tha F 30 seconds 30 giay TOPIC Unit 1 + Unit 2 Cover Unit 1 + Unit 2 Test 1 Unit 1 + Unit 2 Test 2 Unit 3 + Unit 4 Cover Unit 3 + Unit 4 Test 1 Unit 3 + Unit 4 Test 2 Unit 5 + Unit 6 Cover Unit 5 + Unit 6 Test 1 Unit 5 + Unit 6 Test 2 Review 1 - Test 1 — Unit 1-5 Review 1 — Test 2 — Unit 1-5 Short story 1 EB content 25 27 35 43 45 53 61 69 ve TOPIC Unit 7 + Unit 8 Cover Unit 7 + Unit 8 Test 1 Unit 7 + Unit 8 Test 2 Unit 9 + Unit 10 Cover Unit 9 + Unit 10 Test 1 Unit 9 + Unit 10 Test 2 Review 2 — Test 1 — Unit 6-10 Review 2 — Test 2 - Unit 6-10 Short story 2 End of semester 1 — Test 1 End of semester 1 — Test 2 End of semester 1 — Test 3 Key PAGE 79 81 89 7 9 115 123 131 133 141 149 157 Hello We Quét ma QR R dé nghe Vocabulary and Phonics yetlo, e@ Phonics: /b/ - bye [hI - hello esentence Patterns Hello. I'm Mai. Hi, Pm Quan. >) Se ‘ ale to meet ones ve } / é _ Goodbye, Quan. Content summery QE ae UNIT 2 ) What’s your name? rod eres 623Vocabulary and Phonics wow YOu LINDA L-I-N-D-A My name’s ne | Phonics: —Im/ - Mai Ip! - Peter Gig Sentence Patterns ( Hello. I’m Mai. Hi, Mai. ) What's your name? My name’s Nam. | a = ( How do you spell ——— 3 NAM. your name? MR ee ~~ PRTC aol hes Part 1: Questions 1-5. Choose and write. b Ex. bello ay 2 b . ye —_y h 4. _eter Part 2: Questions 6-10. Circle the words that begin with the sound in each row. Ex. /h/ 6. Ib/ 7. Ipl 8. /m/ 9. Ihl 10. /m/ Hello what bye Linda Phong Hi Mary Unit 1+ Unit 2 Test 1 SEA ~ name Peter spell Bye how ia OEE Ee cos 48 nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and number. Goodbye!) ) ‘Hell! jour name? “How are you? How do you Hil Nice to spell your name? meet o e322 © © Reg C } 0) Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and tick the correct pictures. Ex. What G ai vom) ‘Hello! "a & , b O) ) (Goodbye!) Corea) Rows oe) a c BM Unie 1+ Unie 2 Test 1 Hil Nice to Goodbye!) meet you! ae ee O O (Hello! How do you spell your name? 2D How do you Hil Nice to. spell your name? meet you! O 10 UNIT 1+ UNIT: 2 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and circle the best answers. Ex. a. Hello. I'm Miss Hien. (, Hello. I'm Mai. 11. a. What's your name? b. How are you? 12. a. Hello, Nam. b. Bye, Nom 13. a. How are you? b. What's your name? 14, a. I'm fine, thanks. And you? —_b. Good bye, class. 15. a. Hi, Quan. b. How do you spell your name? Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and match. i 4 How do you OG, spell your name? - Peo 6) Ne What's » your name? ‘ Lp ad ~ Cy eae ooh ©. £2 “_ ) Unit 1+ Unit 2 Test 1 GOB NEUINTSD Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and circle the correct pictures. Ex. Nam & 2. Quan | e - = 4. Phong Br 5. Linda © ey Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and match. | Ex. How Hello. 'm Mai. 16. you/ meet / Nice/to/./ > 17. are | How / you | ? | > 18. thanks / fine | ’'m/. | > 19. James | Hi/ Kim /’'m/,/.) > 20. your | What / name | is /? | —> Unit 1+ Unit 2 Test 2 EB CHIN Part 1: Questions 1-4. Read and repeat. 1. Hello. I'm Ben. 2. Hi, Ben What's yeoman | name? “ @ a My name’ Tin. ee ( . 3. Goodbye, Kate. a 4; Bye, Sty. ks a 2 Part 2: Questions 5-8. Read and say. Hello, ’'m () . What's your name? Hi, Peter. I'm © (6) . a are you? & 8) , thanks. And you? Part 3: Questions 9-10. Talk about you. 9. My name's 10. I'm in class ZB unic 1 + Unie 2 test 2 UNIT 3 + UNIT 4 This is Tony oe owtace 8:Vocabulary and Phonics “@Q «= @ e@ Phonics: /t! - Tony Ij - yes Sentence Patterns This is Phong. ) , a= "caus Teno Is this Tony? —— {Is that Tony? No, it isn’t. ) It’s Tom. Content summary Ay UO soa | ce 0 How old are you? 23 Vocabulary and Phonics ey Quét ma QR 18 nghe aman. How old?> e@ Phonics: /ff - five Is} - six GeeSentence Patterns Its Quan. a I'm seven years old. VY 5 Who's that? ( How old are you, Peter? Ae a ee She's nine years old. How old is he? How old is she? BEB coment summary UNIT) 3'+ UNIT, 4 3 Ae VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and circle. Ex. Ge jkmthislbv ef? _ 2, xES ae haftyeskyt é — ——————— (=a = qsxthatrbf * wafPeterpou bdrwWhodsr no, &) bvcmnolws Part 2: Questions 6-10. Underline the correct sound and write. Ex. to ~ 4 Tis, the j s t 9.__en y 6. __ive j s t 8.__es y s 10. __our f Unit 3 + Unit 4 Test 1h Use Uh po fa) LISTENING BE 0000 48 nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and number. ~ Macy Re O at E. ®, ofp O00 0 Kate Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and tick the correct pictures. Ex. a 6 f ttt gah faa e 44 & ities ase oy - ry = wapey O) v O) O 7 8. & . e& rs a4, Y > 7B (3%) O) O) O) O 9. 10. Go O OC) C) BEB unit 3 + Unit 4 Test 1 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and circle the best options. Ex. (a. Is this Mary? V1. 12. 13. 14. 15. a, How old are you, Ben? a. Who's that? a. Yes, it is. a. This is Tom. a. I'm six years old. b. Is that Mary? b. How old are you, Kim? b. This is Tony. b. No, it isn’t. b. That is Tom. b. I'm ten years old Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and match. UNIT 3'+ UNIT, 4 NUD Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and tick (V) the correct pictures. Ex. This is Phong. & a fe CO) eS 4) a o 1. Is that Quan? aa F —> No, it isn’t. It’s Nam. O) 2. How old are you? I'm nine years old. ff 3. Who's that? & 4. |s this Lan? — Yes, it is 5. That is Mai. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and match. (eae ean 6. How old years old, 7. Yes, Cen - 8. Is this Ca Its Ben. - © 9. Pm six Ce are you? 10. No, it isn't. ~ f. James? Yat ean BB unit 3 + Unit 4 test 1 Use Ue} Part 3: Questions 11-15. Look, read and number. James: How old are you, Kim? | James: Is that Tony? 11. : 1 | Kim: I'm seven years old. 8 Kim: Yes, it is. Phong: Is this Mai? | Ben: How old are you, Jim? 2. Nam: No, it isn't. I's Linda, 1 Jim: Pm nine years old | Phong: Who's that? 15 | This is Nam | Nam: It’s Miss Hien. Nice to meet you, Nam. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and choose the best responses. Ex. This is Mai. (a. Hi, Mai. 'm Nam. b. I'm six years old. 16, Who's that? a. This is Phong b. It's Phong. 17. Is that Ben? a. Yes, it is b. It's Ben, 18. How old are you, Nam? a. I'm ten years old b. Hello, Nam. 19. Is this Mary? a. This is Linda. b. No, it isn’t. It’s Linda. 20. Who's this? a, It's Mr Loc. b. That is Mr Loc. Unit 3 + Unit 4 Test 1‘ JST Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and fill in the blanks. that Linda? Is Quan? this Mai? Part 2: Questions 6-10. Complete the sentences. How that Who's years isn’t This. Ex. ___This is Nam. 6. Mai: old are you, Lan? Lan: I'm six years old. 7. Quan: that? Tony; It's Miss Hien. 8.15 Mary? 9. No, it . It’s Kate. 10. I'm ten old. BAB onic 3+ Unit 4 Test 1 Det)" pagel |) ee eet Part 3: Questions 11-15. Write. Hello. Hi, Kim. 'm Ben. ») \ Ex.) This is Kim. (11)____to meet so meet you. eS = Tn seven 7} Te. (13)_____ old. \ ag (12)___ old FS } are you, Ben ? — 4) that? (15) Jack. \_ 1) —__that ) Part 4: Questions 16-20. Put the words in order. Ex. that / Peter / Is /?/ 18. you / old | How / are | ? | Is that Peter? 16. Tony | This / is / . / 19. eight / old | I'm | years |. | 17. is | Who | that | ? / 20. this / Linda / Is | ?/ Unit 3+ Unit 4 Test 1 EEBp Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and repeat. qr ( 1, This is Linda. 4. How old are you? so 2. Is that Tony? il ta / 3. Yes, it is. ) | 5. Pm seven years old. 9 “=~ ce Part 2: Questions 6-8. Look and answer the questions. 7 Kw oN 6, Who's this? _ 7. Who's that? 8. Who's this? Part 3: Questions 9-10. Ask the questions. 9. ? It's Kim. 10, ? Pm eight years old. ~ — . =F AEB unit 3+ Unit 4 Test 1 FS VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Find and circle the words. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Choose and write. Ex. _t_ony iG y 6. __ive j § bs —_es t y 8. even s f 9. 9 y £ 10. __our f s Unit 3 + Unit 4 Test 2 ESB ORES Mae ust mi OR dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and circle the correct pictures. “29° 710— Ben Jack Mr Jim Mr Lee ad Miss Jun Miss Kate Suzy Lucy Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen, circle and write. Ex. This is Nick. Nice to meet you (A Nice to meet you. B. Yes, it is C. It's Nick. 6. How old are you, Lien? A. I'm fine. B. I'm six years old. —_C. No, it isn’t. 7. |s this Jim? A. Yes, it isn’t. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is. 8. Who's that? : A. It's Mr Bean. B. This is Mr Bean. _C. Is that Mr Bean? 9s I'm ten years old. A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. How old are you. 10. Is that Kim? P A. No, it is. B. This is Kim. C. No, it isn’t. It's Ben. EM unit 3 + Unit 4 Test 2 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and complete. Hello, Larry. “ay that Sue? (Ex.) This is Chris. a2) Is Kenny? a A Pm, _ 13) _, itis. ‘¢ 255 | That is Sue and » = this 14)__ Kenny. | SSS yO ————“ (15) old She's eight years old. \ is Sue? Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and tick (v ). ll. {LULL wl Ex, = ¥) se () = 16. 17 18. 19. 20. Unit 3 + Unit 4 Test 2 EZ ee Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and choose the best options. Ex. Are there any sofas in this room? A Yes, there are. B. Yes, it isn’t. C. No, it is. 1. Mark: Hi, James. How old are you? James: A. I'm fine. B. I'm James. C. I'm five years old. 2. Nick: Kate: It's Mr Lee A. Is this Kim? B. How are you? C. Who's that? 3. Mary: How old are 2 Jim: I'm ten years old. A. you B. she C. Tony 4. Nam: Mai: Hello, Quan. Nice to meet you. A. Is this Quan? B. This is Quan. C. It’s Quan. 5. Ben: Is that Suzy? Jim: A. No, it isn’t. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it isn’t. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Look, read and tick (/ ). Ex. This is wv) Is this OC) Jemma. 6. Thisis, | Isthis. | Hien? 7.No, itisn’t | itis). B.tts. tts | Lan, 9.How old ore, | is, | you? 10. 'm seven years, | year | old. Unit 3 + Unit 4 Test 2 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and match. © Ex. Who's this? © a. She's two years old. 14. Is that Kate? © bo, it isn't. Its Tom. 12. How old are you? “6. Yes, itis. I's Kate. 13s this Bill? It’s Mr John. 14, How old is Mary? "em nine years old. 15. Who's that?’s Miss Hanh. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and circle the right pictures. Ex. This is Nam. 17. e © Is this Tony? — Yes, it is. ee How old are you? Unit 3+ Unit 4 Test 2 EB SAT Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and answer. Ex. Is this Mai? Part 2: Questions 6-10, Complete the text. Hi, (Ex) mou name is James. I'm ten (6) old That (7) Ben, (8) is nine years old. @ is Lucy, she is eight years (10) RB unin 3 + unit 4 Test 2 _ Ex. Who's this? q = > It's Jim, 11. How old is Jim? > 12 ? —> It’s Linh 13. How old is Linh? | = 14. Who's this? | oa ~ —— 15. ? —— | —® She's eight years old. _ Macy, 8 Part 4: Questions 16-20. Draw and answer the questions. You a girl a boy Ex. What's your name? 17. What's her name? ‘19. What's his name? Mu name is Tonu 16. How old are you? 18. How old is she? 20. How old is he? Unit 3 + Unit 4 Test 2 MB SCHEIN Part 1: Questions 1-4. Read and repeat. ar, 3. This is Jane. [1 This is Mork is fs Mor en 4. She's nine years old. En w | 2. He’s ten years old - 2 —__ S Is that, ? é : ee Nick | Yes Ben / No / Bill Yes, it is. Pu 33s % No, it isn’t. wy Its Kim / No / Katy Kate / Yes Part 3: Questions 9-10. Talk about your best friend. 9. Her | His name's. 10. She's | He's. years old. BB unic 3 + unit 4 test 2 mea UNIT 5 ) Are they your friend? Bee Gore 684: Vocabulary and Phonics are THEY aren't @ Phonics: fof - that lel - yes PMeSentence Patterns This is my friend, Phong. st Hello, Tony. Nice to meet you. Are they your friends? they aren't, Tes, they are. | No, Content summery ER Stand up! 2sVocabulary and Phonics we 5 ‘Quét ma OR oi dé nghe Don't talk! hh! S Q gS |Stond up! ‘Sit down! | | Come here! | "Be quiet! | Phonics: /k/- come Idl - down Sesentence Patterns 2 May lask — a question? og f Yes, you can. No, you can't. (GI content summary ri: VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and circle the correct words. Rae A aS Rd 2 & please Be quiet! thanks open Come here! she friends Sit down! please close Be quiet! Part 2: Questions 6-10. Odd one out. Ex. thot (teacher Mary 6. Peter yes hello 7. come can stand 8. down 9. Linda 10. friend Unit 5 + Unit 6 Test 1 may Come here! can she Sit down! don't ore yes Mai ten come ODES oo Qust mai GR 8 nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and circle the words you hear. Ex. they she he it 1. Stand up! Sit down! Come here! Be quiet! 2. open close please friends 3. Peter Tony Hoa Mary 4. Jal lel IkI Id/ Ds down come yes that Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and circle the right pictures. I rg EY A AC. > Sef o «a ® Uo q | a if - LEER : 3 q vi tL ve as €: ce oer Re o ot 10. Fp ®@) Q BEB Unie 5 + Unit 6 Test 1 UNIT 5'+ UNIT, 6 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and circle True or False. Ex. May | come in, please? — No, you can't. Tue (False 11. Are they your friends? ~ Yes, they are True False 12. Open your book, please! True False 13. May | speak, please? — Yes, you can. True False 14. This is my friend, Nick. True False 15. Come here, please! True False Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and choose the best responses. Ex. This is my friend, Kim. A. Goodbye, Kim. CB. Hi, Kim. Nice to meet you. C. Thanks. 16. May | come in? A. Yes, you can. B. No, you can’t. C. Yes. 17. Are they your friends? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren't. C. No, thanks. 18. ? - Yes, you can A. May | go out? B. May | speak? C. May | write? 19. Come here, ? A. Nam B. Mai C. Peter 20. | - Sorry, Miss Hien A. Don't talk, James! B. Be quiet, James! C. Sit down, James! Unit 5 + Unit 6 Test 1 NORZUINTS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and number the sentences to make a complete dialogue. ___| Helio, Mr Hung. 'm Lien. Nice to meet you. OO May | sit down, Mr Hung? ___ | Hello, Nam. Hi, Lien. Nice to meet you, too. Are they your friends, Nom? _0 | Hello, Mr Hung, This is my friend, Lien. C| Yes, they are. C) Yes, you can. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and match. Ex. They are a. your book, please. 6. Open become in? 7. Are they <¢ please. ; BMayl ds my friends, 9, Jim and Ben <—e.are my friends. _ 10. Sit down, fi your friends? BEB unit 5 + uni 6 test 1 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and choose the best options. Hello. My (Ex) name (namés Kate. 'm nine (11) years year old. Pm in class 4B, This is my best (12) friend friends , Sarah. She (13) is are nine years old, too. Here are Sam and Ben. Sam is(14) ten years and Ben is eight. They ore my (15) friend. friends. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read the text in Part 3 and tick (/) Yes or No. Yes No Ex. Her name is Kate. (¥) O) 16. Kate is nine years old. C) 17. Her best friend is Kim 0) 18. Sam is eight years old. OC) 19. Ben is ten years old. 20. Sam and Ben are Kate's friends. SRT Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and complete. © go out Ate they Dont “Jour book you can't this is | Ex. Linda: Peter, _ this is__ my friend, Nick. Peter: Hi, Nick. I’m Peter. 1. Mr Black: talk, Kim. Kim: Sorry, Mr Black. 2. Tom: May | Mr Loc? Mr Loc: Yes, you can. 3. Miss Mai: Close , please. James: Yes, Miss Mai. 4. Kim: your friends? Mark: Yes, they are. 5, Kim: May | ask a question? Mark: No, Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and write. Ex. !'m Mary. 6. My name's James. 7. No, they aren't. 8. Who's that? 9. Don’t talk! 10. No, you can’t. EB unit 5 + Unit 6 Test 1 om Mary. Ex. Who’s that? 11. ? > __lt's Miss Hien > Yes, they are. 12. May | go out? 13. ? y >_> —> No, you can't. 14. Who are they? 15. 2 “et 8 —> Yes, it is Linda. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Put the words in order. Ex. is / friend / This / James / my/,/ ./ This is my friend, James. 16. please / quiet / Be/,/./ 17. Miss | ask | May / a / Hien / question /1/, /?/ 18. out | May J 1] go /?/ 19. Kien | my | is | friend | . / 20. can't | you! No}, /. Unit 5 + Unit 6 Test 1 0 UNIT 5+ UNIT; SHTID Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and repeat. | 1, Are they your friends? _ 3. May | come in? EM Mie fie 5. Dor't talk! Part 2: Questions 6-8. Look and response the questions. 6 Is Mai your friend? _ 7. Be quiet, Joe! 8 May | write? Part 3: Questions 9-10. Ask the questions. 9. ? No, you can't. ? ( Yes, they are. / i a —aow @ TEST 2 PALETTE END Part 1: Questions 1-5. Put the letters in order to make the UNIT 5+ UNIT, 6 right words. standup | | your book s t se ion qa i. al P nd j BE eo BH | \ \ oH at a | Dont { May!____? hte "i e — @ * a g |: i 5 Part 2: Questions 6-8. Questions 6-10. Write the words with the sound. Jal Ex. that lel 6. 7. Ik/ 8. Id] ‘Ze 10. Unit 5 + Unit 6 Test 2 EB Quét ma QR 8 nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and circle the words you hear. Ex(She | He is my friend. 3, May | come in / go out? 1s this Linda / Peter? 4, Yes | No, they aren't. "2. Open | Close your book! 5. Sit down / Stand up, please. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and match. Ex. Jack “a i si ae 7. Linda Gr 8. Peter € 9. Jim a oe @ oe] 5 + Unit 6 Test 2 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and tick (./) the right sentences. Ex. Open your book, Nam! / 13, Sit down, please! O) Open your book, Mail OC) Stand up, please! O) 11. Are they your friends? —|——14, Come here, James. C) |s that your friend? Come here, Nick. | ys A 12. May | write? _ | 15. This is my friend, Phong, UL] May | ask a question? This is my friend, Liem y q L y L Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and write. Ex. Are they your friends? 16. 20. Unit 5 + Unit 6 Test 2 EB ETI Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and match. Ex. Who's that? ’ Ca Yes, itis. DB. Sorru, Miss Nac b. Sorry, Miss Nga (1. Are they your friends? ot ——— | 2. Be quiet, girls! €. SS es 3. May | go out, Mr Huy? © d. No, they aren't. 4. Is this Tony? <_e. It's James. “5. Open your book, please! Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and circle the correct words. Ex. Are ( Kim KKim and Ben ) your friends? 6. (Yes | No), they are my friends. 7. No, they Care | aren't ) my friends 8. May |go(in | out),MrLoc? - — Yes, you can 9. Don't (talk | here ), boys! 10. May | ask a question? = No, you (can / can't). GB unit 5 + Unit 6 Test 2 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Look, read and tick ( v ) Yes or No. Ex. Julie is ten years old. 11. Her best friend is Katie. ‘ » 6 Julie, 10 | Katie, 9 JOS ¢# QUO z 12. Katie is eight years old. 13. This is Peter Ses Gi 14, May | come in, Miss Nga? 15. No, you can’t. ey Miss Nga Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and number the sentences to make a complete dialogue. O) Good morning, Miss Sue. __ | Class, open your book, please. __| Miss Sue, may I ask question, please? Ex. Good morning, class. Sit down, please! | Yes, Miss Sue. OC) Yes, you can. Unit 5 + Unit 6 Test 2 JSR Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and write. Ex. y 1 6 d Sit __ down, please! your book! : a They are my . May | 5. { a &. 4 5 your friends? , you can. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read, choose and write. | narne’s is friends years friend nine Hello. My (Ex.) name's James. I'm seven (6.) old. I'm in class 2D. This is my best (7.) , Ben. He (8.) eight years old. Here are Jake and Larry. Jake is (9.) and Larry is six. They're my (10.) EB unic 5 + Unit 6 Test 2 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read the text in Part 2 and answer the questions. Ex. What's his name? 13. How old is Ben? His name's James 11, How old is James? 14. Are Jake and Larry his friends? 12. Who is his best friend? 15. Is Larry nine years old? Part 4: Questions 16-20. Write the question and answers. Ex. friends / No. Are they your friend? > No, they aren't 16. write | Yes. May >> 17. they | Peter and Mary. Who >> 18. ask a question | No. May >> 19. Tony | Yes. Is >> 20. talk | Mr Brown. Don’t , boys. > Unit 5 + Unit 6 Test 2 SHLD Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and repeat the dialogue. 1. Hello, Mr Hung, This is my friend, Lien | 2.Hi Lien, Nice to meet you. Are they your friends, Nam? 3. Yes, they are. 4, May | sit down, Mr Hung? 5. Yes, you can. Part 2: Questions 6-8. Read the answer and ask the questions. © 6.Yes, she is. 7. Sorry, Miss Sue! 8. Yes, you can. Part 3: Questions 9-10. Ask two questions to ask for permission. 4 0. ? — ~~ ag RB unit 5 + Unit 6 Test 2 Fe |b ee REVIEW 1 - TEST 1 PRES Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and write. Ex. 1. 2. NE can R L--N-D-A ety 9Ze ike Part 2: Questions 6-10. Write the word with the right sound. Ex. /m/ Mai 6. /h/ 7. iil 8. /fl 9. lal 10. Is/ Review 1 - Test 1 (Rh Bee @) LISTENING ae Sune OR dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and circle the correct pictures. Ex. 1, WOW WHAT 2. 4 a f J 5 KS Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and circle the words you hear. Ex. (cis that yes no 6 How old What Who How 7. thanks hi bye name 8. they I she you % Is! Ip! if Ib] 10. Mai Peter Tony Hoa — RB Review 1 -Test 1 WHE RR O} O Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and circle Yes or No. Ex. Hello, I'm Peter. 16. How are you, Jim? 17. [s this Miss Linh? 18. I'm six years old. 19. They are my friends. 20. Who's that? — It’s Mr Kien. |! No ! No I No I No 1 No | No eT) pp ee | pp Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and choose the best options. Ex. James: Who's that? Tom: (A. Its Mr Jim. B. Yes, it is C. No, it isn’t. 1. Kim: Hi, Ben. How are you? Ben: A. bm Ben B. I'm fine. C. I'm six years old, 2. Jess: Matt: Yes, it’s Mary. A. This is Mary? B. Who's this? C. Is this Mary? 3. Alex: Are they your friends? Sue: A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isn’t. 4. Jack: Jill: P'm ten years old. A. How are you? B. How old are you? ~—C. What's your name? 5. Bill: How do you spell your name? — Harry: A. 'm Harry. B. HARRY. C. Yes, | am. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and choose the correct words. Ex. Hello. My (name's | name Jack. 6.How are you? - I'm She's. fine, thanks. 7. Who's | How's that? - I's Mr Bean 8. Is this | This is Sue? — Yes, itis. ls Sue. 9+10. Are this / they your friends? - Yes / No , they aren't. EB Review 1 - Test 1 SU pe be Uy Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and match. Ex. Are they your friends? (a. Yes, it's Miss Hien / "11. How are you? © b. I'm seven years old. 12. Is this Miss Hien? (c. My name's Tim. 13. How old are you? d. Yes, they are. 14. Who's that? ~e. It's Mr Brown. (15. What's your name? (f.'m fine, thanks. And you? Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and number the sentences to make a complete dialogue. Hi, ’m Tom. What's your name? OK, nice to meet you! I'm seven years old. Can you spell your name? Hello, Bill. This is my friend My name’s Larry. I'm six years old. How old are you? 909000 LARRY. 2 Review 1 - Test 1 Ey SRT Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read, choose and write. | name's «is ‘fiends === years, «fiend =——_eight Hello. My (Ex.) _name's _ Jack. I’m ten (1.) old. I'm in class 5A. This is my best (2.) Jill. He (3.) ten years old, too. Here are Kim and Kate. Kim is (4.) and Kate is five. They're my (5.) Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read the text in Part 1 and answer. Ex. What's his name? > His name is Jack 6. Which class is he in? a 7. How old is Jill? = 8. How old is Kim? > 9. How old is Kate? > 10. Are Kim and Kate his friends? > BEB Review 1 -Test 1 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Put the words in order. Ex. name's | Joe / my / . a My name's Joe . 11. spell | name | do / how / you / your | ? a 12. old | are | how / you | ? a 13. are | friends | your / they | 2 a 14. Lan | is | friend / this | my/./, a 15, that | Mr / is | Ben |? al Part 4: Questions 16-20. Fill in the blanks. Ex. Is this your friend? - __Yes_, it is. 16, How are you? - fine. 17 are you? — I'm six years old. 18. that? — It's Jim. 19. Are your friends? — No, they aren't. 20. How do you spell name? ~ K--M. Review 1- Test | (RM 3 SHEIIS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and repeat. 1. Hello, I'm Kim. | What's your name? 2. Hi, Kim. How old are you? / 3. I'm six years old. / 5. Yes, it is. Part 2: Questions 6-8. Make questions and answers. 6% SS 4 Is this Ben? 7. What's My name's, 6. How old > Pm tet SSB Aeethey ? \ + No, Part 3: Questions 9-10. Answer the questions about you. 9. What's your name? OT i“ I 10. How do you spell your name? C . 7 my BEM Review 1 - Test 1 REVIEW 1 - TEST 2 LTTE a els ed Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and circle. Ex. 1, ae “FRE Thanks Bye! How Who friends they Be 5. ce, A Ar, e Fy LINDA & G2 % this that spell name Hi fine Part 2: Questions 6-10. Look and match. by (om SS sik — inl — ( Isl No, it isn’t. It's Miss Hien £ CO fi O) 2. How old are you? — I'm nine years old. 3. Who's that? > It's Hoa. | 4, How are you? I'm fine. 5. They are my friends. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and number. Ex. Hello, my name’s Mai e 6. I'm seven years old. & 7. This is my friend, Nam. : 8. I'm fine, thanks. 9. They are my friends. 10. Who's that? — It's Mr Bean. EM Review 1 - Test 2 & O eT ye pe Part 3: Questions 11-15. Circle the correct sentences. Ex. Hello, my name Lan Hello, my name's Lan. 11. How you are? How are you? 12. I'm nine year old. I'm nine years old 13. Is this your friends? Is this your friend? 14, Are they your friends? Are they your friends. 15. How do you spell your name? ~~ How do your spell your name? Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and circle the right pictures. “@ e € '°D-A-T _B-E-N AR NASH RK J4-M This is Phong How do you spell your name? 17. : _ BY xy vu How are you? 18. sort, *- 4, Oo ak I'm eight years old Are they your friends? What's your name? - I'm fine. - Yes, they are. ~My name's Tony, Review 1 - Test 2 EI (GAB Review 1 - Test 2 STD Part 1: Questions 1-5. Choose the right words and write. Ex. 1, Miss Hien (Peter hello / fine Peter. 3 4. EINE eight | seven bye / fine Who / How Part 2: Questions 6-10. Complete the sentences. How that Who's name they This. Ex. This is James. 6. Ben: old are you, Mark? Mark: I’m seven years old. 7. Sim: that? Jill: It's Miss Benny. 8. Is Mary? — Yes, it is. 9. Are your friends? — No, they aren't. 10. How do you spell your 2-MARK. Part 3: Questions 11-15. Write. Se Hello. It’s Harry. \ ex) Who's _ this? (11)__ is my friend. N J Hi, Ron, (Hi, Harry a \g fen, to see you XC “e aio /f * 14) old are you, Pm nine \ Harry? M15) old. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Underline and correct the mistakes. Ex. My name Phong. name's 16. What do you spell your name? 17. Are they your friends? — No, they are. 18. Who that? — It’s Mr James. 19. How old are you? — I'm five year old. 20. How are you? — | fine, thanks. Review 1 - Test 2 Ue a Uy ps ba) SPEAKING ] Part 1: Questions 1-4. Read and repeat. 1. Hello. Kim. How old are you? = —<—<—Sain = a 3. Are they 7 4. Yes, they are. \__ your friends, Kate? They are Kim and Ben. ie, ae Part 2: Questions 5-8. Read and say. Hello, I'm a] (6) . What's your name? Hi, Linda. I'm x (6) 2. Hi, Ben. I'm eight years old a i fe) #10 @) old are you? take (8) I'm years old? Part 3: Questions 9-10. Talk about you. 9. My name's 10. I'm years old. STB Review 1 - Test 2 Ua ye te Uy SHORT STORY 1 RT ke io WRC ban ke Be Ca 1. Listen to the story. Hello, 'm Min the Cat. = -~———— | How are you? (Pm fi What's your name?) ——————_—. _ ees > (m Gun the Dog to meet you, Gun.) SY (This is my | brother, Mim & —————— Who's that? } (They are Ginny ; and Manny, in as i 2 ‘ ; Mim, Hilts Gem, (im, this is Gun. Te to meet you, Gun Pleased to meet you too, Mim. Short story a 2. Listen to the story again and repeat. 3. Read the story. 4, Pair work: Have a similar conversation with your partner. Use your names. & 5. Complete the conversation. Min: Hello. (Ex.)__!'m__ Min the Cat. How (1) (2) ? Gun: I’m (3) , thanks. Min: What's (4) name? Gun: (5) Gun the Dog. Min: Nice to (6) you, Gun. Gun: How do you (7) “Min”? Min: M-LN. How (8) @) spell “Gun”? _ Gun: (10) 6. Read and match. Ex. Who's this? a.!'m Gun, 6. What's your name? ©. Ginny and Manny. y y y 7. How do you spell “Min”? ¢. My brother Mim. 8. Who's that? di Yes, they are. 9. Are they your friends? eg MIEN. —_ GEB Short story 1 UNIT7+UNITS = ie a That’s my school. Be omrooe TAMBA! dé nghe 42 Vocabulary and Phonics in as AR Sint || library | (reer) “classroom C eo Psi sma// 2 0% ie Phonics: [d3/- gym III - |ook He Sentence Patterns Is it big? That's my school cS fi: =a Yes, it is. — SS — (Is your classroom old? © No, it isn’t. It's new Wie Se [tT , mt ~ se os Content summary BEB UNIT 7 + UNIT 8 = a ~ UNIT 8 ) This is my pen. Ge Quet ma OR (dé nghe 23Vocabulary and Phonics //B@e ew @ “pencil | | pen | |notebook || pencil case | pencil sharpener| | school bag | ;. hee, 7% @ ty WN %e 3S %e | pencils | | pens | “notebooks pencil cases| “pencil sharpeners, ‘school bags) € 4 & 4 Phonics: [rl - ruler [dl - these eesentence Patterns of e ol e } ~ , ‘These are my pens. ‘Those are my pens. EBB content summary a UNIT, 7 + UNITS AMPOULE a Maelo ed Part 1: Questions 1-5. Circle the correct words. is 2. agqnotebooksmn gschoolbagsjk 4. 4 5. ie Vi It’ d J iuf\e Jf = + pyulibrarylig dszpencilsbrt Iwplaygroundb Part 2: Questions 6-10. Circle the correct words. Ex. Ir! Galer pencil sharpener 6. ill classroom library school bag 7. 18! playground these old 8. Id3/ gym computer large 9. Il new room pen 10. /8/ old playground those Unit 7 + Unit 8 - Test 1 EA UNIT, 7 + UNIT'S Sm) os OWENS oe ust msc (EER dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and tick (v ) the box. ' “2 af) * [T]lo ®o 3. a = a 4, ow O z 0 ° ve ay OC) Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and circle the best options. Ex. a. This is my pen. o That is my pen. 6. a. Is your school new? b. Is your school big? 7. a. Yes, it is. b. No, it isn’t. 8. a. These are pencil sharpeners. _b. Those are pencil sharpeners. 9. a.No, it isn’t. It's new. b. No, it isn’t. It's old. 10. a. That’s a library. b. That’s a playground. BAB unie 7 + units - Test 1 - Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and write. This is my (Ex.) school and (12) This is my (1.4) _ My school is (11) . That's a (13) and that’s my (15) Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and choose the best responses. Ex. This is my pen. A. Is it? (B. It’s new. 16. That's my school. Is it big? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. 17. Are these rulers? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren't. 18. ? - Yes, it is. A. Is this a library? B. Is this a gym? 19. ? -No, it isn’t. A. |Is the playground new? _B. Is the gym old? 20. Is this your school bag? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. It’s James’s bag. C. It’s old. C. No, it isn’t. It’s small. C. No, they are pens. C. Is this a classroom? C. Is the school large? C. No, it isn’t. Unit 7+ Unit 8 - Test 1 GEER UNIT, 7 + UNIT'S SUID Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and match. FS Ex. This is my pencil a. new. 1. Its b. is large. ——————_— ——————— 2. These are my pencil “ c. case. ) —————_ an 3. The playground d. school? ) [a isharyoor [————{ 4. |s that your e. It's small. th ) ( i f 5. No, it isn’t. f. sharpeners. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and circle the right pictures. Ex. That's my pen. | 6. The library is new. 7. These are my school bags. 8. My school is large. 9. This is my classroom. 10. Those are pens Bunt 7 + Unie 8 - Test 1 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and circle the correct options. This is my school. It is new. This is my classroom. It is small. That is the library over there. It is old but big. This is the gym. It is small but new. | like the computer room because it is large. Ex. The school is F 13. The gym is A.old ( — C. small A.old B. large. C. new 11. The classroom is . 14.1 the computer room. A. large B.small — C. big A. like B. don’t like C. likes 12. The library is : 15. The computer room is Anew B.big —_C. small A.large B. small C. big Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and circle the correct options. This is my classroom. It is small. Ths is my (Ex.) chool bag | school bags. It is new. (16) This / These is my pen. It is old. These are my (17) pencil cases / pencil case. (18) They | That are new. Those are my pencil sharpeners. They are (19) old / large and (20) small / pen. t7 + Unit 8- Test | STN Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look, read and write. 2 big This is my ah (Ex.) _school_.. It is ‘e. 5 new ¢ This is my @ (2) It is & (3) eH 4 are my 4 6 Part 2: Questions 6-10. Put the words in order. Ex. school / this / my / is / . This is my school # 6. is | playground / small / the / . 7. are | these | notebooks | my / 8. the / is | large | gym | ? 9. that / computer / is | room / the | ? 10. your | classroom | is / old | ? BM unit 7 + Unit 8 - Test 1 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and write. These ruler old pla id are that This is my school. It is nice. The (Ex.) __ployoround _ is large. | play with my friends in the playground. That is the computer room. It is (11) but large. This is my classroom and (12) is my school bag. This is my (13) and it is long. (14) are my pencils They (15) small Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and answer the questions. This is my school. It is new. This is my classroom. It is small. That is the library over there. It is old but big. This is the gym. It is small but new. | like the computer room because it is large. Ex. Is the school new? 18. Is the library small? > Yes, it i > 16. Is the classroom big? 19. Is the gym new? > > 17. Is the library old? 20. What room do you like? — > Unit 7 + Unit 8 - Test 1 SU eyo UT eg SHINS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and ask the questions. 1. This is my notebook \( fey s og 2 This is 3; That Is ” my school. my pen. gk 7 4. Those are my pencils. EP ( s, These ure my books } oe x a M4 Ue ¢ Part 2: Questions 6-8. Look and response the questions. “’ he Ww — 6. Are these pencil cases? your notebook? 7T\sths | & Is the playground small? Part 3: Questions 9-10. Ask the questions about your school. small? No, it isn’t. It’s big. —<—<—“ new? ( Yes, it is. 10. ———— —SSy EB unit 7 + unit 8 - Test 1 7 f:S VOCABULARY AND PHONICS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look, read and circle. Ex. a (Gotebooks pencils pens 1 age gym playground school school bag ruler pencil case 3. a. large small old 4. 4 4 pens rubbers pencils 5. a computer room music room library Part 2: Questions 6-10. Look and match. Cruler tt this i these Cook ed — look Jd! t Can. ids) Crom UNIT 7+ UNIT'S ORE Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and number. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and circle the right words. Ex. school brary computer room 6. big small new 7. pen pencil pencil case 8. school bags pencil sharpeners rubbers % this that these 10. music room classroom gym GB uni 7+ ui eT eee ne Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and write the answers. Ex. What is this? - This is my school. . Is your school big? . Is that your classroom? . What are they? . Are they your rulers? . Is this your school bag? Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and fill in the information with one or two words. Ex. School Nguyen Trai 16. Playground 17. Class 18. Classroom 19. School things 20. Pencils Unit 7 + Unit 8 - Test 2 NZI Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and match. Ex. This is my classroom a. Yes, itis “1. s thot the music room? “b.No, it isn't. This is Tom’ ruler. | 2. Are those your pencils? (¢. They are new © 3. Is this your ruler? ( d. Wow! It’s big. “4, These are my rubber (@. No, they arer’t. They are Kim's pencils. | 5. Is the playground large? “J. No, it isn’t. I's small. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Look and circle the right sentences. 6. ; 7 his is my classroom. Those are school bags. This is the library. These are school bags. Ex.’ Is this a notebook? _ Are these notebooks? This is the gym. That is my school bag. Is that a notebook? 8. |* F ole “10. || | A @ dee Is the playground big? No, it isn’t. It’s new. That is my school. Is the gym big? No, it isn’t. It’s large. That is the gym. Is the library big? No, it isn’t. It's old. That is the music room. Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and circle the correct options. This is the music room. It is big. This is the playground. It is large. That is the computer room over there. It is small but new. This is the library. It is big but old. | like my school because it is beautiful. Ex. The music room is (big | small 11. The playground is large | new . 12+13. The computer is small / big and old / new 14. The library is bigand new | old . 15. The school is large | _ beautiful Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and circle the correct pictures. This is my table. It is long, This is my (Ex.) pen 7 4 It is new. (16) These are my pencil sharpeners oY & A (17) This is my new school bag i @ 118 Those ore my ip notebooks faa Ips (19) They are small. re) Cp 4 oe nen te i Unit 7 + Unit 8- Test 2 ERR STINE Part 1: Questions 1-5. Write the names of the rooms in the school. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and write Yes for the right sentences or No for the wrong sentences. Ex. This is my school. It is beautiful. Yes 6. Is your classroom big? — Yes, it is. 7. \s the library small? — No, it is. 8. These are my rulers. 9. This is my pens 10. Are those pencils? — Yes, it is. GLB unit 7 + unit 8 - Test 2 UNIT 7+ UNITS Part 3: Questions 11-15. Read and fill in the blanks. This is the gym. It is small. This is the library. It is beautiful. That is | the music room over there. It’s is big but old. This is the computer room, It is new but small. | like the playground in my school because it is large. Ex. The gym is__small 11. The library is 12. The music room is and 13. The computer room is and 14. | like the in my school. 15. The playground is Part 4: Questions 16-20. Write about your school. 16, My school’s name is - les | 17. My classroom is Its | 18. The library is 19. The playground is | 20. The gym is Unit 7 + Unit 8 - Test 2 ER ba) SPEAKING J Part 1: Questions 1-5. Look and say. “1. playground / large 2. classroom | big 3. school bag | new en A —_— 4. notebook | old “5. pencil cases / old Part 2: Questions 6-8. Look, ask and answer. 6. computer room/ | { 7. library! big ) 8. gym/ new old | no | yes | yes Part 3: Questions 9-10. Talk about your school. It’s, Its. [BB une 7 + unit 8 - Test 2 9. My school is. 5 | | 10. My class is. Quét ma QR What colour is it? & * dé nghe Bs Vocabulary and Phonics eae Blue Black Green | Brown | Orange = White d || Yellow | @Phonics: if -it Ip] - orange Be Sentence Patterns (1s this/thet your Yes, it is, pencil case? a ne — No, it isn’t. a My pencil case is here. (~ What colour 7 ~ ( It’s red.) is your box? SS ™~ Su — NT 4 a= \ Theyre orange. ) aa What colour are y \ your pencil sharpeners? 4} gy 9 Content summary Ey UNIT, 9 + UNIT 10 Oo oF UNIT 10) What do you do at break vime? Batt Quét ma QR 8 nghe 68 Vocabulary and Phonics ee! “fe tra ( break time ] So. GA ‘2? Gen I | football _ | chess | @ ha “badminton } [basketball | (table tennis! | skating | —_ skipping > 83 &o > , £ hr OAS + hi i “PLAY hide-and-seek blind man’s bluff Phonics: —/b/ - blind Isk] - skating eS Sentence Patterns ( What do you do Q | play football. at break time? pas = o sone pe gn x ~— | Do you like football? st Yes, | do. ) ( Do you like Lo 5 TN = L skating? 4 No, | don’t. - ot, | like skipping. ) ee D] BEM content summary - CATLIN ao es Part 1: Questions 1-5. Circle and tick ( v ). B m. x zZdDeBeCc He ces f LN RODS VI) OF EMT e'g@e x REID GP is 5 lun ote L 2. AL SOP He xv KV Ts O R K J w s Y M F R U FQdzy O UWE OK SL TK KL BT | 0 A P P OW LAP J LE J H ON U VoD P Part 2: Questions 6-10. Circle two words that have the same rhythm. Excit are (is 8. black — blind — badminton 6. octupus orange this 9. insect igloo football 7. skating running skipping 10. brown blue blanket Unit 9 + Unit 10- Test 1 EEA 0 ODE Be oreo 48 nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and match. (blue) [table tennis) [brown] [skating] | yellow) | basketball 3. 4. 5. = (a oS ao 24 \ AS Aw Part 2: Questions 6-10. Listen and number. *. ¥ EE vinie 9 + Unit 10 Test 1 _ UNIT 9 + UNIT, 10 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and circle the right sentences. Ex. What colour is that? “What colour is your pen? 11, Is that your bookcase? Is that your pencil sharpener? 12. Do you like football? Do you like badminton? 13. Yes, | do. No, | don’t. 14, What do you do at break time? — What colour is your lunch box? 15. It’s orange Theyre orange. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and write the answer. | Ex. Is this your pencil? — No, it isn’t. | 16. What colour is your pencil? — | 17. What colour are your pens? - | 18. What do you at break time? — | 19. Do you play football? — | 20. Do you like skating? . : Unit 9 + Unit 10-Test 1 Gy UNIT, 9 + UNIT 10 WEI Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and match. «Ex. Is that a. basketball? 5 as, aS <1. Do you play ~b. your ruler? pa ——SS—_—-->- <2. What do you ¢. like hide and seek? 3. What colour is d. your pen? — © 4, What colour are _ e, do at break time? = <5. Do you f. your pencil sharpeners? Part 2: Questions 6-10. Look, read and circle the right words. Ex. What colour is your ruler? oD —> Its red | green ‘4 6, <4 6. Are these your pencils? —> Yes, they are / they aren't . 7. What colour is your school bag? —> It's blue | brown . 8. What do you do at break time? — > |play chess / badminton . z 9. Do you play table tennis? —> Yes | No,Idon't . 10. Do you like blind man's bluff? > Yes,ldo | Idon't . BB une 9 + unit 10- test 1 UNIT, 9 + UNIT: Part 3: Questions 11-15. Circle the correct sentences. Ex. What colour are your rulers? What colour is your rulers? 11, Is that your bookcase? Is that you bookcase? 12. Do you like football? Do you like play football? 13. Yes, | do. | like basketball Yes, | don't. | like basketball. 14. What do you at break time? What do you do at break time? 15. They is black They're black. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Read and choose the best options. Ex. do you do at break time? ~1 play chess. (A. What B. Who C. How 16. What colour your lunchbox? — It blue A. is | are B. is / is C. are | is 17. Do like hide-and-seek? — , | do. A. you | No B. your / Yes C. you / Yes 18. Are your rulers? — No, they A. these / aren’t B. these / are C. these | is 19. What are your bags? — They are brown A. This B. like C. colour 20. you play basketball? — Yes, do. A. Do / they B.Do/1 Unit 9 + Unit 10 - Test 1 UNIT 9 + UNIT, 10 JET Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and write. Ex. 1 2 My pencil is My sharpener is Let's play Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and write. [ They're like chess green pens don't Hi, my name is Jemma. This is my pencil. It’s (Ex.) green. These are my (6) DM orange. At break time, my friends and | play (8) . Jim and James do not like chess. They (9) skipping. | (10) like skipping, GB unit 9 + Unit 10 - Test 1 Part Ex. 13. NIT SD +U 10 3: Questions 11-15. Put the words in order. skating / likes | he |. He likes skatin . rubber | is | your / that | ? . do | table tennis / play / you | ? are / what / your / colour | bookcases / ? . break | do | at / what / you / time | do | ? these / are | your | books | ? Part 4: Questions 16-20. Write about you. 16. > 17, = 18. ed What colour is your pencil? 19. Do you play table tennis? + What colour is your school bag? 20. Do you like hide-and-seek? > What do you do at break time? Unit 9+ Unit 10- Test 1 Gy CELLS Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and repeat. A sthis | Is this *U oes | ats - Wher colour) wo 3 My friends and! yr pet Cassel “4. Are these | 5. Let's play | your books? chess! 4 a Part 2: Questions 6-8. Look and say , ' TAD ola) * BOX ‘ 6. My friend and | 7. The lunchbox | 8. She likes. play 5 is Part 3: Questions 9-10. Answer the questions about you. 9, What colour is your bag? : “~ ON = 10. Do you play chess? a J UNIT, 9 + UNIT, 10 CTA ae ed Part 1: Questions 1-5. Do the puzzle. Ex. Down ¥ a & Across —> o 1 Fy ig Be ct . . tye . a * Part 2: Questions 6-10. Write the word with the right sound. © Ex. fil it 8. [skl © 6 ol 9. [bl] 7. [bl 1 10. Unit 9+ Unit 10- Test 2 Gy : UNIT 9 + UNIT.10 : O i) ’@) LISTENING we ust ms OR dé nghe Part 1: Questions 1-5. Listen and write the words you hear. ( Ex. reen 3. Ex. Is that your vy 6. What colour is your box? 7. What do you do at break time? 8. Do you play ? 9. Do you like ? 10. What colour are wares, e, GAO GLB Unit 9+ Unit 10 - Test 2 Part 3: Questions 11-15. Listen and correct. Ex. What colour is your notebook? book 11, Are these your pencil sharpeners? 12. Do you play basketball? 13. He likes skipping. 14, Let's play chess. 15, My friends and | like hide-and-seek. Part 4: Questions 16-20. Listen and complete the text. cr Hi, my name is Julia. This is my pencil sharpener. It’s (Ex.) brown These are my (16) an blue and white. At break time, my friends and | play (18) Mark and Ben do not like badminton. They (19) skating. | (20) like skating. Unit 9 + Unit 10 - Test 2 GLE Uy wEZEITD Part 1: Questions 1-5. Read and match. "Ex, Is that your pen? a. | play football. “1. Are these your bags? : ~ b. No, | don't. 2. What do you do at break time? ~ ¢. No, they arer’t. "3. What colour is your ruler? Yes, it’s my pen 4, What colour are your books? e. It’s white and yellow. "5. Do you like skipping? ~ f. They're black. Part 2: Questions 6-10. Read and circle the correct options. like skating and | like skipping. We play basketball at break time. Ben likes hide-and-seek. Mark likes blind man’s bluff. Ex. His friends are CBen and Mark | Ben and Matt 6. Ben and Mark like skating / skipping 7. They play badminton | basketball at break time 8. James likes skating | skipping 9. Ben likes hide-and-seek / football 10. Mark likes basketball = / blind man’s bluff. AY unit 9 + Unie 10- Test 2

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