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Feedback from Vato to Sesili

Introduction and Topic Significance: The introduction effectively outlines the personal project of
creating a children's book about climate change. The emphasis on the importance of kids
understanding this critical issue is well articulated, and your personal involvement in related
activities adds credibility to your commitment. It would be beneficial to include some statistical or
factual evidence about the impact of climate change on children's lives for a more persuasive

Learning and Product Goals: Your learning goal to develop illustration skills and deepen your
understanding of climate change is clear and directly tied to the project. The product goal to spread
awareness among children is commendable. Consider adding a more detailed statement about the
specific aspects of climate change you aim to convey through the book.

Success Criteria: The success criteria are well-defined, focusing on accuracy and understandability.
To enhance this section, consider specifying how you will measure the accuracy of your illustrations
(e.g., expert review, feedback from target audience) and what methods you'll use to assess the
book's understandability among kids.

ATL Skills: The ATL skills listed are relevant to the goals. However, consider providing a brief
explanation of how each skill will be applied. For instance, under "Research skills," you might specify
that you will use online resources, books, or interviews with experts for climate change research.

Action Plan: The action plan is structured, providing a timeline for each phase of the project. It
would be helpful to include more specific tasks within each phase. For example, during the
"Research about climate change" phase, detail the specific topics or sources you plan to explore.
This will make your plan more actionable and allow for better tracking of progress. Moreover, you
can be more pragmatic in your timeline allocation. For example, research on climate change can be
done in the first phase of the project. I think it would be logical to gather information and knowledge
to start creating content and not vice versa

Conclusion: Overall, the project proposal is well-organized and demonstrates a thoughtful approach
to both learning and product goals. Adding more specifics and evidence, especially in the
introduction and success criteria sections, will further strengthen your proposal. Good luck with your

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