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Ear Nose Throat (ENT) MCQs [set-1]

1. The external auditory canal is

A. l- shaped
B. t- shaped
C. s- shaped
D. u- shaped
Answer: C

2. Otomycosis becomes very common in the

A. summer season
B. winter season
C. rainy season
o m
D. spring season . c
Answer: C
3. Narrowing of external auditory canal
A. keratosis obturans
B. meatal stenosis
C. laryngotracheal stenosis
D. otosclerosis
Answer: B

4. Van der Hoeve's syndrome is characterised by

A. conductive deafness
B. blue sclera
C. brittle bones
D. all of above
Answer: D

5. In patients having perforated ear drum the ear discharge usually is

A. serous
B. mucoid or mucopurulent
C. foul smelling
D. watery
Answer: B

6. Speech discrimination is good in

A. conductive deafness
B. sensori-neural deafness
C. deaf-mutism
D. mixed deafness
Answer: A

7. The cause of deaf-mutism is

A. rhesus incompatibility
B. consanguineous marriages
C. ototoxic drugs
D. all of above
Answer: D

8. Cause of non-pathological vertigo is

A. heights
B. spinning movements
C. sudden change of floor texture
D. all of above
Answer: D

9. This disease is characterised by momentary vertigo

A. meniere\s disease
B. benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
C. vestibular neuronitis
D. acoustic neuroma
Answer: B

10. Unilateral purulent blood-stained discharge from nose in a child is

pathognomic of
A. malignancy
B. old foreign body in the nose
C. vestibulitis
D. hypertension
Answer: B

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11. S.M.R (Submucous Resection of the Nasal Septum) operation is usually
performed after the age of
A. 5 yrs
B. 10 yrs
C. 17 yrs
D. 12 yrs
Answer: C

12. Rhinosporidiosis is commonly seen in

A. farmers
B. teachers
C. lawyers
D. doctors
Answer: A

13. This condition manifests as pain in the frontal and maxillary region as the
aircraft or driver descends
A. chronic frontal sinusitis
B. barotraumatic sinusitis
C. chronic maxillary sinusitis
D. rhinolith
Answer: B

14. The cause of Blood-stained nasal discharge may be

A. old foreign bodies
B. malignancy
C. rhinolith
D. all of above
Answer: D

15. Perverted sense of smell, where the person gets non-existent foul smell
A. cacosmia
B. parosmia
C. anosmia
D. hyposmia
Answer: B

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16. The most frequently infected paranasal sinus is
A. maxillary sinus
B. spenoidal sinus
C. anterior ethmoidal sinus
D. frontal sinus
Answer: A

17. Malignancy of this paranasal sinuses is most common

A. spenoidal sinus
B. anterior ethmoidal sinus
C. maxillary sinus
D. frontal sinus
Answer: C

18. These are the functions of tonsils EXCEPT

A. vocal resonance
B. immunity
C. lymphocyte formation
D. antibodies formation
Answer: A

19. In investigation report of patient with Sjogren's syndrome which of the

following is NOT true
A. esr is raised
B. rheumatoid factor is negative
C. ssa, ssb antigens are elevated
D. antinuclear antibodies are present
Answer: B

20. Hot potato speech is seen in

A. malignant tumours of the tonsils
B. papilloma
C. chronic laryngitis
D. quinsy
Answer: A

21. This is a speech disorder due to lesion affecting the cortical speech centre

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A. aphasia
B. dysphasia
C. dysarthria
D. stammering
Answer: B

22. Fatigue of phonatory muscles or vocal strain is called as

A. phonoaesthesia
B. pubophonia
C. dysphonia
D. rhinolalia
Answer: A

23. The contra-indication of emergency tracheostomy is

A. diabetes mellitus
B. there is no contra-indication
C. hypertension
D. general debilty
Answer: B

24. This is used for examining the upper part of the oesophagus and for removal of
foreign bodies
A. cricopharyngoscope
B. bronchoscope
C. laryngoscope
D. oesophagoscope
Answer: A

25. In radiographs of the paranasal sinuses, Water's view is utilised for examining
A. anterior ethmoidal sinus
B. spenoidal sinus
C. frontal sinus
D. maxillary sinus
Answer: D

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