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Speaker 1: The other thing I want you to remember is if this is your first time doing a mastermind
or teaching, whether virtual or in person, sometimes we think from my experience,
would they really want to hear this story? Why do you want to hear from me.
Remember this, the marketing that you're going to learn in the next module is going to
set you up as the authority you are, only sharing the things that you have a core
competency in, a unique ability in. You're going to be attracting the people that I want
you to remember at this very moment, and remember when you're in that moment is
they want to hear your story. Every word you share is what they want to hear. It's the
reason they cut you a check. It's the reason they came in your room or they're virtually
watching you online. They're there because they want to hear it.

So tell the story with authorities. Tell it with passion, be animated. Just tell the story as
the the best way you remember it. And if you were embarrassed in the story, share it. If
there was something that you shouldn't have done, share it. If there's something you
accomplished, share it. Remember, these stories are going to position them to be ready
to learn, and that leads us right into the questions I want to ask to really narrow down.
Again, we went from way up here, narrowing niche, niche, niche, niche, niching down,
what exactly it is you're gonna teach. So let's go through this exercise right on this page.
You're going to see some questions we want to answer right now. And here's what I
want. I want to make sure that you stop and answer these. Yeah I've been saying that
with every exercise, but this is the process.

Tony and I put a lot of thought and time on how do we extract this properly? If you're
already in it, go through it anyway if you're not, you need to. So the first question is this.
If you look back over the last 12 months in your business, in your life, what were the
biggest needle movers? What were the things that made the impact that made the
money that got the clients? It ended up in a massively positive result. What transitioned
your company? What allowed you to scale? Start thinking through the biggest needle
movers, the things if someone said, hey, the last year you've really grown, the last year
you've made good impact, the last year, x, Y, z. Why do you think? Take the time right
now and jot it down. Now if I look in my own life, which really moved the needle for us
is we cracked selling books on YouTube.

We are doing amazing on Facebook and Instagram, but YouTube was a hard one to do
and we tried. I shot ads obsessively. We tried long ones and short ones. I had marketing
stamina like I just kept going until finally we found the messaging, we found the look
and we found that the science and the art, I was obsessing on the art. My team was
obsessing on the science and all of a sudden bam. We cracked YouTube. Not that many
weeks ago, I think we did over 4,000 books in a week just on YouTube and that means
I'm making an impact. People are getting my message in their hands. I'm doing what I
was put on this earth to do and it was YouTube.

So if someone was here right now, learning how to do, wanting to, you know, in a
mastermind on how to sell books, I would say what's fresh, what's hot? I'm going to
teach about YouTube marketing. But for you think back, what's some of the things or
the one big thing that's a move the needle the most in your life, the results or income in
your business or the thing that you're going to teach. Stop and do that right now.
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The next question, what are the biggest mistakes you've made in the last 12 months
that would help warn people what not to do so they don't repeat it. Listen, sometimes
we teach where to go and other times we teach how to avoid a pothole that's inevitable
in what it is they want to do. On their journey, there's always going to be a sinkhole. You
know, quicksand that they didn't see. All of us have been through it, and you can't be in
business without things going wrong. But how can you help them avoid that? If you
asked me in my own personal life, just thinking in my business, I would say I took on too
many projects in the last 12 months and I had my team too fragmented. There's so
many things going on that we're doing everything really good but not excellent.

So in the last couple of months I've really narrowed that down and I'm working on
narrowing it down even more. We have so much impact, so many things to give the
world. I want to do all of it, but we got to narrow that down sometimes if we have too
many, we don't do them. Great. So that would be one thing I would teach is, I would
teach a process on how to identify the things that will make the most impact. Take you
to where you want to go, grow your business. The needle movers I would teach, how to
find the needle movers and how to create a not to do list and throw all the rest of the
things away or automate or delegate or eliminate. What else is on that list that you
shouldn't be doing? That would be something I would teach to my low level mastermind
all the way to people paid $250,000 a year because we all need it.

But now I want to ask you, what's a mistake you made in the last 12 months that could
really help someone that wants to go from where they are to where they want to go
with your help? What could you help them avoid? Stop the video right now and write it
down. Okay, hope you're doing this. And the next one is what small daily or weekly
habits have you discovered that have helped add to your bottom line or your happiness
or your health or your next level of life? Here's something I've taught at every level
mastermind. I know that my morning routine sets me up for a day of playing offense in
my thought process is if I wake up and I check my cell phone and I look through the text
messages and I look through emails and I see something that's wrong, it puts me in
defense like, oh, I gotta fix this. I've got to go answer those emails. I gotta answer this
text, someone else is running me.

Like, I hate that, so I don't care if you want to lose weight and fix your love, have make
more money, get a date, scale of your company, if you're playing defense, you're
waiting for something else to go wrong. One of the habits that transformed my life is a
morning routine that sets me up for offense. I wake up, I think of something I'm grateful
for. Even if it's just the sheets, like, oh my God, these sheets feel so good. It puts my
mind in the right place with gratitude. Then I think of three things that were a win the
day before, because most of the time we think of what went wrong not what went right.
I think about that. I get more empowered, then I think about what am I gonna crush
today? What are three wins that can happen today? That little routine combined with
my green drink and going to exercise puts me in a state of offensive. I got this. I have
confidence to attack the day.

Again, it doesn't matter if I'm scaling my hundred million dollar company or getting in
better shape or or taking my intimacy and love to another level. You need that. So right
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now, stop the video. What's a habit that you do that you might not even know you do?
Well, how do you think through problems? How do you solve problems? How do you
market? How do you teach? How do you sell? How do you train? How do you create
processes and systems? What's a habit that you have that has made the biggest impact
in your business? Write it down right now.

Okay, the next one. If you could run into your teenage self, what would be the one thing
that you would teach him or her, say this is a must . you know. Think about that. Stop
the video anytime you want and write it down. I'm really visual. I visualize running into
my teenage self. I picture the car I was in when I was 17 and I stop you and say, get out.
Let's go sit on the lawn and talk. What would I share? Now for me, I've thought about
this question before and I've asked a lot of people this question. For me it's simple is I
would tell people that the biggest thing standing between you where you are right now
and where you want to go is nothing in the outside world, it's your thoughts, it's your
thoughts. As crazy as that sounds, it took me a long time to figure that out that the story
that I tell myself on why I can't double the size or 10 times the size of my business or
why I can't fill a mastermind or why I can't do something.

It's never the outside circumstances. It's always the story I tell myself whether I can or I
can't. I think it was Henry Ford that says, if you think you can, you can, and if you think
you can't, you won't. Right? So I would tell my 17 year old self, your thoughts are going
to lie to you, your thoughts are going to make you nervous, your thoughts are going to
keep you up at night. Your thoughts are going to mislead you. Don't believe your
thoughts. Question everything. Go find proof that that's not true. Find proof that it can
be empowered. Shift your thoughts. Shift your life. Change the story. Change your life.
Get rid of disempowering stories.

That would be the advice I tell. I teach that in every level mastermind that I do. It
doesn't matter what you want to do. Again, that's what I would do. I would share with
my 17 year old self, what would you share? The reason I'm asking you, because these
are the things are going gonna come out and people are going to feel the passion, they
need it. No matter what you're teaching or you're helping somebody extract your
knowledge and teach, they're going to need these impactful things to put in their life,
right? They need the 30,000 foot story, then they need the tactical of what to do and
we're going to keep defining. We're gonna go more granular. Okay. Stop the video. Do
that right now.

Okay. Now this last question kind of goes back to when we are extracting your
superpower or your unique ability or your core competency, but I want you to bring it
back here and I want you to think just the number one, the top one, and that is what is
the one thing in your industry that you believe you do that makes you successful, that
maybe other people in your space aren't doing? Take a moment and write that down.
Write down exactly. Maybe you could just steal one from what you wrote previous or
maybe this thinking along this evolution has opened up a new path like, oh my God, I
can't believe, that was unconscious that I did that, but this is what I do. Think about it.
Stop the video right now and write down just one thing that you know you do, right?

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I know I love to be authentic on video. I like to share stuff that most people would be
embarrassed about so people know I'm real. I like to dress humble. I have a tee shirt I
wear, I've 20 of these t shirts, literally 20 of the same day shirts. There's little things that
I do that I hope show people that I'm this real and I want to change your life. And if you
align with my message, great. And if you don't, there's other people you could. That's
awesome, right? So what is the one thing you do? Maybe your competitors don't even
know you do it or they're not doing it and it makes you have an unfair advantage. Stop
the video. Write that down right now.

All right, I hope you took the time and answer those four simple questions and they're
literally designed to go even deeper. I hope you see this evolution that Tony and I
designed, right? Who are you? What's your super power? What's your alignment then?
What's your perfect ideal customer? So you're reverse engineering your super power
and they're just gaining what you have, what you experienced. They get to gain so they
can go faster while simultaneously they're in the room with like minded people so they
can help each other grow. Then you learn the power of extracting your story,
understanding what their pain points are, what their pleasure is, understanding how
that story can inspire them to be ready to learn, and then these questions are just
opening your mind up to start saying, oh, I could teach on that.

What I'm hoping is after those four questions, you're like, oh my God, I could teach on
that and oh, that would be easy to teach and who I know my daily habit is this or my
weekly habit is checking numbers or whatever it is and Oh yes, that's some of the things
that I do that nobody in my industry does. That's what they need. If we go back to Lisa,
it's like I build rapport in a way with people refer me without even asking. I use
assistance to harmonize and do three times more people a month than anybody else
does. We start thinking through those things and all of a sudden you're like, oh, I'm
hoping at this point you're like Ding light bulb on. If you're already teaching, you can
teach deeper. If you haven't been teaching, I hope you're saying, I'm starting to see this

Here's the part, that was to spark and get you in the right framework for what I'm going
to share right now and this has been transformative in my life. What I'm about to share
with you is going to be worth more than you paid for this course. Just this one piece
alone for creating a mastermind that makes impact, for writing a book, if you ever want
to write a book, for anything you want to teach, this is how I've been able to write books
when I had dyslexia. I didn't read many books in my life up until 10 years ago now I
obsessively read because I had such bad dyslexia I didn't realize I could listen. Now I
listen to an audio book about every 10 days. This is the secret that allowed me to write
multiple New York Times bestselling books. This is the secret that allows me to have
masterminds that go up to $250,000 a year and people send thank you cards.

This is the secret that ties everything we just shared together and when we're done,
you're going to be like, I can do it. I can set my mastermind, I can do it. I can make an
impact. I can create transformation for the people that show up. So in this section and
then the next section, by the time we're done, you are going to have an example agenda
to your half day, one day or two day event, whether you do at virtual in person and be
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able to say, oh my God, I want to teach this right now. By the end of this next section, I
promise you, you'd be shaking. Listen, I get excited. Maybe you don't get as excited.
Maybe you're more calm and cool, but I promise you whatever excitement is to you, you
will be feeling it when you can look at an agenda and go, I can do this. I can make an
impact. I can get paid, I can do it over and over.

So here it is. I use the word riff. Did you ever riff on something like, I guess that probably
comes from musical notes, but just something where you can talk about it and just go
on for 10, 20, 30 minutes because you know it, you feel it, you're living it. So now if we
back high, right, we just went a little tactical, now go up high again. We went through
the process of uncovering that. We talked about this, uncovering what your unique
ability is, what your superpower is. We had some questions there and then we went
through what your biggest breakthroughs in the last 12 months, your biggest failures, so
you could teach them, your habits or what you do best in your industry that people
don't. But thinking through that, if you had to come up with let's say seven riffs, things
that you love to talk about that align with your superpower. So for example, I'm going to
share how I wrote millionaire success habits wrote the book. I hope you're read it, Great
Book. I'm not trying to sell you, I'm just saying it's a great book.

But here's how I did that book and this is how you can create your teaching part, right?
We already went through what your stories are. Now it's the teaching. The next section
we talk about the tool. So now this is the teaching, figure story, teach tool. We're in the
teaching section, right? With millionaire success habits, I have these habits that have
transformed my life over the last 30 years of being an entrepreneur. So if you read the
book, you'll understand this. If you didn't, it's okay. But things like the seven levels, deep
exercise, finding your why exercise, creating a not to do list in your life and make it an
ongoing, happiness habits and happiness hacks so you can find a way for peace and
happiness to be first and then have the success follow.

Where are you going tool, a 90 day jumpstart tool to get you to take action. All of these
things are habits that I've used to generate over $1 billion when my companies and my
brands in my life. So I love talking about those. But thinking about sitting down and
writing all those or thinking about just talking about them in a mastermind like, well
how in the structure. So here's what I'm gonna give you this little unfair advantage.
What I did was, and what I want you to do after those last four questions, I hope
actually all the questions that you've answered up to this point, start writing down the
riffs that you love talking about. So let's say for example, you're in the fitness world and
you help people get in Ketosis. You tell them what supplements to take and what food
to eat and how to sleep and what time to exercise and all that stuff while
simultaneously you're into high intensity training, you believe regular cardio is dead and
they need to HIIT training, right?

So say that's you. What riffs, if you have a friend sitting next to you and they said, why
should I do what you say? You're like, oh my God, ketosis. Ketosis is like, your body gets
so hot and I'm making a lot of this up, so this is my thing. Your body burns so much
when it doesn't have the carbs to burn, it burns your fat and fat burns longer. You have
a burn fat on the stove, it burns longer. So if you put your body in Ketosis, it's naturally
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burning the fat rather than living off of carbohydrates. Does that make sense? So maybe
if that was you, you know how to talk about that for 20 minutes. Here's what I suggest
you do. You take that and you take your phone just like this and you go, if you have an
iPhone or anything and you go to the section where you can record a memo and record
you talking about why you should put your body in Ketosis, right?

So now you're just riffing and then it burns fat and it does this and it does ask, you
know, have more energy and you might feel bad for a week, but then Dah, Dah, Dah,
Dah, Dah and you talk and then when you're done, go to and send it
off to be transcribed. Now here's I want to share, store those, when you send them off
store them, but first make a list of all the things you like to talk about. So if you want to
talk about ketosis and what it means, ketosis and how you sleep, ketosis in the
supplements, that's three different riffs that you love talking about. Then you want to
talk about high intensity training. Okay, old cardio is dead. Now you start talking about
the actual weight day trainings like when you put masks on.

Then the other days is the cardio that you know all the total body training. Again, I'm
making this up, but you start listing all the riffs I'm calling them riffs, that you'd like to
talk about and when you do, you say I like talking about the way you eat, I like talking
about the way you sleep. I like talking about the supplements, I like talking about
Monday, Wednesday, Friday workouts and then Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday workouts
and if you're on the road and if you want to do it with your wife or your husband if you
want to have your kids involved and these all different things that maybe you love to
talk about. That's your teaching points. In my case with millionaire success habits, I
wrote down all those headlines, the seven levels deep exercise to find your true why
and then when I felt inspired, I just grabbed my phone, I recorded it, I sent it off to who got it transcribed and they sent it back to me and that was the foundation
for my chapter.

And you're going to do the same exact thing for the foundation of your teaching
moments. You have the story to inspire. Now it's time to teach. You like riffing on how
do you measure and track marketing dollars spent. Just riff on it and go get it
transcribed. Send it back and you can create power points around it. You could get
examples of how you do it. If you're doing it in the fitness world, you could talk about
the workouts and then you could put visuals to the workouts. If you're talking about
how to have more confidence when it comes to dating, you could show the exact steps.
This allows you to extract what you already love to talk about on the granule level,
right? We ask questions of the big picture. We ask the questions in the middle. This is
granular. This is the exact teaching points that we're going to show you here in a little
bit, how to insert into your agenda, so you create this natural dance.

That's two of the three steps in the magical dance of a transformative masterminds. So
after you write down the riffs that you love to talk about and the topics, it's like chapter
heads. It's like it's teaching points. It's the topics you're going to teach in your
mastermind. Then what I'd say as what I've done in a book and what I've done in
masterminds is I take those topics and I align them. So let's just say in my book,
Millionaire Success Habits, seven levels deep attaches a heart emotion to why you want
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success in your life. That felt good to me coming first and then I looked at, well that
should come second and third. They should have marketing stamina, but then if they get
in business and start getting stressed, they should know the happiness hacks and bring
themselves and change their state.

So I started with these riffs all over the place. I recorded them so I knew how to teach
them. I created PowerPoint or slides or just able to write on the whiteboard and show
them examples in the teaching part. Right, now I just want to stack them. What should
come first, second, third, fourth, fifth. So take the time right now and jot down any riffs
that you love talking about that are in your industry, that are aligned with everything
we've talked about up to this point, that were stimulated by the last four questions you
answered. Write them down, and then when you feel inspired, when you feel the
moment, could be right now, pick up your phone and record your teaching on that
section. And then if you need to get assets from people that work from you, your team,
your accounting, your marketing department, or stuff you've done in the past, you can
gain those assets to really fine tune the teaching section of the magical dance.

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