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*In the internet environment, the environments where users define themselves and communicate

with different users from different cultures and communicate socially in this way are defined as
"social networks". Today, when we say social networks, applications such as Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter are the biggest examples. Social networks are the general name given to the networks that
are used to establish social communication in the virtual environment created by people by
identifying themselves in social life on the internet, to communicate with people using internet
communication methods, and also by showing symbolic movements that symbolize various gestures
made in normal social life. spread and its use becomes necessary for individuals and societies.

Although online friendships do not replace normal friendships but we can chat while playing games
or over the internet.

*There are a lot of Syrians as immigrants where I live. I think they miss nothing because they came to
Turkey to never return to their country and took Turkish citizenship.

They have Turkish as the thing they have difficulty with and they are slowly learning Turkish.

*I have many habits that I made in my childhood. These are: digging in the ground and making a
house for worms, throwing our slippers to the air and catchıng them with my frıends, and jumping off
a bike while riding a bike.

*Some problems experienced by people living in big cities; Since the public transportation vehicles
are very crowded, the solution of this problem may be to increase the number of public
transportation vehicles. Another problem is the lack of green space, in which more trees can be
planted and greening activities should be carried out.

*In the last fifty years, in Turkey, people, customs, traffic level. As people change, some of them are
not the same as before, the crime rate has increased, and helping each other has decreased. As a
custom, visiting the elderly, visiting the sick, etc. The traffic has increased as the level of traffic, the
main reason for this is the increase in cars and the air pollution problem it brings.

*The first is Peace, because if the whole world lived in peace, there would be no wars, people would
not die, there would be no criminals, everyone would live happily. The second is the advancement of
technology, because if the technology advances, things will be easier, the depths of space can be
explored more and places where there is a possibility of living can be visited. The third is happiness, if
there is happiness, people will always be cheerful and the world will be more cheerful.

*I discover young talents because we can make progress in world football. I work with scientists to
advance technology.
*Good things and bad things about staying in an apartment; Good Things: you can sit with your
neighbors, if you are a kid you have a friend to play with and if something is missing you can ask it
from your neighbors.Bad Things: It can be too loud and you get uncomfortable.

The good things and bad things about staying at home; Good Things: It will be very quiet, you can
have a pet, it will be comfortable and you can make as much noise as you want.The Bad Things: You
can't just ask someone if something is missing, and if you're a kid, you won't have a friend to play

I prefer staying at home because it is more comfortable than an apartment.

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