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Subject : SCIENCE Name : ______________

Day / Date : Wednesday, September 7th 2022 Grade/No : IV___ / _____
Term : 1 (One)

KD 3.2 Membandingkan siklus hidup beberapa jenis makhluk hidup.

I. Choose the correct answer.
1. In life cycle of plant, the reproductive stage happened in …
A. root C. flower
B. stem D. leaf
2. Look at the picture.

The picture above shows the stage of plant’s life cycle of plant which is called …
A. germination C. blooming
B. mature seed D. pollination
3. Look at the picture.

The part inside the egg that will grow into chick is called …
A. egg C. hen
B. embryo D. chick
4. The adult stage in elephant life cycle will start around … years of age.
A. 5 C. 18
B. 10 D. 21
5. Look at the picture.

1 2 3 4

The correct order for the life cycle of a frog is …
A. 4 – 2 – 1 – 3 C. 3 – 2 – 1 – 4
B. 4 – 2 – 3 – 1 D. 2 – 4 – 1 – 3

6. The complete metamorphosis is …

A. C.

B. D.

7. Look at the table below.

No. Animals
1. the hatched animal body form is the same like its parent
2. some body parts may not be fully formed, such as the wings
3. they go through egg, nymph, and adult stages
4. they go through egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages

The characteristics of incomplete metamorphosis are shown in number …

A. 1 and 2 C. 3 and 4
B. 2 and 3 D. 1 and 4

8. A kind of metamorphosis animal that does not go through a stage of pupa is …

A. C.

B. D.

9. If we have some fish in the aquarium, the correct way to take care of it is by …
A. giving them bath regularly
B. giving some foods as often as we can
C. taking them out of the water
D. cleaning up the aquarium regularly

10. Chickens can have contagious diseases such as bird flu. Bird flu is caused by H5N1
virus and it can also be transmitted to human beings. The way to properly take
care of the pets by …
A. giving them a healthy diet
B. keeping pets clean
C. providing homes for pets
D. spraying disinfectants

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

11. All the stages of transformation in a living thing within its lifespan is the definition
of ….
12. In growth process, the first leaf of a plant that is pointed by the arrow is called ….

13. Cats, dog, elephants breed by ….

14. The stage in the life cycle of a butterfly which often causes a great loss to
farmers is ….

15. The young animals that go through complete metamorphosis have …. physical
characteristics from the adults.

16. There is a kind of animal that caused disease as they lay their eggs in the water.
They also go through complete metamorphosis. The kind of animal is …

III. Answer the questions correctly.

17. Explain 3 stages of chicken life cycle.

18. Write down 3 examples of animal that go through complete metamorphosis.
19. Write down 3 examples of animal that go through incomplete metamorphosis.
20. Write down 5 ways to take care of pets.

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