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As Pablo has mentioned, the development of technologies in recent years has

undoubtedly meant a great advance in our way of life. It has provided us with a large
number of resources that we have undoubtedly been able to take advantage of to
improve our quality of life. However, as is evident, the development of these
technologies has not only led to progress in the field of the person, but has also led to a
notable improvement in the development of conflicts, but not only within the
battlefield, but also also out of it.

In the first place, the fact of living in such an interconnected world has allowed us
citizens to be able to learn about and analyze in detail the development of a war conflict
like the one that is going on right now in Ukraine. Without a doubt, we have managed
to obtain, through social networks, a clear and objective vision of what is happening in
the world, without giving rise to farces or doubts about what is happening. Social
networks have given greater visibility to the various situations that occur when a war of
this magnitude develops. If we compare it with the Spanish civil war, in this case the
news was transmitted through the press, which in most cases was manipulated in favor
of the political interests of the time. In our days, freedom of expression makes it easier
to obtain all kinds of information, which we can contrast to discern what is real and what
is not.

On the other hand, the increase in technology in society has caused a growing
continuous generation of data that must be stored in some way. Undoubtedly, all this
data has become the best offensive weapon in any conflict, and the intelligence services
of each country play a fundamental role in gathering the necessary information to carry
out any type of operation that requires some information about the enemy.

With the high degree of digitization that we have today, countries have high security
systems to store their data and make them inaccessible, however, with the right
knowledge, any type of cyber attack can be carried out on practically any infrastructure.
government, or try to blackmail with the dissemination of that information obtained,
generating a war typical of the 21st century.

As an example of the latter, we have the famous group of hackers Anonymous, who
masterfully managed to infiltrate in 2012, managed to enter the emails of several "pro-
Kremlin" activists and officials, including the head of the Federal Agency for Youth
Affairs, Vasily Yakemenko. The documents showed that the man and several of his
colleagues paid bloggers with millions of followers to post pro-Vladimir Putin content.

Without a doubt, technologies have changed us, and they have changed the world we
knew, but do these advances that do not stop increasing really favor the good of
humanity? Or do they lead us to a continuous war that ends our extinction?

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