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Information Technology

-Artificial Intelligence:

Two school of thoughts emerging from the advent of AI epoch.

1] AI as a saviour and Messiah(IST School of thought)
It will address all the shortcomings and problems faced by human.
(a) Yuval Noah Hariri
Names future humans 'techno - sapiens' or 'homo - dues'.
b) The law of Accelerating Returns by Ray Kurzweil :
" *Humanity might go twice from the birth of agriculture to the birth of the internet
100 years"
C) Human should alter their biological and mechanical makeup.
D) IN VIRTUALL reality or Augmented Reality human can move or act through
Cybernetics, Transport and Healthcare sector all can use AI to enhance their
2]Second School of thought named and viewed AI as existential threat to humanity
a)Jobs will be taken over by robots caused 'Unemployment '.
b) 3D printers will leave an indelible impact on the manufacturing sector by giving a
dent loss of around $12 trillion to the global manufacturing sector.
C) Genetically engineered human might develop serious threat to social, political
D) Privacy of individual is potential victim of AI
Hence, IA is a double - edged sword.
 According to News today in August,2023. 4,000 Americans lost their jobs in a month
due to AI.
 According to Annual CEO summit in 2023, Yale school of management conducted a
survey amongst 119 CEOs from a varying range of sectors. 42% of candidates
believed AI could destroy humanity in next 5-10 years. The survey breakdown is as
follows: 34% Of CEOs said AI could potentially destroy humanity in 10 years, 8%
said it could happen in 5 years and 58% said it could never happened and that they
are “not worried”
 Generative AI tools are here and so is the endless potential for their misuse. They
could fabricate misinformation during elections. They routinely concoct biased and
incorrect information plus they make it extremely easy to cheat on essay
assignments in school. Why Bill gates is not worried about AL Models making stuff
up? He thinks that the shift to AI is “Every bit as important as the PC” is worried
about all of these challenges but as articulated he believes that AI can used to tackle
the problems it has created.
 AI and education: The recent unprecedented breakthroughs in Generative Artificial
Intelligence (AGI) have triggered pressing debates amongst academics over the far-
reaching implications of AI in traditional educational processes and mechanisms.
How the large language models (LLMs) would alter the traditional educational
landscape, given their high potential and capabilities in producing human-like
responses? It is a matter of fact that since antiquity, education has played a pivotal
role in the intellectual, social, and political development of human beings. However,
the question is whether artificial intelligence would adversely impact the
educational process, or rather enhance it. While answering this question, it is
pertinent to peek into the very nature of artificial intelligence and contemplate its
underlying operational patterns and methods.Almost all AI-powered apps including
the recent chatbot, ChatGPT, are working on the principles and patterns of (LLMs).
These models are given huge and diverse stuffs of information and data, among
which they collate and together date, and prepare answers to the given prompts by
using the principles of statistical probabilities. More often than not, the answers
seem suitable; however, sometimes the answers produced have no credible source,
subject relevancy, or context, showing the lack of critical and real-life understanding
of artificial intelligence.Unfortunately, due to a lack of foundational know-how about
the workings of artificial intelligence, most of the high school students are blindly
relying on AI apps especially ChatGPT for academic purposes, giving no heed to the
in-depth and critical knowledge of the subject. Indeed, this covert and superficial
attitude of the students shows the abysmal quality of their education which has
blatantly failed to inculcate real intellectual, scholarly, and forward-looking values
in its students. The effective usages of AI are much narrower in the academic realm,
and excessively relying on AI for academic purposes is lethal. Thus academics and
students should know where to use AI and where to not.If used properly with due
etiquette, AI can be helpful for academics and students. First, it should be used as a
helpful assistant. Second, it should be used for structure, not for content. For
instance, if a student is writing an abstract for a thesis, she should not rely entirely
on ChatGPT for writing an abstract; rather she should use it only for structure.
Moreover, AI should be used as an incredible force in education, as it frees
academics and students of cumbersome administrative tasks, and gives them free
time to explore critical concepts. Currently, most universities have authoritatively
banned the usage of AI-powered apps for academic activities. It is completely a
narrow and short-sighted approach. No one can prevent the phenomenon of
creative destruction. Indeed, it is the one constant of history. When the computer
was discovered, the academics of that time expressed their deep reservations that it
would be hazardous for students’ conceptual understanding. Today no student can
smoothly pass an exam without a computer or laptop.The universities should not be
afraid of artificial intelligence as it is the new accepted reality of this century. The
universities, being the hub of creative knowledge and discourses, should shun their
narrow and lopsided stance. Rather they should chalk out a comprehensive strategy
of how to integrate AI into formal educational processes and infrastructure. Besides,
they should organise seminars on how to positively use artificial intelligence for
better academic outputs. The students should be deeply taught what the underlying
working patterns of AI operations are. Moreover, given the widespread applications
and adoption, universities should take steps to democratically regulate AI to deter
students and academics from misusing it.
Indeed, AI has been discovered by humans, therefore it should serve us not vice
versa. It should be used in creative ways in areas where humans want to excel.

The Nation Syed Haris NawazSeptember 04, 2023Opinions, Columns


The Dutch government is soon to join the United States and Japan in rolling out new
semiconductor export control measures aimed at keeping sensitive technology away from
China due to concern for potential misuse. (Observer Diplomat, August 2023)

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