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‭ rite me 6 elaborate, sophisticated paragraphs on the 4 main causes of World War I including‬

‭the following:‬
‭-‬ ‭Introduction: Highly industrialized Europe, major wars before WW1 that increased‬
‭tensions like the Franco-Prussian War, etc., other issues brewing below the surface‬
‭-‬ ‭Miliarism: an arms race, build up of countries’ land and naval strength, the glorification of‬
‭armed strength and the military, include examples of this including the German and‬
‭British naval race, economic rivalries, and how this contributes to causing WW1‬
‭-‬ ‭Alliances: maiintaining a ballance of power in Europe, specific alliances formed like the‬
‭Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente, how they were formed and why they were formed,‬
‭their significance and how they contribute to causing WW1‬
‭-‬ ‭Imperialism: Quest for overseas empires, gain more markets, sign of nation’s power,‬
‭especially naval power, demonstrates countries’ influence around the world, cause of‬
‭increased tension like France and Germany over Morocco, how all of this contributes to‬
‭causing WW1‬
‭-‬ ‭Nationalism: Pride in one’s country, desire to have their own country/homeland:‬
‭Pan-German movement, pan-slavic movement, Russia sponsoring pan-slavism,‬
‭Austria-Hungary feeling threatened by surge in nationalism, Ottoman Empire feeling‬
‭threatened by new Balkan states, “powder keg of Europe”, how all this contributes to‬
‭causing WW1‬
‭-‬ ‭Conclusion: summarize all the reasons, reflect on them, talk about the ultimate “spark” in‬
‭the balkans during the high point of the pan-slavic movement, assasination of Archduke‬
‭Ferdinand, events leading up to the war, declarations of war‬

‭Write me 5 elaborate, sophisticated paragraphs on 3 main weapons of World War I:‬

‭-‬ ‭Introduction on how new technologies and weapons made war more deadly, introduce‬
‭poison gas, submarines, and long-range artillery gun‬
‭-‬ ‭Poison Gas: development from Bismarck era, usage and effects in WW1, which battles‬
‭was it used in, overall casualties, how it made war more dangerous than earlier wars‬
‭-‬ ‭Long-Range Artillery Gun: its development, usage and effects in WW1, which fronts it‬
‭was used in, casualties, strategic stuff, how it made war more dangerous than earlier‬
‭-‬ ‭Submarines (U-boats): development, usage in blockades, etc, how it angered the US,‬
‭unrestricted submarine warfare, RMS Lusitania, how it made war more dangerous than‬
‭earlier wars‬
‭-‬ ‭Conclusion, summarizing these new weapons/technologis, how they played into the‬
‭outcome of the war‬

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