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1) When was the Scramble for Africa?

Late 19th Century to Early 20th Century (1881-

1914) (two marks, one for a date within and two for the entire time period)
2) What was the names of the three historians we look at in this topic? David Hume,
Hugh Trevor Roper and Arnold Toynbee (3 marks)
3) Who was King of Ghana? King Tenkamenin (1 mark)
4) How did Al-Bakri describe the King of Ghana? Wealthy and powerful (1 mark for
5) What was the name of one of the areas conquered by Mansa Musa of Mali?
Timbuktu, Gao and Djenné (1 mark for one area)
6) Where did Mansa Musa go on a pilgrimage to? Mecca (1 mark)
7) What was important to the success of Great Zimbabwe? Gold mines, highly
developed masonry techniques (1 mark)
8) Amina was Queen of which country? Zazzau (Nigeria) (1 mark)
Summary of the 19th How and why did this Evidence from Ghana, Mali and Zimbabwe. Direct quote from a
Century Historian’s interpretation come about? source to support the
views. evidence.
David Hume – He was a racist historian Ghana had a lot of gold and a powerful King Al Bakri – “The King of
The Africans are writing in the 18th century called King Tenkamenkin. Ghana put 200,000
naturally inferior. when these views were Mali had the richest king in the world called warriors in the field.” –
common. Mansa Musa. Shows advanced and
Hugh Trevor Roper – Britain was building in the There is no evidence to prove that other Source table – ‘it’s power
Europe has made colonies e.g. schools, and this nations except Africans built Great Zimbabwe. comes from controlling
Africa better. made people think that they The Shona People who lived in Great the trade in gold’ – talking
were better than other Zimbabwe controlled the gold mines. about the power that the
nations in the Empire. The king and the Queen and other important people of Great Zimbabwe
people lived inside the walls and they had had.
separate lives from the poorer people
Arnold Toynbee – Europe was contributing to Mansa Musa had skills and tools to mine gold Al-Umari – shows that
Africans are not make the world better and and build mosques. Mansa Musa was very rich
creative. Africans were not seen to be In Ghana they learnt the technique of iron because he gave gold to
doing this at this time. smelting. everyone he met in Cairo.

Advanced stone masonry.

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