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H. E. Hpopoe SAMAYM NO OBUYEA OHSHKE aaevonscrae staynas Moonta L.E.lrodov Problems in General Physics Mir Publishers Moscow Second ping 1983 Revise fom the 199 Rusia ition | Printed he Union of Soviet Socials Reps IBN 5-43-008004 © Mosarenicrn tlayean, Fasnan penny nooxatonetatone nape 1S © Eoglish tneestation Me Publisher, tor PREFACE “This book of problems is intended as a tetbook for students at higher edcational iasttuions staying advanced couse in physi Besides, bovause of the great number of simple problems it may be used by students studying a general course in physi ‘The book contains about 1900 problems with hints for solving the most complicated ones For students convenience each chapter opens with a time-saving summary of the principal formulas Tor the Ealevant ares of physics. Asa Tule the formulas are siven without detailed explanations sifce a stv ‘den, saring solving problem, assumed to kaow the meaning of the ‘Quantities appearing in the Formulas. Explanatory notes ae onl ven In'those cases when misunderstanding may aie ‘All the formulas In the text and answers ae in Sk system, except in Part Six, where the Gaussian system fs used. Quantitive data and answers are presented In accordance wih the rules of approximation and humeral acuracy "The main payical constants and ables are summarised a the end of the book “The Petidic Sytem of Element sprinted tthe frontend sheet and the Table of Elementary Particles at the back sheet ofthe Book a the preset edition, some misprins are corrected, and a number of problems are subsllued by new ones, othe quaziative data in the are hanged rene (273, 136, 2.19, 9.28, 397 4194 a 538), conclusion, the author wants to expres his deep gratitude o cal leagues Irom IPL and fo readers who sent thee emarks 08 some probs Jems helping thereby co improve the book LE, Irodoo CONTENTS Preface "Fount stein‘ Peng aug Rotation " ae ° PART ONE, PHYSICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF MECHANICS ‘ LE Ne Rinminial Sgn’ Drie oS QS Moret fh area 1.4, Unter" Gravion g EE Bonnie o's da Beds a 16; Elite Deformations of w Stia Body a 1 Fiougnamiee 2 1 Relative secasies > a PARE TWO, THERMODYNAMICS AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS 124, Eguaton ofthe Gas State, Process FE Titi law ol emda Heat aii EE Rise’ tua ot Cane Boltzmann's Law and itoxellS 2. Bon cual Lai of Tieodyinin! Boi s EE Devise tapltey etsea ee 5 26, Bite varices ie 25, Bape Pome a PART THREE. ELECTRODYNAMICS... 45 LA Gomme Bleetve Field In. Vacuum 4s EE Canduri and Diletes "it Elecite Bild it EE HESS Gittins wey o's Fil ie ‘ES Emnstane Mametie Pld ‘Maga, ii LE etecnanae Induction Maxwe's Eguaiens ie LE Motion’ Gharged aril Ble and Mage ie PART FOUR, OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES . 46 ‘4, Meshanial Ovations ‘| we Ee 7 i is ve Hadiition 18 PART FIVE, OPTICS... « a 5 199 So: Phetamaty pd ame Opten Se 3'3 Difscuen of Laight ‘ ate Sob Palette of Bite a 5a: Oper sh loving Seunoe = 527 heal adios. Quantam itis of jai PART SIX. ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS Se ee de es Bo aietiet ad Coes é Nicear resins Elaaenary "Partie APPENDICES. Bane Telgenomgtiet Formas SSS indo Vale Gre Aphabet iri Cats’ aid’ Appvmitios Some ets om Vator Bena hd Totes Beauty of Substance ‘Them “Expansion” Cotte Ele goat: Tenie Sorat med Vapour Boa ime arauters of Ligue abd Solas mate ‘Magnetic Sancti f Par and Diaiiginti eluctive tod nee otaton of the Plane of Polrntion ‘Welk Foci Varo Yet Mass ‘Absorption Coogiesie Teotsion Boars of Atos BE en High Ao H Halle Wie oF waitin ric Formulas Hlectrdyase fa in 81 ‘a Gains a Gosia Bey A FEW HINTS FOR SOLVING THE PROBLEMS 4, Flest of sll, look through the tables in the Appendix, for many problems cannot be solved without them. Besides, the roforence data {uote in tho tables wil make your work esser and save your time 2 Begin the problem by recognizing its mesning and its formula: tion. Make sure that the date given are sufficient for solving the data cam be found ta the tables in the Appendix Wherever possible, dea a diogram clucidating the essence of the problem; in many case this simples both the Search for a solution find tho salution ital. i probit, in the general form, that ie in fy sought will be expressed in the given data. A solotion in the general form Is porticularly valuable since it maies clear tho relationship between Exe sought quantity and the given dats. What is more, an answer ob tained in the general form allows one to make a fairy accurate Judge> tment on the correctnese of the solution ist (Soe tho next itom). “é. Having obtained the solution in the general fori, check to see it it has the right dimensions. The wrong dimensions are an obvious Indication of «wrong solution. If possible, investigate the behaviour ‘of the solution in some eXtreme special cares. For example, whatever the form of the expression for the pravitetlonal force between two textendd bodies t must turn into the well-known law of gravitational Interaction of mass points the distance botween the bodies inezoases, theewise it ean br immediately inferred that the solution Is wrong. ‘3. When starting calefations.remembor that the numericat values of physical quantities are always known only approximately. Thore- fore, in ealealations you should employ the rules for operating with approximate numbers, In particular, in presenting tho quantitative nla and. answers strict ettention should be paid to the rules of lapproximation and numerical accuracy. Ee Heving obtained the numerical Saswer, evaluate its plausibil fay. In some cases sch an evaluation may disclose an error in the result obtained. For example, a stono cannot be thrown by a man ‘ver the distance of the order off km, tho velocity of a body cannot Surpass: that of Hight Ine vacuut, ete. NOTATION ‘Vectors are written in boifce upright type, et fF: the same letters printed tn lightface italle type ( ) denote the modules of Unit ecto 1, 4, K are the unit veetor of the Cartesian coordinates, y= (some times the unit vectors are donated at ey, tye #3) sy Gus es ae the unit vectors of the eylindrtal coo vee the unit vector of a tormal anda tangent. Mean values are taken in angle brackets (e.g (W2, (Ph Symbols A, d, and § in front of quantities denote: arth Entenciment of 8 gunn, ig Ars — a AU = he ditetstialGafinitesimol increment od. dU, 5, the elementary value ofa quantity, og. 84, the slementary work ‘Time derivative of an srbttary tuncion fis denoted by i, oc by dot over ater, Yer apatar © Cnn 1 wel 6 det te flowing Fe tradent of (red 9) Erb. the dergee fe, Fi the el ur By Integrals of any multiplicity ane dented by « singe sia {end ifr ony hy the integration slements dV, «volume elomeny 4 ste element, and, + lie element. The sign § denotes an tougetover load sre, or aroun lsd lop PART ONE, PHYSICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF MECHANICS 4. KINEMATICS ‘+ Average vector of wloity an acceleration of © poi: wast, wat, ay te Ar he dinamo we (nic of adie wt Neat and sede fe pol walt aan Acceleration of pint expr in peieions a the tangent and the omnfh to's ajc was, mee, (tte ates he aio frat ofthe tty a th en pit 4 Rotetion betseonMowar and angular quantities for » rotating said Wm lath y= OAR, Ju = BR, cen the radius seta ofthe consdeo pin lative oan arhtary point "th Sac bathe rotation a {A.A motorboat going downstream overcame a raft at a point 4s, ++ “tig min later it turned back snd after some cme passed the ea Ata distance 1 = 6.0 kim from the point a. Find the fow velocity ‘suming the duty of the engine to’ be coastant. 1.2.'A point traversad ball the distance with a velocity v4. The ining part of the distance was covered with velocity u for half the time, and with velocity 0 for the other half of the time. Find the mean velocity of the point averaged over the whole time of mo~ tion. 3. A cor starts moving rectlinesely, fist with acceleration w — ‘31 mie (the nial velocity is equal io zero), then uniformly, and finally, decsloreting atthe same rate w, comes to.a stop. The total time of motion equals 1'~ 25's, The average velocity during that time is equal to {e) = 72 km por hour. How long does the ear move uniformly? ‘1k. A'point moves rectilinearly in one direction. Fig. 4.4 shows iH tt Lot Cor plot fin ge velocity of the point during the time of motions (f) the maximum velocity {0} the time moment fy al which the instantanoous velocity Is esque to the mean velocity averaged over the Brst fy seconds. 4.5. Two particles, 1 and 2, move with constant veloetis wand ‘Ache ital monet thele radia vectors aro eqval oy ad Flow must these four vectors be intreloted forthe particles tocol fide 116. A ship movos along the equator to the east with velocity ‘90 kmilour, The southeasters wind lowe at an angle @ 00" 18 the equator nih velocity >= 15 kaou. Find the wind velocity UF raltiveto the ship and the angle between the equator and the ‘ind iretion in the reference frame fixed to the ship Ip snare ene pot -on an bank of yer rxeh it ying right cross on the other hank. One of them. oscs Retivr alone the stig 4) mle th ther tiny oh trl to the-stivom and then walks the distance that he has tteay by the sro to got to point 2. What wns the valocity ‘of his wolking if both swimmers reached tho destination simults- hously? The streom velocity fy = 20 kra/hour and the velocity © tf each swimmer with respect fo water equals 2.5 ki por hou 118 Two Donts, 4 and B, move away from a boy anchored st the ie oa sive: along tho motu’ perpndtcly straight ines ‘iver, and the boat across the river” Having iistance from the buoy the boots roturned: oof times of motion of boats Tq/t ifthe velocity of ‘ach boat with respect to water is'm = 1.2 times greater than the Stream veloetty 119. A boat moves relative to water with a volocity which ie m= 1 times less than the river flow veloc ngle to the roam direction must the boat move to minimize diftng? ously fom tho same point: oO GO" ta the hore onial. Tho initial velocity of each body ie equal to vg ~ 25 mis, Neglecting tho air drag, Bnd the distance between the bodies ' 0 inter. ALL, Two particles move in @ uniform gravitational field with an accdleration f- At the intial moment the particles were located at fone point and moved with velocities = 3.0 mis and P, = 4.0 mils horiootally in opposite directions. Find the distanen between the particles at the moment when thelr velocity vectors become mut Ally perpendicular F2. "Thrve points are located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose side equals @. They all stat moving simultaneously ‘with velocity v constant tn modulus, with the frst point heading fontinually for tho second. tho socond for the third, and the third for the fst. How soon will the poins converge? 1.13. Point A’ moves uniformly with velocity v=o thatthe weetor ¥ is continually. “atmed” al point B which In its turn moves recti- inearly and uniformly with velocity uv. At the initial momeut of nnd the Points re sepereted by e distance I. How soon Will the points converge? 1.14. A'train of length 1 — 350 m starts moving rectilinerly with constant accaleration i ~ 3.0-40"? mist; t= 30 alter the start the Toeomotive headlight i switched on (event 1), and % = 60's after that event the tal signal light is switched on (event 2). Find the ‘distance between these events in the reference frames fixed to the train and to the Earth, How and et what constant velocity ¥ ro Live to the Earth must oertaln reference frame K move for the two ‘evonts to occur in Tt atthe same point? TH43. An elevator car whose foor-to-eiling distance is equal to 2.7'm ‘starts ascending. with constant acceleration 1.2 m/s%, 2.0 8 ater the start bolt begins falling from the ceiling of the ear. Find: (@) the bolts fre fell ime: (b) the displacement and the distance covered by the bolt during tho foe fall In the reference feame xed to tho elevator sha, 1.16. Two particles, 1 and 2, move with constant velocitis oy ‘nd vy along two mutually perpendicular stesight lines toward the {nterstction point 0. At the moment =O the particles were located atthe distanees 1, and fom the polnt 0. How: soon will the distance Botwoon the particles Income the smallest? What ie it equal to? 1:47. From point A located on a highway (Fig. 1.2) one by cat's soon as possible to point # loeated in the field at ad from the highway. Tt is koown that the car moves in the Beld 9 times slower than on the highway. At what distence from point D fone must turn off the highway? “LS. A point travels along the 2 axis with a velocity whose pro Jection o, is presented as a fonction of time by the plot in Pig. 13, Fig 1 Pie 13, Assuming the enordinate of the point 2 = 0 at the moment ¢ = 0, ‘raw tho approximate time dopendence plots for the acocleration wy, the x coordinete, and the distance covered haalt'a cielo of radius ® = 160 cm during the following quantities aver () the modulus of tho mean valocity vector |v): {o) the modulus ofthe meen vector of the total -neceleration |w)] if the point moved with constant tangent acceleration, 1.30" radiue vector of (1 — at), where a isa constant vactor and a i a positive factor. Fiat: a) of thn (b) the time interval At taken by the particle to returo to the in: ‘ual points, and the distonce ¢ covered during that time. 1.31. At'the moment £0 particle Teaves the origin end moves in the positive divection of the 2 axis. [es velocity varies with time as vor (1 — te), whore vy is the joitial velocity vector whose modulus equals vp = 10.0 cm/s; x = 5.0's. Find (a) the 2 coordinate of the particle at the moments of time 6.0, 10, end 20's, {) the moments of time when the particle is et the distance 10.0 xm from the origin: “ velocity v and the acceleration w af the particle as functions (she distance sera Dy he ple daring tt 4.0 an dite tft lh of the 2 axis varies as v= %\/z, where a is a positive constant. Satin ain not |S peas Es ie e (b) the mean velocity of the particle averaged over the time that aarti that he an eh {B.A nt mover ly wih eran wwe dsl epends on the velocity v of the partile as w= eT; where a ia @ wre att NT tl Sen he sly a bt equal to vp What distance wil traverse before stope? What heetht CS ee SETS et etl Om Pi ike Mae onde lee GP eh ettan a sot ur fee dae Gas maar ar eee anette iat cleo 1.54 poiat monet th Hn psig to th lw z= Pee eee anes) WS devoanon ote pln leery a a he fain; AR ein ate lass & Rts tis (3h mamen at wih th vloky var fms an engl x4 wi tee a ta : tag pit evs ih ple 2 eco he ly <~ Find: i EEE 1 he dtm stove hy he pit ding the ine (i ee coche atte on cancion ona talent tte ks geil ete Hm, ict Sue an 1. et oss Ghat eo hans a ‘ae ota a el ton of ie and over the total tite of motion. ni BH ie i uae fhe Eth ato ge ‘0 the horizontal with the intial velocity vy. Assuming the air drag te bo negligible, fn: () the time of motion (B) the meximum height of etcent and the horizontal range; at what valu of the angle they will bo equal to euch otha (@) the equation of trajectory y (2), where y and 2 ace di ofthe body slong the vertieal and the horizontal respectively, (@) the curvature radil of trajectory at it fitial point and at ite peak, 1.30, Using the conditions of the foregoing problem, draw the ap proximate tine dependence of molt of the normal and tangent Ecesleration vectots, as well az ofthe projection of the total accele: tation vector w, an the velocity vector divetion. 131. A hell starts falling with sro initial velocity on a smooth inclined plane forming an angle with the horizontal. Having fall- nthe distance hy the ball rebounds elastically off the inclined plane ‘At what distance from the lmpact point will the ball rebound for ‘he Second time? 32. A cannon and ta same level. How soon will th BHD 'afs reach the t 133. A cannon i ‘als the first at tho anele Dy ~ 60" an the secon 8, = 48" to the horiontal, the azimuth being the same. Neglecting te air drag, find the time Interval between Grings Tending to the collision of the shel 1.34. A balloon starts risiog ftom the surface of the Barth. ‘The ascension rato ts constant and equal to. Due to the wind the ba {oon gathers the horizontal velocity component 0. — ay. whore « isa constant and y isthe helght of ascent Pind how the following ‘quantities depend on tho height of secon: (a) the horlzontal drift ofthe balloon (} (0) the totaly tangential, and normal acelerations of the balloon 4°33. A particle moves in the plane xy with velonty ¥ = al “+ ba, wire i an} age the unit vectors of the z aid y axes, and @ and 6 ecoastants: At the initial moment of time the particle was foatel fat the point = Fine {@) the equation of the particle's trajectory y (2) (8) the Ctrvsture radius of trajectory 8 a function of = 1.36. A particle A moves in one direction along a given trajectory wit tangential sccoleration ty = at, where a isa constant veclot fining in direction with the axis Fig. 44), and isa unitvector inculing in direction wilh the velocity vector at-a given. poi. Find how the velocity of the particle depends on 2 provided that Its ‘elocty is aoglgible at the point 2 =O. '37.,A point moves along #cirle with a velocity » = af, where 40.30 mist Find tho total aceleration of the point at the mo- are 5.10 kam apart and located at the hell Jang with the initial velocity ment when it covered the m-th (7 ~ 0.40) fraction ofthe circle after the beginning of motion. 1.38: A point moves with decslerstion slong the circle of redius sothat at any moment of time its tangential and normal accelerations Fig 14, ce equal in moduli. At th initial moment — 0 the velocity of the point equals vy Find: ) the velocity of the of tho distance covered # (the total acecleration of tho point as «function of velocity and the distance covered ae af 1.38. A point moves along an ar ofa citcleof radius . It velocity opends on the distance covered #23 — aV/s, where a isa constant. Find the angle between the vector of the total acceleration and the vector of velocity ao function of L408 particle moves along sn arc of circle of radius R acooeding to the law asin ot, where I isthe displacement from the faitial position measured slong the ave, and'e and. ave constants. ASSun- Ing df = 1.00 m, a = 0.80 m, and w = 2.0) rads, Bod {e) the magnitode of the total acceleration of the particle at the points f= ani f= kas ‘) the minimum value ofthe total aceleration tnqig and the ear reiponding dsplacament fn ‘hdd. A point moves inthe plane ao that ite tangential acceleration snd ts normal acedlereion wy = be, where a and natant ad tis tne. At the moment ¢ = the point wat in how the curvature ras fof the poin' trajectory snd the total seceleation wo depend on the distance covered 1.42. A particle moves along the plane trajectory y (2) with velo- city v whose modulus is constant. Find the acceleration of the par- cle atthe point 2 = and the curvature radluy of the teajeclory Sat pala he trajectory the fora (afin pacing a (b) of an ellipse (fa) + (V0) = 1; @ and bare constants hee. 1a" A’paile ‘moves longa cine of aus 50 tn co that ita radius vector e relative to the point O (Pig .8) rotates with the constant angular veloety ‘= 0.40 rads. Find the modulus of the alot of fhe pari, the rmodulus and direction of ie total “sesleraton. 18 fonction of time and as « function 2981 " 1.44, A whoo! sotates around a stationary axis so that the rotation snle varies with Lime ae @ = at" where a = 0.90 radi Find the {otal acceleration w of the poi A ai the rim atthe moment t = 2.53 I the linear velocity of the point at thie moment » — 0.65 mis 1.45, A shell nequires the initial velocity» — 30 m/s, heving made n ~ 2.0 turns inside the barvel whose length is equal to t= 2.0'm. Assuming that the shell. moves inside the berrel with a uniform acceler tion, find the angular velocity of Ts axial folaison atthe moment when” the. shell Seager the bare TTH6. solid body rotates about a station ry" axis eecording 10 the Taw = at ‘a8, where a 6.0 rad/s and’ = 2.0 ad) Find (a) tho meen values of the angular velo- city and angular acceleration averaged over the time interval between ¢ = 0-and the complete stop: eration at the moment when the body stops tating about a stationary exis with an fat, where @ = 20-10" cotation will the total acel fn arblteary poiat of the body form an angle @ = G0" with is velo- city vector? ‘TAB. A solid body rotates with deceleration sbout a stationary axis with on angular deceleration © V uy where is its angular Yelocity. Hind the mean angular velocity of the body averaged over {he whole time of rotation iat the initial moment of time ies angular velocity was equal 10 oy £49. A solid hody rotates shout a stationary axis so that iis anew: Jag velocity depends on tho rotation angle a2 @ =e 9p, where iy anid a are positive constants, At the moment ¢ 0 the wngle 9° 0. Find the time dependence of (a) the rotation ang (0) the angular velocity. 1.50.'A solid body starts rotating about a stationary axis with an angular acceleration B = By cos, whore By isa constant vector and g {stn angle of rotation from the initial position. Find the engulor ‘velocity of the body as 8 function of the angle q. Draw the plot of this dependence. 1.51.,A rotating disc (Fig. 1.) moves in the positive direction of the’ ails: Find the equation y (2) describing’ the position of the instantaneous axis of rotation, at the foitial moment the axit C Gf the dise was Tocated at the point O alter which it moved (a) witha constant velocty'n, while the dse started rotating coun terclockwise with constant ongular acceleration p (the initial engu- Tar veloetty i equal to 200) 1 (0) with.» constant seceleration w (and the zero inital velocity), wile the dae rotates counterclockwise with custant angular velo: tye. 52. A point A is located on the rim of a wheel of radius 2 — =16.56 m "which rlls without slipping along a horizontal Surfasn with velocity v = 1.00" mis. Find {a} the modulus end the diction ofthe aoselerstion vector of the point A '() the total distance # traversed by the point A between the two succasive moments at which it touches the surfece. E59. A fall of radiaa A = 10.0-cm tlle witht slipping down an inclined plane so that is entre moves with constant staeeraton A Fig. 18, Mig 1 we ~ 2.80 emis # = 2.00 ater the beginning of otion its position Corresponds to that shown tn Figs 17 Find {@) the vloetis of the pots i, By and Os {B,th teslrtinn of thew poi Cylinder cols without "slipping over horizontal plane Ta eh of te eines equal fr Pid crgntarad ajectories traced out bythe pnts A and B see Figs 1.7) 1130. Two solid bodice rotate shout stationary i sgeninn of on oly ative te ti ber ATsalid body rotates with sagan velocity @ = ath 5 ‘a=0.30 ail b= O00 ends an Tand'} an the ont cin he an yea a) the moduli af the anguler vlacty and the angular aceeration oe mone 1 da 7 a the angle between the voters ofthe angular velocity and the ‘angular scesleration at thet moment. a ‘£51. A round coue with hallangle 2 ~ 30° and the radius ofthe base i= 5.0'cm tolls uniformly and without slipping over hort ont plane os thown in Pig 18.'The coos spot is hinged tthe Point which tn the same love with the put C, the-cone bese fontre. The velocity of point C's b = 40.0 cma Find the woul of » 7 (6) the voctor of the angular velocity of the cone and the angle i forms with the vortia y he vector af the angular acclratin of the coe, 58. A sol tates with a constant angular veloclty = 0556 radle about « horizontal axis all. At'the moment £0 Pig 18 tho axis 4B starts turning about the vertical with a constant angu- lar acceleration By = 0.40 rad/s. Find the engular velocity: and angular accolration of the body after ¢ = 35's 1.2. THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION OF DYNAMICS Toe fs cond fea lameataleqontion of dyaamie of mse point (Nemton's se niler am s Teyema apn gum sormii Sad pel tas ay +, The egaton of dynam of «pol in the non cert rforence fee phi tt i daatast engl ety abut ex os warty nw = Fo my f mee 4 2m Iw, (2 ‘peg he aus vctor of tho point wate to the assaf rotation othe 1.58. An aorastat of mass m start coming down with a constent sctleration w. Determine the ballast mase to be dumped for the ferostat to reach the upward acceleration of the same magnitude ‘The alr drag Is to he Doglected, 1,60. In the arrengemoat of Fig, 1.9 the masses my, my, and my of bodies are equal, the masses af the pulley and the thieads are hogligible, end there iso rietion in the pulley. Find the accel eration w'with which the body mg comes down, and the tonsion of the thread binding together the bodies m, end my if the eocthicient ‘of fiction between these bodies and the horizontil surface is equal to K, Consider possible case, 1.61. Two touching bars 1 and 2 are placed on en inclined plane forming #0 angle with the horizontal (Fig. 1-10). The masies of the bars are equal to my and mg, and the coeficionta of friction be- ™ Fig 19 i. 0, ‘owoen the inclined plane and these bars are equal to fy and ky r0- spectively, with by > By, Find (a) the force of i (0) the min tion of the bars in the proces of moti 0 of tho angle. at which the bars start lid body was launched up an inclined pl tthe horizontal. Find the coef escent. following pesemeters of the arrangement of Fig. 1.11 the angle which the inclined plane forms with the Horizontal, and the coefficient of fricion K Between the body mm snd the inclined plone. The masses of the pulley and the threads, fe well as the friction in the pulley, are nogligibe. Assuring both Bodies to be motionlese at the initial moment, find the mass retio mim, at which the body my a)‘ starts coming down: (sas gol vp {Tae The inclined plane of Fig. 1.14 forms an angle a = 90° with the horizontal. The mass ratio mal? = 9 = 213. The cootciont of friction between the body m, and the inclined plane is equal to k = 40, The mats of ply andthe heady ary oglige. Find the magnitude and the direction of secaleration of the body my when the formerly stationary system of masses starts moving. 16. panic of masa, wth» ar of mass my Paced a fi on 1 sooth horizontal plano. A horizontal force growing with time t fs Ps af (ais constant) is applied to the bar. Find how the accaler- ions of the plank wy 4ad ofthe hart, depend on f, if the coticlent ‘of friction between tho plank an the bar is equal to k- Draw tho ap> proximate plots of theve: dependences, 1:56. A small body 4 starts sliding down from tho top of « wedge (Fig, 442) whose bose ie equal to l= 210m, The coaficiont of Friction between the body and the wedge surface is k= 0.140. At a what value of the anglo a will the time of sliding be the leat? What wi ibe equal to? See 4.87, bar of mass mis pulled by meana of «thread up’anincin plane forming an anglo @ with the horiontal Fig. 0). The cock 7 Ma tt Pra 1.2. Acintof friction is ogua to &. Find the angle whieh th the ust form withthe inclined plane forth taion of th taead Yo ‘nium. What i it equal ft TH85, Ai the moment Othe force F Pig Lt9 Pig 114 anent direction ofthis force forms an ange a with the ori (Pig. 1.14). Find: Pee 10,88 ole of the body atthe moment of is Broking othe plane {i) the distance traversed by the body up to this moment 4. t0.'A bar of mano reting ont atovth horizontal plane nats roving due wo the force P = ing of constant magaltades Ia te [rocess fit rectilinear motion the angle between the diection of {ite fores andthe horcontl varies as @~ an; where aaa constant, And si the distance traversed by the bar from is fait poston iad‘ the velocity ofthe bar ae a function of the angle © ‘70. horizontal plane with the coficeat of fttion K supports two bodies'« bur and an eects motor with © beter on & block A'tnread attached to the bar fs wound on the shal ofthe lees toto. The distance betmeen the bara the secs motor is sal {wit When the motor is switched on, the bat hose mass is ee that of the other body, starts moving with @ constant ac- aftation wow soon will the bodies collide? TTL’A palley xed to the ceiling of an clovator car caries & tnroad whote ends are attached to the loads of masses my and my ‘The car start going up with an acolertion wo, Assuming the masse (of the pulley and the thread, as well as the Teietion, to be negligi find i) the acceleration of the load my relative to the elevator shaft antl relative to the ear "b) the Yorce exerted by the pulley on the exling of the car. Wha. Find the acceleration w of bedy 2 in the arrangement shown An Fig, 4.15, ite mass iy mes as greats the mass of bar T and a Pig 15, ig. 18, ‘the angle that the inclined plane forms with the horizontal is equ tava. The masses of the pulleys and the threads, as well asthe fic- tion, are asrumed to be negligible. Look into posible cases, “Nid. nthe arrangement shown in Fig 1.18 the hodies have masses img, my, mgs the Tieton is absent. the masses of the pulleys and he thends are. negligible. Find the acceleration of the body my, Kin Ingement shown ia Fig. 4.17 the mass of tho rod Mt cexcoeds the mast m of the ball. The bali has an opening permitting iid 1 ly ig 1.07 Pig 4.18 ig. 119. 258 ofthe pulley 1 slide slong the thread with some fection. Th fand the friction in its axle are negligible. AU the initial moment the Dall Was locatad opposite the lower end of the rod. When st Tre, a both bodies began moving with constant aceslerations. Find the flsion fon betyen the ba andthe that if toons ote the Dekinning of motion the bil got opposite the upper end sf the The od Tength equals ad ae 4.75. Tm the arrangement shown in Fig. 1.18 the mass of ball 7 J = 1.8 times as great as that of rod 2 The length of the late, 4 = £00 em. ‘The masses of the pulleys and the threads, swell eo the friction, are negligible. The ball is set‘on the sane ievel cet, lower end of the rod and then released. How soon wil the bal fe coppsite the upper end of the rod? ug 27: Ja MC aangOOn! showy Fig. 1.19 the mass of bady 7 is 1 = 40 times ag great as that of body 2. The height = 90 on ‘The masses of the pulleys and the threads, as well ss the friction, ste nogligible. Ata certain moment body 2s elensed and the evaage. ment set in motion. What fs the maxitum height that ody 3 aol fo up to 1.77, Find the sceslerations of rod A and wedge B in the arrange- ‘ment shown in Fig. 1.20 ifthe ratio ofthe mass of the wedge to tt of the rod equals n, and the fiction between all contact sertaces ts depligibe 4.78. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 1.24 the masses of the wedge A and the body m are known. The appreciable friction exists ig 24 wedge and the body m, the fiction costfcient being qual to k. The masses of the pulley aad the threed are negligible Find the acceleration of the body m relative tothe hovirontal surface fon which the wedge sles, 4.79, What isthe minimum acceleration with which bar A (Pig 1.22) should be shifted horizontally to. Keep bodies 7 and’ 2 Mationary relative to the bar? The masses of the bodies are equal, and the cock Acient of friction between the bar and the odies ts equal to 4. The ‘masses of the pulley and the threads are negligible, the Teetion in the pulley’ is absent 4.80. Prism 7 with bar 2 of masa m placed on it gets horizontal acceleration w directed to the left (Pig. 1-29). At‘what maxianest Yalue of this acceleration will tho bar be sill stationary relative to ‘the prism, i the eoeflcient of feietion between them fc ot a? * Poi 1 of mass my and with angle « (40 Fig. 1.28) resto on a hoa Bar tn ll oe pm, Rae fg th fiction to be negligible, find the acceleration of the prism ‘42 Te the arrangement shen io Pig: 124 the ames mo the bar and Ar of the woe, well as the woe angle are known. Fig 12. Pig 1.28 1s of the pulley and the thread are negligible, The frietion ind the sezeerstion of the wedge ticle of mass m moves along a ciel of radius 2. Pind the modults of the average vector of the fores acting on the particle ver the distanco equal to «quarter of the Clece, ifthe particle moves (a) uniformly with velocity v: (@) with constant tangential acceleration va the initial veloety helng equal to zero. ita ema eal a wih hamhramedas Moetee e Ba wil Taek aed enh SE 1p ety mth a a os BEE i ct acme an 6 less spring to polot B. The sprig stillaes is equal to x. The whole sytem lates wi a conta angus elacity abot «verted Skis passing through the pelnt O. Find the elongation of the spring. iow is the result fected by tho rotation direction? 189 Acyelist rides along the circumference of a circular horizontal plate of vadius R, tho frietion eoetReient being dependent only oo a & distance r from the contre O of the plane as k-~ ky({--riR), where 4, isa constant. Find the radius of the elzele with the centre at the point. slong which the cyclist an ride with the maximum velocity What is this velocity? 1.90." A- car moves with @ constant tangential acceleration wy = = 6163 mis" along'a horizontal surfaco cireumseribing a circle of radive A= 40m: The cooficlont of sliding Teietion betweon the ‘ubeels of the car and the surface is k= 0.20. What distance will {he car Hide without sliding iat the initial moment of time its veloc- ity {equal to zero? 1.1. Acar moves uniformly along a horizontal sine curve y asin (ela), where @ nnd ae certain constants, The coefficient of friction between the wheels and the road ls equal to K.AL what Yeloc~ Ry will the ear tide without sliding? "92. A chain of mass m forming tcicle of radius fis slipped on « math round eone with half-angle 0. Find the tension of the chain it it rotates with s constant angular Velocity w about a vertical axis Coinciding with the symmetry axis of the con 1.98. A fixed pulley carries a weightless thread with masses m, and’ m; at its ends. Ther i friction between tho thread and the pul Tey, Itig such that the thread arte alipping whe the rato maim, — Find (2) the frition coeticient; (3) the ceeleention of the masses when mum = 1 > ne H23g."A. particle of mass m moves along the interal mogth aur- face of s vertical eglinder of radius 2 Find the force with which the Particle acte on the cylinder wall if at the initial moment of time Fe velocity equals vy ad forms em angle % with the horizontal. Ey 1.95. Find the magnitude and direction of the free acting on the jaricle of mass m during a motion In the plane sy according 00 the Five ein of, y= 8 cor ot, whore a,b, and’ ae constant, 1.36. A'body of mass m is thrown at_an angle (0 the horizontal with the fitial velocity vy. Assuming the air drag to be negligible Bnd: {@) the momentum increment Ap that the body acquires over the first seconds of motion {b) the modulus of the momentum increment Ap during the total time of mati 0-4 stationary particle of mass m expe- riences feat force F = a1 (t=), where alo constant Yector, tis the time during whieh the given force ets. Find {a) the momentum of the particle when the action ofthe force dis- {(@) the distance covered by the particle while the force acted. 8. At the moment £ ~ 0 «pastel of mass m starts moving due tov force F'Fy sin of, where Fy and are constant, Find the Aistance covered by the particle ne fanetion off Draw the approx imate plot of this Tunction 1.99. At the moment t= 0» particle of mass m starts moving due to 4 force F= Fy cos ot, where Fy and’ ate constants, How lon will it be moving until it tops forthe frst tine? What distance wil traverse during that time? What is the maximum velocity of the article over this distance? 100. A motorboat of mess m moves long lake with velosty oy Avie moment {=O the engine of the boat is shut down: Assuning ihe resistance of water to be proportional to the velocity of the boat Fy id (@) how long the motorboat moved with the shutdown engine: {@) the velocity ofthe motorboat asa function of the distance. cov: red withthe shutdown engine, aa well as the total distance covered {he complete stope (6) the mean ‘veloity of the motorboat over the tine interval (beginning with the moment # = 0}, during which its velocity de- {Ot Having gone through a plank of thickness &, a bullet hanged its velocity fom vp to 0. Find the time af motion of the bulletin the rank amuming he rsistance fore toe proportional ‘.foa'A smal bar starts Sliding down an ‘aclined plane forming ‘angle «with the horizontal. ‘the frietion coefficient depends on Ae distance’ covered as F = az, where a is constant. Pind the Aistance covered by the bar till t stops, and its maximum velocy over this stance 1403. A‘body of mass m rests on « horizontal plane with the fic: ion concent k. At the moment # = 0'« horontal forests applied tol, which varies with time as F — al, where a is «constant vector a Find the distance traversed by the body during the first t seconds after the foree action began. {.404. A body of mass m ia thrown straight up with velocity 2p [Find tho velocity v' with which the body comes down if the air dra ‘equals lo, whore & ia a constant and vis the velocity of the body F hove. magoitude is. const ‘whose vector rotate in that plane with elect. Assum= to be stationney at att () the distance covered by. the partiele between two succosive stops {nd the moan velocity over ths t “1406. A small dise A is placed on an inclined plane forming an angle @ with the horizotel (Fig. 1.27) and is imparted an initial ‘elocity by. Find how the velocity of the dise depends on the ang It the friction cosfcient k~ tan a and at the initial moment gy 32, Pig, 12, 407. A chain of length 1 is placed on « smooth spherieal surface of radius R with one of its onde Bxed at the top of tho sphere, What ‘wil be the acceleration wo ofeach element of the chain when its upper Sha iets? Ti sumed tat the leg of he bain SPY; where a't este conan. Rin the work performed iy thistoron sod the Meroment of the body's potential energy {i mavitatiol fal of te Bath over te Ha a the event {WERK Te potential nurry aa urile ts eataa fla as ibe fora Ui eal ie where's and Bae postive comnts, ris the {Tetance rom tho contre af the et. Fin. ty rae of coefnaing tt sua poston fhe atielestaamine Shelber this position i sesdy i“ (b) the maximum magnitude of the attraction force; draw the pists U'oy'and Fy) tie poyecion of the force onthe radian vee ‘tin. tn a cartnin two-dimensional eld of fea the potential entey of «particle os te form Uta ys where and ite" postve Constante whose magnitudes ore dirt Find out ol whetier this contal {G} whats the shape ofthe ognetntalstass and also of the sutfens fr whic the nagtodn of thn rector of force Fm const 138. There aro two satonary folds of free Fo apt and F cr = asi + byl, where and J aro th wait vectors of tnd aad bre constant, Find oat mhethor thes elds are pot “if3h. A body of mass m is pushed with the initial weloety ‘up an inclined plane set at an angle oto the horisontal. The friction olicint fs al tok, What distance wil the body cover before Sopaend what works the frelon foes pedora over this dit S435. A small dise A slides down with initial vlocity equal to ses rie tp oath a hgh Hf hing hon portion (Fig 1-30), What mist be tho height of the horizon Ton Ato ensur the maxianum distange# covered hy the dise? What int egual wo {458.'K small body A start sliding from the height 4 down a0 inclined groove passing ito a hall-ciele of redive hi (Fig. 13h) 4 4 Mie 1.30 Fin 13 Assuming the friction to be negligible, nd the velocity of the body {the highest point of ls trajectory (ater breaking of the groove). 1.197. 4 ball of mass m is susponded by a throad of longth 1. With what minimum velocity has the point of suspension to be shifted in the Horizontal direction fo the ball to move slong the etele about that point? What will be the tension of the thread st the moment it will be passing the horizontal position? 'L.198."A horizontal plane supports «stationary vertical cylinder of radius Wand a dise attached to the eylinder by & horizontal theead AB of length fy (Pig. 1.32, top view). An initial velocity», iB Fig As. Fg. 438 1s imparted to the dse as shown in the figure, How toog_ will it ‘move along the plane until it strikes against the Oplinder? The frie tion is asane to be absent sas: 2 4.199. A smooth rubber cond of lngth 1 whose cota of elas ticity st i cuspmnded by one end fom th porn Figs 135), ‘he oer ond i Red with aveteh-3-'A small Gene A of asm san faling rom the point 0. Neglecting the sae of the threat {nthe cath, ft the masinum slonyatn ofthe cod 1.1004 smal br A oting on esoothhorisomel plane is at- tadied by threndsto a point P fig 1.20 ond, by mans of weights shad hn ae 7 . lo Ib a » oo ve oe Besides, the ar is also attached to a point O by means ofa light non Aeformed spring of length. fy — 80 cin and sifless x 5 mally ‘where m is the mas of the ba. The thread PA having been burged, the bar starts moving. Find its Velocity at the moment when iis broaking off the plane AAG A horizontal plane supports a plank with 2 bar of mase m= 1.0 kg placed on It and attached hy light elastic non-de- formed cord of length Jy 40 om to.a point © (Hip. 1-35), The coe ficiet of friction between the bar and the plank equals K = 0:20, The plank is slowly shifted to the right until the bor starts sliding over il Il occurs at the moment when the cord de ngle 0 =X Find the work that bi een perform 3 the friction force acting on the har ia the rel- fence frame fixed tothe plane. 1.142. A smooth light horizontal od AB can rotate about a ver- eal axis passing through its end.. The rod is Hted with a small love of mass m attached to the end A by a weightless spring of Leng {and stiffness. What work must be performed to slowly get this sYstem going and reaching the angular velocity 0? ‘4.148. A pulley fixed to the ceiling caries 4 thread with bodies of masses m, aid my atached to its ends. The masses of the pulley and the theead are nggligible, Friction Is absent. Pind the acceleration ‘woof the centee of inertin ofthis system. ‘144, Two Interacting particles form a closed system whose centre of inertia is at rest. Fig. 1-30 illustrates the positions of both par. ticles ata certain moment and the trajectory ofthe partile of mass my. Draw the iejectory ofthe pasticle of mast m if my = m2 ™ 0.38 ig is attached to a vor- of a thread (Pig. 1.37), and fotates with ‘angular velocity o — 35 rad/s. Tho thread forms an angle 6 "75" with We vertical. Find the distance between the chain's entre of gravity and the rotation axis, and the tension of the thread. % 1:46. A round cone A of mass m = 3.2 kg and halt angle = 10" rolls uniformly and without slipping long a round conical surface so that its apex O re- ‘mains stationary (Fig. 1.28). The centre of gravity of the cone A seat thesaine level as the point and ata distance f= {7 cm from it. The cones axis moves 3" ‘with angular velocity. Pind: (a) the static friction force scting on the cone A, ito = 10 rads (3) at what values of a the cone 4 will rll without if the coofcient of Trietion between the surfaces is equal Fg. 1.38 1.147. In the reference frame K two partiles travel along the = axis, one of mass m with velocity vy, and the other of mass with Velocity: ve, Find {@) the velocity V ofthe reference frame K” in which the cumulative kinetic enerzy of these particles is ‘minimum; (@) the cumulative kinetic energy of these particles in the K’ frame, “L148. The reference framo, in which the centre of inertia of a given aystem of particles Is at rest, translates with a volocty V relative ig 7. to on inertiel reference frame K. The mass of th ‘equals m, and the total energy of the system in the frame of the centre ‘of inertia is equal to B. Find the total energy E of this systom of partleles io the reference frame. K- 1:49, Two stall discs of masses mand m, Interconnected by a weightless spring rest on a smooth horitontal plane. The diss are set in motion with initial veloeties 0, and vy Whose directions are = s ‘mutually perpendicular and Iie ina horizontal plane. Find the total, ‘nergy ofthis system in tho frame ofthe centre of inertia, "{s150, A system consists of two small spheres of tastes my and my interconnected by # weightless spring. AU the moment f= 0 the ‘phe re nt olan with iil weloten wy and a ‘which the system atarta moving inthe Earths uniform gravitational Feld. Noplecting the air drag, Bad the time dependence of the total ‘momentum of this aystem in the proosss of motion and of the radius Yectr of is cance ot inertia rative tothe inital postnn of the TA1St. Two bars of masoes my and my connected by a weightisa spring of tligess x (Pig. 1.39) ret on'a anooth hortzontal plane. a £ L, Lf pulons i. 140 Ber 2 is shifted small distance tothe left and then releaed. Find th fly ofthe cnr of fae ofthe apo alo ar? hea 1352."Two bare connected by a woightles sprig of stisies sant length (inthe aon deformed state) seston 4 horizontal plane ‘Xonatant horizontal fore F starts ating on ove af the bars shown in Fig, 110, Find the maxiam and misum distances between the bars uring the subsequent motion of the ayeem, the maces of the bans ae (a) equals {Beda com, end ms, and tho force Fis applied to the bar of EIB" A atom cmt of wo nti tes, nc of am ied togeter by the compres. weightless pring of suas (Eig: 1.4%). The bes ave also connected by thread Mile is Darned through sta esrtain momect. Find: 7 Me) at what valves of AL the ital compression of ihe spring, the lower cube will bounce up afer the thread is been burwed throu foto wha ait hth, ante of pravty of hin fn system wll rie ithe nti compression of the spi Brey mabe. a ante 1154. Two identical buggies J and 2 with one man ip cach move without frelon. dve to Inertia along the parallel ralla toward each other. Whon the bugle get oppsi other sho men exchange thelr places by jumping tn the sire: tion perpendicular to the motion zetion. Aa consoquenss, Dusyy w 14 bogey 2 keops moving i ction, with its ve- {ity becoming equal to v. Find the initial velocities of the buggies Whi vy if the mass of each buggy (without a man) equals Mand Ue mase'of each man rm. "155: Two identical buggies move one after the other due to inertia (withont friction) with the same velocity Vp. A man of mass rides {he rear buggy. Ata certain moment the man jumps into the front Dusuy with’e velocity u relative to his buggy. Knowing that the tise of each boggy is equal to M, find the velocities with which the Duggies will move after that F156, Two men, each of mass m, stand on the edge of «stationary hogy ot an Bf. suming the ection io be Selig velocity of the buggy after both men jump off with the same hori Zootal velocity g relative to the buggy: (1) simultaneously; 2) one Site the other. In what cave will the ¥elocty ofthe buggy be greater Mt how many times? "L157" A chain haage ona thread and touches the surface ofa table by its lowes end: Show that after the (bread has bean burmed through, the foree exerted on the table by the falling part of the chain at any moment is twice as greet ea the force of pressure exerted by the part trendy resting on the table J stops Te156. A stool ball of mass m = 50 g falls from the height A = = iO m on the horizontal surface of a massive slab. Find the eum [ative momentum that the ball imparts to the flor numerous bounces, if every impact deereases the velocity of the ball n = 1.25 times. 4:150, A raft of mass M with aman of massm aboard stays motion lest on tho surlace of lake, The man moves a distance V. relative to the raft with velocity ¥'(@) and then stops. Assuming the water Feeistanee {0 be negligible, find: Wa) the displacement of the rit relative to the shore; {8} the hertzontal component ofthe force with which the man acted on the raft during the motion. "160. A stationary pulley cartes a rope whose one end supports ladder with a man and the other end the countersoight of mast M. ‘The man of masem climbs up a distance 1’ with respect to the ladder dnd then stops. Negleeting the mass of the rope and the friction in the pulley exle, find the displacement I of the centre of inertia of this eystom, Tut A‘canon of mat stare aiding tly down a smooth Inlined pl ile to the horizontal, Alter the eannon cov red, the she leaving the canton in imp. As a consequence, the innon stopped. Assuming the mass of the shell to be negligible, “compared to that of the canton, determine the duration of the shot {'i62, 4 horizontally Oying bullet of mass m gets stuck in a body cof mass Mf suspended by two identieal Uoreads of length I (Fig. 1.42). a As rm the tees swerve through an ane, Assuming m ma). Find the maximum angle through ‘Tile the striking particle may deviate asa rsult of the collision. 117. Thzes identical dises 4, B, and C (Fig. 145) reat on a smooth horizontal plane. The dise A set in motion with velocity ¥ alter = ‘which it experiences an clastic collision simultaneously with the ists B and C. The distance between the centres of the latter discs [rior tothe collision is times greater than the diameter of each dise. Find the velocity of the dise A after the Callison. At what value of will the dice ae 4 real fer the align: stop: move on? 177. A molecule callies with enother, (>)_2, / Oe Demonstrate that the angle of divergence 8 ‘stationary, “molecule. of the” same. tase yeas 90" when the isons ally os clastic (dirs trom £0" when the colison nee is inelastic 178. A rockot ejects « steady relative to the ocket. The gos is whose velocity is equal to w argo rate oquals Hkg’s. Demon ‘that the rocket’motion equation inthis case takes the form now = F = py ‘m is the mass of the rocket ata given moment, w I6 Its aceel- ma and F is the extersal force 1479. A rocket moves in the absence of external foross by eject- iy Jet with velocity w constant relative to tho rocket. Find the velocity ¥ of the rocket at the moment when its mass is ‘equal to m, if at the initial moment it possessed the mass my and {te velocity was equal to nero. Alake se of the formula given tthe foregoing problem. 1-180. Find the law according 10 which the mass of the rocket varies with time, when the rocket moves with a constant sccae ton wy the external forces aro absent, the gas escapes with a com stant velocity w relative to the rocket, and Its mas at the Initial ‘moment equals my WaSt. A spaceship of mass my moves in the absence of external forces with a'eonstant Velocity vy, To change the motion direction, ‘jot engine is switchod on, It starve ejecting a ges jet with velocity ‘which is constant relative to the spaceship and directed at right ‘angles (o the spaceship motion. The engine is shut down when the rats of the spaceship doereases to m, Through what sngle a did the ‘motion direction of the spaceship deviate due to the jet engine op- 1-182. A cart loaded with sand moves along a horizontal plane due ‘to a constant force F coinciding in direction with the car's velocity Hole in the bottom vith ff, iat the initial moment {= O the cart ‘with loaded sand had the mass my and its Velocity was equal to toro, ‘The tricion ta to he neglected. 4.483. Aatcar of mass mg starts moving to the right due to a constant horizontal force F’ (Pig. 1.48). Sand spills on the tear from a stationary hopper. The velocity of loading is constant aod qual to j Kg/s. Find the time dependence of the velocity and the Sccoleration of the flatear in the process of loading. The friction Is fogligtbly small ‘si. A chain AB of length 1 is located in a smooth horizontal tubo so that its fraction of length h hangs freely and touches the surface of the table with its end B (Pig. 1.47). At certain moment Pip 1.48, Pip tar, free. With what velocity will this end bet Particle rlative to a certain SINE, whete sand b are con t vectors, with ab. Find the force moment N relative to the point 0 scting on the particle when the angie between the vectors N and M equals 45°. ‘L188. A ball of ass m is thrown at en angle «to the horizontal with the initial velocity by- Find the Uime dependence of the ag nitudo of the balls angular momentum vector relative to the poist from which the ball i thrown. iad the naguler momentom Mf at the highest point of the trajectory ifm = 180 gy a.— 45, andy — "95 mis. The ai drag isto be noglacted 1487. A dise of ass m sliding over & smooth horizontal surface with velocity » experiences perfectly elastic collision with a smooth stationary wall at a point O (Fig. 1.48). The Angle between the motion direction of the ise 4 fd the normal of the wall is equal toc. Find (a) the points colative to which the angular momentum M of the dise romaine constant fn this process (@)the magnitude of the increment of th vector of the disc's angular momentum relative {to'the point O° whichis located. nthe plane ofthe dise’s motion at the distance [rom the point 0. 4.488. A small ball of mass m suspended Fit. 1.48, from the coiling ate poigt O bys thresd of length moves along’ horizontal circle with a constant angul Velocity w. Kelative to which points does the anguler momentum M of the ball remain constant? Bind the magnitude ofthe Ineexent of the vector of the bal's angular momentum relative to the point pickad up during half « revolution. 1580. AU Dall of mase me falls down without initial velocity from height f over the Earth's surface. Find the ineroment of the all's Sngilar momoatim vector picked up during tho timo of falling (ela- tive to the point 0 of the fefronce frame moving teanslationally tn {horizontal drvetion ‘with « velocity ¥). The ball starts falling from the point O. The air drag ie to be noglected. T190. A'smooth horizontal dise totates with a constant angular velocity o about # stationary vertical axis passing through ts eantro, the point 0. At a moment f — 0a dise is set in motion from that be ft i ne Fig. 4.48, Fig. 130 point with velocity vy. Find the angular momentum AF (2) of the {ise relative to the polat O in the reference frame fixed to tho dis, Mako sure that this engular momentum is caused by the Corio force, {ai91. A particle moves along « closed trajectory in a contra field of foror where the particles potential energy U — fe" (kis 2 positive eonetant, ris tho distance of the particle from the cantro O Ur ihe field). Find the sass of the particle if ils minimum distanco from the point Owqualer and its velocity at the potat farthest from 0 onaale Py 1:192.‘A amall ball is suspended from a point O by a light thresd of length {."Then the ball i drawn aside <0 that the three deviates through an angle 8 from the vertical snd st in motion In a hore tontal direction st right angles to the vertical plano in which the thread is located. What fe the inital velocity that has to bo imparted {0th bal that i ald deviate through th anu a in the procass of motion 44498", small body of mass me tied to a nonrstrtchable thread moves over @ smooth horizontal plane, The other vad of the thread {being drewa into a hole O (Pig. 4.49) with a constant velocity. Find the thresd tension a4 funetion of the distance r between the body end tho hole it r-~'ry tho angular volocty of the thread is sual to ae ‘e194. A light non-stretahable thread is wound on @ messive fixed pulley of radius ft. A small body of mass m is thd to the free end Sr ths thread. At s moment {=O the system is reloazod and starts ‘moving. Find ite angular momentum relative to the pulley axle as function of time f « lA anny nh of mac nd a tart oling without slipping down an inclined plane at an engl a to the hor Tontal. Find the time dependence af the angulor momoatam of the [Sphere relative to the polt of contact st the initial momeat. How Tie ohio rele changy tn theese of petty sot cliaed 1-196. X cortaia sytem of particles possesses total momentum nd'an angular momentum Molative to point O. Find its angular ‘omentum M.eelative to point O- who position with mepet to {he point O'is deormined hy the radius ettor ty. Find ovt when ‘he Bngular momentum of the system of particles doce no depend fm thevehoic of the point 0. 1197. Demonstrate that the angular momentom M of the systom of parte aie to 9 pon Oo th fre ram Ken bo presented a8 MS 4 trop, ‘whero MI is its proper angular momentum (in the reference freme ‘moving transationally and Sed to the centr of inertia) fe Is the ‘radius vector of the centre of inertia relative to the point O.'p is the {otal momentum of the systam of particles tn the reference frame K. 1198. A ball of mast'm moving with velocity vg experiences 6 hetd-on elastic collision with one of the spheres of a stationary ‘ight dombbell as whown in Fg. 1-50. The mass of each sphere equals ‘mid, and the distance between them isl. Disregending the sizeof the sphere, find tho proper angular momentum AY of the dambboll after the collision, Lo, the engular momentum in the reference frame mov {ng translational and fixed to the dumbbells centre of inertia 1.198. Two small identical dises, each of mass m, ison a smooth horizontal plane. The dises are interconnected. by’ alight. nou de- {formed spring of length [y and stilness x. Ata certain moment one of the dies {s set in motion in a horizontal direction perpendicular to the spring with velocity Uy. Find the mexiniam elongation of the spring in the procass of motion, if itis kuown to be considerably Tees than unity. 4.4, UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION + Universe revitetion tae 7 (say ‘The aguars of the prodn of rvaasin of any two planet around the ‘un she propionate he Cubes ofthe major somlotes of tele is (Keple Te a (ib) potential of the gravitational + Seng a 15 Orbit and eseape velo: - ae VEE = ¥En, say 4.200, A plonst of mass M moves along a circle around the Sun with velocity b= 349 kin/s (clave to the heliocentric reference Tame}. Pind the period of rvotution of this planot around the Sun, “L20i, The Jupitor's period of revolution around the Sun is 13 times that of the Barth” Assoming the planetary orbits to be circular, fin: (a) bow many times the distance between the Jupiter and the Sun excouds thet between the Earth and the Sun; () the velocity and the acceleration of Jupiter in the heliocentric ference ‘e 1202. 4p so that its minimum di oum distance to 2 Meng use of Kepler's laws, fod Its period of evolution around the Sun 1:203. A fall body stars felling onto the Sun from a distance ‘equal to the radius of the Earth's orbit. The tatiel velocity of the Sbdy ig equal to zero ia the heliocoatric roorence frame. Making tse of Kepler's laws, ind how long the body wil be falling. “L204. Suppose we have made a model of the Solar system scaled down in the ratio but of materials of the seme moan density as the actual materials of tho planets and the Sun. How will the orbital periods of revolution of planetary models change in this case? 11205. A double star isa system of two stars moving around the conire of norte of the system de to gravitation. Find the distance Setween te compononte of the double star, if its total mass equals MF ‘and the period of revolution "1.206, Find the potential energy of the gravitational interaction (6) of two masa points of masses mand m located at distance r from ach other; “h) of a mass point of mass m and a thin uniform rod of mass M an Fength if thoy see located along a straight Line at a distance a from each other; also ind the Torce of their inter “L207. A’planet of mass me moves along aa ellipse around the Sun oo that {ig haximom snd aiaimum distancis from the Sun are equel to rr and ry respectively. Find the angular momentum AP of this Planet relative to tho contre of the Sun ‘long an ol tnorgy-as function of a 1A'planet A moves slong an elliptical orbit around the Sun. Av ihe moment whoa It was at the distance re [som the Sua its velo- ity was oqual to ond the aoglo betwoon the radius vector ry and the velocity vector ¥, was equal to a, Pind the maximum, and tini- frum distanese thet wil separate this planet trom the Sun daring Hs orbital motion 1.310.-A cosmie body A moves to the Sun with velocity vy (when far from the Sin) snd aiming parameter 1 the arm of the vector vo “ relative to the centre of the Sun (Pig. 1.51). Find the minimum aise fence by which this body will got to the Sun. ‘L214, A particle of mass m is located outside @ uniform sphere of mast Bf at'n distance r from its centre. Find: (a) the potential energy of gravitational Interaction of the particle and the sphere ib) the gravitational force which the sper exerts on the particle 4.212. Demonstrate that the gravitational fore ecting on par- ‘ela 4 ‘inside a uniform spherical layer of matter is equal to zero. “213. A particle of mast m wes transferred from the contro of th bate of a utiform hemtephere of mass AF and radius Ft into iabnity Fie 54. What work yas performed in the prosss hy the gravitational force rte om the particle by the hewepherst 214. Ther is uniform sphere of mass A ond radiue R Pind the strength © andthe potential of the gravitational fold of this Spare aaa function of the dist > feom ia entre (ith Fz SES Ay Brew ie sppontnate pas of te enins 2) nd 0 TEs? inside« ullorm spay of nig p thr ig sph cavity whow contre is at distance 1 Trom th centro of the spor. inde strength Gof the gravitational eld aside the exvity ‘246. A uniform sphere fee's mane Mand radius R Pind tho ‘presse p inside the sphere, eased hy gravitational compression, Bie tunduon of the datenco rifom ie utr. Evaluate p a tho ‘try of the Earthy sstuming i to be a uniform sphere T:Eif Find the proper potential eaergy of gravitational itera tion of matter foratag Yq) thin uniform epharical layer of mas m and radiue Ri {8} tunitorm sphoreot asm snd radius W (ake woof the answer to Peony 134), 1.218. Two Barth's satelite move in common plane slong oir cular orbits: Th oriial rads of one satellite r= 7000 km le {hat of the othor satelite ia Ar 0 em lass” What time interval Separates tho periodic approeches of tho satel to eachother over Go misioum distance 1.318. Calculate the ratios of the following acsleations: the scclesiion ty du tothe gravitational forea on the Earth's surfoc the acceleration w, due to the contrfugal force of inertia on the Earth's equator, atd the accolertion wy caused by the Sun to the bodies om tho Earth 1.290, At what height ovor the Barth's pole tho froe-fall accole ratio decrooses by one per cents by hall? 1.221. On the pole af the Earth body is imparted velocity vy directed vertically up. Knowing tho radius of the Barth and the free fall sovsleation on Tis worface, find the height to which the body ‘wil socend. Tho air drag is to be-noglected. 1.208. An artificial satellite fs Iounehed into cioulae orbit around the Barth with velocity v relative to the reference frame moving tans- Jationally and Sxed to tho Barth's rotation axis, Find the distance {rou the satellite tothe Earth's surfaco. The radius of tho Barth and the fovefell ncceleration on Its surface azo supposed to be known. 1.285. Caleulate the radius of the eireular orbit of a stationary Barth's satallita, whieh remains motionless with respect to its sur- face. What are lis velocity nnd acceleration ia the inertial reference frame fixed at a given moment to the contro of the Earth? TOBA. A. satellite evolving in a cirular oquatorial orbit of re dig A 2.00-10" ki from west to east appoars over a certain point St the equator every t= 44.6 hours. Using those data, ealculate fhe mass of the Earth. The gravitational eoastaat is supposed to be knowa, 1.205 A satolliterovolves from east to west in a clzcular equatorial orbit of radius 100-40" kaa around the Earth. Find the velocity fd tho acceleration of the satelite in the rofereace frame Hxed to the Barth, 1.208. A satallite must move io the equatorial plane of the Earth close to its surface either in the Earth's rotation direction or against 1c°Find how mony times the kinetic energy of the satellite in the Inter caso exesnds that ia the former cas (inthe reference frame xed (0 the Bart). 1.957, An tific) satellite of the Moon gevolves in a citculae orbit whose radius exceuds the radive of the Moon 7 times. In the Satellite experienoas 9 slight resistance due t0 the resistance forge to depond on the velocity faP, whore or is'a constant, nd how long the ‘xtellito wil Sit until i falls onto the Moon's surface. {M08 Calculate the orbital and eetape velocities for the Moon. Compare tho results obtained with the corresponding velocities for the Earth 1.280. A spaceship approsches the Moon along a parabolic trajec- tory which is almost tangent to the Moon's surface, At the moment ff tho meximom approae the brake rocket was fired fora short time fnvorval, and the spaceship was transfered into a circular oF Moon satellite, Find how the spaceship velotity modulus inrossed fn the proceat of braking 11236."A spaceship ‘launched into a circular orbit close to the Barth's surface. What additional velocity has to be imparted to the pncaship to overcome tho gravitational pull? 1.281. At what distance from the coatre of the Moon is the poiat at which the strength of the rosultaat of the Earth's and Moon's gravitational fields is equal to zoro? ‘The Farth’s mass is assumed to bon = 81 times that of the Moon, and the distance hetweun tha con- fos of thes planots 60 times sroatarthaa the radius of the Baeth 1.282, What is the minimum work that has to be posformed to beg actip mest 2.0108 fom the suretol te Earth 1.253. Find approximately the third cosmic velocity vy 0. the ‘minimum velocity that ins to be imparted to s body relative to the Earth's surface to drive it out of the Solar system, The rotation of the Easth shout its own axis it to be noglocted 1.5, DYNAMICS OF A SOLID pop ‘+ ouation of dynamics of «sll body rotating shou 8 wtationacy axis = My (4.5) here 1, 6 the algsbene sum of dhe moments af extra ores ative tothe FAED pccording to Steiner's theotem: To To met as) “+ Kiowtc energy ofa solid ody rotating about stationary axes roadie. (as) seat gh zeonmed by eter fares daring the ration a lid body Ae freee us Wine eee of slid ody im plane matin rath aE 59 oasip betmcen the anzula wleity of gyroacope prcesan, ste angler mormontans M egal to ahd he moment W athe ee for Ww) = a3 4.284, A thin uniform rd of mass m ~ 1.0 kg moves trans ionalty with aeceleration w =2.0 mist due to two alipralel Torens Fy and Fy (Fig. 152). Too distance betwoun the pointe st which these {orca arésppied i equal to = 30 cm. Besiles, tis known that FL 80 NFind te length of the tod {C2850 A fores F= AUB] is applied to a potat whose radi vetior relative to tho origin of oondlnates fs equal to F ~ al = Pfr where o, by Ay Bane constants, nf} are the eat votors of the 2 and y axes, Find the moment N and tho arm J of the force F twlative to the poiat 0. 1.236. A foree F, = A] is epplied to a point whose radius vector 1 aly while force Py = tis applied to the point whose radius Vector ty'= bj. Both radius vectors are determized relative to the ‘origin of coordinates 0, 4 and j are the unit vectors of the z and y ‘7 ol ls ig 1.82. Hig, 489 sass, o, by A, B ar constants, Find the erm J of tho resultant force Telatie (the point O- 1239, Thre ores aro applied to © square plate aa shown in Fig, 153. Find the modulus direction, end the point of pplication {ing gesltent fore, if this point ie ten on the td BU ‘238. Find the moment of ner (0) of thin uniform rod rulative tothe axis which is porpendicalar to the rod and pasos toxgh fs end tthe mass ofthe eo Io m end {ta oogth “o) af © thin unorm rectangular plate relative to the axis passiog yetpondiculer to the plane of tho plate through dne ofits vertices, T'ke'sidos ofthe plato are equal 10 and by and ita mass im Uda aaa” the naman a ine : {6} of « coppor unions: dae relative to the symmetry axis porpon- aialar tothe plane of the dine fits thieknge sequal to =20 mm nd its redive to 100 mim “b) oft uniform solid cone relative to its symmetry axis, i the smisy of the cone is ogual to m and the rai af ts base to ‘L240, Demoustroe that ke caae of = thin plate of arbitrary shape tigre isthe following rolaonship betweow the moments of Inertia: fy-+ 4 Ty, where subindioe {, 2, and 3 define theve {Wally porpendbular Saou passing through one polat with axes end 2m ithe plane of the pat. Onng she rltgship, Sn the nomen of irda ofa thin uniform round dae of radius Wend mass mm relative to the exis colgeding with ome of ia dinners {241."A Sniform dive of tadine f= 20 em hes 2 round cut as shown in Pig: 1.54 The mass of the romaining Ghaded) portion ofthe ise equals m = 7.3 kg. Pind the moment of inertia of such a dise relative tothe axis passing through lis centre of inertia and perpen Aiculas to the plane of the dise 1242, Using the formula for the momont of inertia of « uniform photo, Hind the moment of inertia of a thin spherical layer af ase mand radius It reletive to the axis passing through ite centre, {Dkg. A ght thread with 3 body of mess m Led to ils end Is wound ‘on a aniform solid cylinder of mass Mand rads (Fig. 1.55). At moment 20 the systom Issel ta motion ‘Assuming the friction in the axle of tho eylia: der to be negligible, find the time dependence of (@) the angular velocity of the cylinder: () the kinetic energy of she whole system Y24h. The ends of thin threads. tightly wound on the eale of radius r of the Maxwell Soave atch to a haicontal bar, “When ‘he dso unwinds, the bat is aised to keep the fiseat the same height. The mass of the dise FIC 154 with the axlo isequal to m.the moment of Iertia ofthe arrangement relative to is axis J. Pind the tension of ‘each thvad and the acceleration of the ba. 1-245. A thin horizontal uniform rod AB of mass m and longth J can rotate freely about a vertical axis passing through its ong. A ‘Ata certain moment the end B starts experiencing 8 constant fovea qf Fg. 13 Pl. 1.86 F which is always perpendicalar to the original position of the sta- tionsry rod and directed in-a horizontal plane. Find the angular ve- locity of the tod as fonction ofits rotation angle g counted relative to the initial postion 1.246, In the arrangoment shown in Fig. 1.56 the mass of the uni- form solid'eslinder of radias Ris equal fo m ond the masses of two Bodies are equal to.m, and m,. The thread slipping and the fiction inthe axle of the eylinder ae Supposed to be abseats Find the angler acceleration of the cylinder and the ratio of tensions 7y'T, af the vertical sections of the tread in the process of motion. 1.247. In the system shown in Fig. 4.57 the masses of the bodies are known to be mand my, the coefiien of frition between the body tr and the horizontal plone is equal to &, and e pulley of mass m tassumed to be a uniform dise. The thread does not alip over the pulley. At the moment £ =" 0 the body m, starts desconding. Assum= Fig the moss of the thaead and the friction in the axle of tho pulley to be negligible, find the work performed by the friction forees acting fn the body m, over the frst £ seconds after the bogianing of motion. ‘1248, uolionn eslinder of radius Rie spinnod about Its as to the angular velocity wy and then placed lato a corner (Fig. 1.58). tery" a Fig 157. Fig. 1.58, ‘The coefciont of freon betwoon the corner walls and the eylindor ‘equal to E- How many turns wil the eylinder accomplish before i ape? £5200. & uniform dise of xdiue is spinned tothe angular velocity co tnd then carefully pled on a horizontal surfeon, How long wil the die be rotating om the sures ifthe friction coeticiat is equal {OE The presue exerted by the dsc on tho surface can be regarded 2 unitorm 1250.°A ftywhool with the initial angular velocity oy dcclerates due to the forces whose moment relative to the axis Is proportional {othe square rot of is aagulor velocity” Find the mean angolar Nejocity bf the iywheol averaged over tho total deceleration time {'2ot, ‘uniform eylinder of radius ead mass MY ean rotate freee ly about a stationary hortaontal axis O (Fig. 139), A thin cond of Teogti and moss'm fs wound on the eytinder in a single ler. Pind tc ongulor soceeration ofthe ylindar s-s fanetion of the length ofthe hanging part of the cord. The wound part of tho cord is up- sowed to have fs centre of gravity on the epliner axis ‘258, A uniform sphere of mas 'm aad eadtue Mt rolls without slipping down an inclined plane set st an angle to tho horiaootal. Fink 1) the maging of the ton ete t which sptg (0) the kinetic energy ofthe sphere socnds ater tho begining ot motion, 13554 uniform cylinder of mass m = 8.0 kg and radius 13 cu igs 1.00) sorte descending at a moment t= O.due to fvity. Neglecting the mass of the thread, find (0) the te cylinder (0) th time dependence ofthe instantancous power developed b ‘the grevitational force. a ved by 1.254, Thin theesds ry tightly wound on the ends of «uniform solid-eglinder of mast The rs ets ofthe threads ar attach fo Pg. 1 {he ceiling ofan elevator car. Thecartarts going up with an astlers tion we, Find the acceleration w”of the cylinder folative to the ear and the ore Fexerod bythe eyinderoa thecelling (through the tress), 1.355. A'spoo! witha shtead wound on ii paced on on daclined smoth plane st a an angle. = 0" tothe horiaontal. The fre end ‘lth thread is attached to tho wall ss shown in Fig: 191, The tos OF pal tm AU eet offi seve ows fale! = 045 gra, tho min ofthe wound thread layer * — 3.0 em Find the acceleration of the spool Daina 1-256. A uniforn slid eylinder of mass m sts on owo horizontal plas A thread is wound 90 the cylinder. The henging nd of the Eine i pulled venically down with a contant lors B Fig. 1.6, ion of each thread and the angular acceleration of the Pig. 16. Fig, 1.62 Find the maximum magnitude of the force. which still does not bring about any sliding of the eylindor it the cnefciont of feition Between the eylinder and tho planks is equal to k. Whet is the ac: o exertion tags a he axis of the exiner lig down the ieined Plane? 1/257. A spool with thread wound on it, of mass m, ests ona rough horizontal surface, Its moment of inertia relative to ls own eis is fequal to / ~ yf, whero yi ¢ numorlesl Tactor, and Is the out- {he tadjus of the spool. The radius of te wound thevad layee i equal tor. The spool is pulled without sting by the thread with «constant force F aitroted at an angle to the horizontal (Fig. 1.03). Find (0) the projection of the acceleration vector of the spool axis onthe (bh) the work porformed by the force F during the frst ¢ seconds ter the beplaning of motion. ‘258. ‘The arrangement shown in Fig 4. consists of two identical ‘unform solid cylinder, each of masa m, on which two Tight threads ig. 1.6 ce wound symmetrically. Pind the tension ofeach thread in the pro- fase of motion. The friction in the axle of the upper cylinder is ‘sumed to be absent 350. In the arrangement shown in Pig. 1.65 a weight A poswesee mass m9 palley B posetsees mace Mf Also kaown are the moment of {nora 7 of the pulley zelative to its axis and the radii of the pulley se R and 20. The mass of the theeads is negligible. Find the accelere- dromot ae weight forte apron i tf 7 Stan uniform slid eylinder of mast m, ca roy rotate about ivoutel ons xed to mount 0 of mass me (Eig. 488). A con: Sia horizontal fren F ie appted to theend of ight thea tight Ty wound on the estingrs ‘The te ton between the mount and the sup. ting orizogtal plane is sumed be thant lad: (a) the aceleration of the point: (3) the Kinet omersy of thi ys. tern seconds afer the begining of mote : “EBBL. A plank of mass my witha anton sphere of mss’ placed on rests om a sooth horibmal plane ‘A Constant horizotal foreo F's Splied to the plank. With what coloration will the panic andthe erate of th sphere move pro ded tare ts no siting hetwoon the plank tnd the shore? ‘nd."K untforn solid eylindor of ase m and rai Fe oot fa rolation about its axis with an angulsr velocity, then lowered with Tis Intra surface onto a horicomal pane and lends Th float of fietion between the ellndee Find: {a) how long the eyliner will move with sliding: (5) the total wort prtormed by the ding fretion force acting "1-288. A uniform bal of radu r rolls without slipping dowa from the top of jas. Find tho angular velocity of the bal, ‘aU the moment {breaks off the sphore. ‘Tho initial vlocity of tho ball is neeligible 1.264."A uniform solid eylindor of radius to» 15 em rolls over a horizontal plane pessing into an inclined plane forming an angle Pip 8 ip 18 2 = 9° with the horizontal Fig. 1.67). Find the maximum value of the valoity oy which stil permite th oylinder tool onto tho inclined plane section’ without a jump. The sliding is assumed to be abseat. a is xe othe isi ofa thin egid hoop of ins an nas equal to tha of the body The hoop walls wittone sllopog overs horizontal planes atthe sooats wan the bod gots into the lowor position, th ent of the hoop moves with velsicy ig $00, Pi. 17, (Pa. 1.65), At what values of wll the hoop move without houne- ie 286. Determne the kinetic energy of tractor erewtr blt of smasym if the trator motes with weloeity (ge 85) ‘L2H ior phere of as al nas’ role with ie dng over horteoatal plane, rating about» hortontl sale (Flas. Ta she process the cance‘ tho." NoTONA! sale OA Sphie moves with eloehy song ecivle Oi rion Hr Find the Kinecenesy of the ‘nl 13h. Demonstrate that in the reference frame oating with ">" constant angular Yelocty'@ nhout satonsry ais Df mse m experiences the fesulant (G)centifagal force of inertia, Ry = a\mu't, were Reis the tedius €6sor af the body's cone of iesia ela to the ain on ii ovee Foy — 2m Iv, where 120 the velocity of The body's “enue ot Inertia inthe rotating reteence true 1.208, x midpoint ata thin uaifor rod Ad of tase mand length 1s lly fed to rotation axle OO" a shown Tn Fig. Ltt Phe rod ist loto rotation with a contant angular velocity", Pind the fesultant moment ofthe centiugal foes uf inertia teative Wo the Foint Cin th eterence frome fed tothe ae OO" and to the ro 270.‘ conical pendlam, thin nto rod of length apd in state gmt ans rica ue wih nga lot SRE aa aged). Find the angle 8 bntueen the 271. Auiform cube with edge gests ona horizontal plane whose fection coefcien equals &- The ube is stip matin withon tal ‘elocty travels some distance over the plane and come toe stemd. « ' still, Bxplain the disappearance of the angular momentum of the ‘ube relative to the axis tying in the plane at right angles to tho ‘ube's motion direction, Find the distance between the resultant of (qavitational foress and the reaction forces exerted by tho support fing’ plane, 1.272. A smooth uniform rod Ai of mass M and length 1 rotates, tresiy with an angular voloety Gp in 8 horizontal plane about a sto- tionary vertical axle passing through ite end A. A sual sleeve of hase m starts sliding along the rod from the point A. Find the veloc ity o” of tha sleeve folative to the rod at the moment lt reaches Its other ad. 4.273. A uniform rod of mass m = 5.0 lg and length 2 = 90 em rests on a smooth horizontal surface One ofthe ends of the tod is struck tvth the impulse J 3,01N:s in a horizontal diection perpendicular to the rod: As'a result, the rod abtains the momentum p=3.0 Ns. Fina the force with which one half ofthe tod will act on the other in the process nfimetion, 1.274. A thin uniform square plate with side J and moss AF can rotate frely shout a stationary vertical axis eoluelding with one of Hts sides, A small bal of mass m fying with velocity v at right angles to the plate strikes elastically the centr of it. Fad (a) the velocity of the boll v" after the impact {3} the horizotal component of the zesultant Tones which the axis will exert ou the plate after the impact. 1.27%. A vortislly oriented uniform rod of mass M and length 1 can rotate about ile upper end. A horizontally fying bullet of mass imstrikes the lower end ofthe od and gos stuck (nit 96a eval, the fod sings through an angle a. Assuming that m . Fina: (3) the rational decrement ofits volume {5} the lationship between the compressibility Band th oastic constants aod Slow thet Poli's ratio cannot exceed 12 ‘One ent of stl fectangularsirlr i embedded into 2 vali (ig. L7H. Duo to gravity it sage alghtly. Find the radios of Sarvoture of the neutral foyer ae the dated Tne fn the figure) fn ‘the vicinity of the point O i the length of the protruding section of 1 sade gua to = 6.0m and the ticks ofthe ner goals 1.801. The bending of an elastic rod is described hy the elastic ceric pissing through centres of gravity of os crasaections At ‘Snail Bendings the equation of this curve takes the form we 1 () 8h bending moet of he leaf the Srey rerponaig ton fcordanes Es Youngs modula, FSS ome ont oh tower oe spa ing throgh the neste! Iyer T= [8S Pig. 1.2) Suppose one end of steel rod of square crott-ection withsie a in-embdded Into @ well the proteading section elng of Tenth 1 Fig 6 (i. 1.76). Assuming the mess of tho rod to be negligible, nd the Shape ofthe elastic curve andthe deletion of the rod hy Its end ‘bending moment of the couple Nu Baton nied song th Yani, ‘tect irder ‘of ength resis freely on (Pig. 72. Tho moment of inertia ofits cross-section Ts equal to T (e8 the foregoing problem), Neglecting the mass of the girder and ‘SScuming the sagging tobe aight ind the defection}. due the force Fappliow to the middle of the gird 1309."The thickness of a rectangular steel girder equals. Using the equation of Problem 401, find the defeetion i tausod by the Weight of tho girder in two cases Va) one end of the girder {s embedded foto a wall with the length ‘of the protruding seation being equal to (Fig. 78a). (b) tl gitder of length 2t vets freely on two supports (Fi o supports 1.788). 1.04. A steel plate of thickness has the shape ofa square whose side oaals [with haf Tao plate Is rigidly fixed to. vertical 2x16 —— Pip 137 90 which stat with constant snglar accleration (Pig, L.79) Find the deflection h assuming the sagzing to be sms e306: otermfan he rou fatween tow torque Wand the torsion angie g for (a) the tube whose wall thickness Or fs considerably los than the ‘ube radius; (5) for the solid od of eigcalar erose-setion. Tht length J, ra- dina r, and shear modulus Gare supposed to be known, 8 S33, o ig 1.78 Pig 4.70 4.306. Calculate the torque 4 twisting a ste! tube of length "i'm through an angie g 200 Gutsde diameters of the tube are equal to 5) ‘om {:307, Find the maximum powor which can be transmitted by aesne ofa steel shaft rotating bout its axis with an angular velocity = 120 radia, i its lengths ~ 200 em, radius r = 4-30 cm, and he permissible torion sagle 9 = 2.5" {.d08. A uniform ring of mass m, with the ouside radius ry, is sited tightly on a ‘shaft of radius m The sha is rotated about ita fanis with constant angular seeeoration pind the moment of slate forees in the ving 84a funetion of the distance som the ro- 11308, Find the elastic deformation energy of a ste! rod of mass mo 3.i kg stretched to a tonale strain = 1.0°10 i510. Asie linden! rd of length {snd radius rf suspended by its end from the celing {a) Find the elastic deformation energy U of the rod £0) Detine & in terms of tensile steain ALT of the ro. 1.311, What work has to be performed to make hoop out of a ibd of length {= 20 mt with h 6:0 em and thickness ‘20 mm? The proces ie asuined to prooed within the elasticity Tangs of the materia T5312 Fina 'th elastic deformation energy of steel rod whose pe end is fod and the othr ie tvstd through ap engle p ~ 6-0 Theat te ad al oF = 10. my and the rales oF 1.518 Find how the volume density of the elastic deforsation nergy is divtibuted in a see rod depending on he distance r fom ‘tenet ‘he length of the rod is equal tof the torsion angle to 1314, Find the volume density af the clastic deformation energy in ies wer atthe depth of R= 1000 4.1. MYDRODYNAMICS tt née eration of yim fel Bai Eaeran se eg the ld deny, fis the volume density of mas foes ‘he's of gall), Up's tha prsars pradient ‘ Baenocll'sogetin. Ta the sendy ow ofa ies! uid Pe soph pa const ay long aay seems " Neynolds suber desing the Sow pastrn of «viscous Mis Re= pei, ae ‘whee {ina charset log, isthe Bad viscosity. flo’ law. The ylue of uid Doing through s cress tbe (in hee ani aR =p 8) oT rads oud length,» — py 6 the pes dier- 2 be ee r @ sntee R aa 1 tk! lw. The friton force on th sper of radius + moving tv vitor Bi: an P= Gams 9) 41.315. Ides] Duld Nows along 2 flat tube of constant cross-section, located in horizontal plane aud bent as shown in Fig. 1.80 (to iow). The ow lg steady" Are tho pressures and velocities of the fa ‘qual at points J and 25 What is the shape of the streamlines? 1-316. Two manometric tubes ate mowated on. horizontal pipe of Varying eross-section t the sections 8, and 5, (Fig. 18%), Find the volume of water flowing across the pipe’s section per init time Hthe diflerence in water collimns is equal to AA. 1.317. A Pitot tube (Fig. 1.52) is mounted along the axis of a gas pipsline whose cross-sectional area ie equal to S- Assuming the vis: Ensity to be negligible, ind the volume of gas flowing across the se Fig, 4.80 Fin 18 section of th pipe por vai time tthe diference in the liquid col Sinn fe equal we Aly and the densities ofthe lguld and the gos ace snd p respectvel). Pr P5I8e Aide ves with » smal holo in tho Bottom ie filed wit water and Keroone, Neglecting the iscosity, Bnd the ¥elo- fowy i the thickness of the ral (6 hy 30 em and tht of ert hg = 20 cm 110 A wi cylindrical vessel 50 cm height is Bild with water and rests on a tab ‘AsSuming the vseosity to be segligile, nd 9 Svat eight from the Bottom of the vessel small Tole shotld. be perforated forthe water jt om ing out of it to bit tho sueace of the table at the ‘maxiium ‘datance Toor fom the ves) Bind Tove 1328074 bent tube is lowered into @ water stream as shown in Fig. 89, The yloety of the stream teatve to th tobe Is equal to bE 2S er The closed upper end ofthe tube located st the night ig oi2 tn has sll orice. To what eight 8 will the water st un 321. The horitontsl bottom of w wide vesal with ap ideal fod has’ soon rite of radius Ry over which n round closed cylinder ix ‘mounted, whose radius ty >My (Pig. 184). The clearance between {ecplnder and the btios ofthe esse! i very amaly the Bud don fity lp. Find the static peesore ofthe Bosd inthe clearance fsetion of the distance r from the ani of tho orifes (and the epi Gry tthe helght of the Dut is equal ta ‘Doze! What work should be done In onder to aquene from ahoriotally lated eylindr (Pigs 85) daring th ‘by means ofa constant fore sting on the piston? The volume of ¥=- tern the cylinder i equal (othe cromeseetonal aren of the ore o Fig 1.82. fee to s, with s being considerably less than the piston area, The friction and viscosity are negligibly sel 1.223.'A cylindsial vessel of height % and bace area Sis filled with witor. An orifice of ares < Sis opened In the hotiom of the Wessel. Neglecting the viscosity” of wa ler, determine how soon all the water will pour out of the vessel 1.324. A horizontally oriented tube AB of length I rotates with constant Angular velocity” © about a stationary {erticel axis 00” passing through tho end 4 Fig. 1:85). The! tobe fs Hilled with an {eal fvid. The end 4 0! the tube i open, the clowed end f haga very” uma orifice Find the velocity of the fluid relative to the. tube aa # function of the column “height” 11325. Demonstrate that in the case of d steady flow of an ideal fuid Ea, (Ja) tome into Bernoullt equation ‘1326. On the opposite sides of a wide vertical vessel filled with water to dential holes are opened, each having the eross-seetfonal Fle 1.88 Fig. 185. area $= 0.50 em. The height difference betwoon them is equal to ‘Mh = St em. Find the resultant foree of rection of the water Now ing out of the vessel S27. The side wail of « wide vertical eylindrical vesel of height 78cm has narrow verlical sit rynning allthe way down to the bottom of the vets. The length of the slit is 1 = 50 em and the ‘width b 1,0 mon, With the sit closed, the veseel ie filed. with ter. Pind the resultant fore of reaction of the water flowing out af ‘vesel immediately after the slit is opened 328. Water ows out of «big tank along « Lube bent at eight an the inside ‘equal tor ‘The water fow rate is 0 ~ 0.30 Titres per sand. Find the moment of teaction fores of flowing water, ating on the tube’s walls, eelatlve To tho point 0. 1.329, A side wall of « wide open tank is provided with «narro {ng tubs (ig. 4.88) through which water fons out The eros section tes of the ile decreases from, 3 = 3.0 em? to #0 em The ‘rato level In tho tank fs = 48 am higher than that in the tube. q Noglecting the viscosity of the water, fad the horizontal component ‘of the foree tending to pull the tube out of the tank, Pip tar. Fig. £88, 1.390. A eylindrical vessl with water is rotated about ite var: teal axis with a constant angular velocity w. Find: (a) the shape of the free surface of the wate (6) the water presure distribution over the bottom of the vessel along its radius provided the pressure a the contral pot is eq¥al to P41 331. A thin horitontal dise of radius Rl ~ 10 em is located with in a eylindrical cavity Alled with oil whose viscosity n= 0.08 P (Fig. 189). The clearance between the disc and the horizontal planes ig. 1.80, of th cavity is oul to = 1.0mm, Find th pone dvalaped by the viscous foreas acting on ‘whoa it rotates with the angular elocly os redin Th ood elects tre to be nqletads S981 o 1,882. A tong cylinder of vs Ry is displaced along its axis witha constant velocity ty inside a stationary coanial eylindot of Tadius fy The space between the epimers is flled with viscous lige Gia. Find the selocty of the liguid as function of the distance {rom the axis of the cylinders. The flow is lamina TIR33, Avid. with viseosity 9 lls the space betweon two long coutial cylinders of radii yaad Ry, with Pty Jf, The inner ey ftdor is stationary wile tho ovr one is rotated ‘with a constant Angular velocity a. The fuid Now fs laminar, Taking into coount that the fletion force acting on a unit area ofa eplindical surface ‘Of radius is defined by the formula o = my (ular, find: (Gy the angular velociy of the rotating Mid 96 & fonction of ra ius F {iy ‘ihe moment ofthe friction frees ating ona unit length ofthe outer cylinder 11394. A tube of length 1 and radius 2 carves a se Auld whose density is rand viscoity 1. The td flow Denison the distance rdrom the axisof the ube as = Find Za) the volume of the Auld fowing across the section of the tube per unit tie {bythe Kinetic energy ofthe Suid within the tabe's volume: {2} the friction force exerted on the tube by the uid; (4) the pressro diference at the ends of the tube {35 Ih the errangement shown tn Fig. 1.90 2 viscous Tiguid whose density ep HD glem? lows along tube ott of «wide tak ly low of ocity de PR, Fi. 0, ast = ree, where 2 = 0.50 m", xis the distanee from the Kine inet: Fibd the ratio of Reynolds numbers for two cross-sections separated: by Ar= 3.2m. W397. When a sphere of radius 7, — 1.2 mm moves in glycerin, the'laminar flow is observed if the velocity of the sphere does not fexcoed vy — 23 emis, At what minimum velocity vy of « sphere of adios ry = 5.5 em will the flow in water become turbulent? The ow viscosities of glycarin and water ere equal to 3 = 13.9 Pand ny = ate ety re eeetneeeutaea 12a, K nd pre std king i lycra woz vieonty istgul gts BOR. Whats he maton emacea se ATi de tow mount thet phen si romst asises es town tat tie Manion tothe Potala Not eae elds mbes" Gree areca gh et serie es ter 18 Nea tai dander d = 3.0 mm starts sang wich reteset neta al shape ect ee 00 BH Ss ortega! en lst he ball ee Fae eae a ie 1.8, RELATIVISTIC MECHANICS ion of length and slowing of moving eek: ; as 3% fe orf he nn le, ‘e Lorents transformation*: mt viet qa am se) here fi the ine nar Between events {ad 2, athe ditace bate Srp OSRES ET Seat an | 1D4 2 ee dence bt 1) (2) ws) Kite ergs o's relatvse pate: matt Ty Talmage (40) in en tog witha vole Vm he pal he ene "wth thes ands Sue aie ond Sy ana'y aes paral cast TeAouti Done he ey and mommtam «lati toni, pm VETTE sn) 1» When considering the ealison of paticls it helps to ue the fallow. Baptankt, aan ad moses ofthe eytenprar tothe opal or the sytaa) forme 140. A rod moves lengthwisp with a constant velocity 9 relative to te acti voferonco fame K. At what valu of v wil the Tength SF the sod inthis remo bo y = 0.9% lve thn te proper length? {Safe a tranglo the propor iongth ofeach side equals a: Find the perimeter of thls triangle in the reference frame moving relative constant velocity V along one ofits Disetors: (b) sides, Investigate the results 0 velocity of light. T'S4d, Find tho propor length ofa rod if in tho laboratory frame af rafronee ite ylucity is 0 e/2, the length = 1.00 my and the fngle between the rod and it direction of motion is @ P$i8 A'stationary upright cone has a taper angle 0 — 55", ant tho acta of the lateral suelaa. Sy = 40 a, Find: @) Ke {apor angler (b) Tt lateral surface ares, "in tho veference frame ving with » velocity v= (45}e along the axis of the cone, “TSH, With what velocity (relative to the roferenca frame K) did the clock aver if daring the sma interval = 5.0 6, moasared by the clock ofthe fume 4, it bocam slow by At = 0-10 3? “.3i5- A cod foe with constant volocity past « muck which is stationery in the reference frame K. in the fame Kit takes Af serso'nw forthe rod toy past the mar, Tn the refeonce frame fixed 1 the rod the mark moves past the rod for A” = 25ns. Find the prop- fr length of the rod 15305. Tho proper lifetime of an unstable pesticle is equal to ‘Augai0 ne, Find tho distance this particle will traverse ll it dlotay inte laboratory frame of roferonee, whore Its lifetime Is oma teat = 20 ms. 1347, In tho reforonco frame Ka muon moving with a velocity vo S000 tenveltod a distance { = 3.0 kam from Us bitiplac» (0 the point where it decayed. Find {a} the proper ifotime af this mon; {6 he Sisto vied Bye mba in the fame K “tom the imvon's standpoint” "2548, Two pacicles moving ins lsboratory frame of reference ong the sain straight ne wih the sate velocity = (Se tik Aeltat stationary targt with the time interval At = 50 ns. Pind wd at V ce and Vee, where eis the the proper distance betwoen the particles prior to their hitting the tango TBD, A rod moves along a ruler with a constant velocity. When the positions of both ende of the rod are marked simultancously in the teference frame fixed to tho ruler, tho difference of readings on the ruler is equal to Azy = 4.0 m, But shen the positions of the rods fends are marked simultanoot ce frame fixed to the od, tho difference of readings on the same Ter [sequal to Ay — ‘S50, Find the proper lng ofthe od aad is velcty relative 1.390. Two rods of the same pro} ‘righ and Toft ends of the ods elaede tho velocity of one rod rolative to tho othe ‘.B5ie Two unstable ‘partiles move in the tuforence frame song aight line in thesame direction with» velocity © = 0.000. ‘The istanes betas them In thin reference frame Is egal to T= Misia At eearain moment both parties decay simultaneously {in the rfaence frame fed to them, What te foterval between the omens of dacay of the to particln will be observed inthe frame ‘£2 Which particle decays lotar in the frame, K? 1.352, AUTod allotted along the x exisof tho reference frame K moves ia the postive ircton ofthe z axle witha constant velocity IT pl Ain nando of ino, th oat 2 at thd. finds {o) the proper length of th ro, if at the moment tthe coords ath pot A iegual to and at the mom fy the cord ate of the point # ie equal to {ne iatervel should soperate the markings of coordnatas ads fe ame forth dean of aoraaten ial to the proper length of the rod. ‘°Hit. The rod A'Z moves mith a constant volosty relative to te rod AB (Pg, 91), Bath rods have the some propor length Ip and # fg ———s— o——=9 z 3 Pla 1.94 At tho ends of each of them clocks are mounted, which are synchro- hized pairwise: A with and A’ with J” Suppoee tho momeat when ‘th clock B’ gots opposite the clock A is taken for the begiaaing of he fe count in the rlrenc ramos zd to wach af th rods, De

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