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(Suitable for Cover Letter and Job applications)

Important Note: This template is to be filled in and completed based on your

personal information and the job you're applying for. Accordingly you will need to
replace/complete all blue text that is enclosed in brackets: []. Your cover letter
should be 1 page in length, divided into 3-4 paragraphs.

[Full Name: .........................]

[Full Address: .........................]
[Mobile: ....................]
[Email: ....................]

[Date :.............]

[Mr./Mrs.: HR Manager/Recruitment Officer]

[Company/Organization: ...............]
[Company/Organization Address: ......................]
[City: ……….]


[Dear Mr./Mrs……]

In response to the job posting for [job title] as published in the local newspaper on
[date]. I believe my qualifications meet the job requirements as per the job
announcements. Having researched your esteemed organization via various news
sites, I have come to understand more about the [products/services] you provide
including [name specific products/services that the organization
produces/provides]. The reputation of the organization as an [industry/sector]
leader as well as my interest in working in the field of [specify field as it relates to
the organization’s activities] make me very keen to join your respected

As per my attached CV, you will note that I have worked in [specify
company/organization/internships/etc] for [specify duration in months or years].
I have also worked in [specify other relevant experience] as [specify job position].

One of the requirements for this job opening is proficient knowledge of [computer
applications] including [specify computer applications as listed in job posting]. I
received a certification for this computer software program from [specify certifying

It would be my pleasure to meet you in person to further discuss my qualifications in

more detail. If I have not received any feedback in the coming [specify number of
days] then I will call you to ensure the receipt of my CV and cover letter. In the
meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information that you
would like me to provide.

Thank you for your time and for your consideration of my application.

Best Regards,
[Full Name]

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