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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

This lesson plan is presented to

Mrs. Erlinda C. Romarate

In partial fulfilment of the subject

PED 114 ( FS-3 Micro Teaching)

By: Mary Daffodil C. Judilla BSED-II Math

Detailed Lesson Plan In Mathematics

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Show the difference between x- and y- intercept
b. Give the value of the asked intercept ( x- and y-)
c. Sketch the graph of a linear equation using the x- and y- intercept.
II. Subject Matter
The Intercepts of a line
Reference: book of grade 8 math
Materials: Cartolina, pentel pen, graphing board
III. Procedure
1. Preparation
a. Motivation
Class please stand-up, we will sing an
action song entitled “Do a little -do as told-
action”. Move….
Thank you for your cooperation class,
you may take your sit.
b. Review
Class, do you have an assignment? x -2 -1 0 1 2
Okay, Let us check your assignments. y -2 0 2 4 6
Who want to go to the board to solve
for the values of y? If x = -2 if x = -1 if x = 0
1. 2x-y = -2 2x-y = -2 2x-y = -2 2x-y = 0
a. Make a table 2(-2)-y = -2 2(-1)-y = -2 2(0)-y = 0
x -2 -1 0 1 2 -y = -2+4 -y = -2+2 -y = -2
y Y = -2 y=0 y=2

b. Solve for the values of y If x = 1 if x = 2

c. Plot the points in the Cartesian 2x-y = -2 2x-y = -2
plane, then connect the plotted 2(1)-y = -2 2(2)-y = -2
points. -y = -2-2 -y = -2-4

That’s an excellent answer class.

Now, who can go to the board to graph the
following set of points in the Cartesian plane?

That is an amazing performance. Let’s give

yes clap for all of us. Go …… -do as told-
Any questions about the graph of a linear

2. Presentation
Since you had already
understood the graph of a linear -Listening attentively –
equation, meaning you are now ready
for another exciting topic.

Okay class please group yourself into -do as told-


Inside this box (present a box) are

scrambled words, arrange it and paste
it on the board. The first group who -do as told-
can paste it on the board must yell “I
love math” and it will be the winner.

Okay our next topic is all about ‘the

intercept of a line’

There are two types of intercept class. -x- and y- intercepts ma’am-
What are these?

Yes that’s right!!!!!!!

In what axis does point (o,b) -y- axis ma’am-


Very Good!!!!!!!!!

This point intersects the y- axis, thus

the ordinates b of this point is called -the y- intercept ma’am-
And why it is called as the y- -because the value of the y- intercept is
intercept? the ordinate of the point (0,b) where the
graph intersects the y- axis.-

From this given point (a,0), in what
axis that this point intersects? -x- axis-

This point intersects the x- axis, thus
the abscissa a is called as what? -x- intercept-
You’re correct!!!!
And why it is called as the x- -because the value of the x- intercept is
intercept? the abscissa of the point (a,0) where the
graph intersects the x-axis.-
Definitely right!!!!
In finding the values of x- and y-
intercept from a given linear equation you are
going to let y=0 if you’re finding the x- intercept
and let x=o if you’re finding the y- intercept’

For example:
1. Find the x- and y- intercept of the
5x+3y=15 then graph.
Now, who can go to the board to solve -x-intercept-
for the x- intercept? and for the y- Let y=o
intercept? 5x+3y=15 x=3
5x+3(0)=15 (3,0)
Let x=0
5x+3y=15 y=5
5(0)+3y=15 (0,5)
Bravo!!!! You got it right!!!!

Now, who can go to the board to graph the


Very good!!!!!
So that is the graph of the equation 5x + 3y = 15.

Any questions class about finding the values of -none ma’am-

x- and y- intercept?

3. Application
Kindly group yourself into 3
(row 1, row 2, row 3). -do as told-

Class, this is what you are going

to do, each group must select a
leader, a secretary, and a reporter
and don’t forget to prepare a yell.
Understood? -yes ma’am-

(Teacher give the activity)

 Find the x- and – y
intercept of the following
and sketch the graph.

For group 1: -answers-

2x + y = 6
For group 2: G1
5x + y =10 2x + y = 6
For group 3: x- intercept y- intercept
4x + y = 8 let y = 0 let x=0
2x=y=6 2x+y=6
Start answering now……… 2x+0=6 2(0)+y=6
2x=6 y=6
X=3 (3,0) (0,6)

x-intercept y- intercept
let y=0 let x=0
5x+0=10 5(0)+y=10
5x=10 y=10
X=2 (0,10)
x-intercept y-intercept
let y=0 let x=0
4x+0=8 4(0)+y=8
4x=8 y=8
X=2 (0,8)

That’s an excellent answer!!! Let as all clap our

hands….. -do as told-

4. Generalization
What are the two kinds of
intercepts? -the two kinds of intercepts are the x-
intercept and the y- intercept.-
Alright that’s correct!!!

In what axis does the x-intercept

intersects? how about the y- -x- intercept intersects at x- axis while
intercept? the y-intercept intersects at y- axis.-

Excellent answer!!!!

IV. Evaluation
Get ¼ sheet of paper then answer
test yourself page 224 numbers 1 and
2. Start answering now. -do as told-

V. Assignment
Continue answering test yourself
page 224 numbers 3-12. Write it in a
1 whole sheet of paper.

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