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Story by Alchyholic

>"AAHHH!" Lincoln screamed, the raccoon that was assaulting him leaving scratches
on his arms as he tried to protect himself.
>The raccoon simply growled and continued his onslaught, Lincoln falling to the
>The poor, shaking boy cowered in fear, unable to fight back.
>The raccoon soon let up, getting bored, presumably, and scurrying back out of a
window outside.
>Lincoln's arms let out, falling beside him as he tried to catch his breath,
completely exhausted.
>"That raccoon's going to be the death of me." he told himself, finding the
strength to get back up.
>He slowly made his way back to the front counter, where Clyde was found cleaning
the counter.
>"Dude, what happened to you?" he asked, looking over Lincoln's injuries.
>"That stupid raccoon attacked me again. This is what... the 3rd time?" Licoln
said, sounding particularly annoyed.
>Anybody would sound annoyed with having a raccoon attack them any amount of times.
>Clyde simply seemed uninsterested, "Well I guess that means you can't continue to
>He had a smug smile about him as he continued to clean the front counter.
>Annoyed, Lincoln proclaimed, "I can too work! And it will be even better than your
>Lincoln stormed out of the shop, going around back to clean the bathrooms.
>"I'll show Clyde." he mumbled angrily to himself.
>He walked in, immediately storming into the stalls, sponge in hand.
>The sponge fell to the ground upon seeing what was before him.
>The raccoon, same one who attacked him, was on the seat.
>Lincoln shook, terrified to even move, as he remembered the previous encounters
with the same raccoon.
>The raccoon slowly moved forward, approching Lincoln.
>He shut his eyes, awaiting the imminent attack.

>The attack seemed to have not come, Lincoln slowly opening one eye looking down to
the floor.
>He saw the raccoon, sniffing around his feet.
>Lincoln, as slowly as physically possible, attempted to step back.
>The raccoon immediately hissed and growled, Lincoln immediately freezing in his
>His injuries still hurt from the previous attacks.
>Maybe the scent of raccoon was now on him?
>No matter the reason, this was not a good situation he was in right now.
>The raccoon leapt up, pouncing on Lincoln causing him to fall backwards.
>"AGH!" Lincoln yelled as he fell to the floor, his head hitting the ground below.
>He was dizzy, trying to compose himself as the raccon started sniffing around his
>"Uhh..." Lincoln simply stared down, the raccoon pulling down on his pants with
all of its strength.
>Lincoln tried to move, his hands on the floor as he attempted to get up.
>The raccoon once again growled, bearing its fangs to Lincoln.
>Lincoln fell to the ground, however far he had lifted himself up.
>He sighed, simply letting the raccoon do its thing.
>Worst case scenario, he was just going to be attacked again.
>For now, this was good; the raccoon simply pulling down at his pants with no
>"OWWWW!!!!!" Lincoln screamed out loud.
>The raccoon bit down on his flacid cock through his pants.
>Its teeth were completely sharp!
>"Ok, FINE!" Lincoln screamed out.
>He helped the raccoon, moving his pants down, exposing his boyhood.
>The raccoon tilted its head, looking almost confused at the limp object in front
of it.
>In hindsight, this seemed like a really, bad idea, especially if the raccoon
attacked, but so far it wasn't attacking, so Lincoln was good with doing this.
>"AAHH!" Lincoln moaned out.
>The raccoon had begun licking his dick.
>"I... uhh.." Lincoln once more tried to get up, only to be met with growls from
the raccoon.
>He sighed heavily, the raccoon doing as it pleased.

>"HNG..." Lincoln tried to contain his moaning, his flacid cock becoming slowly,
but surely hard.
>'Th-there's no way I'm enjoyig this, right?' he thought to himself, simply
watching as the raccoon went to work on his cock.
>Soon, his cock was completely hard, pointing upward, the raccoon licking up the
length of it, its paws grasping it, holding it steady.
>Lincoln's breathing became heavy, the licking giving him more sensation and
pleasure than he thought it would.
>'What's with this raccoon?' he thought to himself.
>The only answer was that it was in heat, and it was desperately looking for a
>Lincoln wasn't exactly experience in this sort of act, and the pleasure he felt
was too much for him.
>He came, almost without warning, the raccoon flinching back in surprise.
>The raccoon happily purred and chittered, licking up Lincoln's seed and swallowing
any more it could find.
>Lincoln panted heavily, the raccoon, presenting its behind in submission.
>He saw the raccoon's ass, as well as it's pussy, wet with anticipation.
>I guess Lincoln can now officially classify this raccoon as a female.
>Lincoln gulped, not sure what he should do next.
>He was still laying on his back, the raccoon practically pushing her ass onto
Lincoln's dick.
>THe pussy kept staring back at Lincoln, and he couldn't stop staring at it.
>He was almost in a trance, his cock becoming completely hard once more.
>This was actually the first time he had seen a pussy, and it seemed like she was
willing to let him explore her.
>Slowly, he outstretched a hand out, almost barely touching the raccoon that had
just attacked him earlier that day.
>He closed his eyes as the his hand made contact with the raccoon's waist.
>Nothing happened.
>He opened his eyes to see the raccoon staring back at him.
>Lincoln could swear that the raccoon had a flushed red face, almost as if she was
waiting for what was next.
>With a gulp, he outstretched his other hand, both of his hands now on the
raccoon's waist.
>The raccoon simply purred and chittered.
>It was a more welcome noise than hissing and growling.
>Lincoln pulled the raccoon back, his cock teasing the raccoon's pussy.
>He inhaled deeply, fully aware of what was going to happen next.

>Lincoln moaned, exhaling as his cock entered the raccoon's pussy with ease.
>Purring ensued, Lincoln taking that as a sign of acceptance.
>He was still hoping he wouldn't be attacked, although at this point, it seemed
>The raccoon's pussy felt amazing; it was even better than him masturbating at
>Her walls gripped and clamped down on his dick, feeling tighter than anything he's
ever felt before.
>The raccoon started moving forward, Lincoln letting out a moan as the raccoon
>"T-this feels great..." he managed to say, his hands still on the raccoon's waist.
>He moved his hips, pushing the raccoon back into his pelvis.
>Instinctively, he began moving his waist rhythmically, forward and bathroom, with
the raccon continuing to purr.
>Lincoln became braver and more forceful, his thrusting becoming harder, becoming
more pleasureable for him as well as the raccoon.
>She chittered loudly with each thrust, the raccoon looking up at the sky, her
tongue out in pleasure.
>Lincoln continued to moan, his grip on the raccoon becoming harder as the thrust
even deeper.
>He soon reached the point of no return as he came, releasing his seed into this
animal of a different species.
>Lincoln released his grip, falling backwards onto the floor with a small "THUD".
>The raccoon flopped forward, landing on its stomach, non-stop purrs escaping it.
>They both stayed in their positions, trying to regain their breath.
>The raccoon was the first one to move, as it walked up to Lincoln, still immobile,
sprawled on the floor.
>With a smile, the raccoon licked Lincoln's face, her tongue slowly running accross
his lips as their tongues briefly met.
>Pleased, the raccoon left the bathroom, jumping through the open window.
>Lincoln sighed, still high on the orgasm he just had.
>"I don't care if I never come down" he said, still trying to catch his breath.


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