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Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo "to get"

1. My father _________ to work at 6am.

2. _____ the car! We're in a hurry.
3. When are Adam and Natalie _____ married?
4. You should _____ more money for your house. It's so nice.
5. You _____ (not) in time for school this morning.
6. Ok, you don't need to repeat it, I _____ it
7. The teacher _____ easily angry.
8. I hate _____ early! I like to sleep in.

1) My father gets to work at 6am.

2) Get in the car! We're in a hurry.
3) When are Adam and Natalie getting married?
4) You should get more money for your house. It's so nice.
5) You didn't get up in time for school this morning.
6) Ok, you don't need to repeat it, I get it
7) The teacher gets angry easily.
8) I hate getting up early! I like to sleep in.

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