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1.Elige la palabra correcta (each o every) de acuerdo a la frase.

1. Each of the students is expected to complete three projects this term.

2. Almost every student failed the exam.
3. Not every good idea can become a reality.
4. We each had a chance to play the game.
5. The children read 20 minutes every day.

2. Complete la frase con las palabras correctas: every person / each

one / each of them / every time / every day / every / every opportunity

2. We should take advantage of _______ that we have to travel.
3. The two kids were thrilled on Christmas morning. _____ got what they'd
asked for.
4. _____ in the room was looking at their mobile phone.
5. My back feels better _____ I go for a swim.
6. _____ once in a while I look at the old photographs.

1. We should take advantage of every opportunity

that we have to travel.

2. The two kids were thrilled on Christmas morning.

Each of them / each one got what they'd asked for

3. Every person in the room was looking at their

mobile phone.

4. My back feels better every time I go for a swim.

5. Every once in a while I look at the old photographs.

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