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(2021 Revised)

To produce well-rounded and competent Electronics Engineers in and out of the
school in the spirit of unity, harmony and nationalism.
To promote the dissemination of such knowledge gains among members of the
Student Chapter so as to maintain a high level of proficiency.
To express the united opinion of the Electronics engineering students in matters of
general interest.
To assist every school chapter in promoting among electronics engineering students
the highest standard of honor and integrity in matters of personal conduct.

We, the students who are dedicated to the task of applying to human needs the
principles of electronics, communications and/or allied fields of engineering,
motivated by an intense desire to express our ideas and aspiration; felt the need for
an organization that will promote and protect our welfare; develop student leadership;
attain high intellectual and moral values do bind ourselves into a body, the
hereby promulgate and obtain this Constitution.


SECTION 1: The name of the organization shall be the Institute of Electronics

Engineers of the Philippines – CTU Student Chapter.

SECTION 2: The association shall be a non-stock, non-profit organization and shall

exist under the accordance with the laws of the Republic of the
Philippines as a Student Organization of all Bachelor of Science in
Electronics Engineering students of the membered schools and/or
universities in the Province of Cebu which is directly under the Institute of
Electronics Engineers of the Philippines (IECEP) - Cebu Chapter.
SECTION 3: The seal of the organization is hexagonal in shape. The transmission
tower and globe symbolize that the organization is technology-based. The
blue color signifies the principles and objectives of the organization that
bind all the members, the vast and continuing support for education and
advancement. The Philippine logo indicates that the organization lies in
the Philippine archipelago. The year 1950 denotes the year the
organization was instituted.


SECTION 1: There shall be a membership fee of One Hundred Twenty Pesos (Php
120.00) for Aspiring members and Eighty Pesos (Php 80.00) for the
renewal of membership of Old members.

SECTION 2: Of the One Hundred Twenty Pesos (Php 120.00) of the membership
fees of the Aspirant members, Forty-Five Pesos (Php 45.00) will be
incurred for the expenses of the identification cards.

SECTION 3: Fifty-Five Pesos (Php 55.00) of such fees made by regular members
and Aspirant members shall go to the IECEP – Cebu Chapter while the
remaining amount shall be retained by the CTU – Main Campus Student
Chapter for its operational expenses.

SECTION 4: The said fee above may be raised not greater than Two Hundred Pesos
(Php 200, if and only if (a) the IECEP - Cebu Chapter already raised the
membership fee (b) the population would not reach One Hundred Fifty
(150) members.
SECTION 5: If any situation may arise such as a global pandemic, the organization
shall hold the collection of membership fees. However, if the situation is
already in order and permissible, the said fees will be resumed in
accordance with the decision of the IECEP Cebu Student Chapter.


SECTION 1: The following are the members of the Student Chapter: (a) Those who
are members of the Council at the time of the adoption of this constitution.
(b) Those who are Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering
Students from Cebu Technological University – Main Campus.

SECTION 2: The members are obliged to pay the membership fee for every year
unless any situation may occur that is needed for consideration. They
shall receive an identification card (ID), acknowledging their membership
to the Student Council, such ID is valid for three consecutive years.

SECTION 3: Student Council membership may be lost in the following: (a) on the
occasion of shifting to another course. (b) If the member failed to renew
his membership for the year. (c) If the member failed to validate his
Identification card for the year. (d) If the member failed to do his duties as
provided in the constitution.


SECTION 1: The member has the right to voice out and carry, move or object
motions in every agreement, transaction, activity order, directive, issue,
and policy made by the Student Council except when the President gives
an ultimate decision.

SECTION 2: The member can exercise freely all the principles that he believes
provided the rights of other members are not violated.

SECTION 3: The member has the right to terminate his membership anytime
provided that written notice should be passed to the Board.
SECTION 4: The member can be nominated for officer provided that the qualification
should be satisfied.

SECTION 5: The member has a right to vote and to be voted.

SECTION 6: The member can exercise all other rights provided in the constitution of
the Cebu Chapter.

SECTION 7: The member can avail all the benefits and discounts that the Cebu
Chapter provides.


SECTION 1: It is the duty of the members to abide by the constitution of the Student
Council at all times.

SECTION 2: The members shall obey all the rules and regulations of the Cebu
Chapter and the Student Chapter of Cebu Technological University-Main

SECTION 3: The member shall pay all fees regularly and promptly unless any
situation may occur that is needed for consideration.

SECTION 4: The member shall act at all times in such a manner as to reflect honor
and credits to the Student Chapter and to report to the body any member
who fails to comply with his duty.

SECTION 5: It is the duty of the members to bring to the immediate attention of the
body in writing any unfavorable action done by other member(s) against
the Student Chapter.

SECTION 6: The members shall cooperate at all times with the officers and other
members of the Student Chapter in the performance of their duties and to
contribute, however small, to the realization of the aims and objectives for
which the Student Chapter was formed.

SECTION 7: The members shall act accordingly with all the duties provided in the
constitution of the Cebu Chapter.

SECTION 8: The members shall participate in all the activities and shall attend
regular meetings.

SECTION 1: The following are the officers hereinafter referred to as the body of this
student chapter: (a) President (b) Vice President Internal & External (c)
Secretary (d) Treasurer (e) Auditor (f) Mass Media Officers (g) Creative
Media Officers (h) Members of the Board of Directors (i) Directorate of
Sponsorships and Linkages (j) Advisorate of Membership Development
(k) Technical Regulator and Executive Assistant (l) Technical Hosts, from
which the committee chairman be appointed by the President.

SECTION 2: The President shall act as the highest executive officer; preside in all
the meetings; general provision of the Student Chapter, its properties and
members; create the committees and appoint ex-officio members of the
Student Chapter, formulate directives or policies or request the body to
formulate such, provided that it should be notified one week before such
action is made; and appoint liable members to vacant offices.

SECTION 3. The vice president is categorized into two:

a. The Vice President Internal shall assume the presidency in case the
president is indisposed. In the order of succession, the vice president
internal replaces the president in case the latter is incapacitated to
hold office. He shall perform other tasks the president may lawfully
designate; is responsible for maintaining the organizations’ rights
within the college and university range.
b. The Vice President External shall assume the presidency in case the
president/V.P Internal is indisposed. In the order of succession, the
vice president external replaces the president/V.P Internal in case the
latter is incapacitated to hold office. He shall supervise external affairs
staff, monitor budgets, and monitor projects; coordinate with all the
activities of the organization; perform other tasks the president may
lawfully designate.
SECTION 4: The Secretary shall keep and record minutes of the meetings; read the
minutes of the previous meeting during the succeeding meetings; keep all
the records, communications, and papers of the Student Chapter, issues
notice for every meeting, circulars, memoranda, and such other printed
matters intended for the members, if any; and, perform other duties may
prescribe from time to time.

SECTION 5: The Treasurer shall receive and take charge of the funds and shall
make disbursements for the Student Chapter in accordance with the
constitution; responsible in all fundraising campaigns; render accurate
reports of the financial statements at regular meetings whenever required;
and submit to the body at the end of the year a complete statement of the
financial condition of the Student Chapter audited by the Auditor and
noted by the President.

SECTION 6: The Auditor shall act as the property custodian and make periodical
checks of all properties to see that they are properly and safely taken care
of and/or used; audit the records books at least twice every semester and
submit, after the proper audit, all disbursements to the Student Chapter;
prepares the reports of all the income and expenses of every affair,
project or activity of the Student Chapter may indulge in ten days from
holding thereon before the final report is rendered to the institute by the
Treasurer at regular meetings.

SECTION 7: The Mass Media Officer shall be responsible primarily for the publicity
and press release of the Student Chapter and its distribution and all other
functions in connection thereto as may be necessary.

SECTION 8: The Creative Media Officer shall be responsible for designing and
implementing the organization’s digital media plans and strategies,
achieving digital marketing goals and objectives, creating layouts and
designs of logos, advertising, and other published materials in print and

SECTION 9: The Committee Heads shall supervise the activities of their respective
committees, appoint a project coordinator for each activity they may have,
and do such other duties as the President may prescribe from time to
SECTION 10: The Directorate of Sponsorships and Linkages (DSL) shall be
responsible for handling sponsorship-related duties such as; writing
letters, coordinating with sponsors, and seeking partnerships. Thus, it
shall ensure and assure that any organization and sponsorship potential
for linkages to the IECEP-CTU shall be for the betterment of the

SECTION 11. The Advisorate of Membership Development (AMD) shall be

responsible for monitoring and recruiting freshmen, transferees, and
returnees to be members of the organization; collecting master lists and
membership files; sending out invitations for organization-related activities
and events. It shall also provide digital campaigns to other schools
specifically to the incoming freshmen and senior high school graduates
through the CTU - Electronics Engineering Facebook Page with the
coordination of the CMOs and MMOs; also help in answering frequently
asked questions with regards to the degree program and the organization

SECTION 12: The Technical Regulator shall be responsible for supervising the need
of the organization in terms of technical aspects, specifically in handling
the online events. He is expected to guide and train the next potential
Technical Regulator before his term ends. He is to be assisted by the
Technical Executive Assistant. They are accountable for whatever
technical concerns and activities of the organization.

SECTION 13: The Technical Hosts are the official Masters of Ceremony for every
online event. In any case that face to face classes and events will be
allowed, they are also responsible for taking care of the crowd for the
whole duration of the event making sure that any concerns related to the
event are catered to. They are also expected to train and guide the next
potential hosts for the events.

SECTION 14: The Class Representative shall be responsible for supervising and
monitoring his/her classmates or members of the organization in terms of
attendance, concerns, creating master lists and queries; such that
disseminate information to their respective year level from the
organization’s offices.
SECTION 15: The President and Vice President must have been a member of the
Student Chapter for not less than two consecutive semesters and must be
officially enrolled in Cebu Technological University-Main Campus for at
least four consecutive semesters at the time the office starts.

SECTION 16: The rest of the officers must have been in Cebu Technological
University - Main Campus for not less than two consecutive semesters
unless appointed and must be a member of the Student Chapter at the
time the office starts.

SECTION 17: In the event of the inability of any officer, except the President, to
exercise the function of the office, any member capable of doing such
duty shall fill the vacancy by the appointment of the President.

SECTION 18: There shall be no fourth-year student(s) elected in any of the officers at
the time the office starts.

SECTION 19: An officer can be dismissed in his position if the member commits a
maximum of 5 consecutive absences in meetings, thus giving the
President the right to appoint from the members of the Student Chapter in
replacement of the officer dismissed.

SECTION 1: Financial Committee shall be headed by the Treasurer, the official
custodian of the Student Chapter, responsible for collecting dues, fees,
fines, and contributions; taking charge of all fundraising campaigns;
rendering accurate reports of the financial statements at regular meetings
or whenever required, and submit to the Student Chapter at the end of
every semester a complete statement that shall show the assets and
liabilities and audited by the Auditor.

SECTION 2: The Academic Program Committee shall take charge of all academic
activities of the organization including symposiums and/or seminars the
organization may have. The committee is responsible for processing prior
permits to conduct an activity from the school concerned and the
organization in general.
SECTION 1: The officers shall be elected from among the members with
qualifications provided in the constitution by a majority vote of
the members.

SECTION 2: The Election shall be conducted before the last day of April and such
specific date shall be decided by the body for at least fifteen days from
the holding thereof.

SECTION 3: The body may reschedule the Election if any situation may arise in
which the date and the time be deemed unavailable.

SECTION 4: There shall be no ‘party’ system in the Student Chapter and the
election shall be made by nomination.

SECTION 5: There shall be no officer(s) in the Student Chapter to be elected in

the same office for more than two consecutive years.


SECTION 1: There shall be a regular meeting, except during holidays, at a time and
place be agreed by the officers. Such a meeting should be announced five
days before the meeting will be held.
SECTION 2: The President may call for a special or emergency meeting whenever
necessary for any special or general legislation, for any purpose that
needs the body.

SECTION 3: At a regular or special meeting a majority of the members that is one

half plus one shall constitute a quorum. If less than the necessary is
present they shall have the power to adjourn the meeting or postpone it to
any date, time, and place.

SECTION 1: All funds of the Student Chapter shall be deposited with the verified
account of GCash under the mutual account of the President and

SECTION 2: Releasing of the amount shall undergo a resolution duly signed by the
majority that is one-half plus one of the body and noted by the Adviser.

SECTION 3: The liquidation shall be done by the Treasurer after the occurrence

SECTION 4: Auditing shall be done duly after the liquidation report is submitted.


SECTION 1: There shall be an adviser for the Student Chapter nominated by the
majority of the officers.

SECTION 2: The adviser should be an organic ECE instructor of Cebu Technological

University-Main Campus.

SECTION 3: There shall be no Adviser in the Student Chapter appointed for more
than three consecutive years.

SECTION 1: This constitution can be amended or repealed or a new constitution

may be adapted to any meeting of the body with the approval of the
majority of the body within thirty days prior to the decision of amending
the existing constitution.

SECTION 2: The new constitution amended shall be effective within two years
before any revision from the majority of the body for another constitution
be made.

SECTION 3: The constitution shall only be effective when approved and signed by
the body.

SECTION 1: The officers shall take their oath and loyalty to the Student Chapter in
the following comportment:

“I, (name), do hereby solemnly swear that I will faithfully and

conscientiously fulfill my duties as (position), of the Institute of
Electronics Engineers of the Philippines, Cebu Technological University
Main Campus Student Chapter, preserve and defend the Constitution,
execute its laws, do justice every member and consecrate me to the
service of the Student Chapter, so help me God.”


SECTION 1: This constitution is to be effective upon ratification of all the majority of

the officers and the approval of all the members of the Student Chapter.
SECTION 2: A copy of the constitution should be provided for each member for
information and guidance of all concerned.


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