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a Muscle Muscle of Sealp Oceipitatrantalis Occipital belly Frontal belly Highest nuchal line of ‘occipital bone Skin end superficial fascia of eyebrows Epicranial aponeurosis Orbieularis aculi Palpebral part Orbital pert Corrugetor supercilt Compressor nasi Dilotor naris Procerus Orbicuiars ovis Dilotor Muscles of Lips Levatorlabii superioris alaeque nasi Levatorlabil superioris Zygomaticus minor 2ygomaticus major Levator anguli aris Risorius Depressor anguli oris Depressor labilinferioris, Mentalis, Buccinator Plotysma ‘Medial palpebral ligament Lateral pelpebral raphe Medial pelaebral ligament ‘and adjoining bone Superciliary arch Loops return to origin Skin of eyebrow Frontal process of maxilla Aponeurosis of bridge of nose axilla Ale of nase Nasal bone ‘Skin between eyebrows Maxilla, mandible, end skin Encircles oral orifiea ‘Arise from bones and fes- via around oral aperture and insert into substance of ips Outor surface of alveolar margins of maxilla and mangle and ptery- gorondibular ligament ‘Seo Table 11.5 Facial nerve Facial narve Facial narve Facial norve Facial Facial nerve Facial nerve Facial narve Facial nerve Facial nerve Moves scalp on skull and raises eyebrows Closes eyelids and dilates lacrimal ‘Throws skin around orbitinto folds to protect eyebal Vertical wrinkles of forehead, as in frowning Comprasses mobile nasél cartilages Widens nasal aperture Wrinkles skin of nose Comprasses lips together Seperate lips Compresses cheeks and lips ageinst teeth ‘Muscles of Mastication Masseter Temporalis Leteral ptorygoid (owo hoods) Medial ptorygotd (two heads) Lateral surface ramus of mandible 2yoomatic arch Floar af temporal fossa Coranoid pracass of mandible Neck of mandible and articular dise Greator wing of sphenoid and lateral pterygoid plate Tuberosity of maxilla and lateral pterygoid plate Medial surface of angle of mandible Mendibular division of ‘trigeminal norve Mendibular division of ‘rigeminal nerve Mendibular division of trigeminal nerve Mendibular division of ‘trigeminal Elevates mandible to occlude teeth [Anterior and superior fibers ‘elevate mandible; posterior fibors retract mandible Pulls neck of mandible forward Elevatos mandible Platysma Sternocleidomastoid Digastric Posterior belly Anterior belly Stylohyotd Mylohyoid Geniohycid Stermohyoid Sternothyroid Thyrohyoid mohyaid Inferior belly Superior belly Scelenus anterior Sealenus medius Soalanus posterior Extrinsic Muscles of Eyebell (Striated Ske Superior actus Inferior rectus Madiat rectus Lateral rectus Superior oblique Inferior oblique Deep fascia over pactoralis major and deltoid Monubrium sterni and ‘medial third of clevicle Mastoid process of temporal bone Body of mandible Styloid process Mylohyoid line of body of ‘mandible Inferior mental spine of ‘mandible Monubrium sterni and elaviela Menubrium sterni Oblique line on taming of thyroid cartilage Upper margin of scapula ‘and supraseapuler ligament Lower border of body of hhyoid bone ‘Transverse processes of 3rd, ath, Sth, and ch cervical vertebrae Transverse processes ‘of upper six cervical vertebrae Transverse processes flower cervical vertebrae Body of mandible and angle ‘af mouth Mastoid process of temporal bone and ‘occipital bane Intermediate tendon is held tw hyoid by fascial sling Body of hyoid bone Body af hyoid bone and fibrous raghe Body of hyoid bone Body of hyoid bone Oblique tine on lamina of thyroid cartilage Lower border of body of hiyaid bone Intermediate tendon is held to clavicle and first rib by fascial sling Istrib Istrib 2nd rib Tendinous ring on Superior surface of posterior wall of orbital cavity Tendinous ring on posterior wal of orbital cavity Tendinous ring on posterior wall of orbital cavity Tendinous ring on posterior wal of orbital cavity Posterior wall of orbital cavity For of orbital cavity teyoball ust posterior to ccorneoseleral junction Inferior surface of eyeball ust poste i to comeoscleral junetio Medial surface of eyeball just postefior to comneoscleral junetion Lateral surface of eyebsl just poster to comneoscleral junation Passes through pulley and is attached to superior surface of eyeball beneath superior rectus Loteral surface of eyeball deep to lateral actus Facial nerve cervical branch Spinal part of accessory nerve and C2 and a Facial nerve Nerve to mylohyoid Facial nerve Inforioralvoolar ‘st cervical nerve Ansa cervical 1, 2, and 3 Ansa cervical; C1, 2,and 3 ‘1st cervical nerve ‘Ansa cervical; C1, 2,and 3 4,5, and Anterior rami of cervical nerves Anterior cami of cervical nerves Oculomator nerve (Ged cranial nerve) Oculomator nerve (Ged cranial nerve) Oculomator nerve (Ged cranial nerve) Abdusent nerve (6th cranial nerve) Trochlear nerve (ath cranial nerve) Oculomotor nerve (Ged cranial nerve) Dapresses mandible and ‘angle of mouth Two muscles acting together extend heed ‘and flex naek; one muscle rotates head to opposite side Daprasses mandible or elevates hyoid bone Elevates hyoid bone Elavates floor of mouth ‘and hyaid bone or depresses mandible Elevates hyaid bone oF depresses mandible Depresses hyoid bone Dopresses larynx Dopresses hyoid bone or clevates larynx Depresses hyoid bone Elevates Ist rib; laterally flexes and rotates cervical part of vertebral column Elevates tst rib; laterally flexes and rotates cervical part at vertebral column Elevates 2nd rib laterally flexes and rotates cervical part of vertebral column Faises cornea upward and ‘medially Dopresses comes downward and medially Rotates eyeball so Uiat cornea lacks medially Rotates eyeball so that cornea looks laterally Rotates eyaball so that comea looks downward ‘and laterally Rotates eyeball so that comea looks upward and laterally Muscles of Eyeball (Smooth Muscle) Sphincter pupillas Parasympathetic via Constricts pupil ofiris ‘oculomotor nerve Diletor pupilloe Sympathetic Dilates pupil ofiris Ciliary muscle Parasympathetic via Controls shape of lens; in ‘oculomotor nerve ‘accommodation, makes lens mare globular Muscles of Eyolids Orbicularis oeult (see Table 11.4) Lovator palpobraa Backof orbital cavity Anterior surface and upper Striated muscle Reises upper lid superiors, margin of superior tarsal aculamator nerve, plate ‘smooth muscle sympathetic Tensortympani Wall of auditory tube and wall of ts Handle of malleus Mandibulardivision Dampens down vibrations of ‘own canal of trigeminal nerve tympanic membrane Stapedius Pyramid (bony projection on posterior Neck of stapes ‘Facial nerve Dampens down vibrations of wall of middle ear) stapes yo Supply Intrinsic Muscles Longitudinal Median septum end Mucous membrane Hypoglossal nerve Alters shape ef tongue submucosa Transverse Vertical Extrinsic Muscles Geniaglossus Superior genial spine of Blends with other muscles Hypaglassalnarve _Protrudes apex af tongue mandible of tongue through mouth Hyoglossus Body and greater comu Blends with other muscles Hypoglossel nerve _Depresses tongue of hyoid bone of tongue Styloglossus Stylold process of tem Blands with other muscles Hypoglossal nerve Draws tongua upward and poral bone of tongue backward Palataglossus Palatine aponeurosis _Side af tongue Pharyngeal plexus Pulls roots of tongue upward and backward, narrows oropharyngeal isthmus Tensor veiipalatini Spine of sphenoid, With muscle of other Nerve tomedial pterygoid Tenses soft palate auditory tube side, forms palatine from mandibular nerve aponeurasis, Levator velipaletini Petrous partof temporal Palatine aponeuresis _—Pharyngeal plexus, Reises soft palate bone, auditory tube Pelatoglossus Palatine aponeurosis Side of tongue Pharyngeal plexus Pulls root of tongue upward and backward, narrows oropharyngeal istimus Pelatopharyngeus Palatine aponeurosis _—_—Pesterior border of Pharyngeal plexus Elevates wall of pharynx, thytoid cartilage pulls palatopharyngeal folds medially Museulus uvulae Posterior bordor ofhard Mucous membrane of Pharyngeal plexus, Elovetes wwule palate vuvula Superior constrictor Madial ptorygoid plate, ptorygoid -Pharyngeal tuborcle of —Pharyngeal ‘Aids soit palato in closing hhamulus, ptorygomandibular occipital bono, rapho ploxus off nasal pharynx, ligament, mylohyoid ine of mandible in midline posteriorly propels bolus downward Middle constrietor Lower partof styiohyoid ligament, Phatyngeal raphe ——_—Pharyngeal Propels bolus downward lesser and greater cornu of hyoid plexus bone Inferior constrictor Lamina of thyroid carilage, cricoid —Pharyngeal raphe —-—_-Pharyngeal Propels bolus downward cartilage plexus Cricopharyngeus Lowest fiters of inferior constrictor Sphincter at lower end of muscle pharynx Stylopharyngeus _Styloid process of temporaltone Posterior borderof __—_—Glassopharyngeal_ Elevates larynx during thyroid cartilage nerve swallowing Selpingopheryngeus Auditory tube Blends with Pharyngeal Elevates pharynx palatopheryngeus plexus Pelatopharyngeus Pelatine aponcurosis, Posterior border of —_-Pharyngeal Elevates wall of pharynx, thyroid cartilage plexus pulls palatopharyngeal ‘arch medially Action ‘Muscles Controlling the Laryngeal Inlet Oblique arytenoid Muscular grocess of Apex of opposite Recurrent Narrows the inlet by bring- arytenoid cartilage arytenoid cartilage ‘laryngeal nerve ing the aryepiglotti folds together Thyroepiglottic Medial eurface of thyroid Lateral margin of Recurrent Widens the inlet by pulling the cartilage epiglottis end arye- laryngeal nerve ‘atyepiglottic folds apart pigiottc fold ‘Muscles Controlling the Movements of the Vocal Folds (Cords) Cricathyroid Side of cticoid cartilage Lower border and Extemal Tenses vocal cords inferior cornu of laryngeal nerve thyroid cartilage Thyroarytencid _—Inner surface of thyroid = Arytenoid cartilage Recurrent Relaxes vocal cords (voezlis| cartilage laryngeal nerve Lateral Upper border of cricoid Muscular processoi Recurrent Adducts the vocal cords by cricoarytencid cartlege arytenoid cartilage ‘laryngeal nerve rotating arytenoid cartilage Posterior Backofcricoid cartilage | Muscular process Recurrent ‘Abducts the vocal cords by cricoarytencid arytenoid cartilage ‘laryngeal nerve rotating arytenoid cartilage Transverse Back and medial surface of Back and medial Recurrent Closes posterior part of rima arytenoid arytenoid cartilage surface of opposite —_‘laryngeal nerve lottidis by approximating arytenoid cartilage arytenoid cartilages External intercostal Inferior border of rib Superior border of Intercostal nerves With Ist ib fixed, they raise ribs muscle (11) (fibers pass rib below during inspiration and thus downward and forward) increase anteroposterior and transverse diameters of thorax Internal intercostal Inferior border of ib Superior border of | Intercostal nerves With last rb fixed by abdominal ‘muscle (11) (fibers rib below muscles, they lower ribs during pass downward and expiration backward) Innermost intercostal Adjacent ribs ‘Adjacent ibs Intercostal nerves Assists external and internal muscle (incomplete intercostal muscles layer) Diaphragm (most important Xiphoid process; Contral tondon Phronie norve Vory important muscle of muscle of respiration) lower six costal inspiration; increases vertical cartilages frst diameter of thorax by pulling three lumbar central tondon downward; vortebrae assists in raising lower ribs ‘Also used in abdominal straining ‘and weight lifting Levatores costarum (12) Tip of transverse Rib below Postarior rami of Raises ribs and therefore process of C7 and thoracic spinal _—_inspiratory muscles Ti-I1 vortobrae nerves Sorratus posterior superior Lower cervicaland Upper ribs Intorcostal nerves Raises ribs and therefora upper thoracic inspiratory muscles spines Serratus posteriorinforior Upper lumbar and Lowar ribs Intorcastal nerves Deprosses ribs and therafore lower thoracic expiratory muscles spines cy ae Muscle External oblique Lower eight ibs Xiphoid process, linea Lower sixthoracic nerves Supports abdominal contents; alba, pubic crest, and iiohypogastric and ‘compresses abdominal pubic tubercle, iliac ilioinguinal nerves (L1) contents; assists in flex: crest ing and rotation of trunk; assists in forced expiration, micturition, defecation, Parturition, and vomiting Internal oblique Lumbar fascie, iliac crest, Lowerthree ribs and Lowarsixthoracie nerves As abave lateral two thirds of costal cartilages, and liohypogastric and inguinal ligament xiphoid process, ilioinguinal nerves (Lt) lines alba, symphysis pubis Transversus _Lowersixcostalcarti- _Xiphoid process, lines Lower sixthoracic nerves Compresses abdominal lages, lumbar fescia, alba, symphysis and iliohypogastric and contents iliac crest, latoral third pubis ilioinguinal nerves (Lt) af inguinal ligament Rectus Symphysis pubis end ‘Sth, 6th and Tth costal Lower sixthoracic nerves _Compresses abdominal con abdominis pubic crest cartilages and tents and flexes vertebral xiphoid process column; accessory muscle of expiration Pyramidalis Anterior surface of pubis. Linea alba 12th thoracic nerve Tenses the linea alba (if present) ae es Transverse processes, Withiliacus into lesser Lumbar plexus _Flexes thigh on trunk if thigh bodies, and interver- trochanter of femur is fixed, it flexes trunk on tebral discs of 12th ‘high, asin sitting up from ‘thoracic and five lying position lumbar vertebrae Quadratus lumborum — liolumbar ligament, rathrib Lumbar plexus Fikes 12th rib during inspira~ iliae eras, tips of tion; depresses 12th rib transverse pro- during forced expiration; cesses of lower laterally flexes vertebral lumbar vertebrae column same side Hiacus line fossa With psoas into lesser Femoralnerve ——_Flexes thigh on trunk; if thigh ‘trochanter of femur is fixed, it flexes the trunk fon the thigh, asin sitting up ‘rom lying position Origin Priformis Front af sacrum Insortion Greater trochanter of fomur Secral plexus Lateral ratator of femur Obturator internus — Obturator membrone and adjoining part of hip bone Levator ani Body of pubis, ascia of obturator internus, spine of ischium Coceygeus Spine of ischium Greater trochanter of femur Perineal body; enococcygeal body; walls of prostate, vagina, rectum, and anal canal Lower end of sacrum; cacoyx Nerve to obturator interaus from sacral plexus Fourth sacral nerve, pudendal nerve Fourth and fifth sacral ‘at hip joint Lateral ratator of femur at hip joint Supports pelvic viscera; sphincter to ‘anorectal junction and vagina Assists levator ani to support palvic viscera; flexes coccyx Extornal Anal Sphincter Muscles Subcutaneous part Superficial part Deep part Puboractalis (part of levator ani} ‘Male Urogenital Muscles Bulbospongiosus Ischiocavernosus Sphincter urethrae Superficial transverse perineal muscle Deep transverse per- ineal muscle Eneirclas anal canal, no bony attachments, Perineal body Encircles anal canal, no bony attachments Pubic bones Perineal body Ischial tuberosity Pubic arch. Ischial tuberosity Ischial remus, Bulbospongiosus Ischiocavernosus Sphincter urethrae Superficial transverse perineal muscle Deep transverse per- ineal muscle Perineal body Ischial tuberosity Same asin male Same asin male ‘Same asin malo Coceyx ‘Sling around junction of ractum and anal canal Fascia of bulb of penis and corpus spongio- ‘sum and cavernosum Fascia covering corpus ‘Surrounds urethra Perineal body Perineal body Fascia of corpus cave nosum Fascia covering corpus cavernosum Inferior ractal nerve and perineel branch at fourth sacral nerve Porineal branch of fourth sacral nerve and from perineal branch of pudendal nerve Perineal branch of pudendal nerve Perineal branch of pudendal nerve Porineal branch of pudendal nerve Perineal branch of pudendal nerve Perineal branch of pudendal nerve Perineal branch of pudendal nerve Porineal branch of pudendal nerve Together with puborec talis muscle forms voluntary sphincter of anal canal Together with external ‘anal sphincter forms voluntary sphinctar for anal canal Compresses urethra and assists in erec- tion of penis Assists in erection of penis Voluntary sphincter of urethra Fixes perineal body Faxes perineal body Sphincter of vagina and assists in erection of clitoris Causes erection of clitoris Pectoralis major Clavicle, sternum, Lateral lip of ‘Medial and lateral 05,6,7,8,T! Adducts arm and rotates ‘and upper six bicipital groove pectoral nerves from itmedially; clavicular costal cartilages of humerus brachial plexus fibers also flox arm Pectoralis minor rd, 4th, and Coracaid process Medial pectoral nerve 6,7,8 Depresses point of Sih ibs of scapula from brachial plexus shoulder, ifthe seapula is fixed, televates the ribs of origin Subclavius Isteostal cartiage —Claviole Nerveto subclavius 05,6 Depresses the clavicle ‘rom upper trunk af and steadias this bane brachial plexus during movements of the shouldar girdle Sercatus anterior Upper eight ribs Medial border Long thoracie nerve Draws the forward ‘and inferior anterior around the angle of thoracic walt, rotates, scapula scapula Ue Action Trapezius cept bone, Upper fibers inta Spinal part ot Xl eranial Upper fibers elevate ligamentum nuchae, lateral third of accessory nnerva (spinal the scapula; middle spine of 7th cervical clavielo; middle and nerve (moter) part) fibers pull scapula vertebra, spines of ll lower fibers into ‘and C3 and 4 medially, lower fibers thoracic vertebrae acromion and spine (sensory) pull medial border of of scapula scapula downward Latissimus lise crestlumbarfascie, Floor of biciptal Thorecodorsal —C6,7,8, Extonds, adducts, and orsi spines of lower six groove of humerus nerve medially rotates the thoracic vertebrae, arm, lower three or four ribs, and inferior angle of scapula Levator Transverse processes Medial border of CSandaand = 63,4,5 Raises medial border of seapules of Istfour cervical scapula dorsal scapule vertebrae scapular Fhomboid —_Ligamentum nuchae and Medial border of Dorsal scapular 08,5 Raises madial border of minor spines of th cervical scapula nerve scapula upward and and Ist thoracic medially vertebrae Fhomboid Second to th thoracic. Medial border of Dorsal scapular 08,5 Raises medial border of major spines scapula nerve scapulo upward and medially rye) “Muscle Doltoid Lateral third Middle of lateral Axillary nerve Abduets atm; anterior fibers of clavicle, surface of shaft flex and medially rotate ‘acromion, spine of humerus ‘arm, postefior fibers extend of scapula ‘and laterally rotate arm Supraspinatus Supraspinous fossa Greater tuberosity Suprascapular ——4,5,6 Abduets arm and stabilizes of scapula ‘of humerus; nerve shoulder joint capsule of shoulder joint Infraspinatus Infraspinous fossa Greater tuberosity Suprascapular —(C41,8,6 Loterally rotates arm and of scapula ‘of humerus; nerve stabilizes shoulder joint capsule of shoulder joint Tores major Lower thitd of. Medial lip ot Lowersubscapular 05,7 Medially rotates and adducts lateral border of —bicipital groove nerve ‘arm and stabilizes shoulder scapula ‘of humerus joint Toresminor —Uppertwo thirds of Greater tuberosity Axillary nerve (C8),05,8 ——Laterally rotates arm and lateral border of ef humerus; stabilizes shoulder joint seapule capsule of shoulder joint Subscapularis Subscapularfossa Lesser tuberosity of | Upper andlowsr 5, 6,7 Medially rotates arm and humerus subscapular stabilizes shoulder joint Insertion Anterior Compartment Biceps brachii Long head Supraglenoid tubercle of seapula Short head Coracoid process of scapula Coracabrachialis Caracoid process of seapula Brachialis Front of lower half of humerus Posterior Compartmont Triceps Long head Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula Lateral head Upper half of posterior surface of shaft of humerus Medial head Lower half of posterior surface of shaft of humerus ea ry eee Origin Tubsrosity of radius and bicipital aponourosis into deep fascia of forearm Medial aspect of shaft of humerus Coronaid process of ulna Olecranon process of ulna Musculocutanaous Musculacutaneous C5,6,7 nerve Musculocutaneous 05,6 rv Redial nerve 6, 7,8 ‘Supinator of forearm ‘and flexor af elbow jain wosk flexor ‘of shoulder jaint Flexes acm and also weak adductor Flexor of elbow joint Extansor of elbow joint Pronator Humeral head — Medial epicondyte of humerus Uinarhead Medial bordar of coronid process of ulna Flexor carpi Medial epicandyle of radialis humerus Palmaris Medial epicondyle of longus humerus Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Humeral head Medial epicondyle of humerus Uinarhead Medial aspectof olecranon process ‘and posterior border of ulna Flexor Digitorum Superfci Humeroulnar is Medial epicondyle af head humerus; medial bardar of corancid process of ulna Radialhead Oblique ine on anterior surface of shaft of, radius Flexor pollicis Anterior surface of shaft longus of radius Flexor Antaromadial surface of digitorum shaitet ulna profundus Pronator Antorior surface of shaft quadratus of ulna Lateral aspect of shaft of radius Bases of second and third metacarpal bones Floxor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis Pisiform bone, hook af the hamate, base at fifth metacarpal bone Middle phalanx of medial four fingers Distal phalanx of thumb Distal phalanges of medial four tingers Ancarior surface of shaft of radius Median nerve Median nerve Median nerve Ulnar nerve Median nerve Antari interosseous branch of madian Ulnar (medial halt) ‘and madian (lateral half nerves Antoriar intarosseous branch of madian norve cre. cam cat cat ceri cat Pronation and flexion at forearm Flexes and abducts hhand at wrist joint Flexes hand Floxes and adducts hand at wrist joint Flexes middle phalanx of fingers and assists in flexing proximal phalanx end hand Floxes distal ghalanx of thumb Flexes distal phalanx. ‘of fingers; then assists in flexion of ‘middle and proximal phalanges and wrist, Pronates forearm Ta a Brachioradialis Lateral supracon- Base of stylid pro- Radial nerve 05,6.7 Floxes forearm dylar ridge of cess of radius at elbow joint humerus rotates forearm to the midprone position Extonsor carpi Lateral supracon- Posterior surface Radia! nerve 5,7 Eqends and radialis longus dlr ridge of of base of sec- abducts hand at humerus ond metacarpal wrist joint bone ‘Action Extensor carpi Lateral epicondyle of —-Pasteriorsuriace Deep branch of Extends and abducts radialis bravis humerus ‘of base of third radial nerve hand at waist joint ‘metacarpal bone Extensor Leteral epicondyle of «Middle and distal ~—-Deepbranchot 7,8 Extends fingers and hand digitorum humerus phalanges of radial nerve (ee text for datails) ‘modial four fingers Extensor digit’ _Lateralepicondyle of “Extensor expansion Deep branchat 7.8 Extends metacarpal minim humerus of ite finger radial nerve phalengeal joint of ile finger Extensor carpi Lateral epicondyle of Base of th Deep branch at 7,8 Edends and addusts, ulnaris humerus ‘metacarpal bone radial nerve hand at wrist jit Anconeus. Lateral epicandyle af Lateral surface Radialnews 7,871 Bends elbow joint humerus ‘of olecranon process of ulna Supinator Lateral epicondyle of Neck and shaft of Deep branchot 5,6 Supination of forearm humerus, anular radius radial nerve ligament of proxime! radioulnar joint, and una Abductor pollicis Posterior surface of Base of first Deep branchot C1,8 Abducts and extends longus shaits of radius and metacarpal bone radial nerve thumb ulna Extensor pollicis Postorior surface of Baso of proximal Deep branchof 7,8 Equnds brevis shat of radius Phalanx of thumb radial nerve metacarpophalengeal jain of thumb Extensor pollicis Posterior surface of Base of distal Deep branchof C7,8 Extonds distal phalanx of longus shaft of ulna phalanx of thumb radial nerve thumb Extensor indicis _Postorior surface of Extonsor expansion Doepbranchot 7,8 Extonds shat of ulna of index finger radial nerve metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger ‘Nerve Supply. Nerve Roots: Action Palmarisbrovis Flexor retinaculum, Skin of palm Suporficial branch C8;T1 Corrugates skin to palmar of ulnar nerve improve grip of pel aponeurosis| Lumbricals(a) Tandon of laxor ——Extonsor axpansion 1st end 2nd, ce Flox digitorum of medial four (1.2, lateral two) imetacarpophalangeal profundus fingers median nerve; joints and extend 3rd and 4th interphalangeal joints oop branch of of fingers excopt ulner nerve thumb Interossei 6) Palmar (8) Firstarisos irom baso Proximal phalanges Deep branchof 8,71 Palmer inorossei adduct of istmetacarpal; of thummb and ulner nerve fingers toward contor remaining three index, ring, ond o' third finger from anterior litle fingers and surface of shafts dorsal extensor of 2nd, 4th, nd th —_oxpansion of e2ch motacarpals fingor (Fig. 969) Docsal (é) Contiguous sides of shafts of metacarpal bones Short Muscles of Thumb Abductorpolicis —Scaphoid, trapezium, brevis flexor retinaculum Flexor polis. Flexor retinaculum brevis Opponens Flexor retinaculum pollicis Adductor policis Oblique head; 2nd ‘and 3rd metacarpal bones; transverse head: 3rd metacarpal bone ‘Short Muscles of Little Finger Abductor digi isifarm bone minim Floxor digit) Flexor retinaculum rnin Opponens digit Flexor tetinaculum luteus ‘utar surface of maximus ‘ium, sacrum, corey, sacrotuberous ligament Glutous medius Outer surface of Glurousminimus Outer surface of ‘iu Tensor fasciaa Hiac crest laze Pieiormis Anterior surface Obturator Inner surface imerous of obturator membrane Gomellus Spine of ischium superior Gemellus Ischial tuberosity inferior Guedratus Lateral bordar femoris of ischial tuberosity Proximal phelanges Deepbeanchet C871 Dorsal intarassel abduct af index, ulnar nerve ‘fingers from center middle, and of tied finger; both ring fingars and plat and dorsal flex dorsal extensor ‘metacarpaphalangeal expansion jaints and extend (Fig. 989) interphalangeal joints Base of proximal Modiannerve C&T Abduction of thumb pholanx of thumb Base of proximal Medianneve = C8, TI Flexes phelanx of thumb ‘metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb Shaftot metacarpal Medianneve C&T Pulls thumb medially and bane of thume forward across palm Base of proximal Deepbranchef C&T Adduction of thumb pholanx of hum ulner nerve Bose of proximal Deepbranchof C8, T8 Abduets litle finger pholanx of tle ‘ulnar nerve finger Base of proximal Deepbranchof C8, T8 Floxes litle fingor phalanx of ite ulnar nerve finger Modial berder'ith Deepbranch ef ca, 71 Pulls Sth metacarpal metacarpalbone ——_ulnarnerve forward as in cupping the polm lotibial tract and luteal tuberosity of famur Inferior gluten Extands and laterally rotates hip joint through iliotbial tract, inewtends knew jain Loteral surfave of Superior 15:51 ‘Abducts thigh et hip greater trochanter gluteal nerve joint tts pelvis of famut when walking to permit apposite log 10 clear ‘round Anterior surfeco of ‘Superior gluteal U5, $1 ‘Abducts thigh at hip greater trochanter nerve joint tits pelvis at famut ‘when walking to permit appasite lag to clear ‘ground Hicibial tract Superior gutest —L4\5 Assists luteus nerve ‘maximusin extending the knee joint Upper border of Istand 2nd 15;81,2 Lateral rotator of greater trochanter sacral nerves thigh at hip joint af famut Upper border of Sacral plows ist Lateral rotator of reatertrochiantar thigh at hip joint of famur Upper border of Sacral plexus 1:81 Lateral rotator of ‘greater trochanter thigh at hip joint of femur Upper border of Sacral plexus ts:51 Lateral rotator of greater trochanter thigh at hip joint of famut Quedrate tbercle of Sacral plexus bs/$1 Lateral rotator of fomur ‘thigh at hip joint Sartorius Anterior superior iliac spine lligous lige fossa of hip bone Psoas ‘Transverse processes, bodies, and intervertebral dises of the 12th thoracic and five lumbar vertebrae Pectineus Superior ramus of pubis, Quedriceps femoris Rectusfemaris Straight head: antesior inferior iliac spine Reflected head: lum above acetabulum Vastus lateralis Upper end and shatt of femur Vastus medialis Upper and and sheft of femur Anterior and lateral surfaces of shatt of femur Vastus intermedius Upper medial surface of shaft of tibia With psoas into lesser trochanter, of femur With iiacus into lesser trochanter of fomur Upper end of linea aspera of shatt of femur Quadriceps tendon ita pata then via ligamentum patolae into ‘uborele of ubia Quadriceps tendon inta patella, then vig ligamentum patellae into ‘uborele of ubia Quadiiceps tendon into patella, then vie ligamentum patella into tubarcle of bia Quadriceps tention into pata, then via ligamentum patellae into ‘tubercle of tibia ‘Insertion Femoral nerve Femoral nerve Lumbar plexus Femoral Femoral nerve Femoral Femoral nerve Femoral nerve 4,23 1234 12.3.4 14,34 1234 Flexws, abducts, laterally rotates thigh at hip joint flexes and medially rotates Jog at knee joint Flexos thigh on trunk; thigh is fixed, itflexes the trunk on the thigh asin siting up from lying down Flexes thigh on trunk; if thigh is fixod, itflexes the trunk on thigh as in siting up from lying down Flexes ond adducts thigh at hip joint Extension of leg at knae joint foxes ‘thigh at hip joint Extension of leg at knge joint Extonsion of leg atknee joint; stabilizes patella Extension af leg ‘at knoe joint articularis genus retracts synovial membrane Gracilis Inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium Adductor longus Body af pubis, medial to. pubic tubercle ‘Adduetor brevis Inferior ramus of pubis ‘Adductor magnus Inferior ramus of pubis, amus of ischium, ischiel tuberosity Obturator externus Outer surfeee of obturator membrane and pubie and ischial rami Upper part of shaft of tibia on medial surface Posterior surface of shaft of femur (linea aspera) Posterior surfoce of shaft of femur (linea aspera) Postorior surface of shaft of femur, adductor thercle offemur Medial surface of greater wachanter Obwrator nerve Obturator nove Obturator ‘Adductor portion: 3 1234 234 ‘obturator nerve Hamstring portion: sciatic nerve Obwrator nerve a4 Adduets thigh at hip joint; flexes leg at knee joint Adduets thigh at hip joint and assists in lateral rotation Adduets thigh at hip joint and assists in lateral rotation Adducts thigh at hip joint and assists in lateral rotation; hamstring portion extends thigh at hip joint Laterally cotates thigh athip joint Biceps femoris Semitendinasus Semimembranasu: ‘Adduetor megnus (hamstring portion) Long heed: ischial tuberosity Shorthead: fines aspera, lateral suprecandylar ‘ridge of shaft of femur Ischial tuberosity is Ischial tuberosity Ischiel tuberosity Head of fibula Upper part ‘of medial surface of shaft of tibia Medial condyle of tibia Adductor tubercle of femur Long heed: tibial portion of sciatic nerve Short head common peroneal portion of sciatic nerve Tibial portion of 15; $1,2 sciatic nenve Tibial portion of, sciatic nerve 1581.2 Tibial portion of sciatic nerve 34 Flexes and laterally rotates leg at knee joint; long head also extends thigh at hip joint Flexes and medielly rotates leg at knee jaint, extends thigh at hip joint Flexes and medially rotates leg at knee joint; extends thigh at hip joint Extands thigh at hip joint 10 L} Tibialis ‘anterior Batonsor digitorum longus Peroneus teitius Extensor hallucis longus Extensor digitorum brevis Lateral surface of shaft of tibia ond interossoous mombrane Anterior surface of shaft of fibula Anterior surface of shaft of fibula Anterior surface of shaft of fibula Calcaneum Medial cuneiform and base of ‘st metetorsel bone Extonsor axpansion of letoral four toos Base of Sth metatarsal bone Base of distal phalanx of greattoe By fourtendans into the proximal phalanx of big toe Deep peroneal 14,5 Extends® foot at ankle joint; nerve inverts footat subtalar and transverso tarsal joints; holds up medist longitudinal arch of foot Deep peroneal 5; $1 Extonds toes; extends foot nerve atenkle joint Degp peroneal 15; $1 Extends foot at ankle joint; nerve ceverts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints Deep peroneal L5; $1 Extends big toe; extends nerve foot at ankle joint; inverts, foot at subtalar and treneverse tarsal oints Deep peroneal 1,2 Extends toes nerve ‘and long extensor tendons to second, third, nd fourth toes Te “Muscle Peroneus Lateral surface of Base of Ist Superficial 15, 81,2 longus _shaftof fbula metatarsal peroneal nerve and the medial cuneiform Peroneus Lateral surface of Base of Sth Superficial 15;81,2 brevis shaftof fibula Metatarsalbone peroneal nerve Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint; everts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints; supports lateral longitudinal and transverse arches af foot Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint; everts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joint; supports lateral longitudinal arch of foot TABLE 10.7 ‘Muscle Superficial Group Gastrocnemius Lateral head from Via tendo Tibialneve $12 Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint; lateral condyle of calcaneus into flexes knee joint femurand medial _—_posterior surface head from above of calcaneum medial condyle Plantaris Lateral Posterior surface of Tibialnerve $12 Plantar foxes foot at ankle joint; supracondylar ccaleaneum flexes knee joint ridge of femur Soleus Shatts of bia and Viatendo caleaneus Tibial nerve $1,2 Together with gastrocnemius and fibule into posterior plantaris is powerful plantar surface of flexor of ankle joint; provides caleaneum main propulsive force in walking and running Doep Group Popliteus Lateral surface of —-Posteriorsurface —Tibialnerve-«—LS,S;S1_—_—Flexes leg atknee joint: unlocks lateral condyle of of shaft of tibia knee joint by lateral rotation femur above soleal line of femur on tibia and slackens ligaments of joint Flexor digitorum Posterior surface of Bases of distal Tibial neve $23, Flexes distal phalanges of leteral longus shaft of tibia pholanges of four toes; plantar flexes foot lateral four toes at ankle joint; supports macial and lateral langitudinal arches of foot Flexor hallucis Posterior surface of ase of distal Tibial neve $23, Flexes distal phalanx of big toe: longus shaft of fibula phalanx of big toe plantar flexes foot at ankle joint; ‘supports medial longitudinal arch af foot Tibialis posterior Posterior surface —_‘Tuberasity of, Tibialnerve 18,5 Plantar flexes foot at ankle ‘of shafts of tibia navicular bone joint; inverts foot at subtalar and fibula and and other and transverse tarsal joints; interasseous neighboring supparts medial longitudinal membrane bones arch of foot Alsductorhallucis Medial tuberosity of Base of proximal phalanx of Medial plantarnerve $2.3 exes andabducts big calceneumand flexcr big toe tos braves medi retinaculum longtucina arch Flexor digitorum Medial ubercle of Fourtenconstofourlateral Medial plantarnerve $2.9, Fees lateral four toes; brevis calceneum ‘toes—insertedinta borders braces medial and cf middle phalars tendons lateral londitudinal porforatod by thoso of| archos ‘exor digtorum longus Abductor digit Motialandlataral tuber- Base of proximal phalanx of Lateral plantarnerve $2,3, Flexos and abducts fth mini clas ofcaleaneun ttn tg; braces lateral longitudinal aeh Second Layer ‘Guacratus plantas Madialandlatral sides Tendon offlexor digitorum Lateral plantarnenve 2,3, Assstsfiexer digtorum of calcangum longus Iongusinflexing Iaceral four toes Lumbricals(4) ——-‘Tendons offlexor digita- Dorsal extensor expansion; ‘Frstlumbricek: medial $2,3, Extends toes at inter rum longus ‘basos cf proximal phalan- plantar narve; ‘halangeal joints ges of lateral fur toes rematnder: lateral plantar nave Flaxor digitorum See Table 10.7 longus tendon Flaxorhallucis See Table 107 Tongus tendon ‘Third Layer Flaxorhallucis brevis Adductor halucis Flaxor dig minim brevis Fourth Layer Interossei Dorsel () Plantar (3) Peroneus longus tendon Tibialis posterior ‘endon Cuboid, lateral cunel- form, tibialis posterior insertan Obique head bases of 2nd, 3r¢,and eh ‘metatarsal bones; transverse head from plantar igamonts Basa of Sth metatarsal bone Adjacent sides of mete- ‘tarsal Eonos Inferior surfaces of ed, th, and Sth ‘motatarsal bonas See Teble 108 See Table 10.7 Medial tandon into madial sida cof base of proximal plans ct big te; lateral tondon. inc lateral sce of pase of proximal phalanx of big toe Lateral sie of base of prox ‘mal phalanx cf big too Lateral sido ot basa of prow ‘mal ahalanx of tia toe Beses of proximal ahalen gos first: medial side of second toe, remaindar: lateral sides of second, ‘hire, and fourtntees—also orsal extensor expansion Madial side of hasas of proxi- ‘mal phalanges of lateral ‘rao toos Medial plantar narve Deep branch lateral plantar nave Lateral plantar narva Lateral plantar nerve Lateral plantar nave 32.3 82.3 82,3 82.3 32.3 Flexes metatar- sophalangeal aint of big toe; supports ‘macial longitudinal arch Flexes metetar: ‘sophalangeal joint of big toe; holds ‘together metetersal bonos Floxos motatar sophaiangeal joint of Title toe Abduction of toes: floxos motatar- sophalangeal jcins and extends inter phalangeal joints Adduction aftoes, exes metetersophalengeal jaints and atonds interphalangeal ins Extensor digitorum brevis ‘Anterior part of upper surface of the caleaneum ‘and from the inferior extensor retinaculum Byfourtendons Deep peroneal into the proximal phalanx of big toe and long extensor ten- dons to second, third, and fourth toes nerve Extends tos

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