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Problems and solutions question type

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Some species of animals are almost extinct; and many others seem to be fast approaching a
similar risk. What are the reasons for this? What should be done to solve this problem?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and
Write at least 250 words.

One of the most pressing environmental concerns of the modern age is animal conservation.
It is apparent that many species of animals are facing extinction which has devastating
consequences for the diversity of life on our planet. The purpose of this essay is to examine
the reasons for this problem and suggest some preventative measures.

The major threat to the survival of animal species is humankind. This is clear in the illegal
poaching of endangered animals like tigers and rhinos which are hunted for sport and to be
sold on the black market. .

However, we have also had a profound effect on animal life in the way in which we live. has
had a highly destructive effect as cities and towns encroach on many animal’s ecosystems.
Also, in order to sustain our growing population, more and more space is needed for
agriculture. This is most evident in the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest which has
endangered many species.

One final negative human influence can be seen in the changing environment. A clear
example of this is the habitat of the polar bear which is expected to be drastically reduced
over the next few decades.

Despite these problems there are some measures that could be taken to address the problem. .
We can also have larger protected areas and national parks where human activity is limited.
Perhaps the most difficult problem to address is that of climate change which would mean a
dramatic change in human behaviour.

In conclusion, we can see that humans are having a very negative effect on animal numbers.
We need to take responsibility for the protection of animal numbers by reducing the number
of animals being killed directly and indirectly by human activity.

Problems and solutions question type

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
It can be difficult for small local shops to compete with large supermarkets and with on-line
shops. How does this affect local communities? What could be done to improve this situation?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and
Write at least 250 words.

Nowadays there is more choice for the consumer than ever before. Large supermarket chains sell
products from around the world at rock bottom prices. However, this comes at the detriment of small
local shops, and our local communities. I would suggest that we need to take measures to address this

Large chain store are able to purchase and trade a very large volume of goods and, as a result they can
sell goods with a very small profit margin. Likewise, online retailers have comparatively low
overheads as they do not have to maintain a shop. This saving is then passed on to the customer in the
form of low prices. In comparison, smaller local shops have to sell products at a relatively high price
in order to make a profit. Unable to compete, they often face closure.

The problem with this is that the community loses it’s sense of identity. It is often these small shops
that differentiate one town from another. With the loss of these shops, high streets and town centres
become homogenised with the same shops fronts and products. It has also been found that local shops
generate more employment than larger, chain stores.

What we need to do is to encourage people to shop locally. This could be in the form of publicity
campaigns, highlighting the benefits of supporting local businesses. The government could also play a
role by offering tax breaks and incentives to local businesses so that they are better able to compete
with larger companies.

To conclude, we can see a number of, mostly financial, reasons why smaller shops are unable to
compete and that the loss of these businesses would have a negative impact on the community.
Individuals and government both need to play a role in supporting local businesses so that we can
preserve the diversity of our towns and cities.

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