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Renewable Energy Source from Sunlight to Solar


The rampant use of power energy is evident in today’s world but there are still
some people that cannot be able to connect on it because some of them can’t afford
financially or they lived in remote places which is not accessible for connectivity.
With the invention of solar panel/solar power, as invented by Daryl Chapin, Calvin
Fuller, and Gerald Pearson the problem of electricity becomes less and affordable.
This means electricity can be easily use by everyone at their homes if they have

solar panels.

Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural

sources or processes that are constantly replenished. This includes the sunlight the
main source of heat to power the solar panel. Solar panels (also known as "PV
panels") convert sunlight, which is made up of energy particles called "photons," into
electricity that may be utilized to power electrical loads. And it is made of a
multitude of solar cells, which have the ability to convert radiant energy from the
sun to electrical energy. The conversion of solar energy to electrical energy is known
as the photovoltaic effect. Solar energy is being received without any costs and the
transformation phase to electricity or heat. It is completely eco- and climate neutral.


 To produce energy.
 To ensure a backup power source.
 Manage Future electrical cost.
 To decrease the use of non-renewable energy sources by using solar energy.
 To maximize use of renewable energy.

 To produce energy that is accessible for everyone.
 To lessen the use of fossil fuel.

 Protect the environment.

 Economically beneficial.

 Solar Panel
 Charging Module
 Battery
 Wire
 3 Led Bulb
 Socket
 2 switch (1 big/ 1 small)

 Solar energy is pollution-free and  Solar panels and the battery to
does not emit greenhouse gases after restores the energy can be
installation. expensive when you first purchase
 Renewable. them.
 Solar energy can be used in remote  Electricity generation depends
areas where it is too expensive to entirely on a countries exposure to
extend the electricity power grid. sunlight; this could be limited by a
 Solar energy is infinite as long as countries climate.
there is sun.  Weather-Dependent.
 Solar Power is a free source of
 CO² free
 Help to slow climate change.
 Eco-climate neutral.
 Economical
 Less dependence on fossil fuel.
 1 Resistor
Using solar panel to produce energy is efficient in nature as it is a renewable
energy source. Solar energy is clean and free and has been used by humans for a
long time. Although at first when you buy a solar panel it might be expensive but it
is still affordable because you can use it for a long time for free. By using renewal
energy we can help to protect our environment and slowly stopping the climate
change that is happening all around our world. By harnessing this type of energy
source, not just people in remote areas can be beneficial to this but all of us.

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