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May Daily Words of Wisdom

11 Life is a gift. Life is sacred. - REV. CARMEN C. MANALAC-SCHEUERMAN,


12 Looking back to our past, it will give us answer to where and who we are now.
Looking forward to our future will prepare us to make a legacy that can make
God smile and say “My Child, Job well done.” – Regina Calamba
13 Be ready to be confronted with the truth about yourself and find your purpose
and worth why you are in this world. REV. ELIJAH G. LORENZO
14 Choose to be a child of God and take pride of your group – the Indigenous

15 It is time to explore the connection between your faith and culture - REV.

16 “Why are Filipinos so oblivious of their origin?”

17 Have you discovered your promising Christian family values?
18 “I was brought into this world not by an accident, but by a specific purpose.
God has formed me like the prophet Jeremiah. I have my own identity and
19 If you want me to create an impact in your Church, then here I am. I am
willing to be used by you. I want to spend the rest of my life serving you.”
20 “The most important things I learned from my parents are humility, kindness,
and love for people. They taught us contentment in times of scarcity,
happiness in whatever we have achieved, and respect for other people.”
21 Knowing our origin pushes us to move forward and reach our higher self. If
we do not know how to look back to where we came from, we can never
reach our destination.
To celebrate who you are, you must enjoy journeying within yourself.

23 You will make your life more meaningful as you become who God created you
to be.
24 Our identity is a gift from God and it affects all the aspects of our lives.
25 Our identity depicts our connection with God, with our fellow human beings,
and with the rest of creation.
People identify us by our given names. My name is my identity. It tells me
who I am. What’s yours?

27 Our Savior was named Jesus. It speaks of His identity. Jesus in Hebrew is
“Yehoshua” and "lesous" in Greek which means “God Saves”.
28 We are known by our name. Determine and embrace the origin and meaning
of your name. Do you embrace it with pride?
29 Tell me who your family is and I’ll tell you who you are.
30 More than physical features, the family where we belong determines
characteristics, attitude, and values in life. Are you proud of your family
31 From the words of our parents, we (their children) are their “genuine
treasure.” Do you consider your family as one of your genuine treasures?


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