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1. This text is for the following question.

Keep the Lavatory

For the next user
What does the notice mean?
A. We should keep the lavatory
B. The lavatory must be kept clean by any user
C. We have to clean the lavatory
D. The lavatory user is pleased to clean it

The following text is for questions 2 and 3.

My special birthday is coming

I am 17 years old now.
My family is having a special party for me.
Your smile and laugh we hope.
So, please come to the party and it will be lots of fun
The party will be held at five to six p.m.

Sunday, April 26, 2014

Karina’s house
Taman Royal Street
2. Why does Karina write the text?
A. Her family had a special party for her
B. She wants her friends to come to her party
C. She want her friends to be happy
D. She wants her friends to smile and laugh

3. What does the word “it” in the text refer to?

A. Party
B. Special day
C. Birthday
D. House

The following text is for questions 4 to 6.


4. Which statement can be found in the text?
A. The audition is only for students grade 12
B. David Coopela is the winner of 2005 Pulitzer
C. The students can bring the texts with them
D. McIsland won the Panasonic Award for Best Play

5. What does the text about?

A. Search for a movie actors
B. The winner of Pulitzer Prize
C. The auditions for Proof play
D. McIsland School auditorium

6. “Panasonic Award for best play.”

The underlined word is similar in meaning to …
A. Drama
B. Theater
C. Game
D. Performance

The following text is for questions 7 and 8.



New Logitech EST Series Safes with Touch-Screen Electronic Lock

New Logitech RC 1412, Drawer Safe and RC918: in-room save,

7. What does the Logitech EST Series Safety box have?
A. Finger print safe
B. Featuring card
C. Biometric Lock
D. Touch Screen Lock

8. Which one of the following information is found in the ads?

A. None of the Logitech Safety Boxes has biometric Lock
B. Logitech Safety Box of RC 1412 has electronic lock
C. Logitech Biometric lock cannot be installed on most Logitech Safety
D. The new Logitech EST Series Safes have electronic lock.

The following text is for questions 9 and 10.

The Train Direction Depart Arrive

Rapih Dhoho Kiaralarasati 05:25 21:13
Sankarawala Bogor 06:55 19:30
Agropantes Yogyakarta 07:30 13:05
Pentaralan Malang - Blitar 07:40 13:00
Pasundan Lempuyangan 08:00 12:26
Srimalaka KTS - Blitar 11:09 16:25
Gayabaru Utara Pasar Senen 10:45 15:04
Rapih Dhoho Pasar Senen 14:00 05:23
Sritanjung Lempuyangan 13:15 19:57

9. Which train leaves after Srimalaka?

A. Sritanjung
B. Rapih Dhoho
C. Gayabaru Utara
D. Agropantes
10. Which train arrives in the morning?
A. Sritanjung
B. Agropantes
C. Rapih Dhoho
D. Srimalaka

The following text is for questions 11 to 13.

Dear Kamila,
Hi, how are you there? I hope you are fine as usual. Kamila, I am writing to tell you my
experience as a voluntary worker in my school. We cleaned the area around our school, mowed the
grass and bushes behind our classroom and repainted walls.
As the chairman of the student organization (OSIS), together with our committee members,
we planned and discussed the right time to do this voluntary work. After a long discussion, finally
we agreed to hold it last Saturday.
On that day, fortunately we did not have to study as we had just finished our final
examination. So, while waiting for our teachers who were busy writing our ‘report book’ and with
the help of Pak Amin we did it. We were having a good time because we could play while we were
working. I wished you could join us at the time.
What about you? How do you spend your free time at school? How’s your karate group at
school? I hope to hear from you, write me soon, Thanks.

Best Wishes,

11. What is the letter about?

A. Cleaning the school
B. Writing the report
C. Voluntary work
D. Final examination

12. Who was busy writing the report book?

A. Kamila
B. Pak Amin
C. Teachers
D. Luna

13. Why were the students happy while they were working?
A. They could repainted freely
B. The teachers were busy writing report
C. They could play while working
D. The garden was very clean

The following text is for 14 to 17.

How to Make Patty Cakes

3 tablespoons of butter
14. What is the last step you should do in making the cake?
A. Bake in a moderately hot oven for 10 to 15 minutes
B. Ice with butter icing when the cakes are cool
C. Beat butter and sugar to cream’
D. Sift flour and salt together

15. How much sugar do we need to make Patty cakes?

A. teaspoon
B. 3 tablespoons

C. cup
D. 1 cup

16. “Fold in dry ingredients alternately with milk.” (step 4)

The underlined word is similar in meaning to …
A. Add
B. Drop
C. Beat
D. Mix
17. “Beat them well.” (step 2)
The word ‘them’ in the sentence refers to …
A. Butter and sugar
B. Beaten egg and vanilla
C. Cream, beaten egg, and vanilla
D. Beaten egg, vanilla, butter, and sugar

Read the text and answer questions 18 to 22.

Black holes are some of the strangest things in space. A black hole sucks in anything that
gets near it. Nothing can escape from a black hole – not even light.
Nothing escapes from a black hole because its gravity is too strong. Gravity is a force that
pulls one thing to another. Gravity is the force that holds you down on the Earth. When you
jump up, the Earth’s gravity pulls you right back down. The Earth’s gravity also makes the
Moon orbit (go around) the Earth.
The more matter (stuff) that is packed in a star, planet, moon or other objects, the stronger
its gravity. Gravity makes an object with more matter pull an object with less matter toward
it. The sun has more matter that the Earth. The sun’s gravity pulls the Earth. It makes the
Earth orbit the Sun.
Matter is packed very tightly in some things and loosely in others. The matter that makes
up in iron ball is packed mush tighter that the matter that makes up a bag of feathers. A
scientist would say that an iron ball is much denser than a bag of feathers.
A black hole is denser than anything you could imagine. A black hole could have a
million times more stuff that our Sun. All of this stuff would be packed into an area smaller
that a city. The force of gravity from so much stuff packed into such a small area is awesome.

18. The mostly tells us about …

A. Forces
B. Stars
C. Black hole
D. Gravity

19. What is the second paragraph about?

A. The matter the black holes have
B. The earth’s gravity we can feel
C. The moon orbits near the earth
D. The strength of black holes

20. From the text, it can be concluded that the gravity force of black holes is … the sun.
A. Much bigger than C. The same strenght
B. Less smaller than D. As strong as
21. Why does the moon move around the earth?
A. The moon has more matter than the earth
B. The earth’s gravity is bigger than the moon
C. The moon’s gravity pulls the sun very strongly
D. The earth pulls all other planets when it orbits

22. “When you jump up, the earth’s gravity pulls you right back down.” What does the word
‘you’ in the sentences refer to ?
A. The readers
B. The followers
C. The scientists
D. The writer

The following text is for the questions 23 to 27.

The “Medivet Minder Mark 2”

Miniature Video T.V. Camera with Auto Focus
Infrared and Sound


The “Medivet Minder Mark 2” surveillance camera connects into your own domestic TV
or VCR. This miniature camera, with sound, also incorporates infrared light so can be used
in nesting boxes or close to night time feeding areas for animals.
Also ideal for close-ups on your bird table.
Can be used as security camera through your VCR.
ONLY 299
Prince includes 50 m cable, P & P and VAT
Order now from:
Credit cards/Cheques: Phone : 01423 509411 (24 hours)

23. Medivet Minder Mark 2 is a …

A. Radio B. Television C. VCR D. Camera

24. Which statement is not true about the Mediver Minder Mark 2?
A. It can be used with VCR
B. All people cannot buy it
C. Also ideal for close-ups
D. It has infrared light
25. The above text is written to … Medivet Minder Mark 2.
A. Make B. Promote C. Inform D. Purchase

26. The text shows that the device is sold … a day.

A. Anytime C. At certain time
B. Once a week D. At times

27. “Nesting birds and wild animals in the dark.”

What is the antonym of the underlined word?
A. Dangerous B. Nasty C. Furious D. Tame

This text is for the following questions 28 to 31.

Machu Pichu, Peru

Machu Pichu in Peru, which means ‘old peak’ is one of the most enigmatic ancient sites in
the world. According to the legend Machu Pichu was a sacred place. The extraordinary city was
created by Inca people. They erected many stones structured and turned the place into a work of art.

Two thousand feet above the Lirubamba river, these ruins consist of baths, temples, and
about 150 houses, all very well preserved. These gray granite structures, some of which weigh more
than 50 tons, are perfectly sculpted that they are nothing less than works of architectural genius.
They were rediscovered by a Yale archeologist in 1911. The ethereal beauty, workmanship, and
history of the place attract millions of tourist each year.

28. What can we see in Machu Pichu in Peru?

A. Beautiful scenery
B. Ancient statues
C. Granite structures
D. Inca people

29. Which one the following is stated in the text?

A. All the grey granite structures are more than 50 tons weigh
B. Only the history of the place attracts millions of tourist each year
C. According to the legend, Machu Pichu was considered to be a sacred place
D. The granite structure was discovered by a Yale archeologist recently

30. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. The scenery is very attractive
B. The description of Machu Pichu
C. Machu Pichu is a scared place
D. The temples were discovered in 1911.
31. “… one of the most enigmatic ancient sites.” (paragraph 1)
The underlined word has similar meaning with …
A. New B. Old C. Recent D. Ugly

The following text is for questions 32 to 34.

Dear Mr. Ramadhan Afif,

We would like to invite you attend our award ceremony, which will be held at Kartini hall,
SMP Nusantara Baru on July 15, 2010. The proceedings will begin at 2 p.m. and end around 5
p.m., after which a dinner will be given at 6:30 p.m. for all our visitors.
As one of our distinguished alumni, you are expected to address the parents and students
with a short of your own choice before handing out the awards to our excellent students.
Although we realize that you are busy, we hope you can find time to attend the ceremony.
You presence and speech will make the occasion more delightful.

Yours sincerely,
Adbi Nagari, M. Ed

32. What is the text about?

A. Inviting Mr. Afit to a ceremony
B. Showing one’s respect to Mr. Afif
C. A special proceeding
D. Mr. Afif’s award

33. The main event will last for … hours.

A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 D. 5

34. What is the school going to do?

A. To have a speech contest
B. To hold an award ceremony
C. To award the best visitors
D. To celebrate a special day

The following text is for questions 35 to 38.

The Old Man and The Watermelon Tree

In a very quiet little village, lived an old man whose age was over 90 years old. He was planting a
watermelon tree when a neighbor observed him. The neighbor asked the old man, “Do you except
to eat watermelon from the tree? The watermelon tree will take about 7 years to bear fruit.”

The old man rested on his spade and smiled. He said, “No, at my age I know I won’t. All my life I
have been enjoying watermelon, but never from a tree I have planted before. I wouldn’t have had
watermelon if other men haven’t done what I’m doing now. I am just trying to pay the other men
35. Paragraph three mainly talks about?
A. The neighbor asked question to the old man
B. The neighbor wondered about the old man
C. The reason the old man planted the tree
D. The old man made his neighbor observe him

36. The neighbor wondered about the old man because …

A. The old man enjoyed eating watermelon so much
B. The old man loved planting watermelon tree
C. He planted a tree that took time to bear fruit
D. The old man planted a tree to sell the fruit

37. What can we learn from the text?

A. We can reap after we sow
B. Giving is better than getting
C. Planting is a good activity
D. Be a curious person in everything

38. “… when a neighbor observed him.” (paragraph 1)

The underlined word refers to …
A. The neighbor
B. The old man
C. The writer
D. The other man

The following text is for questions 39 to 42.

Gardenia plants are popular for the strong sweet scent of their flowers. Gardenia is the
national flower in Pakistan. In Japan and China, the flower is called Kuchinashi (Japanese) and
Zhi Zi (Chinese).

Gardenia plants are evergreen shrubs. Their small trees can grow to 1 – 5 meters tall. The
leaves are 5 – 50 centimeters long and 3 – 25 centimeters broad, dark green and glossy with a
leathery texture. The flowers are in small groups, white, or pale yellow, with 5 – 12 lobes (petals)
from 5 – 12 centimeters diameter. They usually bloom in mid-spring to mid-summer. Many
species have strong aroma.

To cultivate gardenia as a house plant is not easy. This species can be difficult to grow
39. How tall is a garden tree?
A. 3 – 25 cm C. 5 – 50 cm
B. 5 – 12 cm D. 1 – 5 m

40. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. It is easy to plant a gardenia tree
B. A gardenia plant needs high humidity
C. It’s not easy to plant gardenia as a house plant’
D. A good drainage is important for gardenia plant

41. From the text we know that …

A. The flower is easy to plant
B. The flower is expensive
C. People don’t like the strong scent of flower
D. Gardenia is widespread to plant

42. “…because it originated in warm …” (paragraph 3, line 10)

The underlined word refers to …
A. The species
B. The soil
C. The leaf
D. The flower

Choose the correct option for the questions 43 to 45.

Andy : What do you … (43) will happen if there is no water in this earth?
Bob : I think people….(44). Now, what will happen it there is no sun?
Andy : There….(45) life in this earth.
43. A. Think B. Say C. Make D. Thinking
44. A. Dying B. Died C. Will die D. Are Dying
45. A. Will be no B. Will not C. Is not D. Is not a

Choose the most suitable words to complete and answer questions 46 to 48 of the
following text!
Farmers usually start to cultivate their field in the wet season. Before cultivating, they prepare
their….(46) like house, sickles, rakes and ploughs. They also prepare their cows or buffaloes.
The cows or buffaloes are very important for farmers to pull the….(47) to cultivate the rice
field. It is a….(48) way

46. A. Machines B. Tools C. Appliances D. Utensils

47. A. Plough B. Tractor C. Spade D. Rake
48. A. Modern B. Traditional C. Simple D. Nice

49. Arrange these jumbled words!

One – mention – of – name – in – birds – Indonesia
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 C. 2 1 3 4 6 5 7
B. 1 2 3 4 7 5 6 D. 2 1 4 3 6 5 7

50. 1) An interesting program makes us keep watching it.

2) They are music, film, sports, news, and many others.
3) We can choose as we wish.
4) There are a lot of TV programs we can enjoy.
The best arrangement of the above sentences to make a paragraph is….
A. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 C. 1 – 2 – 4 – 3
B. 4 – 2 – 3 – 1 D. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4

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