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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Please correct any mistake in my answer, Thank you Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi


This time I chose a topic about demographic analysis

Of course, a company will conduct demographic research when running its business
because it needs to understand the market before launching its products. Age, race and
gender are all included in this analysis.

After analyzing demographics, the company develops a results-based strategy. Based on

research, the plan is developed after careful review by many parties.
Businesses will not understand the market they will face until they conduct demographic
research. Because the product does not fit the market, it will cause future losses and
reduced profits. Of course, a company will conduct demographic research when running
its business because it needs to understand the market before launching its products. Age,
race and gender are all included in this analysis.

- reference source -


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