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MKT2802 Logic Circuits

Problem Set 1

1) (3526)8 = (?)2 & (25.316)10 = (?)2 & (2164)8 =(?)10 & (142.37)8 = (?)10
2) (10111011 – 10110011)2 =? (use 2’s complement)
3) (100111011 – 111110011)2 =? (use 1’s complement)
4) (1001001100)2 =(?)gray (1110000011)2 = (?)gray
5) (101110)Gray (?)10 (10111011)Gray(?)2
6) (72)10=(?)+3 (00110111)+3=(?)10
7) f=∑(3,5,6,7)  (f)’=?
8) F(A,B,C) =Π(1,4,5) set up truth table, write in the maxterm format
9) Q=ABCD'+ A'BC'D + AB'C'D implement by NOR gates
10) F = ABCD' + A'BC'D + A'B'CD + A'BCD + AB'C'D' simplify the given function by K-map
technique, express in sop form, express in pos form, implement via NAND gates…

DUE DATE: 18/04/2023 @ 23:59

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 The report must be submitted as a single PDF file through
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 Computer typing is prohibited!!!
 All explanations, derivations and analytical calculations
must be handwritten!!!

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