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When dealing with se veral major issues related it was reaised that ghey had certain major

assumptions that most or some interest easily accepted their fate therey providing the eltes with

little competition for the agenda. Numerous movements which seek policy change are mostly

headed by particular individuals whose social and economic conditions didn’t seem to have a

large gap when compared with their rivals.

Our main focus here is to analyze how the less advantaged interest who are sometimes led by

these bight leaders overcome some of their power deficits. These lesser groups which mostly

seek change coalescence or come together into something known as an advocacy coalescence

which basically means the joining of forces mostly based on shared beliefs concerning a

particular problem

Groups mostly seek to influence a policy and one of the easiest ways it achieves this is by what

is known as venue shopping. This entails the efforts in which groups carry out to gain a hearing

for their grieviances and ideas mostly against a policy which has been established . A typical

example of a venue can be the news media. Amongst the diverse ways in which these lesser

groups channel their grieviances is by testifying before congressional committees.Also through

litigation groups are able to push their issues unto the agenda

To conclude, we must understand that it is not always that lesser groups interst are being rejected

when it comes to elevating ones issues unto the agenda and that in order to gain a place on the

agenda, it is vital for lesser groups to join forces

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