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Th Dang Manh---0904.139.554.

----- to be taken in the act of – bị bắt quả tang

1. A successful business needs good organization.
2. Alion's shyness made it hard for her to speak in public.
3. He drives very carelessly so he sometimes has accidents.
4. He got very angry at first but later he apologized for his impatience.
5. The house looks a bit too old. It needs painting.
6. In comparison with other countries in the region, Vietnam is still a poor country.
7. He was impressed by the smoothness of her skin.
8. To my astonishment, he passed the exams.
9. Burning gas is an uneconomical way of heating a house. Coal is much cheaper.
10. Old people often have to save money for their retirement.
11. The explanation of the accident is very confusing.
12. One of the strengths of English is that it is becoming simpler and simpler.
13. A right amount of calcium added to our food will help to solidify our weak bones.
14. In ancient Greece, the owl was a symbol of wisdom.
15. Laser beams can kill cancer cells while leaving the surrounding ones unharmed.
16. Freedom of speech is one of the fundamental rights.
17. What old people fear most is loneliness.
18. He is a tall, broad and muscular.
19. I can't work in here — it's far too noisy.
20. 'How are you?' she asked with a smile.
21. I'm not saying he is honest, but he's not very good with money.
22. We always have a bed ready in the spare room in case visitors arrive unexpectedly.
23. The book does not say much about prices, but is very informative about everything else.
24. They have added three new songs to the show, which lengthens it by about fifteen minutes.
25. The government is expected to take action against the level of unemployment.
26. I'm looking for a suitable gift for an old lady.
27. It was impossible for Si Hung to join the team because he had an injury in his leg.
28. We'll need a detailed cost analysis before giving final approval.
29. He'll never make a good manager. He's so indecisive.
30. I'm looking for temporary employment during the summer holidays.

Ex 15:
1. After several unsuccessful attempts we have finally done it.
2. You'd better drive. I'm too inexperienced for such traffic.
3. He may not be a handsome man, but he's a reliable husband.
4. Leisure habits won't change much in the foreseeable future.
5. The government is very concerned about the destruction of the rain forests.
6. Hong Son's second goal in the match against Thailand was most impressive.
7. David fell off his motorbike, but his injuries were not very serious.
8. I must have misunderstood her. I thought she said something else.
9. He has worked well and has produced some interesting essays.
10. She is a collector of theatre programmes.
11. The university will be under new management.
12. We don't want the refund, we want a replacement.
13. His teacher gave him encouragement to study philosophy.
14. She was shocked to find out she had been adopted.
15. They were sent to an orphanage run by nuns.
16. The man spoke with a southern accent.
17. Yesterday afternoon, there was a bank robbery in the city.
18. There are similarities with the Old Testament.
19. He missed the departure of his train by a minute.
20. The championship was won in the last minute of the game.
Ex 19:

1. She's quite musical: she plays the flute and the piano.
2. He was hopeless when he did the test badly.
3. We started our trip on a beautiful sunny morning.
4. I enjoyed the book very much because it was so readable.
5. They made a complaint about the heating.
6. I had to write a composition for homework.
7. She gave a demonstration of the new computer.
8. I had difficulty starting my car this morning.
9. Have you got some kind of identification on you?
10. How serious is her illness?
11. It's hard to find accommodation in the summer.

To make a rod for one’s own back – Gậy ông đập lưng ông.
Th Dang Manh---0904.139.554.----- to be taken in the act of – bị bắt quả tang
12. She has a large collection of stamps.
13. He made an unfavourable comparison between food in his country and mine.
14. They had a very happy marriage.
15. His geography knowledge is very poor — he thinks Paris is in Italy.
16. Her hair is reddish, not bright red.
17. A very old car is usually an unreliable car.
18. I'll always remember that journey — it was a forgettable experience.
19. The knife may need sharpening before it is used.
20. The city has over a million inhabitants.

To make a rod for one’s own back – Gậy ông đập lưng ông.

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