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A. Description of the Existing Method

John Steve dutifully fulfills his responsibility at the boarding house by washing the dishes after the

peaceful breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Without fail, he diligently ensures that this chore is completed

promptly. At times, John Steve takes it upon himself to not only wash his own dishes but also extends

this courtesy to his roommate, Luke. His process begins with collecting all the dirty dishes from the

dining table, scraping off any leftover food remnants into the trash. Although the trash is located a bit

farther away from the sink, John Steve insists on keeping everything spotless, even if it means a little

extra effort and time.

With precision, he scrubs each dish using a sponge and detergent, ensuring cleanliness. After a thorough

rinse to remove any soap residue, John Steve lets them air dry on the drying rack, but he occasionally

encounters a delay in transferring them to their storage. Similarly, the storage for the kitchen cloth is

somewhat distant, adding an extra step to his process. Then, he returns them to their designated places,

maintaining an organized kitchen.

The present technique has several potential duplicates, which makes the dishwashing procedure rather

sophisticated. Finding and removing these redundancies is crucial for streamlining and optimizing this

activity, ultimately leading to the development of a more effective and efficient procedure. By doing so,

John Steve can significantly improve the overall dishwashing process, saving time and resources while

maintaining the same level of cleanliness.

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