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Here's a 2-page presentation on "What is SAP Business Technology

Platform (BTP)."

Slide 1: Title

Understanding SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP)

[Image: An image representing SAP BTP, with the SAP logo.]

Slide 2: Introduction

What is SAP BTP?

• SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) is an integrated solution that

empowers organizations to develop, integrate, extend, and manage business
applications in a cloud-based environment.

Key Components

• BTP consists of several key components:

o Database and Data Management: Allows organizations to store,
manage, and analyze data efficiently.
o Application Development and Integration: Facilitates the creation
and integration of applications using a variety of technologies.
o Analytics: Provides tools for data analysis and visualization.
o Intelligent Technologies: Incorporates AI and machine learning
capabilities into applications.
o Security and Identity Management: Ensures data and application
Slide 3: Database and Data Management

Database and Data Management

• BTP includes a range of data services such as SAP HANA, SAP HANA Cloud,
and SAP Data Intelligence.
• Organizations can securely store and process large volumes of data, enabling
advanced analytics and insights.

Slide 4: Application Development and Integration

Application Development and Integration

• BTP simplifies the development of cloud-native applications and APIs using a

variety of programming languages and frameworks.
• Integration services enable the connection of various systems and data
sources, both within and outside the organization.

Slide 5: Analytics


• With BTP, organizations can access advanced analytics tools to gain insights
from their data.
• SAP Analytics Cloud, a key component, provides powerful data visualization
and business intelligence capabilities.

Slide 6: Intelligent Technologies

Intelligent Technologies
• BTP incorporates artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities,
allowing organizations to build intelligent applications.
• These technologies can automate processes, enhance decision-making, and
predict future trends.

Slide 7: Security and Identity Management

Security and Identity Management

• BTP prioritizes security by providing robust identity management, access

control, and data encryption features.
• This ensures that sensitive business data is protected against threats and
unauthorized access.

Slide 8: Benefits of SAP BTP

Benefits of SAP BTP

• Innovation: Accelerates digital transformation by enabling the creation of

cutting-edge applications and services.
• Integration: Seamlessly connects various systems and data sources for a
holistic view of the business.
• Scalability: Adapts to the evolving needs of your organization, whether small
or large.
• Security: Prioritizes data and application security to safeguard your business.

Slide 9: Real-World Use Cases

Real-World Use Cases

• SAP BTP is being used across industries:
o In retail for inventory management and customer insights.
o In manufacturing for predictive maintenance and supply chain
o In finance for fraud detection and risk assessment.

Slide 10: Conclusion


• SAP Business Technology Platform is a comprehensive solution that empowers

organizations to innovate, integrate, and secure their digital landscape.
• By utilizing its key components, organizations can drive growth, gain insights,
and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving digital world.

[Image: Thank you!]

Slide 11: Q&A


[Image: Open for questions.]

Slide 12: Contact Information

Contact Information

[Include your contact information if necessary.]

[Image: Contact details.]

This presentation provides an overview of SAP BTP, its key components, benefits, and
real-world use cases. Feel free to customize it according to your needs and audience.

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