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As you can see from my enclosed résumé, my experience and qualifications match the

job requirements.

2, l/ look forward/ arrange/ a meeting/ you/ in person.

Í look forward to arranging a meeting with you in person.

3, l/ have/ Bachelor's degree/ International/ Mechanical Engineering/ and/

certificate/ English competence, B2/.

l had a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and an International

cerlifticate in English competence, B2.

4, l/ write/ letter/ apply/ the position/ Mechanical Engineer/ which/ be/


Í am wnling a letter to apply for the position of Mechanical Engineer which was
advertised on HR com.

5, Should/ you/ have/ any/ question/review/qualifications,/ please/ do


Should you have any question reviewing my qualifications, please do not hesitate to
contact me.

8, response/ February 24'"/ advertisement/ the Bangor Daily News,/ l/ enclose/

resume/ the Mechanical Engineer

In response to the February 24th adverlisement in the Bangor Daily News, l have
enclosed my resume for the Me

7, l/ also/ responsible/ all operational and technical/ issues/ mechanical system/

ABC Company.

Ì am also responsible for all operational and technical issues of mechanical system
in ABC Company.

8, My/ professional skills/ appear/ well suited/ vour Company's requirements.

My professional skills appear to be well suited to your Company's requirements

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