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Learning Activity for Chapter 8

1. State what appropriate training method you prefer to use for each of the following
jobs and explain
A. Office Secretary
B. Call Center Agent
C. Service Crew in a Quick Service Restaurant/Fast Food chains
D. Health Care Frontline clerk

In my capacity as a student, I will share my insight regarding the ideal training for
each of the roles below:

A. Office secretary:
Online training classes and mentorship programs would be the best training method
for office secretaries. Online courses provide students the freedom to study at their
own pace and have access to instructional materials from any location. A wide range
of subjects, such as time management, customer service, office software, and
organizational skills, may be covered in these meetings. Mentorship programs may
also give new employees valuable counsel, perceptions, and useful information
specific to the company's operations.

B. Call center agent:

The best training methods for call center agents are role-playing games and
simulations. These situations aid agents in honing their problem-solving and
communication skills for a range of customer service engagements. Agents may
practice skills like dispute resolution and consumer empathy while building their
confidence and competence by imitating real-world circumstances. These procedures
help them respond to various consumer contacts and successfully resolve disputes.

C. Service Crew in a Quick Service Restaurant/Fast Food Chains:

For service staff members in fast-food chains, hands-on training, practical
demonstrations, and on-the-job training are appropriate. They learn skills including
food preparation, order taking, handling money, and maintaining adequate sanitation
and hygiene standards on the job through on-the-job training. Practical
demonstrations, on the other hand, provide students the chance to learn from
experienced crew members and copy their right approaches. With this kind of
instruction, service staff employees are certain to get the required abilities,
information, and familiarity with the particular procedures and tools utilized in

D. Health Care Frontline Clerk:

For health care frontline clerks, internships and classroom instruction are the best
training options. Classroom instruction is one way to understand medical jargon,
privacy laws, record-keeping systems, and administrative processes unique to the
healthcare industry. Additionally, clerks are able to apply their knowledge in a
practical situation while engaging with healthcare experts through supervised job
experience in healthcare institutions. This method ensures a thorough
comprehension of the position and promotes the use of applicable skills.

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